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Social emotional loneliness scale

1. Se 1 I have friends and family with whom I spend quality time with.
1. Se5 I feel my absence would not be felt deeply by my friends and family
2. Se6 My close friends and family know and understand me well.
3. Se7 I like building connections with people and often establish meaningful
4. Se 9After spending quality time with friends and family I feel emotionally recharged.
5. Se13 I feel low and restless when I have no one to talk to.
6. Se 15 I find it difficult to maintain relationships and connections
2. Se 18 I feel emotionally in tune with most people in my life.
Factor loadings
1. Factor 1: Perceived social and emotional disengagement/disconnection
Se 5 I feel my absence would not be felt deeply by my friends and family.
Se 14 I have feelings of loneliness
Se 15 I find it difficult to maintain relationships and connections
Se16 I feel that I might not be a priority to most of my friends and family
Se 19 I have been experiencing feelings of loneliness from a very long time
Se21 I have feelings of unwantedness, hopelessness, worthlessness

2. Factor 2 : Interpersonal connectedness and needs fulfilment

Se 1 I have friends and family with whom I spend quality time with
SE8 I feel my current relationships (family, friends, work etc.,) fulfil most of my
emotional needs
Se 2 I feel the ones I love reciprocate my feelings most of the times
Se6 My close friends and family know and understand me well Se8
Se17 I do not think I will ever find lasting companionship.
Se18 I feel emotionally in tune with most people in my life.

3. Factor 3: social engagement

Se 7 I like building connections with people and often establish meaningful
Se10 I enjoy being in the company of people
Se11 I enjoy attending social events (wedding, birthday etc.,) with friends and family
Se12 It’s easy for me to become a part of a group

Non loaded
Smu scale
Smu 12 I tend to procrastinate by using social media
Smu 13 Social media content and news influences my lifestyle
Smu 18 The first thing I do as soon as I wake up is surf through all (or some) of my social
media apps
Smu 19 I have a limited time and schedule to engage with social media.

Factor matrix:
Factor 1: impact on well-being and everyday functioning Significant impact on everyday
Smu 1 I spend more time on social media than I intend to
Smu 4 I find it difficult to disengage from social media
Smu 5 I tend to doom scroll on social media
Smu 12 I tend to procrastinate by using social media
Smu 17 I often sleep less due to endlessly scrolling through social media

Factor 2 impact on lifestyle and self image

Smu 11 I compulsively use social media in the presence of people
Smu 13 Social media content and news influences my lifestyle
Smu 14 I feel my social media image and life is more prominent than my real-life image
Smu 18 The first thing I do as soon as I wake up is surf through all (or some) of my social
media apps

Factor 3 restlessness/ caused by absence of social media Preoccupation/fixation

Smu 10 When I’m not using social media I feel restless and keep thinking about it.
Smu16 I feel irritated when somebody interrupts me while I’m occupied with social media
Smu15 I have been told that I use social media too often.

Factor 4 multitasking and app usage levels multitasking and high consumption
Smu 6 I tend to use 3 or more social media apps in a single day.
Smu 7 I tend to multitask while using social media
Smu 8 I frequently switch between social media apps or app hop in a single time period

Factor 5 social interpersonal relationships significant impact on relationship

Smu 2 I find myself avoiding interpersonal interactions
Smu 3 Social media has affected my social life and relationships

Non loading factor

In an initial EFA of Social-emotional loneliness scale, 4 items (i.e. Se3 I feel lonely
even in the presence of friends and family”,”Se4 I receive empathy and support from
my friends and family”, “Se13 I feel low and restless when I have no one to talk to.”,
“Se9 After spending quality time with friends and family I feel emotionally
recharged.”) failed to load on any dimension significantly.
And in the initial EFA of Social Media Usage Scale, 2 items (i.e. Smu 9: “I have
multiple profiles and accounts for every social media app I use”,Smu 19:” I have a
limited time and schedule to engage with social media.”) failed to load on any
dimension significantly.

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