PHS 220

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1) Digestion is defined as the process by which food is broken down into simple

substances ,absorb and used as nutrients by the body

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

2) Digestive system is made up of gastrointestinal tract or alimentary canal and accessory

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

3) The GI Mucosa has two layer of structures

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

4) The GI tract is formed by three layers

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

5) Smooth muscle fibers in stomach are arranged in three layers

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

6) GI tract has two types of nerve supply

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

7) There are 2 major salivary glands

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

8) Salivary glands are classified into two types, based on the type of secretion
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

9) Maltase is present in human saliva and it converts maltose into glucose.

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

10) Salivary secretion is regulated by nervous mechanism through reflex action

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

11) In humans, stomach has five parts

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

12) The volume of empty stomach is 100 mL

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

13) Physiological stomach can expand to accommodate 1 L to 1.5 L of solids and liquids
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

14) Peristaltic movements of stomach mix the bolus with gastric juice and convert it into the
semisolid material known as chime
(A) True (correct option) (B) False
15) Accordingly, gastric secretion occurs in three different phases
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

16) Major proteolytic enzymes of pancreatic juice are trypsin and chymotrypsin
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

17) Mucous membrane of small intestine is covered by minute projections called villi
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

18) There are 8 function of the small intestine

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

19) There are 4 functions of the stomach

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

20) Enzyme pepsin is predominantly found in the mouth

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

21) Ceacum is not an accessory part of the gut

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

22) Pancreas is not an accessory part of the gut

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

23) Liver is not an accessory part of the gut

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

24) Gall bladder is not an accessory part of the gut

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

25) The additional muscle in the stomach is called Linear muscle

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

26) The additional muscle in the stomach is called Oblique muscle

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

27) The additional muscle in the stomach is called Longitudinal muscle

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

28) The additional muscle in the stomach is called Circular muscle

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

29) Endocrine function is not a function of the GIT

(A) True (B) False (correct option)
30) Excretion is not a function of the GIT
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

31) Protection is not a function of the GIT

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

32) Secretion is not a function of the

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

33) Pharynx is part of the GIT

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

34) Larynx is part of the GIT

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

35) Vomiting centre is part of the GIT

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

36) Liver is part of the GIT

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

37) Salivase is an Enzyme present in saliva

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

38) Lipase is an Enzyme present in saliva

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

39) β-amylase is an Enzyme present in saliva

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

40) Peptidase is an Enzyme present in saliva

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

41) Is the following pair of cell and product of secretion correct: Peptic cells and HCl
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

42) Is the following pairs of cell and product of secretion correct: Neck cells and mucus
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

43) Is the following pair of cell and product of secretion correct: Parietal cells and pepsin
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

44) Is the following pair of cells and product of secretion correct: Neck cells and HCl
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

45) Brunner glands are found in the glands are found in the Mouth
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

46) Brunner glands are found in the glands are found in the Oesophagus
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

47) Brunner glands are found in the glands are found in the Duodenum
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

48) Brunner glands are found in the glands are found in the Ileum
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

49) True or False: the arrangement of the GIT wall, inside to outside is from Longitudinal muscle
comes after the circular muscle layer
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

50) True or False: the arrangement of the GIT wall, inside to outside is from Serosa comes first
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

51) True or False: the arrangement of the GIT wall, inside to outside is from Circular muscle
comes before submucosa
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

52) True or False: the arrangement of the GIT wall, inside to outside is from Meissner’s
plexus comes after Auerbach’s plexus
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

53) True or False: The submucosa of the gut houses the Auerbach plexus
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

54) True or False: The submucosa of the gut houses the Meissner’s plexus
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

55) True or False: The submucosa of the gut houses the Myenteric plexus
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

56) True or False: The submucosa of the gut houses the Sacral plexus
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

57) True or False: Mesentery is part of the mucosa of the gut

(A) True (correct option) (B) False
58) True or False: Epithelium is part of the mucosa of the gut
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

59) True or False: Lamina propria is part of the mucosa of the gut
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

60) True or False: Muscularis mucosa is part of the mucosa of the gut
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

