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J Polym Environ

DOI 10.1007/s10924-017-1032-3


Soybean Oil Based Polylactic Acid Membranes: Synthesis

and Degradation Characteristics
R. Seda Tığlı Aydın1 · Elvan Akyol2 · Baki Hazer2

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017

Abstract Controlling the degradation parameters is one Introduction

of the main challenges of preparing appropriate biomateri-
als for biomedical applications. In this study, the effect of Polylactic acid (PLA), which is used worldwide as a bio-
soybean oil inclusion on hydrolytic degradation of polylac- material, has long been used for various biomedical appli-
tic acid (PLA) was investigated both in vitro and in vivo. cations since it has gained its reputation of good bio-
PLA/oil membranes were prepared by using polymeric compatibility [1, 2]. PLA based biomaterials are used in
soybean oil (PSO), epoxidized soybean oil and soybean applications such as bone fixation, repair of osteochondral
oil (SOYA) with their varied concentrations. Degradation defects, ligament reconstructions and more generally for the
of membranes was performed in vitro for 8 weeks period fabrications of stents, sutures and porous scaffolds [2–5].
and in vivo for 4 weeks period. Weight loss, changes in However, the prediction of biodegradation characteristics
molecular weight, thermal properties and morphological of PLA is a challenge, since several parameters including
changes were studied during degradation. SOYA blended molecular structure, crystallinity, L/D ratio, copolymeriza-
PLA membranes show the lowest degradation rates by bulk tion and physical structure greatly influence degradation
degradation after 4 weeks in vitro, followed by surface ero- characteristics [6–8]. Studies proved that degradation time
sion for the first week. Approximately twofold high per- increase with the higher content of L-units and PLA fib-
centage weight losses of all membranes were obtained after ers are reported as more resistant to degradation compared
4 weeks of degradation in vivo in comparison with in vitro to bulk forms [6, 7]. Moreover, the brittle nature of PLA
data. The significant weight loss, molecular weight loss and limits its applications in some biomedical area [9, 10].
thermal property change for PSO blended membranes were Thus, researchers tried to tailor the mechanical and physi-
determined during in vivo degradation which highlights cal properties of PLA to suit the requirements of particular
the increase of degradation rate by bulk degradation. Dras- applications through copolymerization, blending, etc [2, 4,
tic morphological changes were observed on surface of 11–13]. Since polymer blending serves a synergy of differ-
degraded membranes in vivo with large pores, cracks, fis- ent materials, desirable degradation profiles as well as tun-
sures and large cavities. able physical and mechanical properties may be achieved
[10, 13–15].
Keywords Biodegradable polymers · Polymer blends · According to great attention towards polymers pre-
PLA · Soybean oil · In vitro · In vivo pared from renewable resources due to limited petroleum
reserves, researchers have been pushed to work on vegeta-
ble oil based polymers [16]. Soy bean oil based polymers,
* R. Seda Tığlı Aydın which have some properties like universal availability, low;
price and superior compatibility, are being required for suit-
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Bülent Ecevit able biomedical applications [17–22]. Aydın et al. reported
University, 67100 İncivez‑Zonguldak, Turkey polymeric soybean oil-g-polystyrene (PSO-g-PS) mem-
Department of Chemistry, Bülent Ecevit University, branes as a potential candidate of guided bone regenera-
67100 İncivez‑Zonguldak, Turkey tion [19]. Miao et al. reported a new class of biocompatible

