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"A Moral Dilemma: Sacrificing One Life to Save Many"

It was a tough decision to choose to sacrifice one life to save many. If the father
decides to sacrifice his son's life, it will be an excruciating choice that will
forever hurt him. But if he prioritizes his son's life over the passengers on the
train, he may be judged for being self-centered and not having strong morals.

Upon viewing the video, I could really say that it was a hard decision on the
father's side regarding his decision to sacrifice his son's life to save the lives
of others on a train. In the scene presented, the father must choose between
changing the path of the train to a different track, which would lead to the death
of the passengers or allowing the train to continue on its path, resulting in the
death of his son.

If I were in the shoe of the father, I cannot easily decide on what decision I
would follow because I am at the crossroad of choices regarding who will I save.
The thought of saving my son over the lives of others would be a natural instinct
for any parent to prioritize the life of our child. My son is young and I am a
father who wants him to experience life more and reach his goals. However, those
thoughts would not possibly happen as I choose the passengers on the train over my
beloved son because it is important to consider the lives of others are also

Despite my mixed feelings, I believe that the father's decision to sacrifice his
son's life to save the lives of others was a morally just one because he was also
thinking that he is accountable for having ignorance of not realizing that letting
his child beside the river near the path of the train could possibly lead to

The video presented a moral dilemma that has encouraged me to reflect on the
difficult decisions that people may face in their lives.
Reflecting on these difficult decisions helps us individuals grow and develop as
individuals. Through reflection, we could learn from their experiences and make
more informed decisions in the future.

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