61) True or False: Saliva has the highest pH compared to Gastric secretion, succus entericus,
and Brnner’s gland
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

62) True or False: Gastric secretion has the highest pH compared to saliva, succus entericus,
and Brnner’s gland
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

63) True or False: Succus entricus has the highest pH when compared with saliva, gastric
secretion, and sucus entericus
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

64) True or False: Brunner’s gland has the highest pH when compared to saliva, Gastric
secretion, and succus entericus
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

65) True or False: The optimal pH of Pepsin is pH 2

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

66) True or False: The optimal pH of Pepsin is True or False: The optimal pH of Pepsin is pH 4
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

67) True or False: The optimal pH of Pepsin is pH 6

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

68) True or False: The optimal pH of Pepsin is pH 8

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

69) True or False Vitamin A is fat soluble

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

70) True or False Vitamin B is fat soluble

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

71) True or False Vitamin C is fat soluble

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

72) True or False Vitamin B6 is fat soluble

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

73) True or False: Ulcerative colitis affect the large intestine

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

74) True or False: Chron's disease affect the large intestine

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

75) True or False: Diarrhea affect the large intestine

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

76) True or False: Gastritis affect the large intestine

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

77) True or False: Fatty acids are fat soluble

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

78) Vitamin D fat soluble

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

79) Vitamin C fat soluble

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

80) Vitamin K fat soluble

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

81) True or False: Buccal gland is not present in the mouth

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

82) True or False: Epiglottis is not present in the mouth

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

83) True or False: Soft palate is not present in the mouth

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

84) True or False: Hard palate is not present in the mouth

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

85) True or False: the oesophagus measures 45cm on the average

(A) True (B) False (correct option)
86) True or False: the oesophagus secretes mucus
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

87) True or False: the oesophagus secretes some enzymes

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

88) True or False: the oesophagus is a flexible tube

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

89) True or false: Mucus from Brynner's gland is not a secretion of the small intestine
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

90) True or false: Succus entericus is not a secretion of the small intestine
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

91) True or false: Pepsin is not a secretion of the small intestine

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

92) True or false: Mucus is not a secretion of the small intestine

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

93) True or false: The small intestine has 2 parts

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

94) True or false: The small intestine has 3 parts

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

95) True or false: The small intestine has 4 parts

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

96) True or false: The small intestine has 5 parts

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

97) True or false: The large intestine has 2 parts

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

98) True or false: The large intestine has 3 parts

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

99) True or false: The large intestine has 4 parts

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

100) True or false: The large intestine has 5 parts

(A) True (B) False (correct option)
101) True or False in defecation: Cerebral cotex control the internal anal sphincter
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

102) True or False in defecation: It is a simple spinal reflex in adult

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

103) True or False in defecation: It is majorly a sympathetic reflex

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

104) True or False in defecation: Gastrocolic reflex is usually a cause

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

105) True or False: Oesophagitis is a gastrointestinal tract disease

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

106) True or False: Tonsilitis is a gastrointestinal tract disease

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

107) True or False: Pancreatitis is a gastrointestinal tract disease

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

108) True or False: Colitis is a gastrointestinal tract disease

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

109) True or False: Bile salt is a constituent of bile

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

110) True or False: Bile acid is a constituent of bile

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

111) True or False: Fatty acid is a constituent of bile

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

112) True or False: Water i a constituent of bile

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

113) True or False: Mouth is a primary digestive organ

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

114) True or False: Pharynx is a primary digestive organ

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

115) True or False: Esophagus is a primary digestive organ

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

116) True or False: Larynx is a primary digestive organ

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

117) True or False: Teeth is an accessory digestive organ

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

118) True or False: Tongue is an accessory gestive organ

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

119) True or False: Salivary glands is an accessory digestive organ

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

120) True or False: Stomach is an accessory digestive organ

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

121) True or False: Mucus layer is one of the three layers of the wall of the GI tract
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

122) True or False: Submucosa layer is one of the layers of the wall of the GI tract
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

123) True or False: Muscular layer is one of the three layers of the wall of the GI tract
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

