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챕터별 문법개념 & 마스터 응용 워크북

Magic Card

【마커스 매직카드】

「영어 학습의 절대 강자」 「마커스노트」

[판권 페이지]

[챕터별 문법 마스터 워크북] [서술 & 영작훈련 L3]

Marcus Magic Card
마커스 매직 카드


지은이 함광천

출판사 유페이퍼

페이퍼명 마커스노트

출판일 2023-05-30

판매가격 1,800원


주소 경상북도 포항시 북구 죽도동 647-14 일출 104호

전화 070-4655-9333

ⓒ Copyright 2023 by marcus 노트

All rights reserved. No part of this application may be reproduced or distributed in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical (including photocopying, recording) without
in writing from the publisher.
이 책은 저작권법에 따라 보호를 받는 저작물이므로 무단전재와 무단 복제를 금지하며,
이 책 내용의 전부 또는 일부를 사용하려면 반드시 저작권자의 서면 동의를 받아야 합니다.
이 책은 시중 영어 교과서의 본문이나 문장을 일절 사용하지 않습니다.

- 3 -

「영어 학습의 절대 강자」 「마커스노트」 - 4 -

「마커스 매직카드 L3」


「간접의문문」은 평서문 뒤에 종속되어 사용되는 의문문으로, 반드시 ‘의문사+주어+동사’의 어순으로 써야

합니다. 간접의문문은 주어나 목적어 자리에 들어가게 됩니다. 주의할 사항은 ‘시제’인데 삽인된 문장보다는 원래

평서문의 시제를 따라야 합니다.

♣ 「간접의문문」의 특징

♣ 간접의문문의 어순은 「의문사 + 주어 + 동사」로 써야 한다.

1. 평서문의 현재시제

ex1) I don’t know. Does Mrs. Hill want to live with her grandmother?

→ I don’t know whether(if) Mrs. Hill wants to live with her grandmother. (*의문사가 없으므로

whether(if)를 써야 한다. 그리고 시제가 현재이므로, 동사에 -s를 붙였다.)

ex2) I know. What does Jessica want to study today?

→ I know what Jessica wants to study today. (현재시제)

2. 평서문의 과거시제

ex3) I don’t know. What did he say?

→ I don’t know what he said. (*시제를 지키면서 【의문사 + 주어 +동사】의 어순이다.)

ex4) I knew. Where did Tim put his bike yesterday?

→ I knew where Tim put his bike yesterday. (과거시제)

3. 의문문의 간접의문문

ex5) Do you know? How tall is he?

→ Do you know how tall he is? (*어순은 반드시 【의문사 +주어 동사】로 써야 한다. *의문사는 how

tall까지 포함한다.)

ex6) Does he know? How many bottles does he need to buy?

→ Does he know how many bottles he needs to buy? (*현재시제이므로 need에 –s를 붙였다.)

ex7) Tell me. Where can I find my bag? (명령문)

→ Tell me where I can find my bag. (*간접의문문은 【의문사 + 평서문】으로 쓰면 된다.)

- 5 -

ex8) I don’t know. What is his nick name?

→ I don’t know what his nick name is. (*be동사의 문장, 【의문사 + 주어 +동사】의 어순으로 쓴다.)

ex9) Can you tell me? What is Ava’s phone number?

→ Can you tell me what Ava’s phone number is?

4. 의문사를 문두(문장앞)로 옮기는 동사들 : think, believe, suppose, imagine, guess 등.

ex10) Do you think? Where is my uncle?

→ Where do you think my uncle is? (*‘think’동사가 쓰였으므로, 의문사는 문두에 놓는다.)

ex11) Do you believe? When does Mr. Lam go to the lighthouse?

→ When do you believe Mr. Lam goes to the lighthouse?

ex12) Do you suppose? When does Jane appear at the party?

→ When do you suppose Jane appears at the party?

ex13) Do you guess? When do your cousins play tennis?

→ When do you guess your cousins play tennis?

ex14) Do you imagine? What does your teacher prepare for the camp?

→ What do you imagine your teacher prepares for the camp?

