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Cover call Strategy

1. View = Buillish / +ve Best Time to Execute:

a. Buy = Fut 1. Low Volatility: In a market with relatively

stable prices to maximize premium
b. Sell = OTM CE

2. Neutral to Slightly Bullish Outlook: When

you expect the underlying stock to maintain
1. View = Bearish / -ve or moderately increase in value.

a. Sell = Fut 3. Before Earnings Announcements: To

capitalize on heightened option premiums
b. Sell = OTM PE
before volatility increases.

4. Near Resistance Levels: If the stock is

approaching a resistance level, it might be a
Advantages: suitable time to execute covered calls.

1. Stable Market Conditions: Execute 5. When You're Willing to Sell: If you're

covered calls in stable markets to benefit comfortable with the possibility of selling
from premiums without excessive volatility. the underlying stock at the strike price.

2. Enhanced Income: Generate additional

income through premium collection,
boosting overall returns.
3. Risk Mitigation: Acts as a hedge, reducing
1. Capped Upside: Profit potential is limited
the overall risk of holding the underlying
to the premium received, missing out on
substantial gains.
4. Capital Preservation: Ideal when seeking
2. Potential Stock Losses: If the stock
to protect capital while still participating in
declines significantly, losses on the
the market.
underlying position may offset premium
5. Flexibility: Offers flexibility in choosing gains.
strike prices and expiration dates based on
3. Obligation to Sell: Obligation to sell the
market outlook.
stock at the strike price, limiting future profit
6. Time Decay Benefit: Time decay works in participation.
your favor, eroding the option premium over
4. Opportunity Cost: Limits the ability to
fully capitalize on a rapidly rising market.
7. Bullish to Neutral Outlook: Suitable for
5. Market Timing Risks: Timing the market
mildly bullish or neutral market
can be challenging, and executing at the
wrong time may lead to losses.

6. Assignment Risk: There's a risk of the

option being exercised, forcing the sale of
WhatsApp "XMA" to +91 8141 8382 44 the underlying stock.

7. Limited Downside Protection: The

& lean XMA which can help you find
premium received may not fully offset
breakout to execute option trade with potential losses in a declining market.
appx 1:3 RR ratio.
8. Transaction Costs: Commissions and fees
associated with trading options can reduce
There are other copies of this card
overall returns.

9. Emotional Stress: Constant monitoring

and decision-making can be stressful for
some investors.

10. Market Fluctuations: Adverse market

movements can impact the value of both
the underlying stock and the option.

2. Cover Put Strategy

1. View = Buillish / +ve Best Time to Execute:

a. Buy = Fut 1. High Volatility Periods: When the market is

experiencing increased volatility, leading to
b. Buy = ATM PE
higher option premiums.

2. Bearish Outlook: During periods when you

anticipate a decline in the value of the
1. View = Bearish / -ve underlying stock.

a. Sell = Fut 3. Before Earnings Reports: To capitalize on

potential stock price drops associated with
earnings announcements.

4. Resistance Levels: When the stock

approaches resistance levels, indicating a
Advantages: potential downturn.

1. Profit from Stock Decline: Generates 5. Protective Strategy: As a protective

income if the underlying stock decreases in measure against an existing stock position
value. to hedge against potential losses.

2. Risk Mitigation: Acts as a hedge,

offsetting potential losses in the stock's

3. Flexible Strike Selection: Allows flexibility

in choosing strike prices based on market
analysis. 1. Limited Profit Potential: Profit is capped at
the premium received, missing out on
4. Premium Collection: Similar to covered
potential gains.
calls, covered puts generate income
through premium collection. 2. Obligation to Buy Stock: There's an
obligation to buy the stock if the put option
5. Bearish Market Participation: Suitable for
is exercised.
investors with a bearish market outlook.
3. Potential Margin Requirements:
6. Time Decay Advantage: Time decay
Depending on the broker, executing covered
works in favor, eroding the option premium
puts may involve margin requirements.
over time.
4. Market Timing Risks: Timing the market
7. Downside Protection: Offers protection
correctly is crucial, and mistimed execution
against declining market conditions.
may lead to losses.
8. Partial Stock Profit: If the stock declines,
5. Transaction Costs: Commissions and fees
you can buy back the put and retain the
associated with options trading can reduce
remaining profit in the stock.
overall returns.
9. Versatility: Can be used as part of a
6. Opportunity Cost: Limits potential gains if
broader risk management strategy.
the stock experiences a significant rally.
10. Leverage in a Downtrend: Provides a
7. Emotional Stress: Regular monitoring and
degree of leverage in a market
decision-making may cause stress for some
characterized by a downward trend.