124) True or False: the human stomach is made up of 1 part

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

125) True or False: the human stomach is made up of 4 parts

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

126) True or False: the human stomach is made up of 3 parts

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

127) True or False: the human stomach is made up of 2 parts

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

128) True or False: stomach has 3 types of functions

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

129) True or False: stomach has 2 types of functions

(A) True (B) False (correct option)
130) True or False: stomach has 1 types of function
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

131) True or False:. stomach has 4 types of functions

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

132) True or false: caudal phase is one of the three phases of gastric secretion
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

133) True or False: Cephalic phase is one of the three phases of gastric secretion
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

134) True or False: Gastric phase is one of the three phases of gastric secretion
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

135) True or False: Intestinal phase is one of the three phases of gastric secretion
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

136) True or False: Pancreatic juice has 4 functions

(A) True (correct option) (B) False

137) True or False: Pancreatic juice has 3 functions

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

138) True or False:. Pancreatic juice has 2 functions

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

139) True or False: Pancreatic juice has 1 function

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

140) From outer surface inward the typical cross section of the gastrointestinal wall contain the
serosa, muscle layers, the submucosa, and the mucosa.
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

141) The gastrointestinal tract is not a muscular organ

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

142) The alimentary tract provides the body with a continual supply of water, electrolytes, and
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

143) Proteins are formed from multiple amino acids that are bound together by peptide linkages
(A) True (correct option) (B) False
144) Digestive process is one of hydrolysis
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

145) Digestion of Carbohydrates begins in the Mouth and are absorbed in the Stomach
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

146) The stomach is a good absorptive area of the gastrointestinal tract because it contains the
typical villus type of absorptive membrane
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

147) There is no enzymes capable of hydrolyzing cellulose are secreted in the human digestive
tract. Consequently, cellulose cannot be considered a food for humans
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

148) Essentially all fat digestion occurs in the stomach by lingual lipase that is secreted by
lingual glands.
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

149) Proteins digestion start in the mouth by lingual Pepsin, an important peptic enzyme that is
inactivated by the acidic nature of the stomach.
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

150) Starches are large polysaccharides present in almost all nonanimal foods, particularly in
potatoes and the different types of grains
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

151) Fat digestion occurs majorly through the action of proteolytic pancreatic enzymes
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

152) Protein digestion occurs majorly through the action of bile salts.
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

153) The dietary proteins are chemically long chains of amino acids bound together by peptide
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

154) Carbohydrate digestion occurs majorly through the action of proteolytic pancreatic
enzymes and bile salts
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

155) The absorptive surface of the small intestinal mucosa by valvulae conniventes (or folds of
Kerckring), increase the surface area of the absorptive mucosa about threefold
(A) True (correct option) (B) False
156) Most protein digestion occurs in the duodenum and jejunum, under the influence of
proteolytic enzymes from pancreatic secretion
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

157) End products of fat digestion by pancreatic lipase id into free fatty acids and 2-
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

158) Essentially all the carbohydrates in the food are absorbed in the form of larger
carbohydrate compounds
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

159) By far the most abundant of the absorbed monosaccharides are galactose and fructose.
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

160) Virtually all the monosaccharides are absorbed by an active transport process
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

161) Dietary proteins, after digestion, are absorbed through the luminal membranes of the
intestinal epithelial cells in the form of dipeptides, tripeptides, and a few free amino acids
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

162) Fructose transport occur by the sodium co-transport mechanism.

(A) True (B) False (correct option)

163) The gastrointestinal tract has a nervous system all its own called the enteric nervous
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

164) The outer myenteric plexus or Auerbach’s plexus lies between the longitudinal and
circular muscle layers
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

165) Gastrointestinal functions are not controlled by local, nervous, or hormonal systems
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

166) The enteric nervous system is especially important in controlling gastrointestinal

movements and secretion
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

167) The pancreas and its juice are sorely importance for fat digestion and absorption
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

168) The accessory digestive organs include the colon, teeth, tongue, and appendix
(A) True (B) False (correct option)

169) The digestive system include the gastrointestinal tract and accessory digestive organs.
(A) True (correct option) (B) False

1) Cortisol is secreted from the Zona Glomerulus of the Adrenal Cortex.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

