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Future Simple vs.

Future Continuous Exercises and Practice

Complete the sentences with an appropriate future form. Choose between the Future Simple (will or be
going to) and the Future Continuous. More than one answer may be correct.
1. You look hungry; I _________________________ (make) you a sandwich.
2. John and I probably _________________________ (not / come) to the party because it looks like it
_________________________ (rain).
3. I can’t have lunch at 2:00 because I _________________________ (have) an operation at that time.
4. You _________________________ (celebrate) your birthday at a beautiful restaurant and we
_________________________ (fly) on a plane to Europe.
5. The class _________________________ (take) an exam at 9:00 tomorrow morning.
6. Promise me you _________________________ (not / call) before 10; I hate being woken up early!
7. Sarah and Frank _________________________ (go) to the gym after work today.
8. You guys _________________________ (have) a great time in the Bahamas!
9. I _________________________ (sleep) when you arrive so please try to be quiet.
10. When she arrives at the school tomorrow, Michael _________________________ (teach) the B2 class,
Alex _________________________ (administer) a test, and Denis_________________________ (probably,
talk) to a new student.

1. She (send) Bruno the letter when she has time.

2. I (sleep) at 11:30 p.m. this evening.

3. The police officer (arrest) the thug after you identify him.

4. The truck (pick up) the money later tomorrow afternoon.

5. When you graduate, your parents (clap) in the audience.

6. When you wake up tomorrow morning, it (rain).

7. His boss (speak) with him tomorrow at 1:00 p.m..

8. I (subscribe) to the magazine next month.

9. They work hard. They (get) good marks at the end of the

10. Tomorrow at this time, I (attend) a conference.

People can hardly imagine their lives without modern
technologies nowadays. It is almost impossible to go out
without a mobile phone or an MP3 player, for example.
These devices have become an important part of our life.
Moreover, almost every day either a new technology is
being invented or an old one is being improved. To stay
up-to-date people keep buying newer items. Soon our
houses and work places will look like electronic stores.
Technology is all around us. First of all, we need it for
work. All modern offices are equipped with computers,
scanners, printers, and other useful machines. One of the
most important devices today is the wi-fi modem as it
provides Internet. Secondly, technologies surround us at
home, in cars and everywhere. It includes TVs, radios,
refrigerators, vacuum-cleaners, washing machines, CD-
players, e-books, cameras and else. Perhaps, the most
important thing about technological progress is that it
allows us to do many things which would be impossible
without it. For example, we can communicate with friends
from other countries with the help of computers. We can
even see them and have a live conversation. There are
many people who are against new technologies. In my
opinion, technological progress has made our lives more
interesting and bright. Thanks to computers and Internet I
find more educational resources. Such electronic items as
vacuum-cleaner, washing machine, microwave, dish
washer, blender and some others have made my mum’s life
easier. So I’m sure that new technologies are for good. In
conclusion, I’d like to say, that technological progress
continues and it moves rather fast. Thus, I think that soon
we will live in ‘smart’ houses with robots doing all
housework instead of us.

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