J Polym Environ

polyurethanes prepared from soybean-oil-based polyol for Ring Opening Polymerization of PLA
suitable use in biomedical applications [20]. Successful
studies of in vivo biocompatibility of the autoxidized and Lactic acid monomer (d,l-Laktid) was polymerized via ring
unoxidized unsaturated medium–long chain length (m–lcl) opening polymerization (ROP) according to the procedure
co-poly-3-hydroxyalkanoates (m-lclPHAs) derived from written below. Briefly, the catalyst, 0.03 g of tin(II) octo-
soya oily acids have been reported [21]. Biocompatibility ate and the initiator, 0.2 mg 1-dodecanol were charged into
properties of elastomers with epoxidized soybean oil (ESO) a flame-dried Schlenk flask and argon gas was introduced
and epoxidized linseed oil have been demonstrated [22]. through a needle into the tube for about 3 min to expel the
Inspiring from these studies, several forms of soybean oil air. Then, 2 g of d,l-Laktid and toluene was introduced and
(i.e., conjugated soybean oil, ESO, hydrogenated forms- the flask was placed in an oil bath preheated at 110 °C for
polyols, auto-oxidized soy bean oil) have been used by 24 h and the reaction was finalized by adding cold chloro-
the scientists for the production of soybean oil-based PLA form and the catalyst was filtered out. The crude polymer
polymers [23–27]. Robertson et al. reported the compatibi- was dissolved in dichloromethane and poured into excess
lization and toughening effect of conjugated soya oil on the methanol to precipitate the polymer. Then, the precipitated
PLA [23]. Chieng et al. [24], Emad et al. [25], and Fathilah polymer (PLA) was dried under a vacuum for 24 h (MW:
et al. [26] reported mechanical and thermal properties of 138.1 kDa, Mn: 78.3 kDa, PDI: 1.8).
ESO based PLA. Hazer studied the autoxidized soya oil
polymer and hydroxylated soya oil polymer by means of Auto‑oxidation of Polymeric Soybean Oil (PSO)
mechanical properties, fracture surface analysis and anti-
bacterial properties [27]. Nevertheless, to the best of our The polymeric soybean oil (PSO) was prepared due the
knowledge, biodegradation properties of soybean-oil based auto-oxidation according to previously reported procedure
PLA polymers have not been reported before. in the literature [20]. In brief, soybean oil (50 g), spread
A closer look at the degradation of PLA based bioma- out in a Petri dish (Ø = 16 cm), was exposed to sunlight in
terials has revealed that PLA degrades by hydrolysis up the air at room temperature. After 8 weeks, a gel polymer
to lactic acid monomers, resorbed biologically and there film associated with a waxy and viscous liquid was formed.
is no enzymatic degradation of PLA polymers in human Chloroform extraction of the crude polymeric oil for 24 h
[28]. Hydrolytic degradation is of crucial importance for at room temperature allowed separation of the soluble part
its successful implementation in applications such as surgi- of the PSO from the gel. In our previous study, the scheme
cal sutures, drug delivery systems, and tissue engineering of auto-oxidation process and the chemical structures of
scaffolds and the rate of degradation has been attributed to PSO, soy bean oil (SOYA) and ESO have been demon-
a number of polymer characteristics [29]. Thus, the objec- strated [30].
tive of this study is to evaluate hydrolytic degradability of
appropriate amounts of auto-oxidized soybean oil (poly- Preparation and Characterization of PLA/Oil (PLA/
meric soybean oil), ESO and soybean oil based PLA mem- PSO, PLA/SOYA, PLA/ESO) Membranes
branes since the composition, structure and/or miscibility
of the blended components are known to be key factors PLA/oil polymeric blends were prepared by stirring appro-
influencing the resulting degradation rate [13]. Moreover, priate portions (w/w) of PLA and oil (PSO, SOYA and
surface and bulk properties of degraded soybean-oil based ESO) overnight at room temperature. PLA/oil blends were
PLA membranes have been evaluated by assessing the prepared in chloroform in order to achieve 2, 7, 14, and
effects of oil blending on weight loss, molecular weight, 20% (w/w) oil in blends. Blends were assigned as PLA/
thermal and morphological changes during degradation oil2, PLA/oil7, PLA/oil14, and PLA/oil20 which represents
period both in vitro and in vivo. oil composition in blends. Then, solvent-casting technique
was used in order to maintain PLA/oil membranes with
approximately 0.2 mm thickness (measured from SEM
Materials and Methods image, data not shown). Briefly, 0.04 g/mL blend solution
(10 mL) poured in a Petri dish (Ø = 16 cm), then a transpar-
Soybean oil (SOYA) (MW: 3.2 kDa) and ESO (MW: ent, smooth polymer film was obtained in 1–2 days of sol-
3.0 kDa) were locally purchased from (Çotanak, Turkey) vent evaporation. Then, the film was easily peeled off from
and antioxidant adduct inside the commercial soya oil was Petri dish by adding some water on it. The film was subse-
removed by leaching. Lactic acid monomer (d,l-Laktid) quently dried under vacuum for a week at room tempera-
was obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (Germany) and all the ture. The molecular weights of prepared membranes were
other chemicals (Sigma-Aldrich, Germany) were analytical determined by gel permeation chromatography (GPC),
grade and used without further purification. Viscotek GPCmax Auto sampler system (G2000H HR,