5. 주의해야 할 간접의문문 구문

ex15) Can you tell me? When does Tim go to the museum?

→ Can you tell me when Tim goes to the museum?

ex16) Can you think? What does Jenny buy for her teacher?

→ Can you think what Jenny buys for her teacher? (*이 질문의 문장에서는 ‘what’을 문두로 옮기지 않


※ 주의사항- ‘think 동사’인데 의문사를 문두로 옭기지 않는 이유

*간접의문문은 ‘yes, no’로 대답을 할 수 있어야 한다. 그런데, 문장 앞으로 ‘what’를 옮겨서 「What do

you think Jenny buys for her teacher?」로 쓰면 ‘yes, no’로 대답을 할 수가 없다. 그러므로, ‘yes, no’로

대답이 가능하게, ‘Can you think what Jenny buys for her teacher?’로만 써야 한다. 「생각 동사」는 모

두 그렇다. 다시 말해서, 「Can you think what it is?」는 가능하지만, 「What can you think it is?」는

‘yes, no’로 대답할 수 없다. 그러므로 「Can you think what it is?」만 써야 한다.

「영어 학습의 절대 강자」 「마커스노트」 - 6 -

「마커스 매직카드 L3」

♣ 1단계 훈련: 「간접의문문」 1

l 다음의 질문에 답하고, 3번부터 밑줄 친 부분에서 어색한 부분을 찾아 고치시오. [정독필수!]
1. 간접의문문의 문장 어순은 어떻게 되나요?1)

2. 의문사를 문두(문장 앞)로 옮겨야만 하는 동사들은 어떤 것이 있나요?2)

l 다음 문장에서 어색한 부분을 찾아 알맞게 고치시오. [정독필수]

3. I wonder where does Cathy go today.3)

4. I didn’t know when did your teacher come there.4)

5. We didn’t know how did she come in.5)

6. *Do you guess where will he sleep tonight?6)

7. Please tell me when can my brother watch TV.7)

8. *Do you imagine what Mike wants to eat?8)

- 7 -

9. *Do you think where he is studying?9)

10. I wonder where does your brother work.10)

11. The man knows where does my mom stay tonight.11)

12. *Jackson asked if did I have a sister.12)

13. *Do you think how she solves the problem?13)

14. *She asked if was Cathy a student.14)

15. My father doesn’t know who are they.15)

16. I’d like to know what your cousin good at is.16)

「영어 학습의 절대 강자」 「마커스노트」 - 8 -

「마커스 매직카드 L3」

17. Tom wondered when could he go out at night with his friends.17)

18. My mother asked me if could I go to the school to pick up Jenny.18)

19. If Linda can attend the summer retreat is not sure.19)

20. I’m not sure whether will the landlord allow us to use the parking lot.20)

l 다음의 문장을 ‘주어 동사’가 있는 절로 바꾸어 다시 쓰시오.

21. Please tell me + Why does she want to go home?21)

22. He asked me + Where did my friend come from?22)

23. Do you think? + What will he do after school?23)

24. Can you guess? + Which does he choose?24)

- 9 -

25. I’m not sure. + Does Mrs. Brown come to the science festival?25)

26. Does Jim’s uncle respond to the weather news? + be not important.26)

27. He didn’t know + Where did she go for a vacation?27)

28. I am wondering + Which doll does she want to buy?28)

29. Did he explain? + Why was he late?29)

30. Can you tell me? + Who broke the window?30)

31. Can you tell me? + Why did he fix this copy machine?31)

32. I didn’t understand + What did he say?32)

「영어 학습의 절대 강자」 「마커스노트」 - 10 -

「마커스 매직카드 L3」

33. Jackson asked me + Where are you going?33)

34. *Do you think? + What is his job?34)

35. I wonder + Where do you want to visit first?35)

36. *Jackson asked me + Did you play the guitar with them?36)

37. *I asked him + Do you have a brother?37)

