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72-500 Página 1 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
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By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 2 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
ATR72 VoePass Biblioteca.:
ATR (Avions de Transport Régional) is a Franco-Italian aircraft VoePass Email.:
manufacturer headquartered in Blagnac, France, a suburb of
Toulouse. NZDlBRtbrnnqRgHndWfkvzh
VoePass Sigla (Documentos para a Tripulação).:
 Legenda cores;
Texto = FCOM Fly with Magnar.:
Texto = SOP
Texto = Boletins (by SIGLA) Abreviaturas (Glossary) - MANUAIS;
- CI-OPR-001-19 .: Formatação F-OPR-PUB-001-13-09 .: Manuais do ATR 500 e 600
- F-OPR-TRN-002-17-01 .: Guia de Treinamento Pilotos ACR = Ação Corretiva Retardada
- L-MGO-001-09-01 .: Lista de Contatos VoePass AFL = Aircraft Flight Logbook
- P-GSO-FHP-001-13 .: Prog. de Ger/to de Fadiga AFM = Aircraft Flight Manual – Rev.: 29.1 – Jun 2021
Texto = Own commentary AOM = Aircraft Operating Manual
APT = Airbus Pilot Training
 SOP BPOC = Boletim de Padronização de Operação de Cabine (CMR
- O tripulante deverá realizar a verificação dos manuais e processos Only)
que incorporam os procedimentos aqui descritos através da CBT = Computer Based Training
biblioteca do Portal Passaredo (requerido o login e senha); CCOM = Cabin Crew Operating Manual – Ver.:
- Este manual deverá ser revisado em acordo com o disposto no CDL = Configuration Deviation List (AFM Manual)
manual de voo aprovado AFM, bem como, seus respectivos manuais DMI = Deferred Maintenance Item Mel Log. (Only maintenance)
suplementares FCOM e FCTM; EO = Especificações Operativas – Ver.: Rev 125
- Os pilotos devem estar cientes e respeitar todas as limitações da FCOM = Flight Crew Operating Manual - Ver.: 29.0 – Jun 2021
aeronave. Para isto, as limitações deverão ser memorizadas; FCTM = Flight Crew TECHNIQUES Manual - Ver.: July 2021
- O Checklist é uma ferramenta para mitigar possíveis erros da MRO = Manual de Rotas (M-OPR-001-15) – Ver.:
tripulação em configurar a aeronave com segurança durante as fases LOFT = Line Oriented Flight Training – IAC 060-1002A
de um voo e também sob as anormalidades que possam ocorrer; MCmsV = Manual do Comissário de Voo – Ver.:
MGO = Manual Geral de Operações – Ver.: 9.0
- A utilização do cinto de segurança subabdominal é obrigatória MEL = Minimum Equipment List - Ver.: REV 4.0 – 25 Jan 2021
durante o voo, e enquanto o tripulante permanecer sentado em seu MNPDO => MNO =Manual de Normas e Procedimentos da Diretoria
respectivo assento. de Operações de Voo - Ver.: Rev 06
- A utilização dos cintos de ombro (shoulder harness) é obrigatória ODM = Operational Data Manual (RTOW)
sempre que voando uma fase crítica do voo ou sempre que abaixo OEB = Operations Engineering Bulletin
do FL100, incluindo as operações de solo (taxi e push-back). PTO = Programa Treinamento – Ver.: M-PTO-001-09
- A utilização do encosto de braço dos assentos não é recomendada QRH = Quick Reference Handbook – Ver.: Rev. 29.0 – Jun 2021
quando abaixo do FL100 e em fases críticas do voo. RBAC = Regulam/to Brasileiro da Aviação Civil – RBAC 121 (IAC)
RTOW = Regulatory TakeOff Weight (Análise de Pista)
JUMPSEAT SOP = Standard Operations Procedure – Ver.: 4.0
- O tripulante utilizando o assento jump seat está incluído nesta TLB = Technical Logbook (Pilot and Maintenance) BPO FLT N°039/17
instrução; TR = Temporary Revision
- É de responsabilidade do Comandante, garantir que o observador WBM = - Ver.: 15 Apr 2022
ou ocupante do assento jump seat leia o cartão com as instruções de
segurança disponibilizado no cockpit, instruindo sempre que For study
necessário, como fazer a utilização dos equipamentos de emergência 1°) Limitations
disponíveis, bem como, a filosofia de cabine estéril; 2°) Memory Items
3°) Flows PF & PNF (QRH - Normal Procedures, APT and SOP)
Sempre que um INSPAC estiver realizando uma inspeção em voo 4°) FCTM
(acompanhamento a bordo da aeronave em um voo) o Piloto em 5°) Abnormal & Emer. Procedure
Comando deve registrar no campo observações o nome do servidor, 6°) SOP
a etapa que foi acompanhada e o código da credencial ANAC (Código 7°) FMS
9°) AFM
10°) FCOM
11°) QRH
12°) CCOM
13°) AMM


- Fly, Navigate, Communicate (In this order)
- Use the appropriate level of automation at all times
- Understand the FMA at all time
- Take action if things do not go as expected.

MMEL = Master Minimum Equipment List (Made by ATR)

FALSE ALERT – Monitoring system is inoperative. (System is OK)

ACTUAL ALERT – Monitored system is inoperative.

MEL – With some particulars of VoePass Company.

MEL Entries – If some CAP alarms

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 3 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
MEL Items – If some DMI reported FUEL
- PREAMBLE (A, B, C and D) Max (kg).: 5000 Kg (6370 lts)
Mel Operational – Left tank (Kg).: 2500 Kg
The MMEL Maintenance Procedures are published in the Aircraft Right tank (Kg).: 2500 Kg
Maintenance Manual (AMM) “mechanics main manual”. Imbalnce Inner (Kg) All engines.: 750 kg
The flight crew must also consult the technical logbook to confirm OEI (Kg).: 200kg
that the alerts are compatible with the MEL. SPEEDS
Check on the technical logbook that the repair interval time did not VMO 250 kt
expire. In the case of failures occurring during flight, the MEL is not MMO 0,55
applicable. However, the flight crew can consult the MEL, in flight, VA “Maneuver” 175 kt
following a failure, to plan effectively the end of the flight. Are there VFE Flap 15° 185 kt
maintenance personnel available at destination for deactivation? Is Flap 30° 150 kt
there a need a spare part to be ordered to repair? GEAR.: VLE (Gear extended) 185 kt
VLO (Extension) 170 kt
Categoria para reparo (Placards) em MEL; VLO (Retraction) 160 kt
(Rectification Interval) VRA (Turbulent “Rough” air) 180 kt
A – 24 hs B – 72 hs C – 10 dias D – 120 dias VWO (Wipers) 160 kt
VMCL “Min Cntrl Flap 15° 98 kt
- MEL ENTRIES – Onde consta o “O” ao lado do box, o item da falha OEI Critical Eng” Flap 30° 98 kt
deverá ser consultado também em MEL OPERATIONAL. VMCA Refer to Ops Data
- Se algum Flight Control foi despachado pela MEL, deve-se olhar a VMCG Refer to AFM “V1 limited by VMCG”
parte MEL Operational referente à performance. ____________________________
TYRE Max tyre speed 165 kt GS
DISPATCH TYRE PRESSURE (average) – Inflated by nitrogen (LOADED)
The pilot must check before departure that the available runway 121 PSI Main landing gear
length at destination is at least equal to the required landing ___________________________
distance for the forecasted landing weight. In case of aircraft system FLAPS Structural Recommended
failure affecting landing distance known before the dispatch, the VFE 0° 180 kt “Avoiding
available runway length must be at least equal to the required 15° 185kt 150 kt excedance”
landing distance with failure, i.e. the required landing distance 30° 150kt 135 kt
without failure multiplied by the coefficient given in the Flight Manual * Maximum Xwind flap 30° - 35kt ___________
or the MMEL. ENGINE.: Pratt & Whitney “PW127”
SHP 2.750
See Boletins (SIGLA).: OIL quantity (14,4 lts)
- B-FST-001-22 .: para aceitação e despacho de voo; CARGO COMPARTMENT “LOAD” (KG)
- B-FST-003-22.: Remoção do CDL da MEL para AFM; FWD Right.: 480 kg
FWD Left.: 448 kg
OEB (Operational Engineering Bulletins) - Contain information Rear .: 744 kg
that may impact flight crew action, in the event of a system failure. TOTAL.: 1842 KG
OEBs are filed in the QRH. Maximum Xwind door.: 45 kt
List of ALL effective Operations; _
- Propeller Blade Pitch Change Mechanism Damage LOAD FACTOR
- Uncommanded Autofeather Gear & Flaps Retracted +2.5g to -1g
- MFC 1B and/or MFC 2B Faul Gear and/or Flaps Retrac +2.0g to 0.0 g
- Spurious Glide Slope Capture Price (US$ Mil) 11,5
- ENGINE FIRE WARNING __________________________________________________
- Bank angle limitation in Severe Icing Conditions WIND
- Static Inverter Double Loss Tailwind Tkoff/Ldg 15 kt
- Cockpit Voice Recorder 10 kt be aware
- Temporary ENG 1(2) OIL LO PR procedure Crosswind Demonstrated (Tkoff/Ldg) 35 kt (Dry)
Recommended (Tkoff/Ldg) 28 kt (Wet)
B-FST-003-21.: Potencial perda de todas as display units no ATR 72- Headwind 30 kt
600 (OEB 56 issue 3) revisado; Tailwind 10 kt AFM (See Note)
ATR 42
ATR 72-500 ATR 72-600 L/G compressed.: (T/O) 8°
Comprimento (m).: 27,16m L/G extended.: (LDG)
Envergadura (m).: 27,05m Turnback 180° 21,40 m (60° steering)___
Altura (m).: 7,65
Between main gear 4,10
Seats.: (Max.: 74) 48 68 68
70 (PDX e PDZ)
Max. FL.: 250 – 25.000 ft
MRW (Kg).: (Taxi) 22.670 23.170
MTOW (Kg).: 22.500 23.000
MLW (Kg).: 22.350 22.350
MZFW (Kg).: 54 20.300 21.000
MINIMUN FLIGHT WEIGHT (Kg) 13.000 13.000
MAC 2,303m
Station 0 (Zero) 2,362m
From 0 to reference chord 13,604m

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 4 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
contudo, tal procedimento pode acarretar degradação do conforto
Basicamente, quatro cheques devem ser empregados para confirmar térmico a bordo;
a falha em um sistema. Eles serão solicitados pelo PF, e verificados * Fluxo de ar selecionado para high flow por um longo período terá
pelo PM: impacto no combustível e consequentemente necessita de
- Controle: comando do sistema em uma posição lógica? É possível o replanejamento de voo;
- Suprimento: fontes de suprimento estão disponíveis para o B-OPR-007-21 .: Embarque de PET C
sistema? - Para o embarque de PETC não haverá mais o documento NOTOC.
- Circuit Breakers: algum C/B saltou? Será evidenciado no movimento do voo (campo - "Atendimentos
- Luzes: As luzes estão funcionando? Os dígitos da indicação estão Especiais");
funcionando? - Permitido o embarque de até 8 PET C (por voo)

B-FST-002-20 - Devido requerimento IOSA, estamos  ENGINE (Power Plant)
progressivamente incorporando o sistema de rastreamento nas - 02 Pratt & Whitney “PW127” or PW 127M;
aeronaves da frota. O sistema é composto pelo módulo (HawKeye - Thrust.: 2.750 SHP
7200) localizado atrás do assento do CM2, e uma antena colada na - Normal Operation.: 2.475 SHP on tkoff
janela lateral. O sistema é stand alone, ou seja, independente dos
sistemas de navegação da aeronave, e utiliza sinal GPS e IRIDIUM Combustion Chamber
para transmitir o posicionamento em tempo real. - There are 14 piloted air blast fuel nozzles (Fuel Injection) provide
É compulsório que o sistema permaneça ligado durante todo o voo, quick, clean light off. Hot inner parts are ceramic-covered.
neste caso cabe a Comandante do Voo assegurar a ativação do
equipamento durante os voos, conforme os procedimentos descritos Start Engine
neste boletim.
- 3 starts – Max 01:30 to engine starts
04:00 Minutos off (cool down)
 AIRCRAFT.: ATR 72-500 * See table Altitude;
B-FST-004-20.: Diferenças ATR 72-500 e 600; * See Speed for restart
B-FST-006-22 .: Implementação de aeronave ATR 72-600 - Maximum ITT: during a battery start one or two ITT peaks not
exceeding 800 °C can usually be observed.
- ENG OIL LO PR alarm is 30 s time delayed to avoid untimely ENG
 SEATS OIL LO PR during engine start. This alert is inhibited when affected
- ATR 72-500 - Max. 74 seats CL is in FUEL S.O. position;
68 pax
70 pax (PDX and PDZ) Bleed Valves
- 3 Section.: A – 24 pax - The aircraft is fitted with an automatic bleed valve closing in case
B – 28pax of engine failure at takeoff.
C – 16 pax
Warm Up.: Eng #1.: Quando em single taxi in;
* CREW.: Eng 1+2.: Quando estiver próximo da THD
Captain per aircraft.: 7
F/O per aircraft.: 7 Inflight.: Eng #2 affected, cortará o propeller brake
FA.: 21 ? - 840°C – 5 seconds limit
- 800°C – 20 seconds up to 840°C
B-OPR-001-17 .: Procedimento para contenção de passageiros * Operation up to 106.3 % torque is time unlimited when NP is
indisciplinados; below 94 %.
- Medidas de advertência;
- Medidas de contenção (aplicando técnicas de GCI); Cooldown.:
- De acordo com o ECA (Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente) em - Após o pouso, com velocidade reduzida para os limites do táxi e PL
hipótese alguma deveremos exercer qualquer tipo de contenção em 1 posicionada em ground idle (GI), será disparado o cronômetro.
passageiros menores (menor de 18 anos); Após 1:30 minutos, o CM1 solicitará o embandeiramento deste
motor, e após completados 30 segundos no mínimo com a CL 1 na
B-OPR-002-20 .: Procedimentos relativos ao Covid 19 posição feather (FTR), solicitará o corte do respectivo motor. O
- A partir de 01 de março de 2023 tornou-se recomendado o uso de tempo total para cool down será, no mínimo, 2 minutos;
máscaras faciais no interior de aeronaves e terminais aeroportuários
(não mais é obrigado o uso das máscaras, porém permanece a IDLE GATE - Avoiding to apply the reverse in flight.
recomendação para uso); - ATR aircraft are protected against a positioning of power levers
- As aeronaves ATR da VoePass não dispõem de sistema de below the flight idle stop in flight by an IDLE GATE device;
filtragem, sendo a qualidade do ar assegurada pela admissão de ar - Arma automaticamente após o pouso;
pelas PACKS e a razão de troca do volume de ar da cabine; - Se o pouso for muito suave, o “idle gate” pode não armar, sendo
- Diante da detecção de um caso suspeito e informado pelos assim solicitar “callout” para armá-lo.
tripulantes de cabine, as seguintes medidas devem ser adotadas: - At takeoff, as soon as both landing gear absorbers are released, a
a. Selecione os RECIRCULATION FANS 1+2 para OFF; gate prevents PL angle reduction below FI;
b. Exceto durante decolagem e aproximação final para pouso, - At landing, as soon as one landing gear absorber is compressed,
selecione o fluxo de ar para HIGH FLOW; this gate is automatically retracted and the PL can travel down to GI
c. Colete os dados do passageiro e tripulante sob suspeita de and reverse (below GI);
infecção (nome, idade, assento ocupado);
d. Informe ao órgão ATS a ocorrência a bordo; TORQUE = Potência (P “NH”)
e. Registre o evento no campo “ocorrências” do livro de bordo, Propeller Speed (NP)
utilizando o código “HTSAN” mais a descrição do evento. - The maximum torque for each flight condition, at the selected
* Ao selecionar os recirculations fans para off, isto irá assegurar que rating, is computed by the FDAU (Flight Data Acquisition Unit);
somente o ar proveniente das PACKS seja provido para a cabine, - An EEC provides control of fuel flow in the Hydro Mechanical Unit

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 5 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
- The HMU (Hydromechanical Unit) provides a fuel flow which - Propeller anti-icing system.
generates the NH compressor rotation speed;
- The FDAU (Flight Data Acquisition Unit) computes the maximum ATPCS - Automatic Takeoff Power Control System
torque value for a given flight phase. A bug (FDAU target) indicates - The propulsion unit includes an ATPCS. In the case of an engine
the value on the torque indicator. failure during takeoff, the ATPCS feathers the failed engine, and
provides the remaining engine with the uptrimmed takeoff power.
Limitation - This system enables to reduce the power normally used for takeoff
NP = 82% - No limit time; by an amount of about 10 % below the power certified by the engine
= 100% - Up 106% unlimeted if NP ≤ 94 manufacturer.
- Full ATPCS (i.e. uptrim and autofeather) is only available for
Engine Temperature takeoff;
840°C – 5 sec limite;
800°C – 20 sec até 840°C Engine Failure
- ITT > 800°C (715°C in Hotel Mode); - Nothing happens on the affected engine for 2.15 s, but uptrim is
* Flying with engine running and propeller in FTR is prohibited. energized on the remaining engine;
- In this case, the throttle reduction occurring within 2.15 s period
HOTEL MODE – CM1 é quem aciona. automatically disarms the mode;
- Available on the RH engine only, is only used on the ground to - During a normal flight (without engine failure) uptrim/autofeather
provide aircraft autonomy in terms of air conditioning and DC power is disarmed after takeoff when leaving the TO position on PWR MGT
supply with the gas generator operating and the propeller locked by selector;
a hydraulic brake;
- CL has to be set to feather before selecting Hotel mode and must
be left in this position. Hotel mode can be used with EEC (Electronic  OIL
Engine Control) ON or OFF. The gust lock stop prevents - The engine require the use of synthetic oil compliant with the
overpowering the engine; specification MIL-L-23699;
- Acft on ground; - Maximum Oil capacity tank.: 14,4 lts
- Gust Lock “locked” On – Aileron and Yoke collumn - Oil Eng #1 ≤ 40 PSI – (Inhibited 30 sec during engine start)
- CL in FTR position or Fuel 5.0 = CCAS (Centralized Crew Alerting System)
- Fire handle #2 not pulled; - inhibit 30 sec during engine start;
- Caso ocorra o warning “NAC OVHT”, o procedimento de QRH - Oil temperature 125°C ~ 140°C by 20 seconds
deverá ser executado; - Oil type.: PWA 521 type II
- RH Nacelle OVRHT ≥ 170°C (On ground ONLY – Ride
- A manete de potência deverá permanecer na posição  Power Levers (PL) + Condition Levers (CL)
ground idle (GI – Ground Idle).
Climb.: 170 kt
Power Management (Selector) Descend.: 240kt
- T/O
- MaCT
- Climb

