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By Mahogany SilverRain ***** SMASHWORDS EDITION PUBLISHED BY: Mahogany SilverRain for Smashwords Imanis Gift Copyright: 2009 Mahogany SilverRain All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners. Smashwords Edition License Notes This Ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This Ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.


***** Flustered at being tardy to a guest lecture, she quickly gathered her notebook and purse before slamming the car door shut. Of all the days to be late. As a grad student in her last year, shed never been late before and this was a lecture she didnt want to miss. Imani Aliyah walked frantically down the hall as her thick two inch heels clacked loudly on the marble floor. She cursed under her breath for insisting on having waiting for her chai latte from Starbucks on the way. The drive thru line had been long and shed wanted a chai so badly, now she was five minutes late and these types of lectures almost always started on time. Dr. Isaak Silverman was giving a lecture on Ethiopian Jews and their journey to Israel. He is also going to cover the history and lineage of the Ethiopian Jews. Dr. Silverman, a noted professor, anthropologist and speaker, works for the IAEJ, (Israel Association for Ethiopian Jews). This organization was established in Israel to work exclusively in advocating for the full and rapid integration of Ethiopian Jews into mainstream Israeli society. Imani, whose father is an Ethiopian Jew, and part of the Kessim, the Ethiopian rabbis of their small local community in Atlanta, reached the lecture hall in two minutes from the student parking lot on the other side of the campus and in heels no less. She opened the doors and stepped in. To her surprise, the room was only half filled. When the door slammed shut behind her, everyone turned around to see what the commotion was. Imani felt her face burn with embarrassment as Dr. Silverman looked directly at her. Ah, sorry, sir, she mumbled as she picked the closest seat to her and sat down. Thats quite alright Miss. Dr. Silverman smiled at her. Hed noticed her even before the door slammed. A tall, slender brown skinned woman in an elegant navy linen suit with a gold colored blouse that seemed to match her tawny golden eyes. They were so familiar, she drew his attention immediately. AliyahImani Aliyah sir, she spoke up nervously.

There were a few murmurs and whispers as she settled into her seat with her chai latte in hand, notebook on her lap. Aliyah, thats Hebrew, isnt it? he smiled. For a moment it seemed they were the only two people in the room. Yes, my father is from Ethiopia, he is also Jewish, Imani beamed, proud of her heritage. Her mother was a Polish Jew born in New York City. Her unusual eye color came from her grandma on her fathers side. Ah, then you have a personal interest in my lecture. Would you like to sit closer? Im sure no one will mind. Imani paused a moment, she didnt want to draw any more attention to herself than she already had. With deep sigh, she decided to accept his offer. She stood gracefully gathering her things and walked to the front of the room, taking a seat on the half empty front row. Dr. Silverman continued his lecture once Imani settled in her new seat. He was tall with a medium build and salt and pepper hair. Though in his mid forties, he looked to be in his early thirties. Hed been a keynote speaker for last five years and a strong advocate for Ethiopian Jews in Israel for fifteen years. Every time he looked Imanis way, she held his gaze, loving the honey brown color of his eyes. He spoke eloquently and passionately about Ethiopia and Israel. He was born in a suburb of New York to Jewish parents and his maternal grandparents had died during the holocaust, then ten years ago, he lost both of his parents in a car accident. Hed never married, his focus always being on his work. Imani listened intently as Dr. Silverman spoke of the history of the Ethiopian Jews. Because there are no historical data or written records, only oral traditions, there are three possibilities of how the Jews came to Ethiopia. One, the Ethiopian Jews is the descendants of the lost ancient Israelite tribe of Dan. Secondly, they may be the descendants of Menelik I, the fabled son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, as set down in the folkloric, biblical and haggadic Ethiopian Kebra Negast. Thirdly, they might be descendants of Jews who left Israel for Egypt following the destruction of the First Temple in 586 BCE. His personal belief was the second possibility; he believed the Queen of Sheba had been Ethiopian and that she had a son with King Solomon. Isaak loved the people he worked with both in Israel and Ethiopia. He helped many to find housing, learn Hebrew and assimilate into