38. She asked me + What was your favorite food?38)

39. My mom wonders + What does the man do at night?39)

40. Please tell me + Why wasn’t your cousin there?40)

- 11 -

41. I’d like to know + What do you want to eat?41)

42. I’d like to know + When is your birthday?42)

43. I don’t know + Does she want to eat lunch with me?43)

44. I’m not sure. + Will Jane go abroad next year.44)

45. I don’t know + Does she like to see a movie with him.45)

46. I asked them. + Did they want to go shopping with Julia.46)

47. *Do you think? + How often do they go to the gym?47)

48. *Do you think? + How old is she?48)

「영어 학습의 절대 강자」 「마커스노트」 - 12 -

「마커스 매직카드 L3」

49. *Do you think? + What grade is his son in?49)

50. *Do you guess? + How did he know the fact?50)

51. *Do you guess? + How much money did they spend on the trip?51)

52. Do you know? + Who(m) did he meet at the cafe this morning?52)

53. Do you know? + What time did his cousin get up today?53)

54. *Do you guess? + When does Jim go to bed every day?54)

55. *Do you imagine? + How did he make a lot of money in the big city?55)

56. I don’t know. + How often does she go swimming in a week?56)

- 13 -

57. *Do you think? + Who is that woman on the stage?57)

58. *Do you think? + Where does he study now?58)

59. *Do you guess? + Where do they live now?59)

60. *Do you think? + What does his mom like to drink?60)

61. *Do you think? + Which is yours?61)

62. *Do you think? + Who is the best guitarist?62)

63. *Do you think? + Who is in the bathroom?63)

64. *Do you believe? + Who cleaned my room this morning?64)

「영어 학습의 절대 강자」 「마커스노트」 - 14 -

「마커스 매직카드 L3」

65. I wonder. + Does Mrs. Hill allow them to trace the source of the fund.65)

66. Let’s ask him. + How old he is?66)

67. My sister wanted to know. + Did Jenny buy a book for her?67)

68. I don’t know. + Why does Amy attend the seminar?68)

69. *Do you believe? + Who helped Mrs. Brooks last night?69)

70. Does Lizzy win the first prize in competition. + be not my concern.70)

71. I wonder. + Does Mr. Smith admit drinking with his friends last night?71)

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♣2단계 훈련: 「간접의문문」 2

l 간접의문문의 어순을 반드시 외운다.

(*그리고 문두로 의문사를 보내야 하는 동사들은 필수로 암기한다. -imagine, believe, think, guess, suppose, 등)

l 다음의 문장의 밑줄 친 부분을 올바르게 고치시오.

72. I don’t know if(whether) will my mom come to my party tonight.72)

73. I’m very curious about is who this artist.73)

74. I know what does the artifact mean.74)

75. He wonders where does his son live.75)

76. She wants to know where do I live.76)

77. Do you think what does my cousin like to eat?77)

78. The man wonders when will his sister meet her teacher.78)

「영어 학습의 절대 강자」 「마커스노트」 - 16 -

「마커스 매직카드 L3」

79. My mom wonders how can I help the others.79)

80. They want to know when do we need their help.80)

81. She wants to know is who the prettiest actress in the US.81)

82. They’re very curious about was who the owner of this building.82)

83. He wonders what was his son’s job.83)

84. She’s curious about where dose his father work.84)

85. I’m curious about is who your teacher this year.85)

86. The man asks me where can he find his lost bag.86)

- 17 -

87. She wants to know when does her son come home.87)

88. I’d like to know what will Jane buy at the shopping center.88)

89. Do you think why did your sister walk to school alone?89)

90. I asked her whether did she need my help then.90)

l 다음의 문장들을 한 문장으로 전환하여 다시 쓰시오.