Use of reverse is not recommended in case of:
- Landing with one engine inoperative on contaminated runways
- Delayed braking
- No “Low Pitch” lights comes ON;
- O reverso poderá ser empregado para diminuir a velocidade, tanto
no taxi single engine quanto no dual engine, porém, deve ser
evitada uma aplicação excessiva de potência nestas condições (taxi);
- No pouso - O reverso só deve ser selecionado após o PM verificar e
anunciar as duas indicações de LOW PITCH acesas (bimotor);
- Após o touchdown inicia-se a redução de velocidade com a
utilização do reverso da aeronave, então a partir de 80kts o freio é
aplicado para completar a redução de velocidade;
- Caso ocorra um assimetria de potência durante a redução da PL
para ground idle (GI), ou em caso de 1 indicação LO PITCH apagada,
o uso de qualquer reverso é proibido. Reporte a manutenção;
- Após o pouso.: É recomendado retornar as manetes de potência - The Power Levers (PLs) are mechanically connected to the HMU
para Ground Idle (GI) a 40kt para evitar vibrações excessivas nos and to the PVM through cables and rods;
controles de voo e desconexão do PITCH. - The ramp threshold can be overriden. This enables the flight crew
to set the lever up to the stop of the PLA quadrant. This procedure
- The PEC is a dual channel electronic box which provides closed loop PROVIDES UP TO 15 % more power than RTO;
control over the propeller pitch change system;
- Propeller speed is calculated by the PEC through EEC (altitude and Power Lever (PL) and Condition Lever (CL) ensure the engine power
airspeed data) and NP sensors; control.
These controls manage three main components:
PIU (Propeller Interface Unit) - Propeller Electronic Control (PEC)
The PIU (one per PEC) is an electronic box in the electronic rack. - Hydromechanical Unit (HMU)
It manages the interface between the PEC and the cockpit for: - Engine Electronic Control (EEC).
- Propeller speed selection
- PEC fault signalization logics

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 6 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
- The Condition Levers (CLs) operate feathering control, HP fuel VFTO (Velocity Final TakeOff) – Final Takeoff speed used during Final
shutoff valves and propellers speed (NP), controlled by PVM when in Segment with one engine inoperative and providing climb gradient
blade angle governing propulsion mode. not less than the minimum (1.2 %).
VFTO in icing condition.: WhiteBug

 PROPELLERS .: HAMILTON STANDARD HS 568 F-1 VmLB – It’s the minimum maneuver speed in low bank depending on
- The flap configuration and the plane of flight in normal or icing
- Diameter: 3.93 m condition.
- Rotation: clockwise (looking forward) Minimum maneuver speed, in Low Bank (15 ° MAX), depending on
- 100 % NP: 1200 RPM flaps configuration.
- 6 blades - Weight: 180 kg each.
- Motor crítico.: Esquerdo (PL é o maior); VmHB.: Minimum maneuver speed, in High Bank (27 ° MAX),
- Controlada eletronicamente depending on flaps configuration

- Avoid static operation between 41.6 % and 62.5 % NP VFGA (Velocity Final Go-Around Speed … in OEI)
- Avoid use of feather above 66.6 % TQ Best climb gradient speed after the go-around acceleration altitude.
- Perform engine run up into the wind. The higher value between Final Takeoff (VFTO) and Drift-down speed
- Used in go around procedure only;
PROPELLER BRAKE - VFGA normal condition = WhiteBug
- The propeller brake is installed on a countershaft on the RH engine
reduction gearbox in order to stop the propeller (and the power VMCL - In OEI 98kt
turbine); Minimum flight speed at which aircraft can be controlled with 5 °
- Propeller brake must be used only when READY light on propeller bank in case of failure of the critical engine, the other being set at
brake control panel is ON. GA power (landing flaps setting, gear extended) and which provides
- The DC AUX pump runs automatically as soon as rolling capability specified by regulations.
- Blue hydraulic pressure is below 1 500 psi, and
- Gear is down, and WhiteBug
- One engine is running WhiteBug.: Maior ângulo de subida (Low Bank VmLB)
and stops 15 s after the end of PROP braking sequence (PROP BRK WhiteBug + 10kt.: Maior razão de subida (Allows High Bank)
lights ON);
RedBug – RedBug + 30kt In Icing Condition only
LOW PITCH “Light” - Devido ângulo ataque, forma gelo abaixo do boot (leading edge);
- Ao selecionar RedBug+10, inicie a descida executando o “Severe
Icing Procedure”;
### desenho ângulo ataque com gelo abaixo do boot ####
- O ATR é classificado como aeronave de categoria média (MTOW - Stall Speed.: Check FCOM Limitation table
entre 7T e 136T - DOC 4444 da ICAO); - V1 Limited by VMGC.: Check FCOM Limitation table
- VMCA.: Check FCOM Limitation table

TakeOff Speeds definition;

- If the weather is good;
- Only if based “CBA (Lei 7565/86 – Art. 166, 167 e 168)” - The value of Final Takeoff speed is read from QRH “Non
Limiting (NL)” table based on prevailing normal conditions

 SPEEDS If the weather is poor (Raining, windy, contaminated rwy); - Use “RTOW” table on *** Manual
- É proibida a operação em caso de pista contaminada (lamina
The takeoff speeds must meet the requirements of the applicable d’água/slush com mais de 3mm e/ou presença de contaminantes
regulations: sólidos (snow, ice));
- V1 ≥ V1 limited by VMCG
- VR ≥ 1.05 VMCA VAPP
- V2 ≥ 1.13 VSR VAPP = VmHB flaps 30 (35) + wind factor.
- V2 ≥ 1.1 VMCA With wind factor = max {1/3 Head Wind component or full gust}.
V2 upper limit is 1.25 VSR to avoid excessive takeoff runs or In any case, the wind factor to be added is limited to 15 kt
distances. Ex.: Pista 36 com vento de 300º/18 KT e rajadas de 30 KT, temos
1/3 do vento de proa de 3 KT, e rajadas no total de 12 KT (30-
Maximum Taxi Speeds; 18=12). O fator a ser somando a VAPP será de 12 KT;
Straights ≥90° Turn - É recomendado a desconexão do piloto automático a pelo menos
Dry.: 30kt 15kt 500 pés AFE, para permitir maior tempo na estabilização do controle
Wet.: 15kt 10kt manual da aeronave;

- A máxima componente de vento demonstrada para operação com  LANDING GEAR (Hydraulic = GREEN)
vento de través é de 35 KT, Main Landing Gear.: Hydraulic Green
Nose Landing Gear (Steering).: Hydraulic Blue
Máxima Razão Vertical (R/S); Brakes.: Hydraulic Green
Btw 2000/1000ft AGL Blw 1000 AGL
Climb/Descend -1500ft/mim 1000ft/min VLE “Extended”.: 185 kt
In Flight (Change FL)  1000ft/min VLO “Extension”.: 170 kt
VLO “Retracting”.: 160 kt

Maximum tyre speed.: 165 kt

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 7 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
Thermal plug melt.: 177°C “High Temperature” - The main gear wheels are braked automatically as soon as the
Tyres pressure.: 121 PSI (Nitrogen – Main Gear) flight crew sets the LDG GEAR lever UP;
The wheels are fitted with tubeless tires. - These device protect against tire and wheel burst in the event of
overpressure overheat at fuse location;
- The landing gear has a forward retracting nose gear and two
retractable main gears mounted partially in the side pods and B-FST-007-21 .: Procedimento de reporte de ação de frenagem (RBA
partially in the fuselage. They are hydraulically operated and Report Break Action). Ads que possuem RBA aplicável;
electrically controlled; - Curitiba, Afonso Pena (SBCT);
- Each main gear assembly has an oleo pneumatic shock absorber - Rio de Janeiro, Galeão (SBGL);
and is equipped with two wheels; - Verificar a disponibilidade do código de condição de pista (RCC)
- The two wheel nose gear assembly includes an oleo pneumatic através do ATIS;
shock absorber and a nose wheel steering system; - Após o pouso, efetuar o reporte usando a tabela;
- In case of hydraulic or electrical power supply failure, the landing
gear can be extended by gravity; Antiskid System
- Gear must be considered down if one system indicates 3 green - The antiskid system operates as soon as the gear is down and
lights ; locked, and as long as the aircraft speed exceeds 10 kt;
- Uplocking is mechanically achieved. Unlocking is hydraulically - In the event of electrical supply loss, the antiskid is no more
achieved; operative and brakes are directly operated;
- Maximum landing gear absorve rate of descend landing.: 600ft/min - 6 sec Taking off
- 3 sec Landing
Gear Emergency Extension
Main landing gear extension is assisted by a gas actuator and - The system compares inboard main wheels speeds and also
integrated springs. Nose landing gear is assisted by a mechanical outboard mains wheels speeds. When aircraft speed is above 23 kt,
device. if the differential speed (inboard or outboard) is at or above 50 %
then the brakes are released;
- Backtrack 180° - Press the button initiates an automatic sequential test to
Minumin Rwy width.: 21,4 m check the primary antiskid protection capabilities of the system. The
Maximum angle deflection.: 60° “Steering” test duration is approximately 3 s in flight and 6 s on ground;
Without pressure in the system.: 91° “Mechanical” - The test is inhibited if wheel speed exceeds 17 kt;
Not linked to the pedals
- If the blue hydraulic circuit is pressurized, switch off the Nose Parking with Hot Brakes.:
Wheel Steering (NWS) for towing by a ground vehicle; - The use of the parking brake with high brakes temperature can
- Nosewheel steering is provided via a servomechanism mechanically lead to brakes jamming.
controlled from the flight compartment and powered by the blue If required, walking to a tire must be done from the front or the rear
hydraulic system; but never from the side of the wheel. (If tyres blow it up);
- Temperature advises OVRHT on CCAS.: ≥ 150° C
- Do not perform pivoting (sharp turns) upon a landing gear with
fully braked wheels except in case of emergency. Touchdown protection
- In case of ground speed over 165 kt all tyres must be replaced. - At main gear compression, the braking action is inhibited as long
- Towbarless towing is prohibited, unless the towbarless towing as wheel spin up is below 35 kt or for 5 s, in order to prevent
operations are performed in compliance with the appropriate inadvertent brake application on low friction pavements or with light
operational requirements wheel vertical loading;
- Use nosewheel steering up to 70 kt to maintain runway axis. Above - In the event of electrical supply loss, the antiskid is no longer
70 kt, use rudder pedals to maintain runway axis; operative and brakes are directly operated;a
- ≤ 35kt or below 5 seconds after touchdown – No Brakes
Taxi with nosewheel steering OFF (or without blue HYD pressure) : - 35 kt ~ 25kt – Locked wheels protection
- Single engine taxi is no more possible - ≤ 10kt – No Anti-skid – Normal brake only
- Taxiing remains very easy with both engines operating and EEC
ON. Directional control is achieved primarily with differential power Normal landing operations or dispatch under MMEL (Limitation).;
on engines, possibly augmented by use of differential braking - 8.3 MJ (Fuse plug no melt energy)
- Avoid sharp turns: Turn radius without nosewheel steering should Landing with in-flight failure that affects landing distance.;
be limited to about half turn radius with nosewheel steering. - 9.5 MJ (Maximum brake energy)


- After RTO waits ≥ 10 minutes for next tkoff attempt FLAPS DELAYED BRAKING SPEED
- Wheels brakes automatic after retracted 30 80 kt IAS
- There are 6 brakes 15 90 kt IAS
- Anti-skid starts to work ≥ 10 kt “spin up” 0 100 kt IAS
- In case of hydraulic power system failure, the brake accumulator * Speeds on ground after the touchdown.
enables at least 6 braking applications;
Corrections on weight limited by braking energy at landing:
- The four main gear wheels are equipped with multidisc brakes, - Head wind: increase weight by 9 % per 10 kt
each operated by hydraulically powered pistons; - Tail wind: decrease weight by 20 % per 10 kt
- Two modes are available.: - Vref +10 kt: no correction
- Normal: The flight crew controls the brakes via the brake - Icing conditions: no correction
pedals (supplied by the green system); - Effect of reverse: increase weight by 10 %
- Emergency and braking: The flight crew controls the - Runway slope:
brakes via the emergency and parking brake handle (supplied by the - Increase weight by 2 % per 1 % uphill slope
blue system). Each brake is equipped with an automatic adjuster, a - Decrease weight by 3 % per 1 % downhill slope.
wear indicator pin, and an overheat detector;

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 8 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
At Parking - Before Leaving the Aircraft
Parking brake - All TCAS aural alerts are inhibited:
When OAT is below -5 °C / 23 °F, particularly in wet conditions, - Below 600 ft AGL when aircraft is climbing
avoid leaving the aircraft with parking brake engaged and use - Below 400 ft AGL when aircraft is descending
chocks instead whenever possible. - All RAs are inhibited:
Propeller brake - Below 1 100 ft AGL when aircraft is climbing
Avoid immobilization of the aircraft with propeller brake engaged if - Below 900 ft AGL when aircraft is descending
severe cold soak is expected (temperature ≤ -20 °C for a prolonged
time). - Para realizar o teste do TCAS é necessário que o transponder
Commercial water tank “QTA” esteja no modo STBY;
Precaution against freezing of commercial water supplies must be
taken in cold weather operation.  AIR DATA SYSTEM
- The flight environment data are provided by three independent air
- Climb at 160 kt with both engines maximum climb power setting. - Two main systems
- The maximum recommended altitude is 16 000 ft. - One stand by system.
- The maximum cruise speed is 185 kt.
- Aircraft is equipped with two independent Air Data Computers
 LIGHTS ADC (Air Data Computers – Main panel) switching should be
- Strobe.: VoePass não usa; alternated every other day (ADC 1 odd days, ADC 2 even days);
- Wing “Overhead panel”.: DC BUS 2 “Emergency” - ADC 1 supplies:
All others.: ACW BUS 1 and/or 2 - CAPT flight instruments (altimeter, airspeed
indicator, vertical speed indicator)
- Before each flight, use the general cabin lighting system for at - Other systems: AHRS 1, FDAU, ATC 1 , MFC,
least 15 min. (Fosforecence queue strap line) GPWS, pressurization, AFCS, ATC 1 and ATC 2 through
- A switch at the right side of the rear entry door turns on for 2 min TCAS controller box and TCAS through ATC 1 and ATC 2 (if
the cockpit and emergency exit lights; installed) (Mode S only).
- TAXI and T.O Lights turn off when Landing Gear Control Lever is - ADC 2 supplies:
UP, regardless of the switch position; - F/O flight instruments (altimeter, airspeed indicator,
- With GPU power AVAIL and selected on, non engine running, the vertical speed indicator)
emergency light comes on; - Other systems: AHRS 2, FDAU, MFC, pressurization,
AFCS, ATC 1, and ATC 2.
- The GND HDLG BUS supplies the DC loads required for aircraft - EECs and TAT/SAT/TAS indicator are supplied either by the ADC 1
servicing on the ground even with BAT sw selected OFF; or ADC 2 based on ADC selector on CAPT panel.
- The GND HDLG BUS can be supplied:
- cargo door operating panel door is open (micro switch), or
- Refueling panel is open (micro switch), or
- Entry door is open (micro switch).


NAV.: Sempre que a aeronave estiver energizada. Airspeed Indicator
WING IAS is displayed by a pointer on a scale graduated from 60 to 400 kt
a) Partida: Ligar antes do acionamento do motor 2 em hotel mode in:
até o inicio do taxi; - 2 kt increments from 70 to 210 kt
b) Chegada: Ligar ao avistar o balizador, até o corte do motor 2; - 5 kt increments from 210 to 250 kt
c) Em voo: Sempre que for necessário para prover inspeção nas - 10 kt increments from 250 to 400 kt. 2
asas; VMO Pointer
LOGO.: Durante o período noturno e abaixo do FL100, incluindo - The red and white striped pointer indicates the MAX airspeed
operações em solo; computed by the associated ADC which represents VMO/MMO limit.
STROBES.: Desligadas em todas as fases. (somente poderão ser An aural warning (clacker) will be generated by the CCAS if this
ligadas caso sejam relacionadas com despacho em acordo com item value is exceeded.
MEL ou para alertar sobre cruzamento ou taxi sobre uma pista).

Ao ingressar em uma pista em uso durante o taxi, as luzes

LANDING, TAXI & T.O. devem permanecer ligadas.

- O ATR-500 esta equipado com um TCAS versão 7.0;
Above selected.: 9900ft up and 2700ft below Surveillance
Below selected.: 2700ft up and 9900ft below Surveillance
Normal position.: 2700ft up and 2700ft below
- Aural inhibit when;
Climbing ≤ 600ft
Descending ≤ 400ft

- Traffic .:
- Proximate traffic.: Nearby aircraft within ±1 200 ft and 6 Nm
that are neither an RA nor a TA;
- Resolution advisory (RA);
- Traffic advisory (TA);
By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 9 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
- The Electronic Flight Instruments System (EFIS) is an electronic
system which processes data supplied by different sources (AHRS,
ASI, Navigation equipment) and displays them on two Cathodic Ray
Tubes (CRTs) in front of each flight crewmember;
- EADI (PFD A32f) displays short term information;
- Above 40 ° nose up and below 30 ° nose down, red
arrows appear;
- EHSI (ND A32f) Heading is displayed on an arc showing 45 ° either
side of the actual heading.