J Polym Environ

G3000H HR and G4000H HR), and a Viscotek differential (3–4 months, female). After 4 weeks of incubation, sam-
refractive index detector (THF flow rate of 1.0 mL/min). A ples were withdrawn from the animals. The assessment of
calibration curve was generated with PS standards having the biodegradability after 4 weeks implantation of prepared
narrow molecular weight distribution. Data were analyzed membranes was evaluated by gravimetrically according to
using Viscotek OmniSEC Omni–01 software. Molecular the Eq. 1 as described before. Additionally, samples were
weight loss (%) was calculated form data maintained from also characterized by SEM, GPC and thermal analysis.
GPC results. The morphology and surface topography of
PLA/oil membranes were visualized by using a SEM (FEI Statistical Analysis
Quanta 200 FEG, USA) after coating with a thin gold–pal-
ladium alloy layer under vacuum. In order to evaluate ther- All data are expressed as means ± standard deviations.
mal characteristics of PLA/oil membranes, thermal gravi- Three similar experiments were done which were carried
metric analysis (TGA) of the membranes was assessed by out in triplicate.
(TA Q50, TGA) instrument in inert gas to determine ther-
mal maximum degradation ­(Tmax) and decomposition tem-
peratures ­[Td50(°C)] between 0 and 700 °C. Results and Discussion

In Vitro Biodegradation Biodegradation is one of the main challenges of the prepa-

ration of biomaterials for appropriate biomedical applica-
In vitro degradation studies of PLA/oil membranes were tions. Thus, tailoring biomaterial performance is required
carried out by hydrolysis in the presence of phosphate which could be achieved by controlling the degradation
buffer solution (PBS) (pH 7.4). Dry membranes (10 mm parameters. Several studies showed that degradation pro-
diameter) were weighed and immersed in capped bottles cess of PLA occurs by hydrolytic cleavage of ester bonds
containing 5 mL phosphate buffer solution (PBS) (pH 7.4) which lead to decrease in the macromolecule average
containing 0.02% sodium azide ­(NaN3) as the bacteriostatic length [31, 32]. In this study, a series of oil inclusion [2,
agent. Samples were incubated at 37 °C and the buffer was 7, 14, and 20% (w/w) oil] in blends is evaluated in terms
refreshed for every week (8 weeks period). Three parallel of degradability of PLA/oil membranes. It has been previ-
samples were withdrawn from the degradation medium at ously reported that the miscibility was not accomplished
1st, 4th, and 8th weeks, rinsed with distilled water three above 20% (w/w) of the oil content according to the physi-
times and then dried to constant weight in a vacuum at cal observations [30].
room temperature. Weight loss was determined gravimet-
rically as the percentage of weight loss (­WL) according to In Vitro Degradation Behaviour of PLA/Oil
Eq. (1): Membranes

