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Speaker 1

Good morning, everyone. It’s my honor today to be here talking to you about why we
should ban ChatGPT in schools.

I know what you're thinking. "ChatGPT is just a tool. It can't be that bad." But me and all
my team here to tell you that it is. ChatGpt in school is that bad. Me, speaker 1 I will tell
you that this powerful tool that can be used for cheating, my friend nga will show you
how it spreading misinformation to student, and finally our speaker 3 right there mr
Bach will tell you it taking away the opportunity for students to develop themselves.

Let's talk about cheating first. Listen my agument: Chatgpt is a tool for cheating

According to Cogent Education on may 2023 in a survey at Duke University, more than 2000
students confirmed that. They use chatgpt at to plagiarized (plây giơ raizz) . Similarly, Bloomfield
reported 30% of students plagiarize on all their papers (plagiarize is mean to copy another person’s
ideas, words or work and pretend that they are your own)
Another evidence is that

according to Forbes in March 2023, A survey of 1000

study by best colleges. 51% of ccollege students agree that using
ChatGPT on school for cheating
According to One survey of 203
teachers from found that about 1 in 4 have caught a
student using ChatGPT to cheat on assignments.

Nowadays ChatGPT makes cheating easy. It can make the essays, research papers,
and even code in a matter of minutes. And it's very difficult to detect. So, if you're a
student who's thinking about cheating, it’s perfect for you. That’s why we have to ban
chatGPT in school. Affirmative team what do you say?
Thank you

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