Radio Altitude (RA) Indication

Range of readable radio-altitude is from -20 ft to 2 500 ft.
Above 2 500 ft, radio altitude information is not displayed
- Appears when radio altitude goes below 200 ft, and rises during
the final descent to reach the aircraft symbol at zero radio altitude;
- The radio altimeter system includes one transceiver and two
- Caso sejam necessárias alterações no FMS/GNSS, quando abaixo
do FL100, tal mudança deverá ser solicitada pelo PF ao PM;
- Os modos NAV (VOR, LOC e LNAV) estão associados à velocidades
High Bank;

Uma ação de subida ou descida deverá ser realizada utilizando o

TAS Indicator seguinte procedimento:
- Indicates the True Air Speed as three digits from 68 kt to 600 kt. 1) Selecione o ALT SEL;
2) Selecione e ajuste o modo vertical (geralmente IAS para subida e
- The AHRS supplies the flight crew and the autopilot with the 3) Ajuste a potência, caso seja necessário;
magnetic heading, attitude data, vertical speed and lateral 4) Ajuste o altímetro para o QNH/QNE e FAÇA a checagem com o
acceleration required for flight control and Weather radar; instrumento standby;
- AHRS consists of: 5) Selecione o SPEED BUG;
- Two attitude - heading reference units, (AHRU)
- Two flux valves - No ATR-500 o modo VOR deverá ser selecionado quando as
- One dual remote compensator. velocidade de high bank forem alcançadas, isto é necessário para
- Each AHRU includes an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), a garantir a proteção contra o estol, já que o modo VOR poderá
microprocessor and electronic controls. comandar uma curva de até 30º independentemente da velocidade
- The IMU components, three gyrometers and three accelerometers selecionada;
are aligned with the aircraft axes as a strapdown system. Earth
rotation and gyro drift are computed without requiring heading, B-FST-009-21 .: Potencial falha de rádio altímetro durante
latitude or variation insertion. procedimento de aproximação decorrente ao sinal 5G;
- Não há ações específicas a serem aplicadas pela tripulação, o
- AHRS alignment sequence occurs as soon as the battery is intuito é elevar a consciência situacional;
switched ON, and it takes nominally 3 min DURING WHICH
- To know the remaining time for AHRS alignment, depress AHRS  ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
FAST ERECT pb. The electrical power generation is provided by the following sources:
- AHRS are not affected by electrical transients associated with - Main and emergency batteries
engine start. - Two engine-driven DC starter/generators
- The beginning of the 3 min alignment period can be observed as it - Two AC wild frequency generators
is associated with a brief display of horizon tilted 30 ° to the right - Two external power units (AC and DC).
without flag; In addition, two static inverters (supplied by the DC system) provide
- Resetting C/B AHRS in flight is not recommended as in flight constant frequency AC power.
realignment requires 3 min of very stable flight (which may be
impossible to get in turbulence) and possibility of pulling the wrong ACW
C/B could result in complete AHRS failure unrecoverable for the rest - The ACW generation system consists of two “propeller” driven
of the flight; three phases generators;
- Flight crew must be aware of possible induced attitudes and - Nominal set voltage 115 V / 200 V;
heading errors in case of continuous turns, particularly in high - Each generator is controlled by a Generator Control Unit (GCU);
latitudes countries. Therefore racetrack holding patterns are to be - The ACW electrical system can also supply DC electrical system
flown rather than circles. through a Transformer Rectifier Unit (TRU).
- The electrical distribution is ensured by busses which feed
- O alinhamento do AHRS, após a energização da aeronave, ocorre equipment.
nominalmente em 3 minutos. Neste período a aeronave não deve ser - The source of constant frequency (400 Hz) AC power consists of
movida; two static inverters (INV);
- The two inverters are powered respectively from DC BUS 1 and DC
Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI) BUS 2;
- In case of navigation system indication failure or data supply
failure, the associated pointers move to 3 o’clock position; Two separate networks (left and right) run individually and can be
connected in case of generation failure thanks to Bus Tie Contactors
(BTC). Print the Schematic AC

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 10 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
- The Bus Tie Contactor (BTC) enables DC BUS 1 and 2 to be on line ≥ 61,5% = Generator NH
when only one generator is operating or when the aircraft is powered - 02 AC Wild – Via RBG (Engines working only - ACW Power Supply)
from EXT PWR. Works ≥ 66% NP  115v ~ 200v ≥ 70% NP
- A single Bus Power Control Unit (BPCU) provides the control for ACW BUS #1 – Hydraulic BLUE
BTC, Battery Start Contactor (BSC), load shedding, EXT PWR ACW BUS #2 – Hydraulic GREE
functions, and DC SVCE BUS contactors.
- The BPCU performs the functions required for control and BATTERY
protection of the EXT PWR, the BUS TIES (or BTCs) and SVCE BUS; - A 24V Ni-Cd battery of 43 Ah (main BAT) is provided for engine
- DC Supply.: starting and for emergency power supply including propeller
- The power is controlled via the Bus Power Control Unit feathering.
(BPCU) - A 24V Ni-Cd battery of 15 Ah (EMER BAT) which, in addition to its
- It has priority over the engine driven generators.; secondary role of avoiding power transients on critical equipment
- AC Supply.: during engine starts
- The power is controlled via the Bus Power Control Unit
(BPCU); GPU (External AC)
300hz ~ 400hz – 28v
DC ≤ 26v Inoperante
The 28 VDC can be normally provided by: - The specification of the DC GPU requires the ground unit to be able
- Two engines driven starter/generators to provide a steady current of 300 to 400 A under 28 V to ensure
- One ground external power unit. correct functioning of all electrical services before start up;
Three sources can be used for the 28 VDC emergency supply: - For engine start, the GPU must be able to provide ADDITIONAL
- One main battery STARTER CURRENT of 1 000 A while keeping more than 12 V;
- One emergency battery, excluding START function - If DC EXT PWR voltage on maintenance panel is below 26 V despite
- One TRU Print the Schematic DC the full load shedding, the GPU MUST BE CONSIDERED AS
* The two DC starter/generators are driven by the engine accessory COMPLETELY UNUSABLE;
gear boxes; - O fabricante recomenda, através das especificações contidas no
* The aircraft DC distribution network consists of 11 busses: FCOM.PROP.NOP.NSU.24.1, que uma unidade de externa de força
- Two main busses: DC BUS 1 and 2 (GPU) seja capaz de prover tensão de 28V mantendo a corrente
- HOT MAIN BAT BUS and HOT EMER BAT BUS continua de 300 amperes a 400 amperes, de forma a assegurar a
- DC EMER BUS, DC ESS BUS and DC STBY BUS correta operação de todos os equipamentos antes do acionamento
- UTLY BUS 1 and 2 dos motores;
- GND HDLG BUS External DC
- The DC SVCE BUS can be used in flight or on ground during aircraft This unit must be able to provide a steady current of 300 A plus an
servicing operations. The DC SVCE BUS can be supplied by: additional starter current of 1 000 A while keeping above 12 V (16
- DC BUS 1 000 W instantaneous power)
- The DC and ACW electrical distribution system can be Starter:
supplied from ground power sources, connected via the separate − 3 tentativas consecutivas com 01 minuto e 30 segundos de
“External Power” receptacles which are on the lower right side of the máximo tempo combinado de giro do starter, seguidas de 4 minutos
fuselage, just aft of the nose gear. em OFF;
− 800º até 840º por 20 segundos no máximo;
− 840º até 950º por 5 segundos no máximo;

- Fuel.: Hotel mode (if used): 90 kg per hours.

Start engines
In starter mode, the starter/generator is connected to:
- The GND HDLG BUS supplies the DC loads required for aircraft
- Aircraft main battery or
servicing on the ground even with BAT sw selected OFF;
- External power, or
- The GND HDLG BUS can be supplied:
- Aircraft main battery and operating generator, on ground
- When EXT PWR is available, from DC SVCE BUS
only (cross start).
- When EXT PWR is not available, from HOT MAIN BAT BUS
- The start sequence automatically ends when NH reaches 45 % and
associated engine START ON light turns off;
- cargo door operating panel door is open (micro
- Due to system components tolerance, the start sequence may end
switch), or
with displayed NH between 42 % and 48 %;
- Refueling panel is open (micro switch), or
10% ~ 20% - Release fuel
- Entry door is open (micro switch).
BAT.: If ≤ 28v – Load shedding will be required (PACK Off)
If ≤ 24v – GPU recharge BAT
- 24v – Minimum for engine start;
- 8000v começar a gerar faísca;
- 02 Static inverter (DC  AC) = 400hz
- 5 ~ 6 faísca após 25 segundos (Fase 1);
- 01 TRU “Rectifier” (AC  DC) = EMERGENCY ONLY
- 1 faísca por segundo (Fase 2)
ATR 600 voa com o TRU On todo o voo (Evitar transiente)
* During engine starts, or when cranking, DC STBY BUS is supplied
- 02 Batteries (Monitored by MFC)
by HOT EMER BAT BUS . INV 1 remains supplied by HOT MAIN BAT
01 Main.: Minimum to go 24v
01 Emerg.: 15ah (72-500), 17ah (72-600)
* Immediately after starting engine 2 with a weak battery, the 600 A
- Provided to avoid transient power or critical equipment during
DC GEN load 2 min duration limitation may be exceeded due to the
engine start
charge current which alone may reach 300 A.
Ao abrir a porta principal ou a tampado controle de fuel, a
* When the engine reaches 61.5 % NH, the starter/generator is
BAT conecta-se ao GND HDLG BUS para acender a luz.
acting as a generator;
- 02 Generator (Via AGB) – 28v
≤ 45% NH = Starter
45 ≤ X ≤ 61,5% = Nothing happen
By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 11 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
* A Generator Control Unit (GCU) associated with each generator  PNEUMATIC
provides the control for the generator contactor and the start

EEC “ Electronic Engine Control” ≈ FADEC

- Controla o fuel no motor;
- Se falhar por as PL (1+2) no ângulo de 52° “Green band”
- As PL (1+2) ficam inativas acima de 52°

One EEC OFF.: Keep operative EEC selected ON for taxi.

Both EEC OFF.: With both EEC OFF, the NP is not high enough to
supply an ACW GEN and thus to supply HYD PUMPS. The flight crew
has to use the EMER Brake in order to stop the aircraft.
- The pneumatic system supplies pressurized air to air conditioning,
Engine Operation with ECC Off.: pressurization, and ice protection system;
- EEC deactivation can result in an important power variation at - Compressed air is bled from the engine compressors at the LP or
constant throttle position. Power recovery requires throttle HP stages;
readjustment; - Air Bleed.: Air is usually bled from the low compressor stage (LP);
- If EEC is selected from OFF to ON, an important power variation
can result. That is why the throttle has to be reduced below 52 ° PRESSURIZATION
before such an action; AFM DATA Maximum differential pressure.: 6.35 psi
- Landing with both EEC OFF results in a significant propeller speed Maximum negative differential pressure.: -0.5 psi
decrease as the airspeed decreases. Consequently ACW power can Maximum differential pressure for landing.: 0.35 psi
be lost at the end of the landing run. Be ready to use nose wheel Maximum differential pressure for OVBD VALVE full open.: 1 psi
steering and emergency braking as required. Engine response during Excess Cab Alt - > 10.000ft
taxi is slower Max. altitude for ONE bleed off operation (ONE PACK).: 20 000 ft
* Uma bleed alimenta as duas PACKs somente on ground.
PEC – “Propeller Electronic Control”
- Controla a pressão hidráulica nas pás e sincroniza as hélices. PACK
- Maximum FL 1 PACK OFF = FL170
PVM – “Propeller Valve Module”
- Controlada pela PEC; Wing and Engine Deicing
- Controla a hélice + pitch da hélice - Air is bled from the HP. Bleed air is transferred via electrically
controlled pressure regulating valve.
- These devices are to be used for maintenance purpose only; AIR SYSTEM
- Duct Overheat.: ≥ 274°C a válvula se fecha automaticamente
- Antes de energizar a aeronave é responsabilidade do CM1/CM2 - Duct Leak.: 153°C ±8°C
verificar o livro de manutenção, bem como os itens listados em ACR
(se aplicável); Air Conditioning
− O procedimento será realizado antes de energizar a aeronave, - Left Pack supplying cockpit and cabin (PACK 1);
pelo CM2; - Normal flow.: 22 PSI
- High flow.: 30 PSI
- Os procedimentos são divididos em LONG TRANSIT e SHORT
TRANSIT; - The packs cool, remove moisture and pressurize the bleed air;
• Verificar para qual situação o procedimento é aplicável (ex.: “com - If one pack is inoperative, the other one supplies both
GPU”, “sem GPU”, etc.) compartments through the mixing chamber;
• Fluxos de SCAN realizados pelo CM1 e CM2; - The pack valve is pneumatically operated and electrically
RESET - Conditioned air is blown into the cabin by outlet ramps under the
- Os itens abaixo NÃO devem sofrer reset sem que o procedimento overhead bins. It is then evacuated through guides along the cabin
de QRH seja executado: side walls at floor level. A part of it is recirculated by the fans, the
- EEC; other part being evacuated overboard through the outflow valves.
- BAT CHG (EMER & MAIN); - The toilet is ventilated by differential pressure through a vent line.
- PEC; - Air is extracted by a fan which can operate at different speeds
- CAB PRESS MODE SEL depending on flight deck temperature : Rotation speed is minimum
- O itens abaixo NUNCA devem sofrer reset: below 20 °C (68 °F), maximum above 52 °C (126 °F) and varies
- BLEED LEAK através do pb BLEED VALVE associado; linearly between these values;
- BUS FAULT através do pb GEN associado
- É proibido rearmar C/B de bomba de combustível (caso saltado);
- Permitir ao CB saltado um tempo de resfriamento mínimo de 3
minutos antes de tentar rearmar;
- Desligue o equipamento correspondente ao CB saltado, antes de
tentar rearmar, com o intuito de minimizar os efeitos potenciais de
uma sobrecarga e centelhamento;

-When Pack Valve turned On takes A 6 s delay has been provided on

right pack valve for passengers comfort purpose;
- Flow pb;
- NORM (pb released) Both pack valves are controlled
automatically to give 22 psi regulated pressure.

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- HIGH (pb pressed in) Both pack valves are controlled to
give 30 psi regulated pressure which increases the flow accordingly. There are two different access request modes:
HIGH light comes on blue. - Routine
- Velocidade subida ≥ 170 kt ajuda na refrigeração; - Emergency.
- PACK valve ≥ 204°C closes * The buzzer sounds in the cockpit for a minimum of 2 s (duration of
- Quando disponível nas bases, é responsabilidade do Piloto em pushbutton activation + 2 s) in order to indicate a routine access
Comando solicitar o acoplamento da fonte externa de ar request.
condicionado ao pessoal de rampa (ground handling) ou manutenção It sounds continuously in the case of an emergency access
(B-FST-001-21); procedure;
Pressing Flow pb the consumtion in CLIMB it will increase by 10%
and it reduces around 100ft/min. Door Call Panel
- The Door Call panel enables the cabin crew to request cockpit
Each outflow valve includes devices for the required safety function access to the flight crew;
in case of controller failure: - OPEN.: It also comes on when the door automatically unlocks
- The positive differential pressure is limited to 6.35 psi by a (during 10 s) following an emergency access request (no flight
manometric capsule. action during 30 s after the emergency request). Then the cabin
- The negative differential pressure is limited to -0.5 psi by a non crew can open the door panel;
return valve.
Cockpit Door Control Panel
Overheat Protection.: - DENY position: Locks the door and inhibits for 3 min the
- An OVHT caution is provided to the flight crew when Tduct > 92 °C Emergency access, buzzer, and Door Call panel.
but the pack valve does not close; * OPEN light flashes: The cabin crew starts an emergency access
- The pack valve closes automatically when the air downstream of procedure. If there is no reaction from the flight crew, the door will
the pack compressor overheats: T > 204 °C; unlock after 30 s;

When the OVBD VALVE CTL sw is set to AUTO mode, the extract fan If the emergency access is initiated from the cabin
runs continuously and the OVBD valve is: - The buzzer sounds continuously in the cockpit for 30 s, and the
- Open as long as the engine 1 is not running (oil low PRESS OPEN light flashes on the central pedestal’s COCKPIT DOOR panel.
signal),or - If the flight crew does not take any action, the door will unlock
- Closed as soon as the engine 1 is running. after 30 s;
* Do not select OVBD valve full open if differential pressure exceeds - The locking and latching are not possible from inside. However, the
1 psi; latching position can be inspected from inside through the view ports
on the bottom part of the door;
If bleed air temperature exceeds 274 °C (525 °F): Open “Blimp” – Emergency Access button was requested. In 30 sec
- The associated bleed air shutoff valve and HP bleed valves are the dor Will open.
commanded closed Open “steady” – The door is open.
- The OVHT light on the overhead panel comes on.
In the case of OVHT, the associated bleed system will be recovered COM HATCH Cockpit
after a cooling time. - Fechar a COM HATCH somente se houver ao menos 1 BLEED e 1
PACK suprindo o sistema de ar condicionado.
- There is a difference in philosophy between LEAK and OVHT.
- In the case of OVHT, the associated bleed system will be recovered
after a cooling time.  CARGO
- In the case of LEAK, the flight crew must consider the associated 480 – Dianteiro direita
bleed system as inoperative for the rest of the flight. 448 – Dianteiro esquerdo
Total dianteiro: 928 kg (736 Kg ATR72-600)
DUMP Function
Total traseiro: 744Kg (768 Kg ATR-72-600)
A DUMP function is available to send a fully open electrical signal to
the electropneumatic outflow valve.
Cargo door
DUMP function is available as long as pressurization system is in
Maximum lateral wind component.: 45 kt
AUTO mode.
B-FST-007-22 .: Carga tipo COMAT ou AOG;
B-FST-007-20 .: Válvula de isolamento do fluxo de ar entre a cabine
- Em voos partindo diretamente do hangar de manutenção para
de comando e a cabine de passageiros.
realização de voos de reposicionamento ou translado, o Piloto em
- Mandatório a verificação da posição da válvula durante a
Comando do voo deve realizar a verificação se há a bordo (porão
inspeção pré-voo pelo CM1;
dianteiro ou traseiro) carga do tipo COMAT (material da empresa) ou
AOG (peças da aeronave);
- The cockpit door is bulletproof, intrusion resistant, and fully
compliant with the rapid decompression requirements;
- The CDLS (Cockpit Door Locking System) enables the crew to
electrically lock and unlock the cockpit door;
- The door has an electromagnetic locking system controlled by the
flight crew;
- In case of a loss of electrical power, the manual bolt can lock the
- Types.: Tipos de Saídas de Emergência
* TIPO I – De 50 à 55 pessoas (Main/Service door)
TIPO II – De 30 à 40 pessoas
* TIPO III (Janelas sobre a asa) – De 20 à 30 pessoas (Window)
* TIPO IV (Hatch do Flight Deck) – De 15 à 20 pessoas (Rope).
* VoePass has no slide exit.
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 EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS Engine – Propeller.: Feathering (Motor);
Fuel – Fuel Shutoff.: Eng LP valve closes;
Bleed – Air valves shutoff.: Air Bleed valve + HP valves
DeIce – De Ice valve and isolation valve closes;
Electric – Gen ACW and DC deactivated;
Fire Stinguisher – Alert – Squib light indication

Each engine is equipped with a fire detection system which consists

- Two identical detection loops (A and B) mounted in parallel;
- When both loops reaches 258°C, the Fire Warning alarm
(5 alarms) is triggered.
- A fire detection control unit.

