Who We Are Rubrics

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Criteria Exemplary Proficient Developing Beginning

Knowledge Student understands all the Student can list out all the Student can differentiate Student will be able to define
Key concept- Function habits one should include in habits one should include in between healthy and what all are the daily routine
his/her daily routine and take his/her daily routine unhealthy habits habits
Understanding the role of responsibility for it
daily habits and daily routine
(sleep, hygiene, play and

Action: Student will be able to compile Student will be able to define Student will be able to select Student will be able to identify
Key concept: Responsibility all of his/her healthy choices and illustrate his/her selected the right choice from the the choices he/she has for a
and take decisions accordingly choice for a balanced lifestyle choices he/she has for a balanced lifestyle
Making informed and to have a balanced lifestyle balanced lifestyle
balanced choices.

Key Concepts: Causation Students will be able to Students will be able to Students will be able to Students will be able to
Consequences of choices evaluate and take necessary analyze the consequences of identify the consequences of understand that every choice
action according to the their choices their choices taken by them has a
consequence of their choices consequence

Self- management skills The student displays an The student displays a The student displays a The student displays an
enhanced understanding of reasonably good growing understanding of Self- average understanding of Self-
Sub skills: Self-management skills. understanding of Self- management skills. management skills.
Time management He/She was able to give real management skills.
Informed choices life examples showcasing the He/She was able to give real
Healthy Lifestyle same. life examples on further
Social skills The student was able to give The student was able to The student was able to give The student needs to revisit
clear examples of the reasonably good examples of examples of the importance of the acceptance of
Sub skills: importance of responsibility in the importance of responsibility in his/her responsibility in his/her
Accepting Responsibility his/her everyday life. responsibility in his/her everyday life when everyday life.
He/She was able to give everyday life. encouraged.
suggestions to the higher He/She was able to give some
order open ended questions suggestions to the open
asked by the facilitator. ended questions asked by the

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