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Participants Exercise

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1. Project Vs Operation

Sr. Description Project? (Yes/No) Operation? (Yes/No)

1 Buying a a Car
2. Manufacturing chocolates?
3. Publishing a magazine
4. Improving the existing chocolate
range of your company
5. Buying a SIM card for phone?
6. Recharging your pre paid SIM
7. Going to office with Car
8. Going to office by bus since your
car is not starting
9. Going to restaurant for
celebrating wedding anniversary
10 Going to office canteen for lunch

a. Identify the key difference between a project and operation?


b. Give with example the similarities between project and operations?


c. What do you understand by Project constraint and give examples of the same?

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2. Explain the difference between a Project Expeditor and Project Coordinator in the context if
a Weak Matrix?

3. List down the advantages and disadvantages of the following organization structures?
Disadvantages Advantages

Weak Matrix
Disadvantages Advantages

Balanced Matrix
Disadvantages Advantages

Strong Matrix
Disadvantages Advantages

Disadvantages Advantages

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4. Represent the Cost and Staffing Level and Stakeholders influence and Cost of Change in a
project lifecycle pictorially?

5. You are the project manager for a restaurant chain, with stores in 20 states. You are
considering opening a new outlet in Mumbai or Chennai. You have derived the following
Project Mumbai City: The payback period is 27 months, and the IRR is 35 percent.
Project Chennai: The payback period is 25 months, and the IRR is 32 percent.
Which project should you recommend to the selection committee?

A. Project Chennai, because the payback period is shortest.

B. Project Mumbai, because the IRR is highest.
C. Project Chennai, because the IRR is lowest.
D. Project Mumbai, because the payback period is longest.

6. You are the project manager for Delta International. You’re considering recommending a
project that costs INR 575,000; expected inflows are INR 25,000 per quarter for the first two
years and then INR 75,000 per quarter thereafter. What is the payback period?
A. 40 months
B. 38 months
C. 39 months
D. 41 months

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7. Below is the network diagram for a project. Answer the below questions for this diagram?

a. What is the float for each activity on the critical path? ____
b. What is the total duration for path A → B → C → G? ____
c. What is the total duration for path A → B → F → G? ____
d. What is the total duration for path D → E → F → G? ____
e. What is the total duration for path D → H → I? ____
f. Which path is the critical path? ____ → ____ → ____ → ____
g. Write down the float for each activity:

A ____ B ____ C ____ D ____ E ____

F ____ G ____ H ____ I ____

8. A landscaping firm is working on a project to construct a ne garden in a site. The following

are the list of activities involved.

Activity Duration (In Days) Preceding Activity

A. Prepare Site 2 -
B. Build Retaining 3 A
Wall for Patio
C. Lay Patio * 4 A
D. Lay Lawn 1 A
E. Lay Paths 3 A,B
F. Erect Porch 1 A,B,D,G
G. Prepare Flower 1 A,B,D
H. Plant Out 3 A,B,D,G
I. Clean Up 1 All
*Activity C (Laying Patio) cannot begin till 2 days have lapsed after activity B (Building Retaining Wall For Patio)

Based on the information do the following activities

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a. Construct an activity diagram to represent the above scenario.
b. Determine the critical path for the above project using forward and backward pass
c. What is the total duration of the critical path
d. What is the total float/slack available?

9. Complete the below table with PERT formula. All the estimates are in hours

Activity Activity Range Of
Activity P M O Standard
Duration Variance Estimates
A 47 27 14
B 89 60 41
C 48 44 39
D 42 37 29
Calculate the Total Standard Deviation and Total Activity Variance?

10. Below is the table showing cost parameters for a project to construct building

Cost Indicators Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total

Planned Value (PV) (`)
25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 100,000
Earned Value (EV) (`)
20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 80,000
Actual Cost (`)
22,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 92,000

Based on the above data calculate the following

a. Schedule Variance (SV) , Schedule Performance Index (SPI) at the end of 2 years
b. Cost Variance (CV, Cost Performance Index (CPI) at the end of 2 years
c. What was the Estimate At Completion (EAC) at the end of 3 years

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