Fire Warning alarm;

- Fire Pull handle light;
Seats Position Sight Gauge - CL 1(2) light;
- Seat position sight gauge must be used for proper setting of the - CAP light
vertical and longitudinal position of the seat. - CRC alarm (sound)
- Master Warning light
Dark cockpit concept applies: lights are off during normal continuous
operation. Cargo Configuration
- Make sure that the four smoke detectors in the container bay are
WATER / DISPOSAL extended;
- QTU “Waste” = 16 lts
- QTA “Water” = 15 lts Engine Fire Extinguishing System
* After required draining, refilling should be performed 30 min - This system includes two extinguisher bottles. Each bottle can be
before ENG START with warm water (30 °C). used for engine 1 or engine 2. The bottles are located on each side
of the fuselage, in the wing-to-fuselage junction fillet;
Tail Bumper - The fire extinguishing agent in the bottles is pressurized by
- Locate at acft tail; nitrogen;
- Possui o shock absorver
- Limitation.: “Red indication” scraped = NO GO
Tail Prop “toppling” - The flight control system includes movable surfaces, control
- On ground during passengers boarding/disembarkation, the tail systems, associated indications, and alerting systems;
prop must be installed on the tail skid to avoid aircraft being tipped - Primary flight controls include:
over; - Roll control using on each wing, one aileron equipped with
- Tip Up ocorrerá em 54% MAC; spring tab and one spoiler
- Aeronave vazia e com 7 pessoas na parte traseira; - Pitch control using two elevators each equipped with servo
- Somente o ATR 72 possui o Tail Prop tab
* Aft cargo must be totally unloaded and tail prop set in position - Yaw control using one rudder equipped spring tab.
before any container handling. - Secondary flight control for lift augmentation is achieved on each
wing by two flaps, one inboard and one outboard.
- O Seat Belt deverá ser desligado após o pouso somente quando - Ailerons, elevators, and rudder are mechanically actuated.
receber a indicação de tail prop instalado. -Spoilers and flaps are hydraulically actuated by the blue hydraulic
B-OPR-006-22 .: Lanterna fixa - Spoiler deflection starts after 2.5 ° of aileron deflection;
- Não possuem switch para ligar e desligar, portanto, uma vez - Spoiler deflection.: 25°
acionadas, terão duração aproximada de 4h30min; - Aileron deflection.: 14° Up / Down
- O Comissário não deverá retirar a lanterna de seu suporte para - Yaw Trim.: Full yaw trim travel requires about 15 s
Controls the yaw trim actuator. As a safety device both levers must
be moved and held in the same direction (NOSE LH or NOSE RH) to
energize the system and trim the aircraft.

Trim.: Full roll trim travel takes.: 30 seconds

When blue light comes on, each one indicates that the associated
spoiler is not in the retracted position.

- RH Nacelle OVRHT ≥ 170°C (On ground ONLY – Ride side);
- Waste Bin extinguisher “automatically” ≥ 77°C
- ENG Fire test.: 1°) CL 1/2 – Move to FTR position - In case of jamming, pitch control will be recovered by applying on
2°) Press Fire test both control columns a differential force (520 N) disengaging the
- Cockpit.: Has 3 Googles, 3 Masks and 1 fire extinguisher pitch coupling system;

Fire Pull Handle – Action when pulled

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 14 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
- A green sector (from 0 ° to 2.5 ° UP) identifies the takeoff range. If FLAP
takeoff (or takeoff CONFIG test) is performed with pitch trim out of Position Structural Recommended
this range, CONFIG warning will be generated by the CCAS; Tkoff 15° 185kt 150kt
- Simultaneous action on a normal rocker switch and the STBY Land 30º 150kt 135kt
PITCH sw is not recommended; 0° 180kt
- Maximum Xwind.: Flap 30° = 35kt
- Yaw controls system consists of rudder pedals, TLU, RCU, rudder * Proibido efetuar espera com os FLAPs estendidos em condição de
damper, and trim. Rudder pedals mechanically act on a spring tab gêlo.
and through it on the rudder itself; - The FLAPS control lever has three distinct positions: 0°, 15°, and
TLU (Travel Limitation Unit) - It is not possible to select an intermediate position;
- The travel limitation unit is fitted on the aircraft to limit pedals - Possible asymmetry is sensed by two flaps position transmitters
travel in order to prevent any damaging rudder travel when flying at and detected by the MFC when an angle of 6.7 ° is reached;
high speed. - A FLAP UNLK alert is provided to inform the flight crew of flaps
- The TLU automatic control is done through ADC 1/2 when reaching spurious retraction. The alert is triggered if spurious retraction of
185 kt during an acceleration and when reaching 180 kt during a more than 4 ° occurs;
- LO SPD light comes on green when rudder travel is not limited Flap Indicates flaps position.
(Watchout the high speed – no protection); - A blue EXT flag appears to indicate that the flap valve is
hydraulically commanding flap extension;
RCU (Releasable Centering Unit) - If EXT flag appears when flaps are extended, it means that there is
- A releasable centering unit is provided between the rudder and the a leak in the flaps hydraulic circuit;
linkage to the flight crew pedals to enable rudder position
stabilization when no action is applied on the pedals.
- The RCU position change with trim setting.


- A stick pusher and a stick shaker are provided, preventing the
aircraft from reaching a critical angle of attack; Durante uma desaceleração, somente selecione uma nova
- There are two stick shakers, one for each control column but only velocidade quando a nova configuração de flaps for obtida.
one stick pusher actuator located on the captain pitch channel. In
case of pitch uncoupling when the pusher triggering angle of attack Limitation
is reached, only the captain control column is pushed forward; Holding.: Com Flap estendido e em condição de “Icing” é
- If both switches are operated simultaneously but in opposite PROÍBIDO. Porém, se não tiver como evitar;
direction, trimming action stops. If normal trim actuator is actuated Flap 15° - 185 kt ??
during more than 1 s, an aural whooler is generated by the CCAS; Flap 30° - 150 kt
- While the AP is engage manual trim operation of the rocker
switches will disengage the AP; Flap Unlocked
- Spurious Flap retraction more than 3° (ATR42) or 4° (ATR72) when
Stick pusher activation is inhibited: Flaps extended.
- On ground o During 10 s after lift off - Assymetry ≥ 6,7° (Detected by MFC)
- In flight, provided radio altimeter is operative, when the
aircraft descends below 500 ft. Flight controls are connected to the ailerons through the spring tabs,
therefore, maintaining the flight controls to neutral on the ground
DAMPER would not prevent the ailerons from oscillating in case of strong
- The rudder is linked to the aircraft structure by a damper: tailwind (> 30 kt).
- In flight this damper regulates rudder travel speed; Therefore, in strong wind conditions it is recommended:
- To disengage the gust lock only when necessary before takeoff
GUST LOCK - After landing, to engage the gust lock before a turn that would
- A gust lock system is provided to protect the pitch and roll flight expose the aircraft to a tailwind component.
controls on ground and to limit the PL travel slightly below FI. This If aileron lock is not available, it is easier to maintain the ailerons
system includes an elevator mechanical locking device and one fully deflected;
aileron electrical-mechanical locking device.
- This system provides protection against takeoff with gust lock
engaged, or too high power setting when in hotel mode;  FUEL
- The system locks the control column in pitch and therefore control Tips to safe fuel.:
surfaces; - Fuel tank is divided by;
- The system is composed of two electro-mechanical locking devices - Feeder tank .: Capacity 160kg (200lts)
locking one aileron each; - Main tank
- When the gust lock is engaged, the PL travel is limited slightly - Vent surge tank (Its ventilation sys) 100 lts via NACA inlet
below FI to provide protection against takeoff and too high power - +2% expanding fuel capacity space
setting when in hotel mode. The gust lock handle can be put into the - The fuel system includes:
locking notch whatever the position of the flight controls is but these - One electrical pump and one jet pump in each of two
controls must be brought to neutral to positively engage the locking tanks
devices; - Vent system
- Limita o “Ground Idle”; - 2 Water drain valves
- Trava os movimentos do Aileron e ca coluna do Yoke; - Fuel quantity indicating system
- On ground, the gust lock, when engaged, prevents excessive PL in - Refuel/defuel system with associated controls and
the forward traction sector angle; indicators.
-Acceptable fuels.: Jet A, Jet A1, JP5 and RT, TS1
- On ground, when battery is off and refuel door open, for aircraft
servicing, GND HDLG BUS supplies left and right quantity indicators;

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 15 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
- É proibido o abastecimento por gravidade (mandatório por - The system could be used to defuel the aircraft by applying a 11
pressão); psi suction to the connector and with tank refuel valves open;
- Terminado o abastecimento, solicite imediatamente a retirada do
caminhão para o acionamento em hotel mode, retornando a Fuel Temperature
operação normal; - Low fuel temperature.: ≤ -34°C
- Freezing Point.: ≤ 50°C Jet A1
- Two tanks receive fuel, one in each wing. Tanks are integral part of - High fuel temperature.: ≥ +57°C “Caution”
the wing structure; * Se ocorrer esse alarme durante o taxi, basta abrir a Xfeed (Pump
- Six probes are in each tank. They provide electrical signal to the direito/esquerdo), que com a troca de calor a temperatura irá
cockpit fuel quantity indicator; diminuir e o alarme cessará.
- For each tank, if fuel quantity is lower than 160 kg, LO LVL lights
come on amber and CCAS activates; - Abnormal temp.: ≥ 50°C
≤ 0°C
The maximum fuel capacity is : * Maintenance action required

- CAP (Panel) will be alarmed.: ≤ 25PSI

- Defueling.: ≥ 11 PSI (Maximum 50 PSI – Normal Refueling)
- Surge tank.: 100 Kg per wing
- An additional volume in each tank enables a 2 % fuel thermal - Feeder tank
expansion without spillage. - Fuel Clog.: ≥ 25 PSI
- Water drainage are at the low points of each tank. Drainage ≥ 45 PSI bypass
operation can be performed up to 3 ° ground slope; * Pressure difference between filter inlet and outlet over 25 psi;

≤ 4 PSI.: Alarme ativo “Feed low pressure”; Total quantity of fuel usable in each tank.: 2 500 kg
Pump Auto On .: 5 PSI - Fuel remaining in the tanks when quantity indicators show zero is
Pressão máxima para abastecimento .: 50 PSI not usable in flight;
O filtro será by passed .: 45 PSI - Fuel quantity indications are affected by excessive longitudinal and
- 02 Tanks lateral attitudes and accelerations;
- 01 Electric pump per tank - During automatic refueling, both tanks receive fuel simultaneously;
- 01 Jet pump per tank - With the tank filled to the maximum nominal total fuel capacity,
- 14 bicos injetores there is sufficient space in each tank to enable a 2 % thermal
expansion of fuel without spillage through the vent system;
Maximum fuel capacity.: 6.370 lts - The vent tank in each wing has a volume of 100 l (26 US gal);
Consume CRZ.: 600 Kg/h - Approximate refueling time at nominal pressure is 18 min;
Climb.: 300 Kg/h ???
* Each electrical pump is able to supply one engine in the whole
Fuel Flow at FL180.: flight envelope.
720 kg/h or 2.63kg/nm - One electrical pump and associated jet pump are able to supply
both engines in the whole flight envelope.
Fuel consumption for 40nm: - When X FEED is selected « in line », both electrical pumps are
40nm x 2.63kg/nm = 105kg forced to run (both RUN lights come on green) as long as associated
PUMP pb is selected ON.
Fuel low level.: ≤ 160kg - Ensure Fueling Safety Zone (FSZ) is established. At least 3 meters
Maximum Umbalance.: 730 kg (All engines On) in any direction from center-point of fuel vent exists, aircraft refuel
200 kg (OEI) couplings, fuel hoses, fuel tanks and fuel truck;
* Com o consumo do fuel em voo o CG vai para frente. - Make certain that the tanker and aircraft are correctly grounded;
- Avoid connection or disconnection of GPU while refuel/defuel
Vent System operation takes place;
- The vent system ensures positive pressure in the entire flight - Do NOT refuel/defuel the aircraft within 30 m of radar or HF radio
envelope. Each fuel tank is ventilated via an individual vent duct and equipment that is under test or operating in aircraft or ground
also with a vent float valve connected to a 100 l surge tank in the installations.;
outer section of the wing; - Refueling when RH engine is running in Hotel Mode is prohibited;
- The vent system also provides protection for the tanks in case of
accidental spillage during refueling;
- When a fuel tank is at low level, the associated electrical fuel pump
starts automatically (fuel quantity less than 160 kg or feeder tank
not full);

- To prevent negative or lateral 'g' factor effect, a 200 lts feeder

compartment always full of fuel is embedded in each tanks. An
electrical pump and a jet pump equip this feeder compartment; -In case of an HP fuel filter pressure increase above 25 psi, “FUEL
- If jet pump pressure drops below 5 psi, the electrical pump CLOG” light appears amber;
automatically supplies the engine; - Filter is then by passed when HP fuel filter pressure reaches 45 psi;

Quantity Magnetic Indicator Manual (Magnetic) Indicators

- Actual magnetic indicators marking is in cm of fuel in tank; Each tank is equipped with two indicators:
- One in the inner part of the wing (between the engine and the
Refueling - Defueling fuselage);
- The single refueling connector, in RH main landing gear fairing rear - One in the outer part of the wing;
part, enables complete refueling in about 16 min. The refueling flow Read and note.:
of both wing tanks is about 24 m³/h with a maximum refueling - Aircraft bank angle is positive for wing up, negative for wing down;
pressure of 50 psi; - Pitch attitude must be between -3 ° and +1 °. In this case pitch
has no influence.

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 16 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
SINGLE TAXI OUT - The BLUE system supplies:
This procedure can be used because Ground Idle (GI) power on one - Wing flaps extension/retraction (four hydraulic jacks)
engine is sufficient to taxi (OUT and IN) and reduces taxi fuel - Spoilers (two hydraulic jacks)
consumption (significantly in large airports); - Nose wheel steering (one hydraulic jack)
- Propeller brake for the RH engine
Antes do início do reabastecimento de combustível a tripulação - Emergency and parking brakes for the four wheels of the
deverá avisar através do PA: main landing gear, through a specific accumulator with separated
Ao final do reabastecimento, deverá avisar: - The GREEN system supplies:
“TRIPULAÇÃO, TÉRMINO DO ABASTECIMENTO DE - Landing gear extension/retraction:
COMBUSTÍVEL” - Three hydraulic jacks
- Three actuators for uplock release
- É responsabilidade do Comandante realizar o monitoramento do - Three actuators for lock down release.
balanceamento do combustível durante o voo. - Normal brake for the four wheels of the main landing
- Caso seja verificado um desbalanceamento, antes de iniciar um gear.
procedimento de fuel crossfeed, deverá realizar a verificação do fuel
flow e comparar o combustível usado versus a distância/tempo - Normal pressure.: 3000 PSI (≥ 200x 1Hpa)
percorrido, para verificar possíveis vazamentos. - Low pressure.: ≤ 1500 PSI
 Em caso de suspeita ou confirmação de vazamento de 01 Reservatório.: 9,6 lts para os dois sistemas;
combustível, não atue a fuel crossfeed. Monitore o balanceamento e Normal.: 9,35 lts Skydrol
prossiga com procedimento FUEL LEAK do QRH. - Low level alert.: ≤ 2,5 lts
* The crossfeed valve automatically closes.
FUEL SAVING - Overheat.: ≥ 121°C
- QRH (PER) – Max Cruise 2 Engines table
- Acft weight.: 21T Hydraulic Aux Pump
- Flight Level.: 180 (18.000ft) - Usa-se no solo (30 seg) para pressurizar o Blue e Green;
- ISA.: 0°C - By Hot Main BAT Bus
360 kg/h x 2 = 720 Kg/h
TAS.: 274kt All hydraulic fluids compliant with technical specification : NSA
720/274 = 2.63 Kg/NM 307110

Tankering.: BRAKE ACCU Indicator

If you add 1.000kg of extra-fuel, the ceiling reducing about 1000ft … - The BRAKE ACCU indicator displays the brake accumulator
increasing the consumption. pressure in the blue system, available for emergency and parking
braking, if pressure > 1 600 psi. Pressure indication is PSI x 1 000.
Normal value is 3 000 psi.
B-FST-008-22 .: Determinação do combustível para um voo; Emergency Brake is 500 PSI
- O Comandante do voo deve analisar o OFP e o combustível
sugerido através da FUEL ORDER, e então, aceitar ou revisar esse Emergency Brake
valor de combustível, coordenando o combustível final que será - It is possible to apply 6 applications in emergency using pressure
lançado na LOADSHEET; in the accumulators.
- Documentos a serem preenchidos e analisados; - As a long the aircraft keeps grounded, the acumulator pressure is
- Fuel Order going be lost.
- Loadsheet Hydraulic Auxiliary Pump Switch - BLUE
- Livro de Bordo - < 1500 PSI
- Powered by the DC BUS #2 or Hot Main Bat BUS;
- Activates for 30 s the auxiliary DC hydraulic pump, provided that
 HYDRAULIC operation conditions of the auxiliary pump are not established;
- The aircraft has two hydraulic systems: blue and green; - Supplies power to the pressure indicators in order to check
- The common hydraulic tank is in the hydraulic bay (LH landing hydraulic pressures;
gear fairing); - This switch operates even when batteries master sw is selected
- The hydraulic tank is a direct air-fluid contact type and is not OFF. Intensive use discharges the main battery;
- Each compartment has a low level alert triggered when fluid
quantity drops below 2.5 l;
- Each system is pressurized by an electrical hydraulic pump
powered by ACW;
- The blue circuit is fitted with an additional DC driven auxiliary
pump. The auxiliary DC electric pump automatically provides
hydraulic power to operate the users of the blue system if the ACW
pump fails. A momentary ground switch located on the pedestal  ICING CONDITION
enables to energize the auxiliary pump manually; - An ice detector, on the left wing leading edge connected to the
- This momentary ground switch will operate the DC auxiliary pump CCAS, monitors ice accretion;
for: - An icing evidence probe is installed to indicate visually an ice
- 30 seconds when the BAT toggle sw is ON and the Aircraft accretion;
is electrically supplied (GEN or EXT PWR ); ≤ 5°C + Moisture OAT (On ground)
- Both ACW main hydraulic pumps and the DC auxiliary pump have a ≤ 7°C + Moisture TAT (In flight)
nominal output pressure of 3 000 psi; * Takeoff is prohibited when frost, snow or ice is adhering to the
- Each system has a 0.2 l power accumulator installed in the wing, tail, control surfaces, engine air inlets or propellers.
hydraulic bay.
- A pneumatic system operating on areas of the airframe (BOOTS):
- Outer, inner and center wing leading edges
By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 17 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
- Horizontal tailplane leading edges Rain Protection
- Engine air intakes and gas paths. - Controls the windshield wiper on the associated side.
- Electrical heating of: FAST Wiper operates at 130 cycles/min
- Propeller blades SLOW Wiper operates at 80 cycles/min
- Windshields
- Probes Severe Icing
- Flight control horns. Consider severe in-flight icing if:
* For electrical heating, the power is supplied primarily by AC wild - Visible rain at temperatures close to 0 °C ambient air temperature
current; (SAT)

An anti-ice advisory system (AAS) is installed.

