CS 100 Cetamine V217 in Housing Complex

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Case Study: 100

Cetamine® V217 in municipal housing complex

Cleaning effect of Cetamine® treatment

Cetamine®, boiler, heating system, cleaning, A good service was the basis for the treatment
municipal housing concept. With this a proper operation of the
softener could be achieved. As chemical
treatment Cetamine® V217 was dosed in the
2. BACKGROUND system.

This case study is based on an application in a Cetamine® V217 is an all-organic product to

municipal housing complex. The steam is used prevent corrosion in steam boilers by formation
to heating buildings on a campus. of a protective film on metal surfaces. Due to its
distribution ratio between gas and liquid phase,
The boilers got very little attention from the Cetamine® V217 also protects steam and
onsite staff. The softener was not working condensate lines.
properly. The blown down was logged daily but
no analysis of the water was done. Cetamine® V217 prevents scale formation in
The system is running 5-6 months per year and boilers by stabilizing and dispersing hardness
then just shut-down. It was not treated during and deposits. Due to these properties it can also
shut down and not drained. clean boilers from existing scale and corrosion
When the system started up at the beginning of
a new heating season, the lines were full of In a first test period one boiler was treated with
corrosion and scale and it took a month to clear Cetamine® to monitor the treatment success.
up the water.
The heat transfer was reduced and the system
was showing a big wear.
Technical data:
Type of boiler: Fire tube boiler The service provided improved the water quality
Boiler pressure: 2 bar as the softener is now running properly.
Make-up: softened water
Return of condensate: 65-90% The corrosion and scale formation was
completely prevented. The water in the boiler
cleared up in a few weeks.
The very high amount of existing scale could be
• Improvement of the service to ensure proper eliminated nearly completely.
use of softener
All the boilers are now treated with Cetamine®
• Reduction of corrosion and scale formation V217.

• Cleaning of boiler in order to reduce the scale

and improve heat transfer

Courtesy of Guardian CSC, York, PA


App 1: Hall Manor boiler 1 before tre

eatment App 2: Ha
all Manor booiler 1 after trreatment

App 3: Hall Manor boiler 2 before tre

eatment App 4: Ha
all Manor booiler 2 after trreatment

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n Date: 25.02.2014
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