2) Oxytocin is not secreted from the Anterior Hypophysis.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

3) Diabetes Insipidus is a deficiency of Aldosterone.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

4) Excess prolactin causes Early Menopause.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

5) ADH is secreted by the Posterior lobe of the pituitary.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

6) ADH has it greatest influence on the kidneys.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

7) TSH stimulation in the thyroid causes Decreased blood flow.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

8) In relation to Calcium, phosphorus Increases in serum concentration.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

9) Severe hypothyroidism characterized by dry, puffy skin, somnolence, slow mentation, and
hoarseness is known as Myxedema.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

10) Insulin shock is characterized by severe hypoglycemia caused by an overdose of insulin.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

11) Chronic excretion of large amounts of urine of low specific gravity is indicative of diabetes
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

12) Potassium, sodium, and chloride are steroids.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)
13) Enlargement of the bones of the hands, feet, and face due to overproduction of growth
hormone is called acromegaly.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

14) Elevated glucose levels, may be due to diabetic.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

15) The adrenal gland secretes DHEA and cortisol.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

16) Measurement of T3, T4 and TSH is collectively known as BMP.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

17) Over activity of the thyroid gland is called hyperthyroidism.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

18) Hirsutism is a complication of diabetes mellitus.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

19) Graves’ disease is also known as toxic goiter.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

20) The master gland of the endocrine system, located at the base of the brain, is the Apical
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

21) Serous glands secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream rather than into ducts leading
to the exterior of the body.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

22) Enlargement of the thyroid gland is called thyroiditis.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

23) Insulin is produced in the liver.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

24) Somatotropin is secreted in the urine of pregnant women.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

25) Sperm cells are produced in the Epididymis.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

26) Sertoli cells lining the seminal tubules produces Androgen binding protein.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE
27) Sertoli cell functions to provide nutrients for differentiating sperm cells and prevents
spermatigins from escaping into blood.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

28) The primary endocrine functions of leydig cells include Secreting testosterone.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

29) Testicular arteries branch from abdominal aorta.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

30) The testicular vein arises from Pampiniform plexus.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

31) A cuff of skin covering the distal end of the penis is called bulbourethral.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

32) Erections is possible through the Sympathetic nervous system.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

33) Erectile tissues consists of a network of Spongy connective tissues and Smooth muscles.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

34) The proximal end of the penis is surrounded by Ischio-carvernosus muscle.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

35) Tunica albuginea surrounds the urethra and expands to form the glans and the bulbs of the
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

36) The ischio-carvernosus muscle anchors the penis to the Pubic arc.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

37) Epididymis has sterocilia that helps to absorb testicular fluid and pass nutrients to sperm
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

38) Ductus deferens propels sperm from the epididymis to the urethra.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

39) Spermatogenesis is the process whereby spermatids are transformed into mature sperm
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)
40) Spermatogenesis occurs in three (3) phase, which include: Spermiolysis, spermiogenesis,
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

41) Mitotic division of spermatogonia produces Spermatozoa.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

42) Meiotic division of the spermatocyte produces Spermatogonia.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

43) One full cycle of spermatogenesis requires 21 days.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

44) Mitotic division of spermatogonia results in the production of Type C and D daughter cells.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

45) The head of a mature sperm contains Centrioles.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

46) A mature sperm is made up of head, middle piece, tail.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

47) The primary location for the maturation and storage of sperm is the Epididymis.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

48) Three steps for insemination include Erection, emission, ejaculation.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

49) Acrosome reactions is dependent on Ca 2+ .