- An ice detector MPC (Multi Purpose Computer)
- An icing evidence probe The MPC is composed of two independent parts, which are AFDAU
- 3 lights in the cockpit part and DMU part. AFDAU part performs the following functions
* The ice detector indicates that ice accretion is building up on the (developed in software level “C” regarding DO178B requirements):
aircraft. - FDAU to transmit data to the FDR
* Freezing rain is a precipitation composed of large super cooled - APM to monitor aircraft drag in icing conditions
water droplets which may be transformed into clear ice when - EHS to transmit aircraft data to the Ground via ATC.
impacting the skin of the aircraft in negative temperature condition; DMU part performs the following functions (developed in software
level ”D” regarding DO178B requirements):
Icing Evidence Probe (IEP) - Record on PCMCIA a copy of the FDR data frame for QAR
- The Icing Evidence Probe is under left side cockpit window and function
visible by both flight crew; - Drive the 2 APM level discrete outputs
- An integrated light is provided to help ice accretion monitoring at - Manage a G–Meter report ????
night using the NAV sw light; - Manage the maintenance of AFCS, MFC, TCAS, PEC/EEC, Radio
- O reset da indicação verde ICING AOA só poderá ser realizado, COM–NAV
quando for constatado visualmente, através de inspeção no IEP ou - Replacement of FDEP
bordo de ataque das asas e spinner; - Provide ACMS capacity, for customization through a GSE.

Pane de ECC  NP ≤ 82% in this condition is PROHIBITED. FDAU (Flight Data Acquisition System Interface)
- FDAU receives various discrete, analog and digital parameters from
82%.: Minimum NP (Rotação da hélice) a number of sensors and avionic systems and then routes them to
a flight data recorder (FDR).
- A e B – Inflating 5 to 5 seconds EHS (Enhanced Surveillance)
- The operating principle is to sequentially inflate the boots in order - In accordance with the European Air Traffic Management Plan, the
to remove ice. implementation of EHS requires aircraft to have capability to
- The de-ice valves control the delivery pressure to 20.3 psi; downlink aircraft derived data via a mode S transponder.
- This system MUST be selected ON as soon as and as long as ice
accretion develops on airframe; DMU (Data Management Unit)
- The DMU system is dedicated to the aircraft maintenance;
Propeller Anti-Ice - The DMU has been designed to enable the user to customize the
- Propeller anti-ice is performed by resistors installed near the system based on his specific application, requirements, operating
surface of the inboard sections of the blade leading edges; environment and logistics;
- On each propeller, the heat elements are electrically connected in - Most of the functions are configurable or programmable by an “on-
three blades (every) other blade); ground” equipment called Ground Support Equipment (GSE), based
- The system is supplied with 115 V ACW; on a Laptop;
- Two modes are available:
NORMAL: To be used when SAT is between -10 °C and 0°C. MFC (Multi Function Computer)
ON: To be used when SAT is between -30 °C and -10 °C . - Numerous logic functions are performed by the MFC system
- It must only be operated on ground, with propellers above 63 % provides by, two independent computers (MFC 1 and MFC 2);
NP. Test procedure: - Each computer includes two independent modules (A and B).
- Aircraft on ground, propellers > 63 %NP * Take-off with two or more failed MFC Modules is prohibited.
- Mode select (overhead panel): NORM
- Push test button - Eng Fire, smoke – Do not pass through MFC;
- The system performs a short anti-ice cycle. - MFC 1A and 2A = Analógico
MFC 1B and 2B = Alarmes “barulho”
Window Heat - MFC provides a centrilized computing and data communication
The cockpit windows are electrically heated : capability to support acft function;
- The front windshields for ice protection and defogging - MFC provides the system monitoring and failures information to
- The side windows for defogging only. flight crew;
- The front windshields are protected against ice formation by an - 28v dual power supply
electrically heated transparent film incorporated between two plies of - There are 3 modules
glass. It is supplied with 200 V ACW, and temperature is controlled
by an electronic controller which keeps the outer windshield Maintenance use only (Maintenance Panel);
temperature over 2 °C (35 °F). The inner surface remains above 21
°C (70 °F) to prevent mist formation.
- The side windows are protected by an electrically heated system
consisting of small wires embedded between two plies of glass. It is
supplied with 28 V DC and keeps the inner temperature over 21 °C
(70 °F).

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 18 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
- C Chord (ALT alert)
- Door beel (Calls)
- 3 clicks (AP capability downgrading)

- For each clock, an internal battery maintains the time counter
function when the aircraft is de-energized.


- CVR.: Last 30 minutes;
- DFDR.: Last 25 hs
- Recording of the failures is performed by the MFC 1A module; * Starts when BAT is switched to ON;
* Turn it Off after 10 minutes engines shutdown
Centralized Crew Alerting System (CCAS) ELT desaceleração.: ≥ 5G
A CCAS is continuously monitoring all aircraft system in order to
provide the following functions: The aircraft is equipped with:
- Alert the flight crew on the existence of a system malfunction - A Solid State Cockpit Voice Recorder (SSCVR);
or aircraft hazardous configuration with a clear indication of the - Recording is made in the memory with a recording
urgency of the situation capacity of 120 min. All recording may be erased by pressing ERASE
- Identify the malfunction or situation without ambiguity pb provided the aircraft is on ground and the parking brake is set.
- Direct the appropriate corrective action without confusion. - A Solid State Flight Data Recorder (SSFDR);
Three types of visual devices are used: - The SSFDR records the main aircraft parameters in digital
- Master Warning (MW) and Master Caution (MC) lights; format (concentrated by the Flight Data Acquisition Unit hosted in
- Crew Alerting Panel (CAP) lights; the MPC). At least the last 25 hours are kept in SSFDR memory;
- Local alerts lights.: The recorders are automatically energized as soon as the aircraft is
- These lights are generally integrated in the system central on its own electrical supply and are switched OFF automatically 10
panels. For issue troubleshoot consult QRH/OEB; min after engines shutdown.
- The local alert lights always reflect directly the system - They transmit a signal on 37.5 kHz for 30 days. The detection
status: they never are inhibited nor cleared by any other means than range is 3.5 km (12 000 ft);
restoring normal functioning;
Ice and Rain protection
The alarm messages will not be displayed if the static air
temperature is above 10 °C;

A blue dot “ ” is provided on the indicator scale to identify 115 %. Minimum bottle pressure required to cover a cabin depressurization
at mid-time of the flight, an emergency descent from 25 000 ft to 13
Alert Levels 000 ft within less than 4 min and a flight continuation at an altitude
The alerts are classified in 4 levels according to their importance and below 13 000 ft.
to the urgency of the corrective action required;
- Level 3 – Warning - Flight Crew Members.:
- Level 2 – Caution Fluxo Normal.: 120 min (Oxygen + External air = Mix);
- Level 1 – Advisory 100%.: 15 min (On demand – Smoke Condition)
- Level 0 – Informational Emergency.: Fluxo contínuo
* Levels 1 and 0 are not taken into account by the MFC; - Cabin Crew Portable Unit.: Two portable oxygen bottles (120 lts)
* Se MFC 1B + 2B amber fail, no sounds will be noted. are available, one at each cabin crew seat. They permit a continuous
diluted flow to one cabin crew at 13 000 ft for a duration of 30 min
T.O. Inhibit each;
- Vários alarmes serão suprimidos (inibidos); - Passengers .: . It controls flow to 19 oxygen masks installed under
- Para cancelar a Inibição; the hat racks. The passenger outlets supply 25 % of the passengers
- Após o recolhimento do Ldg Gear; with a continuous diluted flow for a duration of 30 min in case of
- Pressionar o RCL no ECP (CAP); pressure drop (4 min to descend from 25 000 ft to 13 000 ft, 26 min
* Após um “Reject Tkoff” o modo T.O. INH permanecerá inibido. to continue the flight between 13 000 ft and 10 000 ft) in addition to
Para cancelar deverá pressionar o RCL. the flight crew 120 min consumption.
* TO INHIB function inhibits the alerts that are nonessential until
gear retraction; 01 Bottle 2180 lts.: Cockpit + Flight Attendant
* While Alert Inhibition is active, all OIL and SMOKE warnings are 01 Bottle 1850 lts.: Com redução para 78 PSI
inhibited; a
- Low pressure system < 50 PSI;
Alarms (AURALS) - ≤ 1850 lts – Não poderá levar jumpseat (See Minimum Bottle Pressure table on FCOM);
Three types of aural are defined to alert the flight crew; - 2182 lts – Total garrafa de Oxy na cabine;
- A continuous repetitive chime (CRC); - 25000ft – Takes 3 to 5 minutes to reach FL 100 (Emer Desc);
- A single chime (SC); - PAX.: Duração 30 minutos (25% pax = 19 módulos);
- Specific aural for alerts - If preflight pressure is below 1 400 psi, the flight crew must check
that minimum oxygen quantity is available for the flight;
Specific aurals WARNINGS;
- Cricket (Stall) PBE (Portable Breathing Equipment).: 15 minutos
- Clacker (Overspeed: VMO , VFE, VLE) B-OPR-012-22 .: PBE Modelo Air Liquide
- Calvary Charge (AP Disconnected)
- Whooler (TRIM Motion)
Specific aurals CAUTIONS;

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 19 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
 PBN (RNAV and RNP) - VOR / DME
- The HT 1000 basic navigation is provided by the GPS. When the - GNSS
GPS receiver is failed, deselected, or the satellite coverage is Transmissão de RNAV5 para RNP1 se dará há 30nm em linha reta
insufficient, the navigation automatically reverts to the DME/DME até o destino (AD).
mode or DR mode;
- Quem constrói os procedimentos RNAv no Brasil é DECEA; MEL – Verificar os equipamentos mínimos para executar RNAV
- DOC 9613 – ICAO IS 91-001G – ANAC
Minimum required equipment to enter RNAV 5 airspace is:
- Using information provided by a constellation of 24 satellites (The - 1 RNAV system, implying:
HT 1000 is able to track up to 12 satellites at a time), GNSS is an o 1 current and valid navigation database
automatic tridimensional (latitude, longitude, altitude) location and o 1 MCDU o Navigation Source selection (on ECP)
navigation means. It also uses data recorded in a data base. o 1 VOR and 1 DME capable of VOR/DME and /or DME/DME
- The data base AIRAC (Aeronautical Information Regulation and position computation or 1 GNSS receiver
Control) is stored in the NPU and is updated every 28 days on the - 1 EHSI
ground using a specific data loader. - 1 EADI

- Terminal (1.0nm) – RNP1 (Até 1nm e ±150ft) – 30nm Minimum required equipment to enter RNP1 airspace is:
- Final App (0.3nm) – RNP APCh (0.3nm ± 75ft) - 1 RNAV system, implying:
- Route (2.0nm) – RNAV5 (Até 5nm ± 500ft) o 1 Current and valid navigation database
Terminal.: AC91-006 o 1 MCDU
Final APCH.: AC91-008 o Navigation Source selection (on ECP)
Route.: AC91-002 o 1 DME capable of DME/DME position computation AND 1 GNSS
- 1 CDI (NAV lateral deviation)
- 1 EHSI
- 1 EADI

Minimum required equipment to start an RNP APCH (LNAV)

VOR = 2.0° operations:
ILS = 0.5° - 1 RNAV system, implying:
RNAV = 0.7° o 1 Current and valid navigation database
o 1 MCDU
o Navigation Source selection (on ECP)
o 1 GNSS receiver
N° satélite necessário;
- 1 CDI (NAV lateral deviation)
Posição de coordenada.: Min 3 satélites
- 1 EHSI
Tempo de coordenada.: Min 4 satélites
- 1 EADI
Navegação.: Mín 5 satélites
- 1 AHRS
- 1 ADC
VoePass está autorizado;
B-FST-004-23 .: Requisitos de operação RNP APCH;
RNAV5.: Rota (GNSS)
RNP1.: Terminal – 30nm do destino
- When flying over a WPT followed by a discontinuity, the AP will
RNP APCH (LNAV).: 0.3nm tolerância
revert to the basic lateral mode, maintaining the wings levelled. The
2.0nm do AD
message “CPL DATA INVALID” will appear on the AFCS.
GPS  ϖ = 3,141592653589793 = 15 casas decimais (precision)
- Antes de iniciar o procedimento, um cheque de RAIM deverá ser
realizado, e constatado os limites de integridade para a realização do
procedimento RNAV / GNSS;
- Rota.: Pode-se adicionar/remover waypoint
* Atenção se tiver “constraints”
- Após o IF.: NÃO pode adicionar/remover waypoints
-Intermediate Fix.: Permite “Direct to” se não exceder 45°
- Pouso.: RVR ≥ 550m
- Tkoff.: RVR ≥ 400m
ARC Charts
* Se RVR indisponível, considerar os 800m mínimo Dep/Tkoff.
Azul = RNAV
Verde = Convencional “VOR”
- ARC Chart x GPS (GNSS) = Max. diff 3°
- Gradiente mínimo de subida 3.3° “padrão”
- The two ILS receivers are independent but use a common LOC
- Ver Especificações Operativas (EO) qual acft está liberada
antenna used for the VOR systems and a common G/S antenna;
- Glideslope capture is interlocked such that the localizer must be
RAIM (Receiver Autonomous Integrity monitoring)
captured before glideslope capture. The GS capture overrides all
- Usado para determinar a integridade da recepção;
vertical modes which were previously engaged;
- Se estiver indisponível não poderá executar RNP APCH ou RNP1;
- When the aircraft is more than 1.3 dots below the beam and
- 15 minutos antes e depois do horário do pouso;
penetrates the outer envelope, the GLIDE SLOPE voice alert is
generated softly;
TAA – Terminal Arrival Altitude
− Não arme o modo APP a mais de 18NM/com mais de 8º, ou entre
10 e 18NM/com mais de 35º do curso do localizador;
- Evite a interceptação “por cima” (from above) do glide slope e
sempre monitore a razão de descida e ângulo de aproximação:

RNAV utiliza os seguintes sensores; - CAT II e CAT III – VoePass NÃO executa.
- DME - Mínimos CAT I;
- IRS Decision Height.: Not lower than 200ft

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Visibility.: Not lower than 800m
RVR.: Not lower than 550m

Outer Marker (OM) – 4nm

Middle Marker (MM) – 3500ft
Inner Marker (IM) – 100ft

Visual flight rules – VFR .;

- Visibility (horizontal).: 5nm
- Visibility (vertical).: 1.000 ft
- Visibility (lateral).: 1nm

Marginal Visual Flight Rules (Special).;

- Visibility (horizontal).: 3nm
- Visibility (vertical).:
- Visibility (lateral).:

- Minimum height for use of AutoPilot in approach mode 50 ft
- Minimum decision height 100 ft
- Certified configuration FLAPS 30
Maximum demonstrated wind: Headwind 30 kt
Tailwind 10 kt
Crosswind 15 kt  FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS
* In case of CAT II INVALID, excess deviations and AFCS (Automatic ADC “Air data System”
Flight Control System) failure, go around must be performed with Pitot Capt – ADC1
STBY HORIZON : initial missed approach attitude : 10 ° Pitot F/O – ADC2
Stdby on left – Não passa pelo ADC
Dual coupling, for both LOC and GS (indicated by LOC and GS green * If power is shut down, flight fault summary is lost;
without *) can only take place below 1 200 ft RA, but must be * For the 5 first seconds of capture of the armed mode, a white box
achieved before 1 000 ft RA. surrounds the message on the EADI;

Excess deviation is armed: High Bank.: 27°

- Below 500 ft for LOC Low Bank.: 15°
- Between 500 ft and 100 ft for GS. Any excess deviation apperance
must be announced by PM (call “DEVIATION"). Bank ≤ 6° .: Volta a nivelar a asa;
6° ≤ Bank ≤ 35°.: Manterá o bank que estiver;
AP/FD behavior must be permanently monitored by PM. In case Bank ≥ 35°.: Retornará para 35°
of anomaly (sustained input not justified by LOC and GS deviations,
excessive attitude, bank angle > 10 °, pitch attitude < -4 °, pitch AUTOPILOT
attitude > +4 °), the PM must immediately call “ GUIDANCE ".
- All Probe Heatings (3 Pitots, 6 statics, 2 AOAs and 2 TATs) must be AP-FD Heights
operative. Minimum height for use of AutoPilot in APP ........... ............ 50 ft
- Não arme o modo APP a mais de 18NM/com mais de 8º, ou entre Minimum decision height ................................................. 100 ft
10 e 18NM/com mais de 35º do curso do localizador. * AP will disengage automatically when stall alert is activated.