91. She wonders. How can he operate this machine?91)

92. Do you know? What is his nickname?92)

93. He doesn’t know. What does the engineer need?93)

94. He asked. Why did she take a picture of it?94)

「영어 학습의 절대 강자」 「마커스노트」 - 18 -

「마커스 매직카드 L3」

95. He wondered. How did his son become a lawyer?95)

96. Can you tell me? Why is it a mental food?96)

97. Can you tell? How does it work?97)

98. Does he think? What does it mean?98)

99. Do you think? Who will be selected as our leader?99)

100. *Do you think? Who is their leader?100)

101. Do you guess? How long is it?101)

102. Do you think? Who wrote this slogan?102)

- 19 -

103. He’s curious about. Where is her hometown?103)

104. Do you know? What are they doing?104)

105. I’d like to know. What does she want to read?105)

106. I’d like to know. What does Jisu want to do?106)

107. Do you think. Who danced in front of the teachers?107)

108. Do you think. Who was the coach of this team?108)

109. Jane asked me. Where was I living?109)

110. Jisu asked him. When did he finish his homework?110)

「영어 학습의 절대 강자」 「마커스노트」 - 20 -

「마커스 매직카드 L3」

111. I don’t know. Where is Jisu living?111)

112. She doesn’t know. What did her cousin do yesterday?112)

113. He wants to know. Where is his bag?113)

114. I want to know. When does Jane get up?114)

115. Do you know? How can he run fast?115)

116. Can you tell me? When does the English class start?116)

117. Do you think? How does she get to the train station?117)

118. Do you know? Where does he stay this week?118)

- 21 -

119. Do you think? Who can take care of these cats?119)

120. Do you think? What does your father want?120)

121. Mrs. Hilton told me. Where was her son swimming then?121)

122. Mr. Kim didn’t know. How could he make spicy kimchi?122)

123. Amy wants to know. When do her cousins leave for the airport?123)

124. I cannot remember. Where did I put my car key?124)

125. I don’t know. When can I bother Mr. Kim?125)

126. Do you guess? Who broke the plate?126)

「영어 학습의 절대 강자」 「마커스노트」 - 22 -

「마커스 매직카드 L3」

127. I wonder. Does Mrs. Brown dislike being mentioned by others.127)

128. I wonder. Does your sister regret having sold her cell phone?128)

129. I wonder. Did Tim’s friends play the board game last night?129)

130. I don’t know. Where did my sister put her bike yesterday?130)

131. I can’t remember. Which number did you choose at the seminar?131)

132. I don’t know. Does Ava like spinach and carrots?132)

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♣ 3단계 훈련: 「간접의문문」 3

l 다음의 우리말을 간접의문문을 활용하여 영작하시오.
133. 나는 너의 삼촌이 그 직업을 수락할지 안 할지 궁금하다. (the job, accept, wonder)133)

134. 나는 Jessie가 오늘 오후에 무엇을 할 예정인지 모른다. (this afternoon, be going to)134)

135. 나는 나의 엄마가 언제 집에 올지 모릅니다. (come, know, home, when)135)

136. 나는 나의 아빠가 어디에서 태어났는지 모른다. (be born, where, know)136)

137. Lizzy는 그녀의 부모들이 자기 학교에 올지 안 올지 모른다. (parents, know, whether)137)

138. 당신은 빨간 모자를 쓴 남자가 누구라고 생각하는가? (think, the man wearing a red cap)138)

139. 당신은 그녀가 누구라고 생각하는가? (who, think, she)139)

140. 너는 Jane의 여동생이 몇 학년이라고 생각하니? (what grade, think, in, sister)140)

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「마커스 매직카드 L3」

141. 나는 Martin이 올 연말에 군에 입대할지 안 할지 궁금하다. (wonder, at the end of this year, enlist in

the army 입대하다)141)

142. 너는 그가 어디에 사는지 알고 있니? (live, where, he, know)142)

143. 너는 그녀가 몇 살인지 알고 있니? (how old, know)143)

144. 너는 Minji가 몇 살이라고 생각하니? (think, how old)144)

145. 너는 그들이 언제 축구를 할 거로 생각하니? (play soccer, will, when, think)145)

146. 나는 Jisu가 언제 기차를 탈지 모른다. (will take, know, the train)146)

147. 나는 Jane의 주소가 어떻게 되는지 모른다. (address, what, Jane’s, know)147)

148. 너는 그녀의 전화번호가 무엇이라고 생각하니? (phone number, what, think)148)

- 25 -

149. Tom은 그녀에게 오늘 아침에 왜 지각을 했는지 물었다. (be late, why, this morning)149)

150. 그는 내가 왜 김치를 좋아하는지 궁금해한다. (kimchi, wonder, why, like)150)

