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Exercise 1

Think about 12 months of 2022 and rate them from 1 (awful)

to 5 (perfect). Explain your decision.

January July

February August


Compare the answers with your partners and

discuss the questions.

1) Pick three words to describe 2022.

2) What was the best thing that happened to you?
3) What was the worst thing that happened to you?

Exercise 2
Look at the list of New Year’s resolutions.
Match them to the pictures.

to get a job in fashion, to see a unicorn,

to have more money, to nd inner peace,
to graduate, to be tter, to go on holiday

A. __________________

B. __________________ C. __________________
D. __________________
E. __________________ G. __________________
F. __________________

What things would you include to your list for 2023?

Exercise 3
Match each group of phrases to the verbs.

1 2
- the Ei el Tower 3
- to a rock concert
- my brother who lives - a job in tech
- to New York
- married
- on a cruise abroad
- gira es in the wild - a new MacBook Air
- skiing
- together with my friends

- 5 6
a party - happy
- a baby - promoted
- a new job
- a rest in the mountains - a better friend
- myself
- pizza in Italy - love

A. to go - ______
B. to have - ______
C. to see - ______
D. to be - ______
E. to get - ______
F. to nd - ______
Exercise 4
Watch the video [] and write down their resolutions.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10.

Exercise 5
Watch the video [] again and complete
the sentences with one word.

1. What is a ________ time to ask people, "What’s their

________ are for 2022?"
2. My 2022 goal is to go on ________ holidays, have
more ________ and be an even ________ mom.
3. Hopefully, go into more senior ________.
4. Graduate, we’ll start there, I really want to travel _____.
5. Yeah, that’s pretty ________ it. See more people, meet We can use 'more' with
more people. nouns to talk about a larger
6. I wanna ______ in stu that’s more meaningful to me. or amount number of things.
7. I wanna be healthy, I wanna be ________.
8. House and just ________ health and tness, wellbeing.
9. More money, lose weight, ________ house, happiness.
10. Find more ________ peace and focus on building my platform.
11. I would see my goal for 2022 as to ________ college and get a
job in fashion.

Exercise 6
Discuss the questions.

1. Who has similar resolutions?

2. Whose resolutions are the easiest/
hardest to keep? Why?

Exercise 7
Complete the dialogues with the phrases.

1. It was! But I’m getting there!

2. What about you?
3. Really? How come?
4. Well, that’s ambitious!

A: I’d love to get tter. Just

A: All right, my goal for 2023 is generally health and tness.
to learn how to play guitar. B: Wasn’t it your New Year’s
B: _________________________ resolution last year?
A: Well, you know, it’s my A: _________________________
dream from when I was a kid!

A: What’s your New Year’s

A: My New Year’s resolution this year is to
resolution for 2023?
learn something new every day!
B: Mmm, I’d like to get a job in
B: That’s a good one!
A: _________________________
A: _________________________
B: Mine is to be happy. Yeah, that’s pretty
B: Yeah, but I’m looking forward
much it.
to the challenge!

Exercise 8
Write a list of at least 4 New Year’s resolutions
for 2023. Then, share them with your partners.

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