Business Chinese Lesson 6 Simplified

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维护 wéihù V to defend, protect, or maintain

合作 (L1,4,5) hézuò V/N to cooperate, or collaborate

关系 guānxi N relationship

敬 (L3) jìng V to toast somebody or something

成功 chénggōng V success, or to succeed

产品 (L3) chǎnpǐn N produced product, merchandise

感謝 gǎnxiè V to thank

贵公司 (L4, 5) guì gōngsī N your esteemed company

配合 (L4) pèihé V/N to fit, coordinate with

客户 kèhù N client, customer

满意 mǎnyì V satisfied, pleased

质量 zhìliàng N quality

稳定 wěndìng V steady, stable

信任 xìnrèn N/V trust , to trust in, to have confidence in

不断 bú duàn adv continuously, constantly

提⾼ tígāo V to raise, to increase, to improve

产量 (L4) chǎnliàng N production quantity

以后 yǐhòu N after, afterwards, in the future

照顾 zhàogù V to take care of, to consider

making an order, or making a purchase
订单 (L4) dìngdān N
自然 zìrán adv naturally

增加 (L4) zēngjiā V to raise, to increase

⼲(杯) gān (bēi) V bottoms up , cheers

祝 zhù V to wish, to express good wishes


⽣意 (L4) shēngyì N business

兴隆 xīnglóng V prosperous, flourishing

稳固 wěngù V firm , steady

机会 jīhuì N chance, opportunity

带 dài V to lead, to bring

转 zhuàn V walk around, go around

麻烦 (L5) máfán V inconvenient, to trouble or bother sb

名字 Names

约翰 Yuēhàn John

⾼总 Gāo zǒng General Manager Gao

⼴州 Guǎngzhōu Guangzhou

张董 Zhāng dǒng Chairman Zhang

重点词汇搭配 Collocation

维护+关系 wéihù+guānxi maintain + cooperative relationships

价格+合理/优惠(L4) jiàgé+hélǐ/yōuhuì price + reasonable, favorable

⽣意+兴隆 shēngyì+xīnglóng business + thriving

关系+稳固 guānxi+wěngù relationships + stable


someone 对 someone/something 的要求

「要求」means “requests”. In Mandarin「要求」also takes on

the added meaning of “expectation”, or “demand”.「对」
means “to, towards”, introducing the target of the verb.

Wǒmen de lǎobǎn Zhāng dǒng
duìzìjǐ de yāoqiú hěn gāo.
Our CEO Mr. Zhang puts very high
demands on himself.

Zhè jiā cāntīng duìfúwù zhìliàng de yāoqiú bǐjiào dī,
wǒmen háishìqù bié jiā cāntīng ba!
This restaurant doesn’t put very high value on service; it’s
probably better if we go to another place!

Nà jiā gōngsī duìhézuò gōngchǎng de yāoqiú bù hélǐ,
suǒyǐ hěn duō gōngchǎng bù xiǎng gēn tāmen hézuò .
The demands that company puts on partner
factories are unreasonable, so lots of factories
are unwilling to work with them.

越来越 adj.

This pattern suggests someone or something is

become more and more. It is the equivalent
of English adding “er ” or “more” to adjectives,
in order to express comparative increases.

Wǒmen gōngsī de dìngdān yuè lái yuè duō.
Our company is getting more and more orders.

Gōngchǎng de chǎnliàng yuè lái yuè gāo.
The factory’s output is getting higher and higher.

Tāmen de yāoqiú yuè lái yuè bù hélǐ.
Their requests are getting more and more unreasonable.

祝 someone…
to wish (somebody
happiness, good luck, etc.)

「祝」means “wish”, so whenever you hear someone start a

sentence with「祝你…」they are in fact saying “I wish you…”

Zhù nǐ shēngrì kuàilè.
I wish you a happy birthday!

Zhù dàjiā xīnxiǎng-shìchéng.
I wish all your dreams may come true!

Zhù wǒmen hézuò yúkuài.
Here’s hoping our cooperation will be very good!

Mr. Gao, John and Manager Wang are in a restaurant booth.

⾼总 约翰,菜可以吗?
Gāo zǒng Yuēhàn, cài kěyǐ ma?
GM Gao John, how do you like the dish?

约翰 很好吃, 我很喜欢。
Yuēhàn Hěn hǎochī, wǒ hěn xǐhuān.
John Tastes good. I like it a lot.

⾼总 来,约翰,我先敬你⼀杯,我们这次的合作太成功了!
Gāo zǒng Lái, Yuēhàn, wǒ xiān jìng nǐ yìbēi, wǒmen zhè cìde hézuò tài
chénggōng le!
GM Gao Let me first toast to you John, our cooperation has been a
tremendous success!

约翰 谢谢!谢谢!感谢贵公司的配合, 产品质量稳定,客户都很满意。我敬你们
Yuēhàn Xièxie! Xièxie! Gǎnxiè guìgōngsī de pèihé, chǎnpǐn zhìliàng wěndìng,
kèhù dōu hěn mǎnyì. Wǒ jìng nǐmen yìbēi.
John Thank you very much! I want to thank all of you for your cooperation
and consistent quality; all of our clients are satisfied! Let’s drink to
your company!

⾼总 谢谢贵公司对我们的信任!我们对产品的质量要求很⾼,也不断地提⾼产
Gāo zǒng Xièxie guìgōngsī duìwǒmen de xìnrèn! Wǒmen duìchǎnpǐn de
zhìliàng yāoqiú hěn gāo, yě bù duàn de tígāo chǎnliàng, yǐhòu hái
yào qǐng nǐmen gōngsī duōduō zhàogù !
GM Gao Well thank you very much for your confidence in us! We do strive to
maintain high quality and efficient production. We hope in the future
you’ll continue to consider us with whatever your business needs!

约翰 产品好,客户满意,订单自然增加!
Yuēhàn Chǎnpǐn hǎo, kèhù mǎnyì, dìngdān zìrán zēngjiā!
John High quality merchandise, satisfied customers… we’re certainly going
to be doing more business with your company!

⾼总 是是,说得太对了!来,我们⼀起⼲⼀杯,祝我们的⽣意越来越兴隆,
Gāo zǒng Shìshì, shuōde tài duìle! Lái, wǒmen yīqǐ gān yìbēi, zhù wǒmen de
hēngyì yuè lái yuè xīnglóng, hézuò guānxi yuè lái yuè wěngù! Gānbēi!
GM Gao That sounds just great! Let’s drink a glass to an ever more prosperous
and stable partnership! Cheers!

⾼总 你每次都来⼯作,没机会到处去⾛⾛,这次我让王经理开车带你出去转转
Gāo zǒng Nǐ měi cìdōu lái gōngzuò, méi jīhuì dàochù qù zǒuzǒu, zhè cìwǒ
ràng Wáng jīnglǐ kāichē dài nǐ chūqù zhuànzhuàn ba!
GM Gao Every time you come you’re always so busy, it seems you never get
the chance to simply relax and have a look around. I hope you don’t
mind, I’ve asked Ms. Wang to drive you around and be your city

约翰 太好了! 谢谢⾼总, 那就麻烦王经理了! 我敬⼆位⼀杯。

Yuēhàn Tài hǎo le! Xièxie Gāozǒng, nà jiù máfán Wáng jīnglǐ le! Wǒ jìng èr
wèi yìbēi.
John Great! Thank you Mr. Gao! I guess I’ll be in Manager Wang’s charge
then! A toast to both of you!

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