151. 당신은 그녀가 왜 피자를 먹고 싶어 하는지 아나요? (pizza, eat, want, know)151)

152. 당신은 그들이 언제 피자를 주문할 거로 생각하는가? (order, when, will, think)152)

153. 당신은 그것이 어떻게 작동하는지 나에게 말해 줄 수 있나요? (work, how, tell, it)153)

154. 너는 너의 개가 무엇을 좋아한다고 생각하니? (your dog, like, what, think)154)

155. 너는 너의 엄마가 저녁으로 무엇을 먹고 싶어 한다고 생각하니? (for dinner, eat, what)155)

156. 너는 Jackson이 무엇을 공부하고 있는지 아니? (know, be studying, what)156)

「영어 학습의 절대 강자」 「마커스노트」 - 26 -

「마커스 매직카드 L3」

157. 너는 그들이 무엇을 듣고 있다고 추측하니? (be listening to, do, guess)157)

158. 나는 그들이 무엇을 판매했는지 알고 싶다. (want, sell, what, know)158)

159. 나는 Jessie가 어디로 쇼핑을 하러 가는지 궁금하다. (go shopping, wonder)159)

160. 나는 Jane이 어디에서 살고 있는지 알고 싶다. (be living, know, want)160)

161. 너는 그녀가 어떻게 그 개를 돌볼 수 있다고 생각하니? (take care of, the dog, how)161)

162. 나는 내일 비가 올지 안 올지 모른다. (rain, will, know)162)

163. 나는 그녀가 어제 수학을 공부했는지 안 했는지 모른다. (whether, math, study)163)

164. 나는 그가 아침 후에 이를 닦았는지 안 닦았는지 모른다. (after breakfast, brush, teeth)164)

- 27 -

165. 너는 누가 최고의 피아니스트라고 생각하니? (the best pianist, think, who)165)

166. 너는 왜 그녀가 너의 파티에 오지 않았는지 아니? (know, your party, come to)166)

167. 지금 몇 시인지 나에게 말해줄 수 있니? (tell, what time, me, it)167)

168. 당신은 누가 도서관에 있다고 생각하나요? (in the library, who, think)168)

169. 너는 너의 남동생이 언제 그의 교실을 청소했다고 생각하니? (classroom, clean, when)169)

170. 나는 그가 나를 위해 왜 쿠키를 만들었는지 모르겠어. (cookies, for, make, know)170)

171. 나는 그가 지난주에 누구를 만났는지 모른다. (meet, last week)171)

172. 나는 그 선생님이 언제 공항으로 떠났는지 모른다. (leave for, the teacher, the airport)172)

「영어 학습의 절대 강자」 「마커스노트」 - 28 -

「마커스 매직카드 L3」

173. 너는 너의 아버지가 언제 새집을 짓기 시작할 거로 생각하니? (think, build a new house, start, when,


174. 당신은 그들이 언제 택시를 탔는지 아나요? (take a taxi, know)174)

175. 당신은 그 영화가 언제 시작하는 것으로 생각하나요? (the movie, start)175)

176. Amy는 언제 그녀의 부모님이 미국으로 떠날지 모른다. (not, leave for, America)176)

177. 나는 Mr. Lam이 그의 조카에게 무엇을 사줬는지 몰라. (buy, for his nephew, know)177)

178. 너는 Jim이 얼마나 많은 수건이 필요한지 아니? (towels, how many, need)178)

179. 내가 어디에서 택시를 탈 수 있는지 나에게 말해줄 수 있니? (take a taxi, tell, where)179)

180. 나는 Jenny가 나와 점심을 먹고 싶어하는지 몰라. (have lunch with, want to)180)

- 29 -

l 다음의 질문에 답하시오.

181. 다음의 문장에서 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.181)

① I know where she lives.

② They don’t know where Jane’s mother is working.

③ Do you know what did Jisu buy at the shopping center?

④ Tom doesn’t know where his sister is.

⑤ He wants to know when the music class starts.

182. 다음의 문장에서 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.182)

① My cousin knows where Jane has been to.