[( ) ]
WL (%) = W0 − W ∕W0 × 100 Weight Loss and Molecular Weight Analysis
where, (W) is the dry weight remaining at a specific time
and ­(W0) is the initial weight. In vitro biodegradability of PLA/oil membranes were quan-
After gravimetrical tests, biodegradation were also char- titatively assessed by gravimetrical analysis and percentage
acterized by GPC, thermal analysis and SEM methods as weight loss of membranes after 1st, 4th, and 8th weeks of
described before. incubation were shown in Table 1. According to Table 1,
oil inclusion greatly decrease degradation rate of mem-
In Vivo Biodegradation branes compared to neat PLA. PLA membranes showed
4.6% weight loss for the first week although 1.1–3.6% of
In vivo biodegradation studies were performed on the PLA/oil membranes were degraded at the end of first week.
selected membranes (PLA, PLA-PSO14, PLA-SOYA14, Since hydrolysis mechanism depends on the water attack
PLA-ESO14) due to the animal experiments proto- of the polymer chain, the interaction and location of water
col approved by TÜBİTAK Animal Experiments Ethic molecules with polymer chain greatly influence the deg-
Committee (Number: 16563500-111-85). Additionally, radation behavior [33]. Results showed that water can not
ISO 10993-2:2006 “Animal Welfare requirements” and properly penetrate PLA/oil membranes during incubation
ISO10993-12:2012 “Sample preparation and reference period. However, weight loss of PLA/ESO membranes
materials” standards were taken into account. Briefly, except PLA/ESO2 showed approximate values (3.0–3.6%)
sterilized membranes [70% ethanol for 1 h, equilibrated in compared to PLA (4.6%). After 4 weeks, PLA/PSO, PLA/
sterile Dulbecco’s PBS (pH 7.4)] were implanted into dor- ESO and PLA/SOYA membranes showed 4.7–6.2%,
sal subcutaneous tissue of three Sprague Dawley rabbits 4.8–6.7%, and 3.9–4.7% weight loss, respectively while

J Polym Environ

Table 1  Percentage weight loss data during in vitro degradation peroxide and epoxide groups. Thus, large water uptake
period increase hydrolysis rate by ester groups on surface.
Membrane 1st week (%) 4th week (%) 8th week (%) Table 2 demonstrates percentage molecular weight loss
of membranes after 1st, 4th, and 8th weeks of incubation
PLA 4.6 ± 0.7 7.3 ± 1.2 7.8 ± 0.7
according to GPC results. After 1 week of degradation,
PLA-PSO2 2.0 ± 0.6 4.7 ± 0.2 4.9 ± 0.7
PLA, PLA/PSO, PLA/SOYA and PLA/ESO membranes
PLA-PSO7 1.1 ± 0.1 4.6 ± 0.5 5.9 ± 0.6
show 1.0%, 10.5–17.0%, 1.0-4.6%, and 1.9–8.8% molecu-
PLA-PSO14 2.4 ± 1.1 6.1 ± 0.5 6.6 ± 0.5
lar weight loss, respectively. Results can be related to sur-
PLA-PSO20 2.1 ± 0.7 6.2 ± 0.5 7.3 ± 0.4
face degradation of PLA membranes. Despite weight loss,
PLA-SOYA2 1.3 ± 0.7 3.9 ± 0.5 5.1 ± 0.3
degradation occurs at surface which leads thinning effect
PLA-SOYA7 2.0 ± 0.7 3.5 ± 0.1 5.0 ± 0.7
occurs molecular weight remains intact [33]. Figure 1
PLA-SOYA14 2.0 ± 0.6 4.7 ± 0.6 5.0 ± 0.4
represents the changes in molecular weight distribution
PLA-SOYA20 1.9 ± 0.8 3.9 ± 1.7 5.4 ± 0.5
for membranes during degradation period. It is observed
PLA-ESO2 1.0 ± 0.9 4.8 ± 0.2 4.8 ± 0.6
that molecular weight distribution of PLA membrane not
PLA-ESO7 3.6 ± 0.1 6.3 ± 0.8 5.9 ± 0.6
significantly lowers with time until 4 weeks and then the
PLA-ESO14 3.4 ± 0.2 6.8 ± 0.4 7.2 ± 0.4
molecular weight distribution is seen to move towards
PLA-ESO20 3.0 ± 0.2 6.7 ± 0.3 7.3 ± 0.3
lower values at the end of 4 weeks. Similar results were
observed for PLA/ESO and PLA/SOYA membranes
(Fig. 1). Results conclude that the degradation behavior of
PLA degraded 7.3% (Table 2). Surprisingly, results showed PLA, PLA/ESO and PLA/SOYA membranes occur at the
that the increase of oil content in PLA/PSO and PLA/ESO surface by erosion during 1 week. After 4 weeks, bulk deg-
membranes greatly increase weight loss which may be due radation occurs where medium is able to penetrate entire
to the fact that oil began to move away from the structure. polymer and random hydrolytic chain scission takes place
Higher water interaction results in an increased hydrolysis [29]. However, PLA/PSO membranes show bulk degrada-
rate as more water penetrates the samples. At the end of tion behaviour starting from first week (Fig. 1). Significant
8 weeks, similar values of percentage of weight loss were weight distribution shifting is observed for all membranes
obtained for PLA (7.8%), PLA/PSO (4.9–7.3%) and PLA/ at the end of 8 weeks which is due to the fact that diffusion
ESO (4.8–7.3%) membranes except PLA/SOYA (5.0-5.4%) of water into polymer is faster than degradation of polymer
(Table 2). Results concluded that during in vitro degrada- bonds [29] although weight loss is not significant at the
tion process PSO and ESO stability within highly concen- end of 8 weeks (Table 1). When by-products are removed
trated oil blended PLA membranes is less than SOYA sta- from the polymer matrix in uniform manner, chain scission
bility which may be due to the peroxide and epoxide groups becomes homogeneous; in contrast, if they can not able to
on PSO and ESO, respectively. This is probably because diffuse out, internal autocatalysis occurs which leads to a
of water molecules are entrapped by highly concentrated bimodal molecular weight distribution [34]. During bulk