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

50) Oxytocin is secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland and stimulates contraction of
the uterus during labor.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

51) Prolactin stimulates egg production in the ovaries.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

52) Ovaries secrete estrogen and progesterone.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

53) Adrenal gland is composed of a right and left lobe on either side of the trachea.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)
54) An excessive or abnormal hair growth, particularly male pattern hair growth on a woman, is
called hirsutism.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

55) Growth hormone enhance insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by tissue.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

56) Triiodothyronine T3 is the active form of thyroid hormone.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

57) T3 is mostly produced from thyroid, and small amount from the testis, ovaries and heart.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

58) Reverse T3 is a form of thyroid hormone produced in the cells.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

59) Hormones travel through a dedicated pathway.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

60) Thyroxine T4 is use as hormone replacement therapy.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

61) Clinical signs of overdosing do not occur with T4 therapy.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

62) ACTH is the primary hormone in excess in a pituitary tumour of corticotropes cells.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

63) TSH is the primary hormone in excess in an adrenal tumour.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

64) Catabolism + immunosuppression are the major effects of excess cortisol.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

65) Hormones are used to communicate between different organisms.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

66) The secretion of hormone A causes a change in the amount of protein X in an organism. An
increase in A producing an increase in X is a positive feedback mechanism.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

67) The circulating level of a hormone is held constant through a series of positive feedback
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)
68) Substance X is secreted by one cell, travels a short distance through interstitial fluid, and
produces an effect in a cell immediately adjacent to the original secreting cell. The substance X
can neurotransmitter, prostaglandin or growth factor but not pheromone.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

69) Prostaglandin is a peptide hormone.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

70) Target cell contains proteins enabling a hormone to selectively bind to its plasma
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

71) Only certain cells in the body are target cells for the steroid hormone aldosterone. The best
explanation for why these are the only cells that respond to this hormone is that non target cells
convert aldosterone to a hormone to which they do respond.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

72) Body cells respond differently to the same peptide hormones because target cells response
is determined by the product of a signal transduction pathway.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

73) Hormones are secreted into the extracellular fluid and then travel through a dedicated
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

74) Glands that produce hormones are ductless glands.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

75) Chemical signal is movement of a signal from one end of a nerve to the other end of the
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

76) Testosterone is responsible for the differentiation of Epididymis, Vas deferens and Seminal
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

77) Dihydrotestosterone is produced from the conversion of testosterone by 17-β-

hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

78) The 3 major zones of the ovary are Cortex, medulla, helium.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE
79) Endocrine cell and oocyte are the functional unit of the ovaries.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

80) Graffian follicle release oocyte at appropriate time, prepare virgina and fallopian tubes to aid
fertilization and providing nutrient for developing oocyte.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

81) During pregnancy, luteinizing hormone plays the function of Maintenance of the
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

82) Implantation occurs approximately 3 days after ovulation.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

83) Trophoblast forms and attach to endometrium approximately 30 days after ovulation.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

84) HCG rescues the corpus luteum approximately 10 days after ovulation.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

85) Trophoblast begin to secrete HCG at approximately 30 days after ovulation.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

86) Fertilization occurs at approximately 1 to 2 days after ovulation.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

87) Fertilization occurs at the fibrae of the uterine tube.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

88) Highest progesterone output by the corpus luteum occurs during implantation.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

89) The fertilized ovum arrives the endometrium as a Corpus luteum.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

90) Hormone X produces its effect in its target cells via the cAMP second messenger system. a
molecule of hormone X applied to the extracellular fluid surrounding the cell will produce the
greatest effect in the cell.
(A) True (correct option) (B) FALSE

91) hormones affect the synthesis of proteins to be exported from the cell, whereas peptide
hormones affect the synthesis of proteins that remain in the cell.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)
92) The hormone travels in the bloodstream to target cells.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

93) Homeostasis promotion or maintenance is when a hormone is involved in a positive

feedback loop.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

94) When an individual is subject to short-term starvation, most available food is used to provide
energy (metabolism) rather than building blocks (growth and repair). Glucagon will be
particularly active in times of food shortage.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

95) The hypothalamus controls the anterior pituitary by means of third messengers.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

96) The endocrine system and the nervous system are structurally related. This is best
illustrates by a neurosecretory cell in the hypothalamus.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

97) Oxytocin and ADH are produced by the anterior pituitary and stored in the kidney.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

98) Short blood vessels connect two capillary beds lying in the hypothalamus and anterior
pituitary gland.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

99) ADH can help prevent water retention through interaction with target cells in the posterior
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

100) The hypothalamus is an endocrine gland, a part of the central nervous system and it is
compose of neurosecretory cell which terminate in the posterior pituitary.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

