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NIC E-Procurement Supplier Portal User Manual

NIC E-Procurement Supplier Portal User Manual


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NIC E-Procurement Supplier Portal User Manual

Table of Contents
Supplier Login & Registration ........................................................................................................... 3
Login ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Registration .................................................................................................................................. 4
Reset Username & Password ....................................................................................................... 7
Dashboard & Task List .................................................................................................................. 9
Invitation to Tender ................................................................................................................. 9
Request for Proposal / Tender - Submit Proposal / Tender Clarification .............................. 13
Request for Proposal/Tender - Submission ........................................................................... 15
Request for Proposal/Tender – Post Tender Clarification Submission .................................. 17
Letter of Award ...................................................................................................................... 19
Contract - Draft Contract Review/Amend.............................................................................. 21
Contract – Draft Contract Acceptance ................................................................................... 23
Contract – Finalized Contract Acknowledgment ................................................................... 25
Contract – Signed Contract Acknowledgement ..................................................................... 26

NIC E-Procurement Supplier Portal User Manual

Supplier Login & Registration


1. Go to the Landing Page -

2. Click on Login as shown in below screenshot

NIC E-Procurement Supplier Portal User Manual

3. On the Login screen enter your username / password and click on ‘Sign In’ button to
complete login


1. Go to the Landing Page -

2. Click on ‘Register’ as shown in below screenshot or ‘New Supplier’ on the Login screen

NIC E-Procurement Supplier Portal User Manual

3. On the Registration screen enter Email Id to register and click on Send OTP. Enter the
OTP received on your Registered Email Id and fill in all the supplier registration related
details and submit.

NIC E-Procurement Supplier Portal User Manual

4. You will receive an email notification upon submitting your online registration

NIC E-Procurement Supplier Portal User Manual

5. Your registration information will be reviewed . Upon completing the requirements of

the registration you will receive an email notification of the approval

Reset Username & Password

1. Click on ‘Forgot Password’ on the Login screen

NIC E-Procurement Supplier Portal User Manual

2. Enter your Registered Id, Email Id and click on Send OTP

3. Enter the OTP received and new password. Click on ‘Reset Password’ button to
complete your password reset process

NIC E-Procurement Supplier Portal User Manual

Dashboard & Task List

Login to E-Procurement Supplier Portal, you will be directed to Dashboard screen. All Tasks will
be available under Pending / In Progress / Completed

Invitation to Tender

1. Click on Invitation to Tender task under Pending tab to view its details.

Task Status

2. Invitation to Tender (Task list Details)

NIC E-Procurement Supplier Portal User Manual

3. Click on Communication button as shown in below screenshot. This can be used as

communication channel for your queries and their resolution. Click on the ‘Invitation to
Tender’ on left hand side timeline to get back to the details view.

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4. Invitation to Tender Template can be access from the attachments section on the details

5. Fill in the required details, upload filled template and take appropriate action for
Invitation to Tender using the buttons in bottom right of the screen.

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6. Add comments and complete your action

7. System will confirm once your action is successfully recorded and redirect back to

8. The task will move under ‘In Progress’ tab for you to view the task progress

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NIC E-Procurement Supplier Portal User Manual

Request for Proposal / Tender - Submit Proposal / Tender Clarification

1. Click on the ‘Tender Submission’ task from Task List under Pending tab.

2. Request for Proposal / Tender (Task List Details)


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NIC E-Procurement Supplier Portal User Manual

Pre Tender

Proposal Details

Proposal Details

Upload Supporting

3. Submit Pre Tender/Proposal Clarification in supplier actions section. Upload supporting

documents for clarification

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NIC E-Procurement Supplier Portal User Manual

4. Add comment and submit Tender clarification

5. System will confirm once your action is successfully recorded and redirect back to

6. The task will move under ‘In Progress’ tab for you to view the task progress

Request for Proposal/Tender - Submission

1. Click on the ‘Tender Submission’ task from Task List under Pending tab.

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NIC E-Procurement Supplier Portal User Manual

2. Review the Tender Clarification Response received from NIC in the attachments on the
right hand side
3. Enter all Proposal / Tender details in supplier actions section. Upload supporting
documents as required and ensure to include the required Pre-tender clarification
responses in the proposal document by checking the ‘Acknowledge’ in the Tender
Clarification Response section.
4. Click on ‘Submit’ button. Click on ‘Save’ button to resume later.

5. Add comment and submit Proposal / Tender

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NIC E-Procurement Supplier Portal User Manual

6. The task will move under ‘In Progress’ tab for you to view the task progress.

Request for Proposal/Tender – Post Tender Clarification Submission

1. Click on the ‘Tender Submission’ task from Task List under Pending tab. Find on the right
hand side the Post Tender Clarifications raised by NIC

2. Enter the Post Tender Clarification details.

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3. Upload any supporting documents for Post Tender Clarifications as required.

4. Add comment and Resubmit Post Tender Clarification.

5. The task will move under ‘In Progress’ tab for you to view the task progress

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NIC E-Procurement Supplier Portal User Manual

Letter of Award
1. Click on the ‘Letter of Award’ task from Task List under Pending tab.

2. View the Letter of Award details. The Letter of Award document is available under
attachments section.

3. Under Supplier Actions section, sign and upload the Letter of Award document.

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4. Click on Acknowledge button to confirm receipt of Letter of Award.

5. Add comment and submit Acknowledge action.

6. The task will move under ‘In Progress’ tab for you to view the task progress.

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NIC E-Procurement Supplier Portal User Manual

Contract - Draft Contract Review/Amend

1. Click on the ‘Contract’ task from Task List under Pending tab.

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2. Access the Draft Contract in the attachments section on the right. Upload any
supporting documents for draft contract or amendment under supplier actions section.
Click on Amend button to submit the amendment.

3. Upload supporting documents or contract amendment under supplier actions

attachment section.

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NIC E-Procurement Supplier Portal User Manual

4. Add comment and submit Amend action

5. The task will move under ‘In Progress’ tab for you to view the task progress.

Contract – Draft Contract Acceptance

1. Click on the ‘Contract’ task from Task List under Pending tab.

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2. Access the Draft Contract in the attachments section. Upload any supporting documents
for draft contract. Click on Accept button to confirm acceptance of the draft contract.

3. Add comment and submit Accept action.

4. The task will move under ‘In Progress’ tab for you to view the task progress.

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Contract – Finalized Contract Acknowledgment

1. Click on the ‘Contract’ task from Task List under Pending tab.

2. View the finalized contract details under the attachments section. Click on Acknowledge
button to confirm acknowledgement of final contract.

3. Add comment and submit Acknowledge action.

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4. The task will move under ‘In Progress’ tab for you to view the task progress.

Contract – Signed Contract Acknowledgement

1. Click on the ‘Contract’ task from Task List under Pending tab.

2. View the final signed contract details under the attachments section. Click on Received
Signed Contract button to confirm receipt of final signed contract

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NIC E-Procurement Supplier Portal User Manual

3. Add comment and submit Received Signed Contract action

4. The task will move under ‘Completed’ tab.

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