≥ 66 pounds (aprox. 30 kg) de força no pedais irá desconectar o AP;

Minimum height for AP engagement after takeoff.: 100ft
Mínimo para acoplar AP durante a Decolagem .: 500ft
- Minimum height for use of either AP or FD;
Except during takeoff or approach.: 1.000 ft
Mínimo para desacoplar durante Aprox. Não precisão e ILS .: 160ft
- Overriding the Autopilot on roll axis will not result in AP disconnect.
- Autopilot (AP) diconnects when;
- Force of pilot on the pedals over 300 N (66 lb)
- Force of pilot on the control column (pitch axis) over 100
N (22 lb);
1 N = 0,101972 Kg/Força
300N = 30 kg/F

- The QUICK DISCONNECT pb is recommended all normal AP

disengagement as it leaves the YD operating;
- A second push on the QUICK DISCONNECT pb will also cancel both
audio and visual AUTOPILOT OFF warnings;
- Requires heavy forces (520 N / 114 lb) to be applied to the control
columns, which minimizes the risk of untimely disconnection;

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 21 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
- WHEN PITCH DISCONNECT takes place WITHOUT REAL JAMMING, - Modos LNAV, VOR e APP condicionados somente a “HIGH BANK” no
speed has to be limited to 180 kt and bank angle to 30 ° until flaps 72-500.
extension to avoid overstressing the stabilizer; - IAS aplicável à subida (subida normal IAS = 170 KT, ou velocidade
- A force sensor has been implemented and any flight crew force de melhor angulo de subida, ou ainda, velocidade de melhor razão
exceeding (300 N / 66 lb) applied on rudder will cause the YD de subida).
disengagement; - Condicionado à descida normal. Para descida de emergência,
verificar o procedimento aplicável.
É recomendável a utilização do piloto automático, de forma a É proibido o uso do modo IAS no procedimento de aproximação para
aumentar o alerta e permitir a redução da carga de trabalho, pouso.
principalmente em fases críticas de voo (ex. descida e - O MODO PITCH PODERÁ SER UTILIZADO APENAS NA SUBIDA SOB
Acoplar AP Decolagem.: Acima de 500ft AGL CONDIÇÃO DE FORMAÇÃO DE GELO;
Desacoplar AP Aprox. Ñ Precisão.: Até 160ft AGL - EM CONDIÇÕES DE GELO, GELO SEVERO E/OU COM O ALERTA
Desacoplar AP Demais fases.: Até 1.000ft AGL MODO IAS (PROBIDO MODOS V/S E PITCH NA SUBIDA);
Existem 4 interfaces com o AP/FD FGCP: VELOCIDADE DE VMLB0º+30KT (RED BUG+30 KT). SE NÃO HOUVER
- FMA: Flight Mode Annunciator 05 DESTE MANUAL.
- MCDU: Multi Control Display Unit
Flight guidance control panel (FGCP) - It uses data from the coupled ADC and SGU only and displays the
same commands on both sides. Selection of the coupled side is
achieved through repeated actions on the CPL pb. At power up, left
side is coupled;
- During ILS approach only:
DUAL CPL automatically occurs after LOC and GS track phase has
begun if both NAV receivers are tuned to ILS. In DUAL CPL both
arrows are lighted and both NAV receivers are coupled to the AFCS
computer which uses average data for guidance computation. When
the APP mode is manually canceled, the FD remains coupled to the
side selected prior to dual coupling.
- AFCS computer receives data from both CAPT and F/O ADC and
Lateral Modes
- The aircraft is provided with an Automatic Flight Control System
- Selection of turns greater than 180 ° will lead the system to order
(AFCS). It achieves:
a turn as short as possible if selection has been made before HDG
- Autopilot (AP) function and/or Yaw Damper (YD)
mode being engaged;
- Flight Director (FD) function
- The BANK pb on the AFCS control panel enables selection of the
- Altitude alert.
bank angle limit in the HDG SEL mode only. Alternate action on the
Main components are:
BANK pb causes alternate selection of a High Bank angle limit (27 °)
- One computer
and a low bank angle limit (15 °);
- One control panel
- One Advisory Display Unit (ADU)
Altitude Alert
- Three servo-actuators (one for each axis).
- The visual signal consists of one amber light on each of the two
altimeters which come on when altitude is between H + 250 ft and H
Go Around.:
+ 1 000 ft, or between H - 250 ft and H - 1 000 ft;
- When one is pressed the go-around mode is selected. It drops all
others FD armed and active modes.
- Ground crew stations at:
- Hydraulic bay (left main landing gear fairing)
- Ground electrical power receptacle
- Unpressurized bay in the rear fuselage.

The main components of the systems are:

- The Remote Control Audio Unit (RCAU)
- The crew audio control panels.
- The GO AROUND mode is cancelled by selecting another vertical
mode, engaging TCS, pushing the FD STBY pb, or engaging the AP;
Two systems are provided.:
- Each system has its own transceiver to provide communications on
The Yaw Damper (YD) provides yaw damping and turn coordination.
more than 2000 channels from 118 MHz to 136.975 MHz with 8.33
kHz spacing;
GO AROUND Procedure; Anuncie
- The system has the capability to store 99 user programmed preset
channels. In addition, 6 emergency channel frequencies and all 249
half-duplex ITU maritime radiotelephone channels are programmed;
- GA ........................ PRESS
- PITCH.................... ROTATE +8º PITCH UP
ILT (Emergency Locator XMTR)
- PL 1 + 2................ ADVANCE TO RAMP
- Transmission is made automatically on 121.5 MHz, 243 MHz, and
406 MHz when deceleration exceeds 5 g (X MIT ALERT Iight comes
on amber);
- HI BANK ou LO BANK depende da velocidade atual aplicada (VmLB
ou VmHB).
By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 22 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
- Test.: Aircraft on ground (and electrically supplied), when the
emergency beacon is triggered after 30 s, the mechanical horn is
triggered too;

- Collins ADF system is connected to HF9000 PTT to inhibit erratic
bearing deviation during transmission. Should a permanent stuck-on
PTT failure occurs during more than 15 to 30 s, the ADF bearing
pointer will be parked in 90 ° position (ADF flag);

A tripulação deverá compulsoriamente utilizar o headset:

- Antes do acionamento dos motores até o cruzamento do FL100;
- Do FL100 até o corte dos motores;

Durante os procedimentos de decolagem:

- A Cabine inicia a fase estéril após o aviso de “CABINE OK” para
- Finaliza a fase estéril após o aviso “SEAT BELTS” ser desligado;

Durante os procedimentos de aproximação e pouso:

- Inicia a fase estéril após o aviso de “CABINE OK” para o pouso;
- Finaliza a fase estéril após a parada da aeronave e aviso seat belts
Caso haja uma situação de urgência/emergência, a tripulação de
cabine irá chamar o cockpit via chamada EMERGENCY do intercom.

Durante um voo, sempre que realizadas ações críticas, estas ações

devem ser cotejadas e confirmadas antes de sua realização.  EGPWS
- Manobra evasiva;
- Pitch.: 10°
- Max Pwr.: RAMP
- Eng. Select.: MCT set
- Wing Lever
- Quando voando sob VMC em período DIURNO, o limiar de um
alerta poderá ser ultrapassado caso seja associado a boa consciência
situacional em relação aos terrenos e conhecimento do terreno a ser
voado. Neste caso um alerta poderá gerenciado e a aproximação ser
 CÁLCULO DE VÔO - Alarmes no período NOTURNO VMC ou em uma situação IMC, que
3° = 300ft para cada 1nm devem ser obrigatoriamente respeitados);

Approximação estabilizada Windshear

Flap 30° = VaPP + 10kt - Não tem avisos aurais/ visuais no ATR;
VaPP = VmHB30 + Wind factor - Manobra evasiva;
R/D ≤ 1000ft after FAF - Pitch.: 10°
- Não seguir o FD;
VDP = MDA = Result in NM - Max. pwr
300 - DO NOT change acft configuration
And you'll get *.**nm , which is the approximate distance from the - Go Around.: Pitch 10° + RAMP or WALL (Até 15% de pwr);
runway where you can start a 3-degree descent to the runway.
O ATR não é dotado de um sistema de aviso de windshear, portanto,
Gradiente de Subida/Descida as seguintes situações podem indicar o encontro com tais condições;
GS = 3.3% EM SOLO
VI = 150kt • Falta da aceleração e velocidade durante a fase de rolagem sobre a
Resolução.: 150 x 3.3 = 495 (500ft/min) pista;
• Tempo não usual para atingir a VR, V1.
Curva Padrão EM VOO
VI = 150kt • Mudança não comandada na trajetória de voo abaixo de 1000 pés
Resolução.: AAL;
150 ÷ 10% = 15 + 50% (7,5) = 22,5º valor da inclinação da asa. • Velocidade indicada com variação superior a 15 kt;
O valor 22,5º irá se igualar ao Turn & Back, curva padrão (30º/Seg). • Variação de GS (variação de vento de proa ou vento de cauda
aumentando, ou alternância entre vento de proa e vento de cauda);
Calculate the Top of Decent point; • Razão vertical com variações superiores a 500 pés/minuto;
- Considering 3.0° descent Standard gradient; • Variação na atitude de arfagem de 5º ou mais;
- Exemple.: FL180 x 3 = 54.0nm • Variações de proa em mais de 10º;
• Desvio de glide slope em 1 dot ou mais;
• Ajuste de potência não usual, ou manetes de potencia em posição
não usual por tempo prolongado;
• Combinação destes efeitos simultaneamente.

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 GoAround procedure – Single engine  DRIFTDOWN
- Pitch 8 Nose Up (Normal proc = 10°) - QRH.: OPSDATA – Driftdown speed table
- Power Lever in RAMP - Depois retornar para “NOTCH” Single Engine Cross Ceiling table
- FLAP on step above – Use FLAP 15° for GoAround - FCOM.: Driftdown Descent Tables (pg.: 922)

Sem obstáculo;
 RUNWAY - Caso não haja obstáculos previstos, o procedimento de drift down,
- TORA .: Toda a extensão pavimentada. não é necessário. Neste caso uma descida com MCT será realizada
- LDA .: Da faixa pouso até a cabeceira oposta. mantendo IAS = 200 KT.
- ASDA.: TORA + Stopway - Quando a razão vertical atingir VS = -500 FT/MIN, mantenha este
- TODA .: TORA + Clearway valor até atingir o nível de cruzeiro adequado (Single Engine Cross
* Runway sem clearway e stopway terão suas distâncias TORA, LDA, Ceiling table on QRH)
ASDA e TODA todasd iguais.
Com Obstáculo;
TakeOff - Utilizar o MCT, verificar as tabelas de performance para One Engine
- Rwy Dry.: Cruzar a THD à 35ft Cruise (QRH);
- Twy Wet.: Cruzar a THD à 15ft - Ao livrar o obstáculo.: Se possível, é recomendado o FL070/FL080
- B-FST-002-23 – Operação em CGH; para otimizar a velocidade de cruzeiro.
- Obrigatório o uso do reverso (observar a indicação “two low
pitch” para a aplicação do mesmo);
- Torna-se permitida a operação de copilotos em pista  CG
molhada no aeroporto de Congonhas (SBSP); - Ideal.: 28% e 32%
- Dias quentes.: 25% e 26% é o ideal
RWY SLOPE - 2% to 2%
Calcular o SLOPE da pista (rwy);
Elev. THR 09 – Elev. THR 27 = X . 100 = Slope (%)  LAST MINUTE CHANGE – LMC
Comprimento da Rwy - Aceitável 1,0% do peso máximo de pouso (Máx 225 kg);
- Decrease the runway length by 400 m for 1 % uphill slope. - ≥ 7,5 kg bagagem
- Decrease the runway length by 400 m for 10 kt tailwind. - Jumpseat
B-FST-005-23 .: Critérios de LMC de combustível

2nd segment.: Net Climb = Regulamentary  METEOROLOGY
Gross Climb = What we get during present climb 1°C changes the Density Altitude by about 120ft
Ex.: +15°C = 0ft Density Altitude
Non Limiting Runways +35°C = 1.945 ft Density Altitude
Wind = +10 kt (headwind)
Dry runway Sig Wx Prog.: From ground up to FL630
TORA = 1 800 m Pressure altitude = 3 000 ft 00:00, 06:00, 12:00 e 18:00
TODA = 1 870 m (computed from airport elevation and actual Ex.: 12:00 – Válido das 09: às 15:00 (Duas horas antes e
QNH) depois)
ASDA = 1 950 m Slope = +0.6 % (uphill)
Wind Aloft Prog & Temperature
Ex.: 12:00 – Válido 05:00 às 19:00 (Seis horas antes e
- QNH > 1 013.25 hPa.: For all other limitations, add 80 kg to the - Standing water Water of depth greater than 3 mm.
TOW for each 10 hPa above the standard pressure. - A damp runway is considered as wet;
- QNH < 1 013.25 hPa.: Subtract 240 kg to the TOW for each 10 - A wet runway excessively contaminated by rubber, reported as
hPa below the standard pressure. “Slippery Wet” is a contaminated runway : The friction
characteristics of a significant portion of the runway is degraded;
Calculate the RTOW (Regulatory TakeOff Weight) – See table
- Headwind 30kt
 FLIGHT PLANNING - Crosswind 15kt (Max 28kt)
FUEL POLICY - Tailwind 10kt (Max 15kt)
Taxi fuel.:
- Hotel mode (if used): 55 kg (30 min) WEATHER RADAR - ATR
- Average quantity for two engines: 14 kg (2 min) - The weather radar contains a forced standby (FSBY) function that
Trip fuel.: allows to force the radar into standby automatically thanks to the
- Takeoff and initial climb : Average quantity 24 kg (1 min) WEIGHT ON WHEELS switch. So when the aircraft is on ground, the
- Climb at selected speed weather radar transmissions are normally inhibited, even when TEST
- Cruise mode is selected;
- Descent from cruising level to 1 500 ft above destination airport - Weather radar system is designed for weather impediments
- Approach and landing : Average quantity 30 kg (3 min) detection, up to 300 Nm in a 45 ° sector on each side of aircraft
Em route reserve fuel.: path;
- An en-route reserve of 5% of the trip fuel is included in the
computation; ADVERSE WEATHER
Alternate fuel.: - Refer to SAE AS6285 or ICAO DOC 9640 recommendations for
Holding fuel.: de/anti-icing aircraft on the ground.
Atmospheric Icing Conditions - Atmospheric icing conditions exist
- OAT on ground and for takeoff is at or below 5 °C

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 24 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
- TAT in flight is at or below 7 °C, and - Seu funcionamento básico é verificar a performance a aeronave em
- Visible moisture (≤ 1500 m) in any form is present (such as tempo real, comparando a velocidade (IAS) e o arrasto gerado pelo
clouds, fog, mist, rain, snow, sleet and ice crystals). gelo acumulado;
- Aircraft critical surface can be also contaminated by moisture - No 72-500 é necessário que sejam observados alguns itens para a
present in the form of either precipitation (snow, rain, drizzle, fog) seleção de peso no painel do APM, de maneira a permitir a correta
or condensation; operação do sistema e a análise de performance durante o voo;
- So when encountering icing, it is necessary to be as objective as
possible, keeping in mind that icing level evaluated as light by a APM alerts are:
crew may be evaluated as severe by another crew; - CRUISE SPEED LOW indicates a limited degradation in drag (in the
- If the OAT is very low, it should be necessary anyway to start up order of 10 %) combined with a speed at least 10 kt below the
engine 1 early enough to get the necessary oil warm up time; expected cruise speed. This alert is available in cruise phase only.
- IEP (Icing Evidence Probe) is automatically illuminated when the - DEGRADED PERF indicates a significant degradation in drag (in the
NAV lights are ON; order of 22 to 28 %, depending of the IAS). In cruise, it is combined
- The ice detector provides a reliable information up to TAT = 3 °C. with a speed at least 15 kt to 20 kt below the expected cruise speed.
Above this TAT, the ice detector may not detect ice information; - INCREASE SPEED indicates that the conditions for DEGRADED PERF
- In consequence, when TAT is above 3 °C and in icing conditions, are met and that the speed is lower than ICING BUG +10 kt
the monitoring of aircraft performance is even more important;
- Certification requirements defined in JAR/FAR 25 appendix C To help the flight crew to detect aircraft performance degradation,
consider droplet sizes up to 50 microns in diameter; APM can trigger three levels of alert with associated procedures to
be apply:
In flight, following weather conditions may be conducive to severe - CRUISE SPEED LOW (normal procedure)
icing conditions: - DEGRADED PERF (abnormal procedure)
- Visible rain at temperatures close to 0 °C ambient air temperature - INCREASED SPEED (abnormal procedure)
- Droplets that splash or splatter on impact at temperatures close to Maximum Recommended Icing Flight Level
0 °C ambient air temperature (SAT); The Maximum Recommended Icing Flight Level is defined as the
- Severe icing may be detected through: flight level that provides a cruise speed with 40 kt margin above the
- Unable to maintain IAS above ICING BUG +10 kt ICING BUG (VmLB0icing).
- Unable to maintain V/S above 100 ft/min AVERAGE at Example:
ICING BUG +10 kt For an ATR 72–212A with a takeoff weight of 22T, ICING BUG is 165
- Abnormal vibrations kt. In ISA +5 °C and if icing conditions are expected, to maintain at
least a margin of 40 kt between ICING BUG and the cruise speed
- The flight crew should react as soon as they identify a continuous target, the maximum cruise level would be FL180 where cruise
loss of performance and before reaching performance criteria: speed target is 205 kt.
- Unable to maintain IAS above ICING BUG +10 kt, or
- Unable to maintain V/S above 100 ft/min AVERAGE at ICING BUG In order to assess the icing environment in which ATR aircraft fly,
+10 kt data from about 17000 flights worldwide has been analyzed.