life in an industrialized society after coming from a rural one. When the lecture ended, Imani purposely stayed behind to speak with Dr. Silverman. She wanted to know more about him, picking his brain. She was also attracted to him, his warm smile, his voice and his passion for his work. Isaak breathed a sigh of relief noting that Imani had stayed behind. Hed wanted to ask her but wasnt really sure how to go about it. He wanted to know more about her. Only one woman had captured his attention and his heart before and shed died years ago. Aliyah, you arent related to Obadiah Aliyah, are you? He asked curiously. Ah yes, he is my father. Isaak couldnt believe his luck! I thought your last name sounded familiar. Im headed to his house this evening for dinner, will you be joining us? Imani laughed sweetly. Her father asked her to come to dinner tonight saying that he had a gift for her, but he mentioned nothing about a guest. Now she really wondered what her father was up to. Yes, I will be there. Imanis eyes lit up. Good, Im going to be here for two weeks and your father kindly offered for me to celebrate Hanukkah with him and his family. Imanis heart skipped a beat; this gorgeous man was going to be in her fathers home for the next eight nights of Hanukkah! Her father had never allowed anyone to stay before and she wondered what made Dr. Silverman so special. They began to walk to the staff parking lot. Thats very interesting, hes never mentioned you, and how do you know my father? We met in the 80s in Ethiopia, when several Ethiopians were trying to cross the Sudan, making their way to Israel. I convinced his family that it was not safe to go that way and I promised to make other arrangements. His family waited and made it safely to Israel due to Operation Moses in 1984. I only wished my girlfriends family had waited. The deep sadness in his eyes made Imani want to hug him. Your girlfriend was a refugee? Yes, her father insisted they go by foot. About 4,000 people, including my girlfriend, perished during the journey. Im sorry, Dr. Silverman, you must have really loved her. Imani brushed his arm. Please, call me Isaak and yes, we were to be married in Israel.

Imani could stand it no longer; she pulled him to her and hugged him. He smelled of soap and Old Spice aftershave. She nuzzled his face and neck with her cheek. The hug caught him by surprise, but what surprised him even more was his reaction. He dropped his briefcase and held her. She was warm and soft as he held her tightly. He leaned into her, feeling the curve of her body against his. The sweet smell of her short, black, curly hair and the softness of her skin stirred things low in his body. She made a sound that sounded almost like a purr. If shed had the strict Jewish upbringing like he did, she would know that what they were doing at this moment is wrong. He didnt care, but he didnt want her to regret it. He pulled away suddenly. Im sorry; I dont know what came over me. You are a respectable woman and I Shhh, Imani pressed her index finger to his lips. Her eyes glowed like a cats eyes in the darkness. Its alright, she whispered. Isaak blinked to make sure he wasnt seeing things. He took a step back and jumped when Imanis cell phone went off. Its my dad, we better get going. Isaak picked up his briefcase and sighed heavily. There is something about her that unnerved him a bit, yet he felt drawn to her even more. Do you know the way or do you need to follow me? Im parked in the student parking lot. Imani said after telling her dad she was on her way. Why dont I give you a ride to your car and then Ill follow you? Isaak smiled. Works for me, Imani laughed. ***** Obadiah and his wife Mary were just setting the table when their daughter walked in, followed by Isaak Silverman. Shalom Isaak, I see you have arrived at the same time as Imani, spoiling my surprise for her! Obadiah laughed heartily. Abba, what surprise? You mean you knew he was going to lecture at my school this afternoon? No my child, but when he called me last week and told me he was coming here for work, I

invited him to stay with us. I knew him and his parents in Ethiopia and thought it would be such a treat for you to meet him! He has such stories from his travels of Ethiopia and Israel! You love to hear about our homeland dont you my little lamb? Abba, Im not a little lamb anymore Imani felt embarrassed. You will always be to me! Obadiah teased before extending his arms to Isaak for a warm hug. Imani laughed as she made her way to her mother, greeting her with a kiss on the cheek. How are you my friend? Obadiah asked once he and Isaak settled into the living room. Im great, now that Im here! Ive missed you old friend! I had no clue that Imani was your daughter. In your letters, you only mentioned her as your little lamb, I expected someone much younger. Ah so she is the reason for the sparkle in your eyes, then? He laughed. No, I mean, Ishes your daughter I would never do anything out of line toward her. I have nothing but utmost respect Isaak suddenly felt nervous and anxious, Imani having an effect on him is one thing, but admitting it to her father is quite another. Calm down my dear boy, I knew you would like her straight away! Its evident in both your eyes! The eyes do not lie. Dont worry, you have my blessing, Obadiah beamed. Oh wait, I didnt sayI meanyou can tell I have feelings for her? Isaak sighed, he couldnt win with Obadiah, the man had a knack for being straight forward and in your face, and much like his own father had been. Yes and Im so glad you do! Do you remember when you were a teenager in Ethiopia, you were almost killed by a pack of wolves and a lioness saved you? Its been so long ago, Isaak had all but forgotten. He thought for a moment as the memory of that night slowly returned. He was seventeen and hed gotten lost on his way back to the little village where he and his family were staying. It was getting darker and darker and he didnt have a flashlight. The sounds of wolves howling in the distance frightened him but he was determined to find his way. The next thing he knew he was surrounded by growling, hungry wolves. One of them jumped at him as he tried to turn and run, he landed on the ground, striking his head on a rock. The wolf tore into his left thigh and before he blacked out, he thought he heard a lions roar. Obadiah, I dont really remember a lioness, only that I woke up with your mother attending to my wounds. She had the most beautiful eyeslike Imani. Isaak recalled.