② She knows what your major is.

③ Does she know when you get up in the morning?

④ He doesn’t want to know when they play soccer.

⑤ Do you think what she studies in the library?

183. 다음의 문장에서 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.183)

① She doesn’t know if her sister wants to go home earlier.

② I don’t know if did she finish her homework yesterday.

③ I’m not sure whether it will rain tomorrow.

④ She doesn’t know whether her dad will buy a camera for her.

⑤ She asked me if I had time to help her.

「영어 학습의 절대 강자」 「마커스노트」 - 30 -

「마커스 매직카드 L3」

- 31 -

「챕터별 문법 마스터 워크북」

마커스 매직카드 「정답 & 해설」


『 ☞ 본 교재의 예시정답을 자신이 쓴 문장과

비교 분석해 보고, 스스로 다음 문장을 어떻

게 쓸 것인지 고민해 보세요! 결국 생각이

자라나고, 문장력이 자라나게 됩니다. 【마커



「영어 학습의 절대 강자」 「마커스노트」 - 32 -

「마커스 매직카드 L3」

「15년 개정 새 교과서 문법을 한권에 / 반복적인 쓰기연습을 통한 문법 완성 / 학교별 문법완성 및 교과서별 문법완성 / 내신문법 완성」

ⓒ Copyright 2023 by 마커스노트

All rights reserved. No part of this application may be reproduced or distributed in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical (including photocopying, recording) without permission
in writing from the publisher.
이 책은 저작권법에 따라 보호를 받는 저작물이므로 무단전재와 무단 복제를 금지하며,
이 책 내용의 전부 또는 일부를 사용하려면 반드시 저작권자의 서면 동의를 받아야 합니다.

『간접의문문』 문법완성을 위한 워크북 -정답 & 해설-

1) 의문사+ 주어+ 동사 (시제, 수의 일치 필수)/ *의문사가 문장에 없으면, if를 써야 한다.

2) imagine, believe, think, guess, suppose 등
3) where Cathy goes
4) when your teacher came
5) how she came in
6) 의문사를 문두로, Where do you guess he will sleep tonight?
7) when my brother can watch TV.
8) 의문사를 문두로, What do you imagine Mike wants to eat?
9) 의문사를 문두로, Where do you think he is studying?
10) where your brother works
11) where my mom stays tonight
12) -인지 아닌지, if I had a sister (*간접의문문의 문장에서 의문사가 없을경우에는 if, whether을 써야 한다.)
13) 의문사를 문두로, How do you think she solves the problem?
14) -인지 아닌지, If Cathy was a student.
15) who they are.
16) what your cousin is good at
17) when he could go out
18) -인지 아닌지, if I could go
19) Whether Linda can attend (*인지 아닌지, *If는 주어절이나 보어절만 이끈다. *whether은 주어, 보어, 목적어
절을 모두 이끈다.) (Linda가 여름 수련회에 참석할 수 있을지는 확실하지 않다.)
20) whether the landlord will allow (*landlord 집주인) (*나는 집주인이 우리가 주차장을 사용하게 허락할지 모르
21) Please tell me why she wants to go home.
22) He asked me where my friend came from.
23) What do you think he will do after school?
24) Can you guess which he chooses? (*’Which do you guess he chooses?‘ 도 가능하다.)
25) I’m not sure whether(if) Mrs. Brown comes to the science festival. (*간접의문문의 문장에서 의문사가 없을
경우에는 if, whether을 쓸 수 있다.)
26) Whether Jim’s uncle responds to the weather news is not important. (*Jim의 삼촌이 날씨 뉴스에 반응하
는지 안 하는지는 중요하지 않다.)
27) He didn’t know where she went for a vacation.
28) I am wondering which doll she wants to buy.
29) Did he explain why he was late?
30) Can you tell me who broke the window? [*이 문장은 who가 주어이기 때문에 ‘who+주어+동사’의 어순이 와
야 한다.]
31) Can you tell me why he fixed this copy machine?
32) I didn’t understand what he said.
33) Jackson asked me where I was going.