8. Unlimited Losses in a Stock Rally: If the

stock price rises significantly, losses can
WhatsApp "XMA" to +91 8141 8382 44 accumulate.

9. Assignment Risk: There's a risk of the

& lean XMA which can help you find
option being exercised, leading to the
breakout to execute option trade with obligation to buy the stock.
appx 1:3 RR ratio.
10. Requires Active Management: This
strategy necessitates ongoing attention and
adjustments based on market conditions.

3. Call Spread Strategy

1. View = Buillish / +ve Best Time to Execute:

a. Name = Long Call Spread 1. Low Volatility Periods: During times of

relatively low market volatility to benefit
b. Buy = ATM CE
from lower option premiums.
c. Sell = OTM CE
2. Bullish Outlook: When you expect a
moderate increase in the value of the
underlying stock.

1. View = Bearish / -ve 3. Before Expected Price Surges: Prior to

anticipated events or news that could lead
a. Name = Short Call Spread
to a bullish market movement.
b. Buy = OTM CE
4. Support Levels: When the stock is
c. Sell = ATM CE approaching support levels, suggesting
potential upward momentum.

5. Options Expiry Optimization: Executing

with a timeframe that aligns with your
outlook and objectives.
1. Limited Risk: Defined risk as losses are
capped at the initial premium paid for the

2. Lower Cost: Compared to buying a single

call option, call spreads require less upfront Disadvantages:
1. Limited Profit Potential: Profit is capped at
3. Profit from Moderate Price Increase: the difference between the strike prices,
Generates profit if the stock's price minus the premium paid.
increases but within a specified range.
2. Possible Loss of Entire Premium: If the
4. Reduced Time Decay Impact: Time decay stock price doesn't move favorably, the
is less severe compared to buying a single premium paid could be lost entirely.
call option.
3. Underperformance in Strong Rally: May
5. Flexibility in Strike Selection: Allows for underperform in a significant stock price
flexibility in choosing strike prices based on rally as gains are capped.
market expectations.
4. Potential for Assignment: There's a risk of
6. Risk Mitigation: Acts as a risk being assigned the short call, obligating you
management strategy in a bullish market by to sell the stock.
limiting potential losses.
5. Transaction Costs: Commissions and fees
7. Versatility: Can be adapted to different associated with options trading can impact
market conditions by adjusting strike prices overall returns.
and expiration dates.
6. Market Timing Risks: Timing the market
8. Clear Exit Strategy: The defined risk and correctly is crucial for the strategy's
reward structure provides a clear exit success.
7. Requires Active Management: Monitoring
9. Combination of Premiums: By selling a and adjusting the position may be
call option against a purchased call, you necessary based on market conditions.
offset some of the cost.
8. Not Ideal in High Volatility: In highly
10. Partial Profit-Taking: You can close the volatile markets, the strategy may be less
position early for a partial profit if your price effective due to increased option premiums.
target is reached.
9. Rolling Costs: Rolling the position to a
later expiration may incur additional costs.

10. Potential for Early Assignment: The short

call option may be exercised early, leading
to an obligation to sell the stock.

4. Put Spread Strategy

1. View = Buillish / +ve Best Time to Execute:

a. Name = Long Put Spread 1. High Volatility Periods: During times of

increased market volatility to benefit from
b. Buy = OTM PE
higher option premiums.
c. Sell = ATM PE
2. Bearish Outlook: When you expect a
moderate decline in the value of the
underlying stock.

1. View = Bearish / -ve 3. Before Expected Negative Events: Prior to

anticipated events or news that could lead
a. Name = Short Put Spread
to a bearish market movement.
b. Buy = OTM PE
4. Resistance Levels: When the stock is
c. Sell = ATM PE approaching resistance levels, suggesting
potential downward momentum.