The lioness was my mother, Isaak and she claimed you then. She told us that you were destined to fight for our people. That is why she protected you. She gave you some of her blood to help you heal. You are part of us and that blood drew you to Imani, the granddaughter who inherited the lion trait. You mean like a shifter, she can actually change into a lion? Isaak couldnt believe his ears. Imani, will you join Isaak and me in the living room for a moment? Obadiah called. Isaak sat silently trying to take it all in. It made sense now, his passion for the Ethiopian people; hed been a part of them. His attraction to his late fianc and his overwhelming attraction to Imani. Hed met with lots of women over the years, but none had intrigued him more than Imani. Imani, Obadiah began when Imani walked into the room, Ive just told Isaak about our family secret. Do you remember the story of the young man your grandmother saved? Yes Abba, I remember. Isaak was the young man, the one that is destined to be your husband. Imani stared at her father in disbelief. Shed heard the story many times over but her father had never told her the name of the young man. Shed always thought her father silly for saying she was destined to be with someone shed never met. Obadiah always scared off any man who feigned interest in her. Now he is saying Isaak is the man she is destined to marry, the defender of her people. She dated behind her fathers back a few time but never anyone seriously. Before they could discuss it further, Mary came in and lit the blue candles in the menorah and they all sang songs and then Obadiah said a prayer in Hebrew, after the prayer is usually when Obadiah would present his daughter with a gift. Tonight, he took Isaak by the hand and presented him to Imani and joining their hands, kissed them both. They ate dinner in silence with Isaak casting a few glances at Imani and she at him. When dinner and the dishes were done, Obadiah suggested that Isaak take Imani home. Imani only lived a block away and they drove in her car. When they arrived, Isaak walked her to her door. You dont believe my father do you? Why yes, I do, why wouldnt I? Come inside, let me show you something, Imani laughed. It was a laugh that made Isaak

shiver and not from the cold. He followed her into the house and she beckoned him to follow her to her bedroom. Imani, maybe we shouldnt do this He wanted to kiss her, touch her silky smooth looking skin, and glide his hands over her body. Please, my father practically married us tonight, he is a rabbi you know, she laughed again as she pulled him gently into her bedroom, shutting it. She kissed him softly and whispered into his ear, Now promise me you wont run because I like to chase. Why would I run? he gulped nervously. Imani didnt answer him as she stepped back and let out a small growl. A rush of power filled the room as her body changed shape, her bones and joints shifting. A swirl of golden fur appeared, her hands and feet now claws. Isaak stood frozen for a moment unable to move as the large lioness stared at him. He jumped when she let out a growl. She walked up to him, nuzzling his thighs and sniffing his crotch. Imani? he quivered. Yes, she purred against him before stepping back and sitting on her hind legs. Isaaks heart raced in his chest but once he realized she would not hurt him, he relaxed. She was beautiful even in this form and the golden eyes that stared at him were the eyes of Imani and her grandmother, long ago. He touched her fur and wrapped his arms around her neck. She purred again before returning to human form. She sat naked on the floor and Isaak helped her up to her feet where she met his lips with hers. Her tongue probing his mouth, her warm naked body pressed against him. Within seconds, she ripped his clothing off, her hands searching for his fleshy spear. She pushed him on the bed, climbing on top of him with catlike grace. She took his throbbing hardness into her mouth licking and sucking hungrily. Isaak thrust himself into the warmness of her mouth, saying her name over and over. He fought from spilling his essence; he wanted to be inside of her first. I need to be inside you Imani, he whispered. She released his cock and sat on the end of the bed on her knees, sexy and savage. I will make you mine Isaak; after all, you are my gift. Isaak knew Imani was serious and there was no doubt he wanted to be hers heart and soul.

It was as if hed been waiting all of this time for her. He looked at her, her glowing eyes and glorious brown skin. Then make me yours, I want to be with you always. Imani kissed him once more before she slid down onto his shaft to begin the ride of her life. She claimed her mate with reckless abandon. Changing positions, he flipped her onto her back. He used the weight of his cock against her throbbing clit, teasing it mercilessly. She moaned beneath him as he slid his hardness into her vibrating body in slow undulating movements. Imani growled her release as her hands gripped and caressed his sweat dampened muscles. When Isaak finally jerked his own release, his body rocked with an orgasm that he felt through every cell and molecule in his body. He felt a part of himself that he never knew existed, finally awakening. He was her gift and hers he was going to stay. *****

Imanis Gift

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