The ATR is equipped with both anti icing and de icing systems. So, the use of the autopilot is prohibited when:
- in severe icing, or
Anti Icing System - following DEGRADED PERF alert, it is not possible to accelerate and
The anti icing system consisting of electrical heating is used to maintain IAS above ICING BUG +30 kt, or
prevent ice on: - unusual lateral trim is required while the aircraft is in icing
- the probes, conditions, or
- the windshield and side-windows (heating for defogging only, not - autopilot trim warnings are triggered while the aircraft is in icing
for ice protection), conditions.
- the flight control horns (ailerons, elevators, rudder),
- the inner leading edge of propeller blades (outer part is deiced by In any case if the airspeed cannot be maintained above ICING BUG
centrifugal force only). +10 kt, the flight crew shall immediately apply the severe icing
- O ANTI-ICING somente poderá ser desligado quando a aeronave procedure and initiate a descent.
livrar as condições de gelo, isto é, TAT > 7°C em voo ou livrando a
condição de úmidade visível; Single Engine Operation in Icing Conditions
- In icing conditions, final takeoff climb, en route and drift down
Holdover Time (HOT): HOT is the estimated time the anti icing fluid procedures must be performed with flaps 15
will prevent the formation of ice and frost, and the accumulation of * If no obstacle limitations exist, FLAPS 0 may be used for single
snow on the protected (treated) surfaces of an aeroplane. engine cruise in order to benefit from a higher cruise speed but at a
lower cruising altitude
De Icing System “Boots”
The airframe de icing system allows to remove ice from: Following procedures must be applied in function of the level of icing
- the critical areas of the airframe (wing and horizontal stabilizer conditions:.
leading edges), - PROCEDURE FOR ICING CONDITIONS (normal procedure),
- the engine air intakes and engine gas paths. - CRUISE SPEED LOW (normal procedure),
The pneumatic boots are constituted by dual chambers (chordwise - DEGRADED PERF (abnormal procedure)
chambers on the airframe) which inflate alternatively. - INCREASE SPEED (abnormal procedure),
- SEVERE ICING (emergency procedure)
APM (Aircraft Performance Monitoring);
- The APM system monitors aircraft in-flight performance in order to OPERATIONS IN WIND CONDITIONS
enhance flight crew awareness of the risk of severe icing conditions. The recommended landing flap configuration is the same as the
standard landing flap setting, even with strong crosswind.
- O APM é o sistema instalado para a detecção dos efeitos do
acúmulo de gelo na aeronave; WINDSHEAR
PITCH on takeoff .: INCREASE TO 10 °

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 25 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
Para aumentar a visualização da aeronave, incluindo operações com
visibilidade reduzida, utilize: NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES
i. Taxi sobre a pista ou cruzamento de pista, mantenha as luzes de - Do not use reverse while taxing
taxi ligadas, as wing lights e as landing lights acionadas; - Minimize the use of reverse at landing.
ii. Sob visibilidade reduzida, mantenha as wing lights acesas e
observe atentamente as marcações destacadas no item C; ROLLING (On Ground)
iii. Em alguns aeródromos poderá ser requerido o uso do ≤ 70kt – CM1 (Steering, Yoke pushed, aileron down wind)
transponder nos deslocamentos em solo; ≥ 70kt – PF (Rudder.: VmCA actuating)
- Conforme a redução de velocidade, e não abaixo de 40kt
- Em caso de voo sob gelo severo só poderá ser aplicado HIGH BANK (estimado) o CM1 deve assumir o controle do NWS;
com velocidade de VmLB0º+30kt (RED BUG + 30kt) ou superior. - Tailwind limit.: 15 kt
- Se não houver tal possibilidade, deverá ser mantido o voo na * The limitation for tailwinds greater than 10 kt reflects the
condição LOW BANK. capability of the aircraft as evaluated in terms of airworthiness but
does not constitute approval.
- A indicação azul do memo panel, DE-ICE (72-500) e AIRFRAME - Maximo vento través.: 35 kt
(72-600), piscará após 5 minutos, para indicar que já passaram-se 5 - Tailstrike.: 8° “wheel compressed”
minutos desde a última detecção de gelo pelo ice detector – isto
significa que é provável que o desenvolvimento do acumulo de gelo BRAKES
tenha parado na aeronave, no entanto, não significa que o nível 3 - To reduce the use of brakes during taxi, apply a small amount of
tenha que ser desligado neste momento. Antes de desligar o nível reverse to decelerate, as necessary;
2/3 uma verificação visual deverá ser realizada; - Turn radius with NWS is sufficient, and does not require any
differential braking on the inner wheels;
DSO .: Perigo Aviário; - Use of EMER BRAKE beyond the EMER BRAKE notch above 60 kt
- Efetuar o reporte.: must be avoided to prevent wheels lock up and damages to wheels
and tires.
- Below 60 kt, a SMALL further travel (∼ 1 cm) is available without
 TAKEOFF risks of damage when maximum stopping performance is required.
PUSHBACK Delayed braking: Maximum braking is applied at fixed speed
B-OPR-008-22 .: Operação de pushback sob mau tempo; depending on Flaps configuration:
- Em solo.: Será permitido a não utilização do fone de comunicação FLAPS DELAYED BRAKING SPEED
(Headset); 30 80 kt IAS
- Comandos Visuais entre Piloto e Manutenção 15 90 kt IAS
- Em voo.: O uso do headset pela tripulação técnica permanece 0 100 kt IAS
compulsório para todas as fases de voo.

- Pb in (depressed) = On, Auto or Normal

- Pb out (Released) = Off, Man, Alt. Shut
- Dark cockpit (Normal)

TO Config – Will verify IF;

- Pwr Mngt nota t T/O - Rotation is initiated to the recommended value (θ 9°) as indicated
- Flaps nota at 15° by FD vertical guidance bar;
- TRIM out of Green sector; - As soon as gear is retracted and above 100 ft, AP can be engaged:
- TLU LO SPEED green light not illuminated; It synchronizes on FD command and maintains HDG and IAS;
- AIL LOCK light illuminated; - On a wet or contaminated runway, the screen height is 15 ft in
- Parking Brake handle not fuly7 released (PLs only); case of engine failure;

TAXY TakeOff Climb Speed.: 170 kt

- O reverso poderá ser empregado para diminuir a velocidade tanto - Se tiver obstáculo à frente.:
single quanto dual engines On; WhiteBug.: Maior ângulo de subida
- “Vida útil dos freios” .: N° de aplicações. Se aplicou o freio, segure- WhiteBug + 10kt.: Maior razão de subida
o até atingir a velocidade desejada. Atenção ao “Brake Hot”.
- Brake pivot turn (sharp turn) is prohibited, except in emergency; Spoiler.: 2,5° deflection
- A deflated tire is not easily noticeable from the cockpit : NO Aileron.: 14,0° Up / Down
TAKEOFF should be started after EMER BRAKE has been used at TRIM.: Takes 30 sec to travel from 0° to full.
speeds in excess of a maximum taxiing speed of 20 kt without prior
visual inspection of the main landing gear tires; * VFR.: Não poderá decolar, pousar ou entrar numa ATZ ou circuito
- Rudder becomes very rapidly efficient when airspeed increases (~ de tráfego se;
40 kt). ATR aircraft have a natural tendency to go straight; Teto.: ≤ 1500 ft
- Wing tip ground clearance gives roll angle limited by 17°; Visibilidade.: ≤ 5 km
- Crabbed approach maneuver shall be initiated at the latest at 20 ft
height. Below V1
The Captain should consider discontinuing the takeoff, if any of the
POWERBACK AND PUSHBACK OPERATIONS following conditions occur:
- NAC OVHT and ENG FIRE can be triggered during push back in - Master warning / caution
hotel mode with a tailwind greater than 10 kt, including aircraft - Unusual noise or vibration
direction changes throughout the procedure; - ATPCS not armed
- If the tailwind is above this limit, the push back has to be done - Windshear
with the propeller(s) running and unfeathered, in respect with - Cabin smoke / fire
ground safety rules and airport local rules; - Abnormal acceleration
- NEVER USE BRAKES during pushback to avoid tail strike and/or - Tire failure
strain on towing system; - Unsafe / unable to fly
- Powerback must be performed at low speed; - Engine failure / fire

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 26 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
- Takeoff configuration warning
- Bird strike - Window failure.

Abort Takeoff (Reject “RTO”)

- On a wet or slippery runway, or takeoff at or near maximum
runway limit weight, an aborted takeoff at or near V1 will require
MAXIMUM use of brakes until reaching a full stop and use of reverses
until 40 kt;
- Aircraft must be stopped for 10 min and the BRK TEMP HOT light
must be monitored as it may take up to 10 min before brakes
temperature reaches its maximum at sensor location;

Abaixo da V1, o Comandante deve considerar pela descontinuação

da decolagem, caso uma das seguintes situações ocorram:
- Master Warning/Caution; - Ruído anormal ou vibração;
- ATPCs não armado; - Windshear;
- Fumaça ou fogo; - Aceleração anormal da aeronave;
- Falha/estouro de pneu; - Alarme de configuração de decolagem;
- Bird Strike; - Quebra de windshield
* Não há considerações sobre rejeição de decolagem em alta ou
baixa velocidade (High/Low Energy), o parâmetro que deve ser
considerado para a tomada de decisão deve ser a V1.

Após uma rejeição de decolagem a aeronave deve permanecer

parada por 10 minutos e a indicação BRK TEMP HOT deve ser
A temperatura máxima dos freios (medida no sensor local) pode
levar até 10 minutos para ser atingida.

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 27 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
The flight crew must always monitor IAS carefully, especially in VS
and PITCH modes as well as during ALT* phase;
- Consider requesting a lower flight level to increase margin to buffet
onset. Maximum Rough Air Speed (VRA) = 180 kt;

For ATR 72, the recommended IAS for the climb is the higher of :
- 170 kt, or
- ICING BUG in icing conditions, or
- ICING BUG +10 kt as soon as accretion is detected

The operational ceilings are defined when the rate of climb reaches a
threshold of:
- 300 ft/min in normal condition
- 100 ft/min in icing condition
* When the average climb rate reaches 100 ft/min or less, a level off
will certainly not be enough to regain airspeed and the severe icing
procedure has to be applied.

Vortex Strength
- Usually, vortices descend at an initial rate of about 300 to 500
ft/min for about 30 s. The descent rate decreases and eventually
approaches zero between 500 and 900 ft below the flight path;
- Maintaining a vertical separation of at least 1 000 ft when crossing
below the previous aircraft may be considered safe;

Temperature correction to be applied:

- Per 5 °C above ISA:
- Add 1.3 min per 10 000 ft for time
- Add 14 kg per 10 000 ft for consumption
- Add 6 Nm per 10 000 ft for distance
- Add 1 kt per 10 000 ft for mean speed.
- Per 5 °C below ISA:
- Subtract 1 min per 10 000 ft for time
- Subtract 7 kg per 10 000 ft for consumption
- Subtract 3 Nm per 10 000 ft for distance
- Subtract 1 kt per 10 000 ft for mean speed.

The gross climb gradients are computed for:

- Two engines at MAX climb power with IAS = 170 kt
- Two engines at MAX climb power with IAS = VmLB.

- When using air conditioning in high mode increase fuel
consumption by 3 %, and subtract 4 kt on indicated airspeed.

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 28 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
B-FST-005-22 .: Briefing para aproximações visuais; Wind.:
- Mitigação do efeito “Black-Hole”; - Maximum tail wind.: 15 kt * No Icing condition
- Narrow Runway (Pista lateral curta ≤ 30m); - Crosswind landing FLAPS 30.: 35 kt (dry rwy)
- Aproximação sobre mar, lago (superfície líquida); - Icing condition, very hot wather.: Consult Rwy Analysis
- Uso do critério de 300 pés de decréscimo para cada 1NM da
cabeceira (Rampa 3°); - For landing or aborted takeoff, control column holding must be
o Callout “”Too high” or “Too low”, “Correcting”; transferred to the First Officer while the Captain takes the nosewheel
- Carta MEA e MSA; steering;
- The control column must be held very firmly. Below 30 kt, the
- 1500 ft/min GUST LOCK can be engaged.
- 240 kt - Wing tip ground clearance gives roll angle limited by 17°;
- 3° descending - Crabbed approach maneuver shall be initiated at the latest at 20 ft
- VPI follow height.
- The down hill rules (DHR), and the net flight paths associated to a
Two types of descent are proposed: 200 kt IAS descent.
- At given rate.: 1500ft/min
- At given gradient.: 3° in normal mode pressurization - If a thrust dissymmetry occurs or if one LO PITCH light is not ON,
the use of any reverser is prohibited.
15nm away to destination; - In this case the propeller pitch change mechanism is probably
- Speed 170 kt locked at a positive blade angle, resulting in a positive thrust for any
- 4nm do FAF – Flap 14° PL position.
- As speed reduces, and not later than about 40 kt (estimated) CAPT
takes NWS control, F/O hold control column fully forward;

Field Temperature.: 28°C
Field Elevation.: 3500ft
* Sendo “PER 10°c ABOVE ISA”
3500 28°C -
X 2°C 7°C
7°C ISA.: 21°C

- Approach speed can be up to 240 kt.

- If deceleration rate on approach appears insufficient, it is possible

to increase it by increasing NP on 100 % OVRD, but that will result
in an increased interior noise.

- LOC beam capture must be started (LOC* green on both EADI and
ADU) before GS capture can occur
- LOC beam capture may result in one initial overshoot when the
capture conditions are severe (Intercept Heading = RWY HDG ± 90
- During LOC capture, the bank angle limit is raised to 30 °

Calcular VaPP
VaPP = VmHB30 + Wind Component
Ex.: Rwy.: 36
Wind Dir.: 300°
Wind Speed.: 18kt 30-18 = VaPP = 12kt
Gust.: 30 kt

Wind Factor The highest of

- 1/3 of the headwind component Or
- The gust reported
* With a maximum wind factor of 15 kt. Any failure that is not completely treated before 1 000 ft AAL, or
that occurs below 1 000 ft AAL, must always lead to a missed
Crabbed approach.: AP disconnected at 500ft AFE (Air Field Elev) approach.

Actual Landing Distance

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 29 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
- See tables in FCOM (Pg.: 1059)

Maximum allowed weight landing

- See tables in FCOM (Pg.: 1111)

Desembarque rápido
- Ameça de bomba (on ground);
- Sabotagem;
- Fumaça ou fogo controlado em solo

Coletes salva-vidas.: Até 60kg

Assentos flutuantes.: Até 80kg

- Aplicar o reverso somente após o PM verificar as indicações de
“Low Pitch” acender.

- Reverse thrust taxi (single or twin engine);

- Emergency Procedures.: 5 topics
- Abnormal Procedures.: 14 topics

Os pilotos deverão informar a tripulação de cabine caso haja
mudança significativa nas fases do voo, e sempre que;
a. Antes da decolagem, através do aviso no PA:
b. Antes da descida, através do aviso no PA:
c. Antes da aproximação final, através do aviso no PA:
d. Área de turbulência prevista (via intercom);
e. Problemas técnicos, impactando nos procedimentos de cabine (via
f. Em caso de turbulência inesperada, o CM1 deverá avisar através
do PA:

O PM deverá alertar sobre qualquer desvio, através dos call outs:

• Desvio de velocidade maior que + 10 KT à “SPEED”
• Desvio de velocidade menor que -0 KT à “SPEED”
• ILS: Desvio de glide slope maior que ½ dot à “GLIDE”
• ILS: Desvio de localizador maior que ½ dot à “LOC”
• RNAV: Desvio de rampa maior que ½ dot à “V-NAV”
• RNAV: Desvio lateral maior que ½ dot à “L-NAV”
• VOR: Desvio de curso maior que ½ dot à “COURSE”
• Razão de descida excessiva acima de 1000 ft/min à “SINK RATE”
O PF deverá tomar a ação corretiva, e responder: à “CORRECTING”

B-FST-010-21 .: Callouts (Padronização)

Cockpit philosophty
Some push bottons are painted in AMBER (Fluorescent paiting) to
help crew to find them in case of smoke.
- Etc

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 30 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
EMERGÊNCIAS, DEVERÃO SER FEITOS EM PORTUGUÊS. - AUTO – PILOT .......................................... ON !
- XPDR ...................................................... 7700
Frequência de Emergência - ATC ........................................................ NOTIFY
VHF 121.50Mhz = HF 8.8334Khz ou 13.586 Khz = UHF 234,0Mhz “MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, PASSAREDO XXXX, COM
“SILENCE PERIODS” de 15 minutos à 18 minutos e dos 45 minutos INCAPACITAÇÃO DE TRIPULANTE”
aos 48 minutos de cada hora. (Jeppensen “Radio Aids”) - CABIN CREW CALL ................................... EMERGENCY
- Perform ………………………………………………………… TOC and CCCP
ABNORMAL PROCEDURE * Caso o copiloto seja o PF, após solicitar os auxílios médicos,
- Após o QRH/CheckList – Avaliar a situação usando o TOC; informará ao órgão ATC apropriado, que realizará a parada da
Técnico aeronave sobre a pista;
Operacional * Após a parada deverá aplicar o parking brake, realizar o After
Comercial Landing C/L, acionar o propeller brake e executar o Parking C/L;
- Após o TOC, executar o CCCP; Em caso de aplicação do reverso em um motor (single engine),
- Após o CCCP, se necessário, usar o TELCAS para “Emerg Landing” deverá ser empregado comando de ROLL (possivelmente, curso
máximo), de forma a minimizar a tendência de bancagem para a o
1°) Control – ATC + Intensions - Request radar vector for a long final STABILIZED approach;
2°) Company – “Frequency” - Read the check list in loud voice (situational awareness);
3°) CMR – Flight Attendant
Tempo disponível: Qual o tempo disponível para a preparação de ENGINE FIRE AT TAKE OFF................................................... 1.02A
BOTH ENGINES FLAME OUT ................................................. 1.03
cabine e pouso?
ENGINE FLAME OUT AT TAKE OFF.......................................... 1.04
Emergência: Qual o tipo de emergência enfrentada? SMOKE.............................................................................. 1.05
Local: Local escolhido para pouso ou o tipo (sobre terra / sobre DUAL DC GEN LOSS ........................................................... 1.07
água); EMERGENCY DESCENT ........................................................ 1.07A
Comunicação: Quem irá se comunicar com os passageiros? Haverá SEVERE ICING ................................................................... 1.09
Área: Qual a área mais afetada da aeronave? UNRELIABLE AIRSPEED INDICATION..................................... 1.10
Sinal: Quais serão as vozes de comando utilizadas?