101) The end products of monosaccharide include glucose, galactose and fructose.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

102) Lactose is converted by lactase to glucose and fructose.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

103) Most protein digestion results from the action of pancreatic proteolytic enzyme.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

104) Amino acids represent more their 99% of protein digestive products.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

105) The pancreatic proteolytic enzyme include Trypsin, Chymotrypsin, Carboxypolypeptidase

and Elastase.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

106) Triglycerides are broken down by galactase.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

107) The three mechanisms involved in absorption are active transport, diffusion and solvent
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

108) The total surface area of the small intestinal mucosa is about the area of a tennis court.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

109) Fatty acid, Monoglycerides and bile salts form the complex micelles.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

110) In steatorrhea fat absorption is impaired.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

111) Pancreatic alpha amylase = starch; is incorrectly paired.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

112) Erythropeptidase = polypeptides; is incorrectly paired.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

113) Renin = coagulated milk is correctly paired.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

114) Cholecystokinin, gastrin and secretin are GIT hormones.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

115) Iron is absorbed in the duodenum.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

116) In infants, defecation often follows a meal. The cause of colonic contractions in this
situation is Gastrocolic reflex.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

117) Pancreatic juice has the highest ph than gastric juice, bile and secretions of intestinal
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE
118) Man is unable to digest cellulose.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

119) Steatorrhoea is caused by hemolytic jaundice.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

120) Normal swallowing is dependent on the integrity of the 9th and 10th cranial nerves.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

121) Secretion of intrinsic factor occurs in parietal cells of stomach.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

122) Absorption of water greatest in the colon than the duodenum.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

123) Secretion of intrinsic factor occurs in chief cells of stomach.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

124) Absorption of water greatest in the jejunum that the duodenum.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

125) Absorption of water greatest in the duodenum than the jejunum.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

126) Secretin is released by acid in duodenum.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

127) Weight gain will not be produced by total pancreatectomy.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

128) Vitamin D is essential for normal Ca absorption.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

129) Gastrin secretion is increased by distension of stomach.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

130) Saliva helps in deglutition.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

131) Saliva is essential for complete digestion of starch.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

132) Saliva prevents dental caries.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

133) Saliva prevents decalcification of the teeth.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

134) Gastrin stimulates insulin secretion after protein meal.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

135) Volume of Saliva secreted daily is 500ml.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

136) This pairing is true; parietal cells – secretes, HCl and intrinsic factor.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

137) This pairing is true; Mucous cells - secretes bicarbonate.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

138) This pairing is true; Chief cells - secretes pepsinogen.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

139) pH of duodenum is 1-2.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

140) Volume of pancreatic juice produced daily is 500 ml.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

141) Amount of intestinal secretion daily is 500ml.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

142) 90% water of colonic content is reabsorbed in the large bowel.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

143) Sodium is actively reabsorbed in colon.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

144) Longest intestinal transit time occurs in the ascending colon.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

145) Peristalsis is a gravity dependent process.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

146) Goblet cells- secret Mucus for lubrication protection of the Intestinal mucosa.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE
147) Sucrose is converted by sucrase to fructose and fructose.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

148) Pancreatic Secretion function in Digestion and acid neutralization.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

149) Intestinal digestive juice are secreted by the crypts of luberkuhn.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

150) Protein digestion begin in the colon.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

151) Glomerular filtration rate would be increased by constriction of the afferent arteriole.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

152) Glomerular filtration rate would be increased by a decrease in renal blood flow.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

153) Glomerular filtration rate would be increased by compression of the renal capsule.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

154) Glomerular filtration rate would be increased by a decrease in the concentration of plasma
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

155) Glomerular filtration rate would be increased by a decrease in afferent arteriolar pressure.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

156) The glomerular filtration rate will increase if circulating blood volume increase.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

157) The nurse determines that a patient with acute renal failure is in the recovery phase when
the patient experiences decreasing sodium and potassium levels.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

158) The nurse determines that a patient with acute renal failure is in the recovery phase when
the patient experiences decreasing BUN and creatinine levels.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

159) The kidneys function in the excretion of metabolic waste products and foreign chemicals.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

