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Department of Business Management

Faculty of Business Studies and Finance

Wayamba University of Sri Lanka


Academic Year 2021/2022

Semester Semester I
Level Level 1
Course Code/Unit MGT 1113 - Management Theory and Practice
Assessment Mode Group Assignment
Assignment Name Theory Application
Date of Announcement 05.12.2023
Submission Deadline 24.12.2023
Mark Allocation 10 Marks
Name of the Lecturer/s Dr. TK Karandakatiya/Mr. B.M. Wijesiri/ Mr. A.R.M.I. Ariyapperuma
& Contact Details / /

01. Course Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) to be achieved by this Assignment

ILO 01 – Identify the principles of management.

ILO 03 – Apply management concepts in practice.
ILO 05 - Analyze various management situations and apply organizational theories
where applicable.

02. Assignment Brief

1. Form a 10-member group.

2. Select any management theory and provide a brief explanation on the selected theory.

3. Explain how it can be applied to the current business context.

4. Prepare a brief report containing not less than 750 words.

03. Formation of Groups

Groups will be formed according to the sequential order of the registration numbers found in
the attendance sheet.

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Department of Business Management
Faculty of Business Studies and Finance
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka

04. Assignment Submission Mode

The report should be submitted to the LMS as a PDF file on or before the given deadline by the
leader of the group.

05. Evaluation Criteria

Explanation on the selected management theory - 03 marks
Application of the selected theory to current business context - 05 marks
Adherence to the given guidelines for report writing - 02 marks
Total 10 marks

06. Formatting and Other Guidelines

Guidelines for report writing

a) Title of the Assignment [Font: UPPER CASE, Size-16]

b) Name of the selected management theory [Font: Sentence case,
Title Page
c) Group No:…. [Font: Size-15]
d) At the bottom of the page, mention the faculty name, and the
university name. [Font: UPPER CASE, Size-14]

a) Title Page
b) Acknowledgement
c) Table of contents
d) Body of the report (split into sub-topics)
Structure e) Conclusion
f) References
g) Appendices
(Appendix 01 –List of Group Members | Appendix 02 – Evaluation

Font Style – Times New Roman/ Size – 12

Line Spacing 1.5”
Page Numbers Pages should be numbered at the right bottom corner
Word Count 750 (Word count must not exceed the limit by more than 10 %.)
References APA system of referencing

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Department of Business Management
Faculty of Business Studies and Finance
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka

07. Referencing and Professionalism

a) A professional approach to the assignment is expected from all groups of students. You
must therefore identify and acknowledge ALL sources or/and an appropriate
referencing system to achieve this. Please ensure you don’t ‘cut and paste’ from other
peoples’ work. You are advised to refer to the annual reports/websites or any other
valid document relating to businesses and write in your own words. If you fail to do so,
will be considered as plagiarism.

b) Zero tolerance for any academic misconduct, i.e. Plagiarism, using AI writing tools.

c) The direct quotations from other materials are accepted up to 20%.

08. Absenteeism from/Inability to take part in the Assignment

a) In the event of a student being unable to participate in the assignment, such excuses
must be informed to the relevant course lecturer, in writing, with evidence (E.g. a
medical certificate, an examination admission etc.).

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