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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 1
Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
Banaoang National High School
Sta. Barbara,Pangasinan




We, the students of Banaoang National High School, with the help of Almighty God, believing
in the need for the development of the youth as future leaders of the nation, do hereby promulgate and
adopt this Constitution and By-Laws of the English Club that shall advance, implement, and maintain our
goals and aspirations, embody the ideals and principles of freedom, equality, justice and democracy, and
promote the welfare of all students and the academic standards of our Alma Mater

Sec.1 The name of the organization shall be called CCNHS UNESCO CLUB
Sec. 1 The Calasiao Comprehensive National High School (CCNHS) UNESCO Club shall promote mutual
understanding through educational, environmental ,social and civic, activities.
Sec. 2 The CCNHS UNESCO Club shall have the following objectives:
a. Develop love of God and country, moral character, personal discipline, leadership and efficiency
.among its members; b Train members for effective
and efficient leadership; c. Help the students develop
d. Promote unity among leaders and the studentry;
e. Maintain school aspirations to promote quality education and academic excellence;
f. Serve and protect student's rights and welfare; and,
g. Represent the studentry in the policy-making body of the school concerning students ' welfare.


Sec. 1. Membership in the organization shall be open to all bonafide students of Calasiao Comprehensive National
High School.
Article IV
Composition, Election, Qualifications, and Term of Office of the

1. The officers of this organization shall be: President, Vice-President for Planning, Vice -President for
Operation, Vice-President for Planning, Operation, Technical and Finance, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor,
Public Information Officer and Year Level Representative

4. Elections shall occur every Third Week of March annually

5. Candidates for all CCNHS UNESCO Club elective positions shall:

a. Be bonafide students;
b. Be of good academic standing with a general average of 85 and above without any failing grade
during the 1st to 3rd grading period of the current school year; c. Be of good moral character ;
d. Have not been subjected to any disciplinary sanction

6. The term of office shall be for one school year and shall begin by May and end by March)

7. Officers may be removed from office if found to have violated any of the guidelines, which have been

Article V
Duties and Functions of Officers

Sec. 1 The President shall be the chief executive officer of the CCNHS UNESCO Club. He/She shall have
the following duties:
a. Preside over all meetings and/or may designate another officer to preside for a specific meeting;
b. Enforce this Constitution, By-Laws and other regulations that may be promulgated ;
c. Represent the CCNHS UNESCO Club or designate his/her representative for any external or
internal affairs/functions;
d. Implement CCNHS UNESCO Club programs and projects;

Sec. 2 The Vice President for Planning shall have the following duties:

a. Assist the President in all matters where his/her assistance is necessary;

b. Assume the Office of the President should the position become vacant;
c. Supervise members in planning and arranging meetings or programs of activities;
d. Head the Internal Affairs Committee and conceptualize programs and projects and plan
with the Year Level Representatives; and,
e. Perform such other duties assigned by CCNHS UNESCO Club

Sec. 3 The Vice President for Operation shall have the following duties:

a. Assist theVice- President for Planning in all matters where his/her assistance is necessary;
b. Assume the Office of the Vice - President for Planning should the position become vacant;
c. Supervise members in the operation of the programs of activities; and
d. Perform such other duties assigned by CCNHS UNESCO Club

Section 4 The Vice President for Financial shall have the following duties

a.Assist the Vice – President Planning and Operation in financial matters where his/her assistance is
b.Establish partnership/linkages for the implementation of the club’s project through administering
financial aspects of all projects and activities to be conducted and seeking for further sponsorship;
c.. Perform such other duties assigned by CCNHS UNESCO Club

Section 5 The Vice President for Technical shall have the following duties:

a. Assist the Vice – President Planning, Operation and Implementation in all matters where his/her
assistance is necessary.
b. Provides technical support in all programs and activities of the club; and
c. Perform such other duties assigned by CCNHS UNESCO Club.

Sec. 3 The Secretary shall have the following duties:

a. Keep accurate records of the minutes and document proceedings of every meeting;
b. Keep a file of all pertinent documents and papers of the CCNHS UNESCO Club and make them
accessible to the studentry;
c. Call and prepare all notices of CCNHS UNESCO Club meetings.

Sec. 4 The Treasurer shall have the following duties:

a. Keep accurate records of the minutes and document proceedings of every meeting;
b. Serve as the disbursing officer of all the CCNHS UNESCO Club funds;
d. Prepare financial reports every month, after an activity, and at the end of term; and
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the CCNHS UNESCO Club

Sec. 5 The Auditor shall have the following duties:

a. Certify the legitimacy and correctness of the disbursement of funds;
b. Assist the Treasurer in formulating guidelines and reports;
c. Keep and update inventory of all the CCNHS UNESCO Club property; and
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the CCNHS UNESCO Club

Sec. 6 The Public Information Officer shall have the following duties;
a. Popularize the thrusts and objectives of the CCNHS UNESCO Club;
b. Build and maintain a credible image of the CCNHS UNESCO Club;
c. Take charge in the promotion of CCNHS UNESCO Club projects and activities;and
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the CCNHS UNESCO Club.

Sec.7 The Peace Officer shall have the following duties:

a. Help the presiding officer to maintain peace and order during meetings;
b. Act as disciplinary officer, if needed;
c. Maintain peace and order within the premises of the school;
d. Act as chief peace officer and over all Sergeant-At-Arms of subordinate ; and
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the CCNHS UNESCO Club.

Sec. 9. The Year Level Representative/s shall have the following duties:
a. Represent his/her year level in all of the meetings
b. Serve as the grievance desk for their respective year level;
c. Conceptualize and implement programs and projects, and recommend policies for their respective
year level;
d. Assist in the effective implementation of the CCNHS UNESCO Club programs and projects; and,
e. Perform such other duties assigned by the CCNHS UNESCO Club

Article VI


These by laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the organization by a two-thirds vote, provided
that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting.

Approved by:
Prepared by:


Club Adviser Principal IV,CCNHS

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