160) The kidneys function in the regulation of arterial pressure and acid-base balance.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE
161) The kidneys have no business in the regulation of body fluid osmolality and electrolyte
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

162) The kidneys have no business in the regulation of water and electrolyte balances.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

163) The kidneys function in the secretion, metabolism, and excretion of hormones.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

164) The two kidneys lie on the anterior wall of the abdomen, inside the peritoneal cavity.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

165) The two kidneys lie on the anterior wall of the abdomen, inside the peritoneal cavity.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

166) If the kidney is bisected from top to bottom, the two major regions that can be visualized
are the outer medulla and the inner region referred to as the cortex.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

167) Each kidney in the human contains about 1 million nephrons, each capable of forming
urine and the kidney can regenerate new nephrons.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

168) Each nephron contains the glomerulis and a long tubule that leads its way to the pelvis of
the kidney.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

169) Fluid filtered from the glomerular capillaries flows into Bowman’s capsule and then into
the proximal tubule, which lies in the cortex of the kidney.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

170) From the proximal tubule, fluid flows into the loop of Henle, which dips into the renal
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

171) From outer surface inward the typical cross section of the gastrointestinal wall contain the
serosa, muscle layers, the submucosa, and the mucosa.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

172) The gastrointestinal tract is not a muscular organ.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)
173) The alimentary tract provides the body with a continual supply of water, electrolytes, and
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

174) Proteins are formed from multiple amino acids that are bound together by peptide linkages.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

175) Digestive process is one of hydrolysis.

(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

176) Digestion of Carbohydrates begins in the Mouth and are absorbed in the Stomach.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

177) The stomach is a good absorptive area of the gastrointestinal tract because it contains the
typical villus type of absorptive membrane.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

178) There is no enzymes capable of hydrolyzing cellulose are secreted in the human digestive
tract. Consequently, cellulose cannot be considered a food for humans.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

179) Essentially all fat digestion occurs in the stomach by lingual lipase that is secreted by
lingual glands.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

180) Proteins digestion start in the mouth by lingual Pepsin, an important peptic enzyme that is
inactivated by the acidic nature of the stomach.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

181) Starches are large polysaccharides present in almost all nonanimal foods, particularly in
potatoes and the different types of grains.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

182) Fat digestion occurs majorly through the action of proteolytic pancreatic enzymes..
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

183) Protein digestion occurs majorly through the action of bile salts.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

184) The dietary proteins are chemically long chains of amino acids bound together by peptide
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE
185) Carbohydrate digestion occurs majorly through the action of proteolytic pancreatic
enzymes and bile salts.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

186) The absorptive surface of the small intestinal mucosa by valvulae conniventes (or folds of
Kerckring), increase the surface area of the absorptive mucosa about threefold.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

187) Most protein digestion occurs in the duodenum and jejunum, under the influence of
proteolytic enzymes from pancreatic secretion.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

188) End products of fat digestion by pancreatic lipase id into free fatty acids and 2-
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

189) Essentially all the carbohydrates in the food are absorbed in the form of larger
carbohydrate compounds.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

190) By far the most abundant of the absorbed monosaccharides are galactose and fructose.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

191) Virtually all the monosaccharides are absorbed by an active transport process.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

192) Dietary proteins, after digestion, are absorbed through the luminal membranes of the
intestinal epithelial cells in the form of dipeptides, tripeptides, and a few free amino acids.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

193) Fructose transport occur by the sodium co-transport mechanism.

(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

194) The gastrointestinal tract has a nervous system all its own called the enteric nervous
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

195) The outer myenteric plexus or Auerbach’s plexus lies between the longitudinal and
circular muscle layers.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

196) Gastrointestinal functions are not controlled by local, nervous, or hormonal systems.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)
197) The enteric nervous system is especially important in controlling gastrointestinal
movements and secretion.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

198) The pancreas and its juice are sorely importance for fat digestion and absorption.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

199) The accessory digestive organs include the colon, teeth, tongue, and appendix.
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE (correct option)

200) The digestive system include the gastrointestinal tract and accessory digestive organs.
(A) TRUE (correct option) (B) FALSE

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