- 33 -

34) What do you think his job is.

35) I wonder where you want to visit first.
36) Jackson asked me if I played the guitar with them.
37) I asked him if(whether) he had a brother.
38) She asked me what my favorite food was.
39) My mom wonders what the man does at night.
40) Please tell me why your cousin wasn’t there.
41) I’d like to know what you want to eat.
42) I’d like to know when your birthday is.
43) I don’t know if(whether) she wants to eat lunch with me.
44) I’m not sure if(whether) Jane will go abroad next year.
45) I don’t know if(whether) she likes to see a movie with him.
46) I asked them if(whether) they wanted to go shopping with Julia.
47) How often do you think they go to the gym?
48) How old do you think she is?
49) What grade do you think his son is in?
50) How do you guess he knew the fact?
51) How much money do you guess they spent on the trip?
52) Do you know who(m) he met at the cafe this morning?
53) Do you know what time his cousin got up today?
54) When do you guess Jim goes to bed every day?
55) How do you imagine he made a lot of money in the big city?
56) I don’t know how often she goes swimming in a week.
57) Who do you think that woman on the stage is?
58) Where do you think he studies now?
59) Where do you guess they live now?
60) What do you think his mom likes to drink?
61) Which do you think yours is? 또는 Which do you think is yours?도 가능하다.
62) Who do you think the best guitarist is? 또는 Who do you think is the best guitarist?도 가능하다.
63) Who do you think is in the bathroom? (*‘who’가 의문사이면서 주어이기 때문에 ‘의문사 +주어 +동사’의 순서
로 쓰면 된다.)
64) Who do you believe cleaned my room this morning?
65) I wonder whether(if) Mrs. Hill allows them to trace the source of the fund. (나는 Mrs. Hill이 그들이 자
금의 출처를 추적하게 허락할지 궁금하다.)
66) Let’s ask him how old he is.
67) My sister wanted to know if Jenny bought a book for her. (*간접의문문의 문장에서 의문사가 없을 경우에
는 if, whether을 쓸 수 있다.)
68) I don’t know why Amy attends the seminar.
69) Who do you believe helped Mrs. Brooks?
70) Whether Lizzy wins the first prize in the competition is not my concern. (Lizzy가 대회에서 1등 상을 탈
지 안 탈지는 내 관심이 아니다.)
71) I wonder whether(if) Mr. Smith admit drinking with his friends last night.
72) my mom will come to my party tonight.
73) who this artist is. (=who가 주어로 쓰인 경우, who is this artist.)
74) What the artifact means.
75) where his son lives.
76) where I live.
77) What do you think my cousin likes to eat?
78) when his sister will meet her teacher.

「영어 학습의 절대 강자」 「마커스노트」 - 34 -

「마커스 매직카드 L3」

79) how I can help the others.

80) when we need their help.
81) Who the prettiest actress is in the US.
82) who the owner of this building was.
83) what his son’s job was.
84) where his father works.
85) who your teacher is this year.
86) where he can find his lost bag.
87) when her son comes home.
88) what Jane will buy at the shopping center.
89) Why do you think your sister walked to school alone?
90) she needed my help then.
91) She wonders how he can operate this machine.
92) Do you know what his nickname is?
93) He doesn’t know what the engineer needs.
94) He asked why she took a picture of it.
95) He wondered how his son became a lawyer.
96) Can you tell me why it is a mental food?
97) Can you tell how it works?
98) What does he think it means?
99) Who do you think will be selected as our leader?
100) Who do you think is their leader? → ‘who’가 의문대명사 즉, 주어로 사용된 경우이다. (= Who do you
think their leader is? → 이 문장은 ‘who’는 의문사이고, ‘their leader’를 주어로 생각한 경우이다. )
101) How long do you guess it is?
102) Who do you think wrote this slogan?
103) He’s curious about where her hometown is.
104) Do you know what they are doing?
105) I’d like to know what she wants to read.
106) I’d like to know what Jisu wants to do.
107) Who do you think danced in front of the teachers?
108) Who do you think the coach of this team was? (=Who do you think was the coach of this team?)
109) Jane asked me where I was living.
110) Jisu asked him when he finished his homework.
111) I don’t know where Jisu is living.
112) She doesn’t know what her cousin did yesterday.
113) He wants to know where his bag is.
114) I want to know when Jane gets up.
115) Do you know how he can run fast?
116) Can you tell me when the English class starts?
117) How do you think she gets to the train station?
118) Do you know where he stays this week?
119) Who do you think can take care of these cats?
120) What do you think your father wants?
121) Mrs. Hilton told me where her son was swimming then.
122) Mr. Kim didn’t know how he could make spicy kimchi.
123) Amy wants to know when her cousins leave for the airport.
124) I cannot remember where I put my car key. (*put-put-put)
125) I don’t know when I can bother Mr. Kim.