5. Options Expiry Optimization: Executing

with a timeframe that aligns with your
outlook and risk tolerance.
1. Limited Risk: Defined risk as losses are
capped at the initial premium paid for the
2. Lower Cost: Compared to buying a single
put option, put spreads require less upfront 1. Limited Profit Potential: Profit is capped at
capital. the difference between the strike prices,
minus the premium paid.
3. Profit from Moderate Price Decrease:
Generates profit if the stock's price 2. Possible Loss of Entire Premium: If the
decreases but within a specified range. stock price doesn't move favorably, the
premium paid could be lost entirely.
4. Reduced Time Decay Impact: Time decay
is less severe compared to buying a single 3. Underperformance in Strong Decline: May
put option. underperform in a significant stock price
decline as gains are capped.
5. Flexibility in Strike Selection: Allows for
flexibility in choosing strike prices based on 4. Potential for Assignment: There's a risk of
market expectations. being assigned the short put, obligating you
to buy the stock.
6. Risk Mitigation: Acts as a risk
management strategy in a bearish market 5. Transaction Costs: Commissions and fees
by limiting potential losses. associated with options trading can impact
overall returns.
7. Versatility: Can be adapted to different
market conditions by adjusting strike prices 6. Market Timing Risks: Timing the market
and expiration dates. correctly is crucial for the strategy's
8. Clear Exit Strategy: The defined risk and
reward structure provides a clear exit 7. Requires Active Management: Monitoring
strategy. and adjusting the position may be
necessary based on market conditions.
9. Combination of Premiums: By selling a
put option against a purchased put, you 8. Not Ideal in Low Volatility: In low-volatility
offset some of the cost. markets, the strategy may be less effective
due to lower option premiums.
10. Partial Profit-Taking: You can close the
position early for a partial profit if your price 9. Rolling Costs: Rolling the position to a
target is reached. later expiration may incur additional costs.

10. Potential for Early Assignment: The short

put option may be exercised early, leading
to an obligation to buy the stock.

5. Synthetic Future Strategy

1. View = Buillish / +ve Best Time to Execute:

2. Buy = ATM CE 1. Strong Market Trend: During periods of a

clear and strong market trend for better
3. Buy = ATM PE
directional accuracy.
4. Buy = Fut
2. Anticipated Price Movement: Before
expected significant price movements to
capitalize on the expected trend.

1. View = Bearish / -ve 3. Volatility Expansion: In times of increased

market volatility for enhanced option
2. Buy = ATM CE
3. Buy = ATM PE
4. Economic Events: Prior to anticipated
4. Sell = Fut economic events that could impact the
underlying asset's price.

5. Options Expiry Optimization: Executing

with a timeframe that aligns with your
market outlook and objectives
1. Cost Efficiency: Requires less initial
capital compared to buying the underlying
asset outright.
2. Leverage: Provides significant leverage,
allowing for amplified returns (and losses) 1. Time Decay Impact: Options experience
compared to owning the asset. time decay, which can erode the value of
the position over time.
3. Flexibility: Allows for both bullish and
bearish positions through the use of call and 2. Limited Upside in Strong Trends: Profits
put options. are capped, limiting gains in a strong and
sustained market trend.
4. Reduced Capital Outlay: Lower upfront
cost compared to purchasing the actual 3. Potential for Loss of Premium: If the
asset. anticipated price movement doesn't occur,
the premium paid could be lost.
5. Defined Risk: Limited risk as the
maximum loss is the initial premium paid for 4. Complexity: Requires a good
the options. understanding of options and their pricing
6. Profit Potential in Both Directions: Can
profit from both upward and downward 5. Transaction Costs: Commissions and fees
price movements. associated with options trading can impact
overall returns.
7. No Margin Requirements: Unlike
traditional futures, synthetic futures don't 6. Risk of Early Assignment: The short
usually require margin accounts. option may be exercised early, leading to an
obligation to buy or sell the asset.
8. Adjustable Leverage: You can adjust the
level of leverage by choosing different strike 7. Market Timing Risks: Timing the market is
prices and expiration dates. crucial for success, and mistimed execution
may lead to losses.
9. Versatility: Can be used as a speculative
tool or as a part of more complex trading 8. Limited Dividend Capture: Does not
strategies. capture dividends, unlike owning the actual
10. Mitigates Timing Risk: The use of
options allows for more forgiving timing in 9. Rolling Costs: Rolling the position to a
predicting price movements. later expiration may incur additional costs.

10. Not Suitable for All Investors: Requires

careful risk management and may not be
suitable for all investors.
WhatsApp "XMA" to +91 8141 8382 44

& lean XMA which can help you find

breakout to execute option trade with
appx 1:3 RR ratio.

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