Script - Roleplay Dispensing

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P: Pharmacist

Px: patient
D: Daughter.


P: hi my name is — the pharmacist on can i help u?

Px: Hi, Im just here to buy a medicine for my chest pain.

P: Oh sure, may I ask few questions before i dispense this medication to make sure it is the most appropriate medication for
yourself, will that be okay?

Px: Not a problem, but my hearing is actually not that good so i brought my daughter here with me.

P: Sure no problem at all, /speaks little louder/ You mentioned about your chest pain, may i ask how are you feeling recently?

Px: It’s very painful and extreme these days..

D: She keeps saying that it feels like there’s a stabbing feeling in her chest lately.

P: Oh im sorry to hear about that, we ’ ll address that very shortly.. just before we get to that, are you taking any kind of

Px: yes, the dr gave me my maintenance, it’s the white small pill. What is it called again?
D: Oh, 100 mg metoprolol tartrate maam, she was taking that for a year now.

P: ohh i see, are you taking anything more maam, like herbal products, multivitamins?

Px: no.

P: okay /nodding/ … so lifestyle could also affect the way medicines work in your body is it okay if i ask a few questions
about that maam?

Px: sure.

P: Can you tell me about your diet? Anything you love to eat?

Px: : I love to eat chips actually.

D: She loves eating anything salty.

P: okay.. can you tell me about your alcohol consumption and smoking history if there is?

Px: I drink occasionally, on social gatherings. I don’t smoke.

P: what about your caffeine consumption maam ?

Px: I dont drink coffee.

P: what about exercise?

Px: I actually dont have time for it.

P: any more long term medications?

px: yes, the once i was prescribed for my cholesterol.. what is it again?
D: the 10 mg atorvastatin.

P: Okay, so your prescription here says that your metoprolol is prescribed for your condition called angina pectoris. Did your
dr tell you anything about it?

Px: He just explained it briefly, but can you explain further ?

D: yes pls, and if it’s something i should be worried about?

P: /tuloy tuloy lang po magsalita, px and daughter nodding lang/ /pharmacist must smile while explaining/
-So angina pectoris is a diagnosis for reaccuring chest pains, it has something to do with our heart when it ‘s not getting
enough blood and oxygen. It says here that you have Microvascular angina, a type of angina that is most common in women,
Risk factors include physical activity, emotional stress, extreme cold and heat, heavy meals, drinking excessive alcohol, and
cigarette smoking.

-so your dr prescribed you here a nitroglycerin which will be helpful to relieve pain by widening your blood vessels. This
allows more blood flow to your heart muscle and decreases the workload of your heart. Nitroglycerin may be taken as a
long-acting form daily to prevent angina.

-it says here /prescription/ that you’ll be having a 300 mcg or 3mg sublingual tablet which is placed under your tongue and
you can take up to 3 tablets with an interval of 5 mins per tablet if the pain is still not relieved after you took 1. But take note
that, if ever the pain remains after the 3rd tablet it’s best for you to go see your dr or to the er. and it is not advisable to
exceed in your given dose per day.

Px: Is it a serious condition? Will i be okay?

P: Before it leads to anything more serious condition, it can be prevented by managing high blood pressure, reducing high
blood cholesterol levels, eating less saturated fat, exercising, and losing weight, and taking your medication inshort a healthy

-take note maam that after taking nitroglycerin most patient feel Dizziness or lightheadedness, if ever you feel that you can be
seated, and take a deep breaths for few minutes.

-also, the common side effects of this drugs includes stomach or body pain, hoarseness, loss of strength, runny or stuffy nose,
sneezing, swollen glands in the neck, and voice changes, pls contact us or your dr if any of these side effects occur.

Px: oh thank you so much, is it okay for me to take both my medicine with this?

P: yes maam, as there is no drug interaction between your medications so both should be safe for you.. you can continue
taking your metoprolol as your maintenance, it can also be helpful with your angina, and atorvastatin for your cholesterol..
and as per your chest pains nitroglycerin is prescribed.

Px: Oh thank you so much for your help and information.

D: Yes, thank you, we were so worried about my mom’s chest pains but now relieved after hearing your explanation.

P: No worries maam, just make sure to take care of your health through a healthy lifestyle.. You can call or see us anytime if
you have further questions about your medication.

Px: Oh that would be great thank you!

P: Okayy.. have a great day maam! (Smile)

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