- 35 -

126) Who do you guess broke the plate?

127) I wonder whether(if) Mrs. Brown dislikes being mentioned by others.
128) I wonder whether(if) your sister regrets having sold her cell phone.
129) I wonder whether(if) Tim’s friends played the board game last night.
130) I don’t know where my sister put her bike yesterday.
131) I can’t remember which number you chose at the seminar.
132) I don’t know whether(if) Ava likes spinach and carrots. (*간접의문문의 문장에서 의문사가 없을 경우에는
if, whether을 쓸 수 있다.)
133) I wonder whether(if) your uncle will accept the job (or not).
134) I don’t know what Jessie is going to do this afternoon.
135) I don’t know when my mom(mother) comes home. (=I don’t know when my mother will come home.)
136) I don’t know where my father(dad) was born.
137) Lizzy doesn’t know whether(if) her parents will come to her school (or not).
138) Who do you think the man wearing a red cap is?
139) Who do you think she is?
140) What grade do you think Jane’s sister is in?
141) I wonder whether(if) Martin will enlist in the army at the end of this year (or not). (*간접의문문의 문
장에서 의문사가 없을 경우에는 if, whether을 쓸 수 있다.)
142) Do you know where he lives?
143) Do you know how old she is?
144) How old do you think Minji is?
145) When do you think they will play soccer?
146) I don’t know when Jisu will take the train.
147) I don’t know what Jane’s address is.
148) What do you think her phone number is?
149) Tom asked her why she was late this morning.
150) He wonders why I like kimchi.
151) Do you know why she wants to eat pizza?
152) When do you think they will order pizza?
153) Can you tell me how it works?
154) What do you think your dog likes?
155) What do you think your mother(mom) wants to eat for dinner?
156) Do you know what Jackson is studying now?
157) What do you guess they are listening to?
158) I want to know what they sold.
159) I wonder where Jessie goes shopping.
160) I want to know where Jane is living.
161) How do you think she can take care of the dog?
162) I don’t know if(whether) it will rain tomorrow (or not).
163) I don’t know whether(if) she studied math yesterday (or not).
164) I don’t know if(whether) he brushed his teeth after breakfast (or not).
165) Who do you think the best pianist is? (=Who do you think is the best pianist?도 가능)
166) Do you know why she didn’t come to your party?
167) Can you tell me what time it is?
168) Who do you think is in the library?
169) When do you think your brother cleaned his classroom?
170) I don’t know why he made cookies for me.
171) I don’t know whom(who) he met last week.

「영어 학습의 절대 강자」 「마커스노트」 - 36 -

「마커스 매직카드 L3」

172) I don’t know when the teacher left for the airport.
173) When do you think your father starts to build a new house?
174) Do you know when they took a taxi?
175) When do you think the movie starts?
176) Amy doesn’t know when her parents leave for America.
177) I don’t know what Mr. Lam bought for his nephew.
178) Do you know how many towels Jim needs?
179) Can you tell me where I can take a taxi?
180) I don’t know whether(if) Jenny wants to have lunch with me (or not).
181) ③ [Do you know what Jisu bought at the shopping center? 로 고친다.]
182) ⑤ [What do you think she studies in the library? 로 고친다.], ‘think’는 의문사를 문두로 옮겨야 한다.
183) ② [ I don’t know if she finished her homework yesterday. 로 고친다.]


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