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It is understood that, the ongoing scenario of the people and solve the problems regarding
country’s situation is very ludicrous and religion.
preposterous, where people have been divided
into two categories, which deluged on social
media and made them a battle ground, some are In short, social media now a days play very
supporting radical theology and some on the momentous role in rectification process. There
contrary supporting a rare type of rationalism. are certain recalcitrant faction of clerics still
Meanwhile, the country has also been indulging present in remote areas which promoting
in pandemic for one year, that also triggered misinformation about corona virus and strive to
people to pay heed a little bit toward deviate illiterate masses from adhering to
rationalism. Although, the term is not welcome standard operating procedures. Consequently,
one however, a little bit is required for country’s which would be very dangerous and would not
modernization, subject to conditions provided by be possible for us to curb the pandemic.
the unstipulated Islamic teachings. Moreover, the onus is on the educated people to
kindly point out the elements which tends to
Currently a video has been circulating on social
vitiate the environment through different tactics,
media in which a religious cleric is promoting
and bring them in cognizance of the law
misconceptions in people regarding corona virus
enforcing agencies.
in the country. Likewise, one other religious
cleric’s video also surfaced on social media, in
which he can be seen talking about the
prevalence of vulgarity in educational
institutions as well as hospitals, especially he
accused of female doctors and nurses of
promoting vulgarity. Subsequently, both of them
detained by law enforcing agency and in a
traditional language, updated their software as
well as rectified their concepts and later released
Nevertheless, one should talk about something
according to their field, like corona virus is not
term relating to field of religious clerics
however, it is field of the doctors. The field of
religious clerics is merely confined to religious
problems and it is the onus of clerics to guide

An experts says, “if you don’t have

knowledge about something be silent”.

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