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1. Title: Guardians in Muslim marriage.

 Research Question: what are the standing of different schools of Muslim

family law about necessity of guardians in marriage.
 Chapter organization:
 Introduction:
 Hanafi School:
 Shafi School:
 Maliki School:
 Hanbali School:
 Reference from Primary Sources:
 Experts opinions:
 Practice in Bangladesh:
 Conclusion:

2. Title: Lunacy and Minority factors in divorce of Muslim marriage.

 Research Question: What are the standing of different schools of
Muslim family law about necessity of guardians in marriage.
 Chapter organization:
 Introduction:
 Hanafi School:
 Shafi School:
 Maliki School:
 Hanbali School:
 Reference from Primary Sources:
 Expert opinions:
 Practice in Bangladesh:
 Conclusion:

3. Title: Burden on Muslim husbands for being the father of their divorced
wives’ children after divorce.
 Research Question: What sharia law says about being father of a
Muslim husbands of children of their divorced wives? What are the
required changes in Muslim sharia law in this regard?
 Chapter organization:
 Introduction:
 Hanafi School:
 Shafi School:
 Maliki School:
 Hanbali School:
 Reference from Primary Sources:
 Experts opinions:
 Science and DNA test:
 Proposed changes should be brought in sharia law:
 Conclusion:
4. Polygamy in Muslim marriage an option or an exceptional?
 Research Question: Does Muslim sharia law as well as the statutory law
of Bangladesh allows Muslim men to Polygamy by choice or in some
special circumstances?
 Chapter organization:
 Introduction:
 Views of different schools:
 Reference from Primary Sources:
 Experts opinions:
 Current scenario of Bangladesh:
 Suggestions:
 Conclusion:

5. A case study on the malpractice of succession of unborn child in Bangladesh

and the existing major personal laws of the country.
 Research Question: What sharia law says about being father of a
Muslim husbands of children of their divorced wives? What are the
required changes in Muslim sharia law in this regard?
 Chapter organization:
 Introduction:
 Case:
 Existing statutory law of Bangladesh:
 Muslim law:
 Hindu law:
 Current scenario of Bangladesh:
 Suggestions according to the personal law:
 Conclusion:

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