Future Tenses Handout

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1. Match I to II to form sentences.

1. Hurry up! We’re leaving ….. a. one day.
2. They’ll be lying on the beach ….. b. in five minutes.
3. We will have arrived ….. c. next summer.
4. It’s definite. My friends and I are going to travel ….. d. at this time next week.
5. I think he will be rich and famous ….. e. by this time tomorrow.

2. Choose the correct answer.

Jeff’s family usually comes to stay with us for Christmas, but 1. (by this Christmas / this Christmas) we are going to
visit them instead. They live on the coast of Queensland in South Australia. I can hardly wait – I 2. (will have / will be
having) a fantastic time there. School holidays 3. (are going to start / will start) on Friday, and we are going to leave
the following morning. At this time next week, I 4. (will be swimming / will have swum) in the sea, and snorkelling
with Jeff. He’s an expert snorkler, and he 5. (is going to practise / will have practised) with me every day. 6. (By /
On) the last day of our visit, Jeff’s dad is going to take us to visit the Great Barrier Reef. I hope by then I 7. (will have
improved / will be improving) enough to snorkel at the reef and see the magnificent coloured corals and brightly
coloured fish close up. The reef is 2,200 kilometres long and people say it’s an underwater wonderland. Next year I 8.
(am going to learn / will learn) scuba diving, because only serious divers can dive in the deeper waters on the outer
edges of the reef.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the Future Simple, be going to,
Future Perfect or Future Continuous.
1. The concert ................................... (start) at exactly 10 o’clock.
2. See you at the station! I ................................... (wear) a red jacket.
3. Don’t worry! I ................................... (not leave) without you.
4. We certainly ................................... (not finish) all the work by this time tomorrow.
5. Anne ................................... (invite) some of her friends for dinner after work.
6. ................................... she ................................... (remember) to call us this afternoon?
7. What ................................... you ................................... (do) at the weekend?

4. Complete each sentence using the verb in brackets and the Future Simple, be going to, Future Continuous or
Future Perfect.
1. Tennis practice starts at 10, and we plan to play for two hours. (finish)

By 12 o’clock, ............................................................................................................................ .

2. The phone is ringing! (answer)

I ............................................................................................................................ the phone.

3. Do you want to come to the disco with us? (come)

.................................. you .................................................................................................. ?

4. Look at those clouds. (rain)

Do you think ..................................................................................................................... ?

5. Their plane lands at 7.30. Let’s get there earlier. (wait)

At 7 o’clock, we ..................................................................................................................... .

5. Fill in the correct form of the Future Tense. In some sentences several forms are possible.

1. They __________________________ driving to New York tomorrow evening. (DRIVE)

2. I offered him a job last week and I think he __________________________ it. (TAKE)

3. I hope the weather __________________________ nice when you get to Sardinia. (BE)

4. We __________________________ married on June 25th. (GET)

5. I suppose real estate prices __________________________ up again next year. (GO)

6. What __________________________ when you grow up? – I__________________________ a pilot. (YOU DO,


7. I __________________________ football this afternoon so I can't make it to the party. (PLAY)

8. Put your wallet away. I __________________________ for the tickets. (PAY)

9. I _____________________________ John at the airport tomorrow at 5.30. (MEET)

10. Take the umbrella with you. I think it __________________________ in the afternoon. (RAIN)

11. I think I __________________________ a cup of tea after all. (HAVE)

12. Ask Mary. She __________________________ the answer (PROBABLY KNOW)

13. Which car __________________________ to buy? (YOU PLAN)

14. Jack missed the train. He __________________________ late again. (BE)

15. All our stores __________________________ next Monday at 10.00 a.m. (OPEN)

16. We __________________________ our holidays in France next year. (SPEND)

17. What do you want to eat? – I think I __________________________ a sandwich. (HAVE)

18. We have to go now. It __________________________ late. (GET)

19. I can't talk about it now, but I __________________________ you a mail next week. (SEND)

20. The Jacksons __________________________ a party tomorrow afternoon, but they haven't invited us. (HAVE)

6. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs:

1) When the president _____________ ( arrive ), they _______________ ( start ) the meeting.

2) If he __________( reach ) the sales target this year, the company ____________ (award ) him.
3) We _______________ ( start ) the construction of a shopping centre as soon as the local

government __________( allow ) us to begin.

4) After she __________ ( find ) a good job, she_______________ ( be able to ) buy a house.

5) I __________(have to) finish the reports before the manager _______________ ( call ).

6) We _________ (order) 100 units after the manager ___________(approve) the estimate.

7) I __________ (not/ buy) anything new until I ___________ (pay) all my debts.

8) I ____________ ( buy) a new TV set if the prices __________(go) down.

9) As soon as you _____________ ( push) this button the door ___________(open).

10) You should read the contract carefully before you ___________ (sign) it.

11) We ___________ (discuss) the plans after he ___________ (give) the presentation.

12) Before you ___________ (accept) the job offer, you ___________(need) to be confident that

the company is a good place for you to work.

13) Any rebates __________ ( subtracte) after you __________ (negotiate) the price.

14) We ___________(send) payment as soon as you ___________(fax) the signed contract.

15) They __________(launch) the new product after they ___________(test) the market.

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