17. атоми

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You can’t do without them:

atom ['ætəm] атом

electron [i'lektrɔn] електрон
proton ['prəʊtɔn] протон
neutron ['nju:trɔn] нейтрон
ancient ['eɪnʃ(ə)nt] стародавній
existence [ig'zist(ə)ns] існування
theory ['θi(ə)ri] теорія
phenomenon (pl. – a) [fi'nɔminən] феномен, явище
nucleus (pl. – i) ['nju:kliəs] ядро
algebraic [ældʒɪ'breɪɪk] алгебричний
isotope ['aisətəʊp] ізотоп

Directions: Read the text carefully and be ready to discuss it.

Any matter is composed of tiny particles called atoms. In Greek atoms mean
“uncut”). The atom is a complex unit of various particles, the most important of
which are electrons, protons and neutrons.
The ancient Greeks and Romans had ideas about the existence of atoms, but
in more modern times Sir Isaac Newton was one of the first scientists to put
forward the theory that all matter was composed of them. At the beginning of the
nineteenth century John Dalton (1766-1844) showed experimentally how this
theory could be tested, so he is known to be the founder of modern atomic theory.
It was largely due to him that chemistry changed from an art studied by a few
learned people to an exact science. Dalton was the person to show how many
chemical phenomena could be understood through the existence of atoms.
The difference between atoms of different elements is due to differences in
the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus and to differences in the
arrangement of the electrons surrounding the nucleus. The mass of the atom is
concentrated almost entirely in the nucleus.
The chemical properties of different elements can be explained by the
structure of atom. Chemical changes involve a shifting of outer valence electrons.
The activity of metals and non-metals is related to the size of the atom and to the
number of electrons in the external orbit.
The valence or combining capacity of an atom is determined by the number
of electrons it gains, loses or shares in chemical combinations with atoms of other
elements. Atoms also may be joined to other atoms by sharing pairs of electrons.
This process produces covalent compounds. These are generally gases or liquids
with low boiling points. Oxidation involves the loss of electrons by the element.
The process is accompanied by an algebraic increase in valence. Reduction, on the
other hand, involves a gain of electrons by the substance reduced. This process is
accompanied by an algebraic decrease in valence.
The number of protons in any atom equals the number of electrons in that
atom. This number is used to identify an element and is called the atomic number
of the element. The weights of atoms are very small and to avoid using minute
quantities we use numbers expressing the comparative weights of atoms. Atoms of
the same element often have different atomic weights due to differences in the
number of neutrons in their nuclei and are called isotopes of the element. This
difference in atomic weight does not change the chemical properties but it does
have an effect upon the nuclear properties of the atom or its radioactivity.

Learn to use:

complex unit складна одиниця

arrangement розташування
to surround оточувати

entirely повністю, цілком

property властивість

to explain пояснювати

to involvе включати, містити в собі

outer valence electrons зовнішня валентність електронів

external orbit зовнішня орбіта

capacity здатність

to gain одержувати

to share ділити, розділяти

to lose втрачати

covalent compound ковалентна сполука

low boiling point низька точка кипіння

oxidation окислення

decrease зменшення, спад

to equal зрівнювати, рівняти

minute quantity крихітна величина, кількість

radioactivity радіоактивність

particle частинка

to be composed of складатися з

due to відповідно до

Task 1. Focus questions:

1. What is matter composed of?

2. What is the atom?
3. Who was the first scientist to put forward the atomic theory?
4. Who is known to be the founder of modern atomic theory?
5. What does atom mean in Greek?
6. What is the difference between atoms of different elements due to?
7. Where is the mass of the atom concentrated?
8. How can the chemical properties of different elements be explained?
9. What do chemical changes involve?
10.What is the valence of an atom determined by?
11.What process produces covalent compounds?
12.What is oxidation accompanied by?
13.What does reduction involve?
14.Does the difference in atomic weight change the chemical properties?
15.What does the difference in atomic weight of atoms of the same element effect

Task 2. Give English equivalents to the following words and phrases:

точна наука; хімічне явище; хімічна властивість; розташування; хімічні
зміни; втрачати електрони; ділити; рідини з низькою точкою кипіння; атомна
вага; крихітна часточка; мати уяву; запропонувати теорію; показати
експериментально; освічені люди; оточувати ядро; зміна валентності;
супроводжувати; уникати; впливати на.

Task 3. Paraphrase the following sentences. Remember that

instead of we can say

to be composed of to comprise
to test to analyze; to examine
due to according to
entirely completely
to explain to clarify, to define
to be related to to be connected with
to involve to include, to comprise, to contain
to accompany to follow
to have an effect on to impact, to influence

1. Matter is composed of tiny particles called atoms.

2. At the beginning of the nineteenth century John Dalton (1766-1844) showed
experimentally how this theory could be tested.
3. It was largely due to him that chemistry changed from an art studied by a few
learned people to an exact science.
4. The mass of the atom is concentrated almost entirely in the nucleus.

5. The chemical properties of different elements can be explained by the structure

of atom.
6. The activity of metals and non-metals is related to the size of the atom and to
the number of electrons in the external orbit.
7. Oxidation involves the loss of electrons by the element.
8. This process is accompanied by an algebraic decrease in valence.
9. This difference in atomic weight has an effect upon the nuclear properties of the
atom or its radioactivity.

Task 4. Use the words and phrases supplied below to make up extensive
answers to the questions:
1. How can we describe the atom?
– a tiny particle;
– electrons, protons, neutrons;
– complex unity.
2. What is John Dalton famous for?
– founder of the modern atomic theory;
– exact science;
– to show the chemical phenomena;
– to be explained;
– the existence of atoms.

3. How is the valence determined?

– to gain, to lose electrons;
– to share pairs of electrons;
– to produce covalent compounds.
4. What is the atomic number of the element?
– to identify an element;
– comparative weights;
– to equal;
– number of protons/ electrons.

Task 5. Ask questions to which the following could be answers. Start your
questions with the words in brackets.
1. The ancient Greeks and Romans had ideas about the existence of atoms.
2. Sir Isaac Newton was one of the first scientists to put forward the theory that
any matter was composed of atoms. (Who? What?)
3. It was largely due to John Dalton that chemistry changed from an art studied by
a few learned people to an exact science. (How?)
4. The mass of the atom is concentrated almost entirely in the nucleus. (Where?)
5. The chemical properties of different elements can be explained by the structure
of atom. (How?)
6. Oxidation involves the loss of electrons by the element. (What?)
7. The process of oxidation is accompanied by an algebraic decrease in valence.
8. The number of protons and electrons is used to identify an element and is called
the atomic number of the element. (How?)
9. The difference in atomic weight has an effect upon the nuclear properties of the
atom or its radioactivity. (What effect?)
10.Dalton was the first person to show how many chemical phenomena could be
understood through the existence of atoms. (Who?)

Task 6. Retell the contents close to the text.

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