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New Year's Resolutions Tips

1 Answer the Questions!

00:00 - 03:59

1 According to the video, what percentage of Americans usually make New Year's
a 45%
b 8%
c 12%
d 20%
2 Why do people have a hard time keeping their resolutions, according to the video?
a They are too easy.
b They are too specific.
c They are often too difficult.
d They are too vague.

3 What does the video suggest as a strategy for keeping resolutions?

a Setting one to three important goals.
b Making a huge bucket list of goals.
c Sharing goals with imaginary friends.
d Memorizing more information.

4 How can social support help in achieving goals, according to the video?
a It can increase anxiety and heart rate.
b It can decrease cortisol levels.
c It can motivate and provide encouragement.
d It can make you feel uncomfortable.
5 What does the video advise about slipping up on resolutions?
a It's okay and part of being human.
b It should be met with shame and guilt.
c It means you have failed completely.
d It should be punished with self-criticism.

6 What does the video recommend in terms of self-forgiveness?

a It is unnecessary and counterproductive.
b It is important for building self-efficacy.
c It should only be practiced occasionally.
d It leads to feelings of worthlessness.
7 According to the video, when is the best time to make a new resolution?
a At the start of a new year.
b After achieving all previous resolutions.
c Whenever you feel inclined to make a change.
d Never, as resolutions are ineffective.

2 Let's Discuss There Interesting Questions!

1 Do you usually make New Year's resolutions? Why or why not?

2 How do you feel when you don't achieve your goals or resolutions?

3 Do you think it's better to have a long list of goals or just a few specific ones? Why?

4 How can social support help you in achieving your goals?

5 How do you motivate yourself to keep going after experiencing setbacks or failures?

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