Os procedimentos devem ser executados completamente, de forma ENG 1(2) FIRE OR SEVERE MECHANICAL DAMAGE IN FLIGHT
calma e precisa. QRH E70.02
PL affected side .................................. FI (Flight Idle)
REJECT TAKEOFF (RTO) SOP – 264 pdf CL affected side .................................. FTR THEN FUEL SO
CM1 ................................................... Callout.: STOP FIRE HANDLE affected side................... PULL
PL ……………………………………………..…………..… GI (Ground Idle)  If condition persist after 10 seconds
Yoke (Control column) ..…………………………. Full forward AGENT 1 affected side............ DISCH
Brakes …………………………………………………….. Full apply  If condition persist after 30 seconds
If “Two LO PITCH” comes ON ………………… Full Reverse AGENT 2 affected side............ DISCH
At 70kts …………. CM1 announces ……..….. MY CONTROL
BRAKE HANDLE .................................... PARKING AIRCRAFT ………………………………………………… STOP
CREW/PAX ……… CM2 announces ………..… NOTIFY • When aircraft stopped
CCAS................................................... RCL CL 1 + 2 ............................................ FTR THEN FUEL SO
EMER / ABNORMAL QRH ........................ AS RQRD FIRE HANDLE affected side.................... PULL
* Em operação com pista molhada, escorregadia ou próximo do peso  If condition persist
de decolagem limite para a pista, uma rejeição de decolagem AGENT 1 affected side................... DISCH
próxima ou na V1, irá requerer, sem atrasos, a máxima aplicação de  If condition persist after 30 seconds
freios até a parada total da aeronave, bem como, o uso dos reversos AGENT 2 affected side................... DISCH
até 40kt;
* Após uma rejeição de decolagem a aeronave deve permanecer ENGINE 1(2) FIRE AT TAKE OFF
parada por 10 minutos e a indicação BRK TEMP HOT deve ser QRH E70.01
monitorada; • When airborne
LDG GEAR ........................................ UP
Abaixo da V1, o Comandante deve considerar pela descontinuação • At Acceleration Altitude
da decolagem, caso uma das seguintes situações ocorram: PWR MGT ......................................... MCT
- Master Warning/Caution; - Ruído anormal ou vibração; PL ……………………………………………………….…. NOTCH
- ATPCs não armado; - Windshear; Pitch .: …………………………………………………. 10°
- Fumaça ou fogo; - Aceleração anormal da • At VFTO
aeronave;  If normal condition
- Falha/estouro de pneu; - Alarme de configuração de FLAPS ...................................... 0°
decolagem;  If icing condition
- Bird Strike; - Quebra de windshield FLAPS ...................................... MAINTAIN 15°
PL affected side ................................ FI
CL affected side ................................ FTR THEN FUEL SO
FIRE HANDLE illuminated ................... PULL
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 If fire persist after 10 seconds DESCENT..................................... INITIATE
AGENT 1 affected side........................ DISCH PL 1 + 2 ...................................... FI
 If fire persist after 30 seconds CL 1 + 2....................................... 100% OVHD (PF)
AGENT 2 affected side........................ DISCH - Deviate 45° to the right/left (exit the airway)
BLEED engine alive ........................... OFF if necessary
* Em caso de aplicação do reverso em um motor (single engine),
deverá ser empregado comando de ROLL (possivelmente, curso SEVERE ICING
máximo), de forma a minimizar a tendência de bancagem para a o QRH 99.08
lado do motor operand. IAS.: Icing Bug + 30kt (or Icing Bug if Flap 15 extended)
PWR MGT .................................... MCT
ENG 1+2 FLAME OUT CL 1 + 2 ..................................... 100% OVRD
QRH E70.05 PL 1 + 2 ..................................... Adjust
PF .................................................. CAPT AP (if engaged)..... FIRMLY HOLD CONTROL WHEEL & DISENGAGE
PL 1 + 2 ......................................... FI SEVERE ICING CONDITIONS.......... ESCAPE
 If NH drops below 30% (no automatic relight) ATC ........................................... NOTIFY
CL 1 + 2 .................................. FTR THEN FUEL SO
OPTIMUM SPEED ………………………… VmHB (WhiteBug+10)
QRH E99.09
ENGINE 1(2) FLAME OUT AT TAKE OFF FCOM.: 315 / 687 CONTROL COLUMN ....................... PUSH FIRMLY
QRH 70.04 SOP.: 276 ENGINE POWER ……………….…………….. INCREASE
UPTRIM ......................................... CHECK  If flaps 0° configuration
AUTOFEATHER ............................... CHECK FLAPS ......................................... 15°
 If no UPTRIM - PM.: Power Set in MCT
PL 1 + 2 ....................................... ADVANCE TO THE RAMP


LDG GEAR ..................................... UP QRH E99.10
BLEED 1 + 2 (IF NO FAULT).............. OFF AP/YD/FD BARS ............................ OFF/OFF/STBY
Pitch .: ………………………………..……………. 8° PITCH AND TQ ............................. MAINTAIN
• At Acceleration Altitude  If at take off or GA below 1500ft
ALT MODE ..................................... SET PITCH IMMEDIATELY ..................... 8° IMMEDIATELY
PL 1 + 2 ....................................... IN THE NOTCH
PWR MGT ..................................... MCT
IAS .............................................. SET (SPD select above) PITCH CONTROL JAM AT TAKEOFF OR LANDING
QRH E27.01
 If normal condition
Max IAS.: 180kt
FLAPS ........................................... 0° (WhiteBug)
Control Columns .......................... Uncouple
 If icing condition Free Control Column ..................... Identify
FLAPS ........................................... MAINTAIN 15°
PF .............................................. Free control column side
PL (affected side) ........................... FI
CL (affected side) ........................... FTR THEN FUEL SO
ABNORMAL PARAMETERS DURING START .................................. 2.05
SMOKE OR FUMES FIRE LOOP FAULT.................................................................... 2.06
QRH E26.01 ENGINE FLAME OUT................................................................ 2.10
 If smoke/fumes in the cockpit PEC FAULT ............................................................................ 2.10A
CREW OXY MASKS......................... DON / 100% LO PITCH IN FLIGHT................................................................ 2.11
FLAPS UNLK .......................................................................... 2.21
GOGGLES..................................... DON
ELEVATOR JAM....................................................................... 2.23
CREW COMMUNICATIONS............... ESTABLISH EFIS COMP............................................................................. 2.31
RECIRC FANS 1 + 2....................... OFF
AP .............................................. ON


DC GEN 1+2 FAULT QRH 70.22
QRH E24.01 If one DC GEN is on.: QRH A24.15  If ITT tends to exceed 900°, or no ITT, or no NH
PF …………………………………………………… Capt CL (affected ENG) ............................... FUEL SO
DC GEN 1 + 2 ............................ OFF then ON (Reset) ENG START ROTARY SELECTOR........ OFF / START ABORT
 If one generator recovered
DC GEN 1(2) Fault procedure ………. Apply
 If no generator recovered FIRE LOOP 1A (1B) (2A) (2B) FAULT
HYD GREEN PUMP......................... OFF QRH 70.30
TRU............................................ ON LOOP (affected SIDE) .................................... OFF
 If no TRU arrow light
Max IMC Flight time.: ……………………. 30 min
TRU …………………………………………………. OFF ENGINE 1(2) FLAME OUT IN FLIGHT Standard strategy/Obstacle
PL affected side .................................. FI
 If NH drops below 30% (no immediate relight)
EMERGENCY DESCENT CL (affected side) ............................... FTR THEN FUEL SO
QRH E99.04 - Caution.: Maximum Unbalance 100 kg
GOGGLES..................................... AS REQ
By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 32 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
FIRE HANDLES 1+2 .................................PULLED
PEC 1(2) FAULT PEC.: Propeller Pitch Control AGENTS................................... PRESS AGENT PB AS RQRD
 If in short final approach (below 400 ft RA) FUEL PUMPS 1+2.........................OFF SELECTED
GO AROUND procedure .................. PERFORM EVACUATION .......... CM1............. ADVISE VIA PA
BATTERY SW …………………………………. OFF
QRH 70.11 * Corda – ***m e aguenta até *****kg. (CCOM)
PL (affected side) .................................. FI - Pegar o Manifesto de Carga caso esteja na cabine
CL (affected side) .................................. FTR THEN FUEL SO - Pegar o Diário de Bordo
- CVR CB (********* MGO)
* The cockpit voice recorder (CVR), records :
PITCH DISCONNECT Only the last 2 hs of recording are retained.
QRH A27.07 It is energized automatically :
Control Columns …………………………………… Uncouple Free control ‐ on the ground during the first 5 min after the aircraft electrical
Free Control Column(s) …………….…………. Identity network is energized
PF ………………………………………………………….. Free control column side ‐ on the ground with one engine running
Max IAS ………………………………………………… 180 kt ‐ in flight
On the ground, it is stopped automatically 5 min after the last
engine shutdown provided the CVR jack is not used.
FLAPS UNLK ATR 72-500.: 3°
QRH A27.04 ATR 72-600.: 4° * Afastar os pax 200 m da aeronave acidentada;
 If before V1
TAKE OFF ........................................ ABORT
 If after V1 - TCAS WARNING QRH ABN * FCTM Pg.:
VR, V2 ............................................ INCREASE BY 10 KT AP …………………………………………………..…………. OFF
 If alarm occurs during approach Both FDs ………………………………………………..…. MAINTAIN
GO AROUND procedure . PERFORM * PNF notify ATC
VGA................................................. INCREASE BY 10 KT
Traffic Advisory : “My Controls / Your Controls”
Resolution advisory : All “CLIMB” and “DESCEND” or “MAINTAIN
QRH A30.17 See.: QRH E99.08 VERTICAL SPEED”.
IAS.: ICING BUG + 30 kt ………………………. Apply TCAS – Intruder will be detected at; ≤ 80nm (range) * ± 9900ft (If
- Resolution Advisory are inhibited below 900ft. (TA only)
EFIS COMP - All RAs are converted to TAs below 500 ft AGL. TA aural is inhibited
QRH A34.10 below 400 ft AGL.
If ROL, PIT, ATT, HDG cautions appears on EFIS Report to ATC.: “VoePass3104 TCAS RA”
BOTH EADI, STBY HORIZON .................. CROSSCHECK / After TCAS RA event.: “VoePass3104 clear of conflict, returning to
WRONG INSTRUMENT ........................... IDENTIFY
ATT / HDG PB (affected side) ................ ALTERNATE SYS - Emergency Descent QRH.: E99.04 * SOP.: 293
CM1 ANNOUNCE – “Emergency Decent Memo Items”
ENTERING ICING CONDITIONS Masks/Goggles & Communication (PF + PNF) established
3.21 (NORMAL PROCEDURES) “Oxy On, My Controls and Communications”
........................................................... BUGGED AND OBSERVED CL 1+2 – 100% OVRD
- Low Bank (15°) ALT set (10000ft or MORA) + PULL Signs + WingLight - ON
HDG (±45°) + PULL Oxy Pax Supply - ON
IAS.: Near to VMO/MMO XPDR - 7700
ICING CONDITIONS EXIST - ICAO 4444, PANS ATM “Descida rápida, Descida
3.21 (NORMAL PROCEDURES) rápida, Descida rápida”
........................................................... BUGGED AND OBSERVED - At FL100 COMM TRIP + PAX (PA)
- It is essential that the differential pressure be zeroed “ΔP”.
- Be aware that the MORA displayed on ND is HIGHER MORA value.
- Emergency Evacuation QRH (Last page)- SOP 269 pdf - When it is obvious that the cabin altitude will EXCEED 10.000ft,
- Confirme if the fire is still on. If yes, proceed as below; press the MASK MAN ON pb before the cabin altitude reach 10000ft.
CM1 CM2 * To descend from FL 250 to FL 100, it takes approximately 4 min.
PA INFORM ATC (MAYDAY) When in idle thrust, high speed and speed brake extended, the rate
AIRCRAFT/PARKING BRK........... CM1 ............. STOP/PARKING of descent is approximately 7 000 ft/min.
ATC (VHF 1).................. CM1......................NOTIFY PAX OXY – Emergency descent = 30 min.
“PTB XXXX, INICIANDO EVACUAÇÃO DE EMERGÊNCIA” Oxy Pax Supply – Only available down to 10.000ft.
AUTO PRESS ……………………………………… DUMP pb PRESSED
Depressurizing cabin pressure B-OPR-008-22 .: Procedimento em caso de evacuação indevida
MINIMUM CABIN LIGHT ………………………………………….. SWITCH TO ON - O Piloto em Comando do voo deverá comunicar imediatamente a
CABIN CREW (PA)................. CM1........................ALERT situação ocorrida para o CCO e Chefia de Pilotos.
CL 1+2 ……………………………………….. MOVE TO FTR THEN FUEL S.O.

By.: STELLATO - ATR 72-500 Página 33 de 43 Systems, Memory Items & Limitations
- O Comissário responsável deverá realizar o mais breve possível,
um reporte de segurança e comunicar a ocorrência para a Chefia de CARGA PERIGOSA (DRG) – RBAC 121.433A
Comissários. ANIMAIS
- Ambos os Pilotos devem realizar o mais breve possível, um reporte F-OPR-001-12-12 - Embarque de PET C
formal da ocorrência para a Chefia de Pilotos. - Para o embarque de PETC não haverá mais o documento NOTOC;
- Fica permitido o embarque de até 8 PET C (por voo) em Kennel;
If; - Não sendo permitido que dois PET C estejam alocados na mesma
- NO UPTRIM (Power) and NO AUTO-FEATHER = Set PL 1+2 to fileira.
Limitante de passageiro – Seção 2 (2.3.A)
PRIORIDADE DE MANOBRA EVASIVA - Canivete.: Resolução 207 ANAC (RBAC 175.11) - ≤ 6cm OK
1°) Stall warnings
2°) EGPWS Limitante de carga – Seção 4 (4.2) “blue pages”
3°) Windshear
4°) TCAS F-OPR-001-12-15 - Verificação de carga tipo COMAT (material da
empresa) ou AOG (peças da aeronave) saindo do hangar.
ICAO communication failure procedure is set out in Jeppesen Airway - EMERGENCY –.: Numa emergência passar as seguintes
Manual, Chapter Emergency- Communication failure. informações ao ATC/Bombeiros;
( - N° UN do Artigo (ex.: UN 1203 – Gasoline); “Drill Code”
dance_for_Controllers) - Quantidade líquida/total de volumes (QTY/TI)
a) IMC.: In airspace where an ATS surveillance system is used in the - Posição de carregamento (POS ULD/CODE), ex.: Bulk 11
provision of air traffic control (try to communicate via 121.5 or - VoePass não é permitido Carga Perigosa.
SATCOM 123.45), maintain the last assigned speed and level, or
minimum flight altitude if higher, for a period of 7 minutes following; >> PENALIDADE.: Art.261 – Código Penal, Decreto Lei
i) The time the last assigned level or minimum flight altitude is 2848/40.
reached; or
ii) Time the transponder is set to Code 7600 or the ADS-B
transmitter is set to indicate the loss of air-ground communications;
iii) The aircraft’s failure to report its position over a compulsory TURBULENCE – DOC
reporting point; - Ladies and gentlemen, keep your seatbelts fastened. We are flying
b) When being radar vectored or having been directed by ATC to through a turbulent area.
proceed OFFSET using RNAV without a specified limit, rejoin the For your own safety, we kindly request you to keep your seatbelts
current flight plan route no later than the next significant point, fastened.
taking into consideration the applicable minimum flight altitude. We are already making all necessary deviations to provide you with
c) Proceed according to the current flight plan route to the a pleasant and comfortable flight. Thank you.
appropriate designated navigation aid or fix serving the destination (After experiencing a severe turbulence event, the pilot should make
aerodrome and, when required to ensure compliance with e. below, a logbook entry to trigger and evaluation of the event that will
hold over this aid or fix until commencement of descent; assess the relevant maintenance tasks to carry out when the aircraft
d) Commence descent from the navigation aid or fix specified in d. arrives at its destination – Flight Safety)
at, or as close as possible to, the expected approach time last
received and acknowledged; or, if no expected approach time has
been received and acknowledged, at, or as close as possible to, the
estimated time of arrival resulting from the current flight plan;
e) Complete a normal instrument approach procedure as specified
for the designated navigation aid or fix; and
f) Land, if possible, within thirty minutes (30 min) after the
estimated time of arrival specified in.
- RVSM Contingency in Loss of Communication.

Microphone (VHF) - If a microphone is in the emission position for

more than 40 s (VHF) or 180 s (HF), an interrupted tone sounds for
5 s, and the emission is turned off. To reactivate the emission, the
crew releases the push-to-talk button and presses it again.
* ACP - The ATT light goes off after 60 s, if it is not reset.
* Do not use VHF3 for communication with ATC if ACARS is installed,
unless VHF1 and VHF2 are inoperative. ???

HEADSET - The flight crew must use the headset:

• From the ENGINE START phase until the TOP OF CLIMB phase
• From The TOP OF DESCENT phase until the aircraft is parked.

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Cabe ao CM2 o preenchimento do cartão, antes de cada decolagem,

a. durante o procedimento “final cockpit preparation”, preencher os
campos numerados.
b. antes do procedimento “before propeller rotation”, preencher os
cambos com letras.

Briefing Tkoff;
“Voo 2200 para SBBR, informação ATIS A das 09:00Z, Pista 18,
vento de 150º/25 KT, Teto de 3000FT e visibilidade de 5000M,
Temperatura é de 20º, QNH 1015, ajustado nos altímetros e
condições normais. Estamos limitados em 22.500KG de MTOW,
decolagem com torque de 90% e torque reserva de 100% ajustados
nos indicadores, a decolagem esta prevista para a pista 18
mantendo a reta após a decolagem até 4000FT e com altitude de
aceleração de 2200FT”.

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Cabe ao PM o preenchimento do cartão, antes de cada procedimento
de descida, observando:
a. Deve ser preenchido de cima para baixo e da esquerda para a

Briefing Landing;
“Pousaremos em SBBR, com elevação do campo de 3500FT, nossa
alternativa é SBGO. A informação ATIS A gravada às 10:00Z, pista
em uso 11R, procedimento ILS Z, vento de 090º/10KT, teto de
2000FT, visibilidade de 9000M, temperatura de 20ºC, ajuste QNH
1013 ajustado no altímetro STBY e condições normais.
Estamos pousando com 22.000KG e nosso limite é de 22.350KG, o
torque de arremetida será de 98% ajustado no indicador de torque.
Nossa VGA será de 121KT (maior entre a VGA e a 1.1 da VMCA),
White Bug de 140KT, Red Bug de 162KT ajustados nos indicadores
de velocidade. A VAPP será de 110KT, com procedimento de
aproximação perdida XXXX (discutir conjuntamente com a IAC) e
altitude de aceleração de 4500 FT”.

Aircraft Performance Monitoring (APM)

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Cockpit Full Flight with ATC: Aurigny ATR72

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