5 Short Paragraphs

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What is a paragraph?

A paragraph is a short collection of well-organized sentences which revolve around

a single theme and is coherent. A good paragraph expresses everything it has to say

A complete paragraph expresses everything without leaving any gaps as far as the
information is concerned. It does not end abruptly without offering a sensible

To write a good paragraph you need an Introduction (key sentence), a Body

(supporting sentence), and a Conclusion (closing sentence).

Short Paragraphs #1


Since March 8, 1990, Woman’s Day is being observed by SAARC (South Asian
Association for Regional Cooperation) consisting of seven countries, namely, India,
Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives. The day was
marked to focus on the problems of girl children in these countries. It is a pity that
girl children especially in underdeveloped countries are victims of extreme
negligence and dishonour. The birth of a girl child is looked upon by the parents as a
cause of pity. They are deprived of proper nutrition, education, economic facilities,
and social status or honour.

Superstitions and social and religious prejudices give rise to such distressing
conditions. We must root out these prejudices and ensure a bright future for the girl
children by giving them proper education. Moreover, woman’s rights must be
established in social and economic fields.

Short Paragraphs #2

The Dowry system is evil in society. It has reduced the sacred affair of marriage to
a business deal. Brides are treated as a marketable commodity. The parents of the
brides are often put under inhuman pressure for a handsome dowry. Sometimes
they become paupers to get their daughters married. In many cases, young brides
are ruthlessly tortured or pushed to suicide.

To eradicate this social evil, a total change in the outlook of society is a must. The
woman has to be considered as an equal partner to the man. Widespread education
and employment and their rights to property can bring about the right remedy.
Legal prohibition of dowry is not enough. Strong social disapproval of dowry is the
only guarantee against this evil. Our youth should come forward to generate public
awareness against this shameful custom.

Short Paragraphs #3


An aim is a goal or objective to achieve in life. In order to succeed in life, one must
have a goal. My aim in life is to be a teacher. Teaching is a noble and responsible
profession. I have come to know that the ever-increasing misery and distress, are
due to the ignorance and illiteracy of the people of our country. So I have decided to
spread education among the masses as much as possible within my humble power.

As a teacher, I shall try my best to impart man-making education. Some say that
money is the honey of life. But I do not agree with them. Rather, I think that morality
is the real honey of life. I want to be a lovable and respectable person as a teacher in
the future.

Short Paragraphs #4


Human life is a mixture of weal and woe, smiles and tears. However, once what
had seemed to be a memorable day turned out to be the saddest day of my life. We
had planned for a picnic with all our classmates after the examination on the bank of
the river Ganga. We started early in the morning and reached at 10 am. After the
cooking was completed, we wished to take a bath in the Ganga. Our class teacher
warned that only those who knew swimming would be allowed to bathe in the river.
Rajesh, our youngest classmate, did not know how to swim.

But he came unnoticed and tried to imitate us in the river. And what was feared
happened? Rajesh drowned. After a long search, we recovered the body. The sight
made us dumb and tears trickled down our cheeks. The horrible sight still haunts
me whenever I am alone.

Short Paragraphs #5


Sometimes we come across some forgetful people in our surroundings. And some
geniuses are also forgetful to some extent. We know that Newton boiled his pocket
watch instead of an egg. Once Einstein was travelling without a ticket on a train.
When the checker demanded the ticket, he was frantically searching for the missing
ticket. However, when the checker could recognize him, he assured that the scientist
would not have to search for it. Einstein still went on searching and remarked that
he was searching to find out where he was going for he totally forgot about his

But the most striking incident centred around my father on my sister’s birthday.
The dinner was ready but the guests were absent. Finally, father discovered that all
the invitation letters were lying in his drawer. The incident has become a family

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