Table 2  Percentage molecular Membrane Molecular weight (Mw) loss (%) Molecular weight (Mn) loss (%)
weight (Mw, Mn) loss data
during in vitro degradation 1st week 4th week 8th week 1st week 4th week 8th week
PLA 1.0 24.7 60.4 0.2 32.7 67.4
PLA-PSO2 10.5 51.0 76.6 8.5 30.1 66.0
PLA-PSO7 14.3 48.9 73.0 10.5 46.8 66.8
PLA-PSO14 17.0 33.6 68.1 28.5 29.8 59.7
PLA-PSO20 15.3 49.4 73.0 31.2 52.2 70.0
PLA-SOYA2 2.5 37.4 55.1 2.2 43.3 71.0
PLA-SOYA7 4.6 33.2 64.5 4.0 43.6 64.2
PLA-SOYA14 2.1 27.8 59.3 1.5 30.4 62.5
PLA-SOYA20 1.0 28.3 58.0 3.4 28.6 56.3
PLA-ESO2 4.8 29.5 51.8 4.9 32.0 47.4
PLA-ESO7 4.7 22.3 44.5 8.9 29.8 41.5
PLA-ESO14 1.9 17.0 39.7 2.4 21.6 37.3
PLA-ESO20 8.8 22.6 45.2 2.0 20.4 40.8

J Polym Environ

Fig. 1  GPC spectrum of membranes before and after in vitro degradation

degradation double peak distributions are observed for any oil droplets before degradation. However, starting from
PLA/SOYA and PLA/PSO after 8 and 4 weeks, respec- the first week, oil droplets appeared on surface and larger
tively (Fig. 1). SOYA droplets are observed regarding to oil content in
membranes (Fig. 3). Small pores and cavities are shown by
SEM Analysis SEM images after 4 weeks (Fig. 3) similar to images for
PLA/PSO membranes (Fig. 2). However, after 8 weeks no
SEM images of PLA and PLA/oil membranes before and oil droplets were seen on the surface of membranes and
during degradation period are demonstrated in Figs. 2, 3, 4 pores on the membrane surfaces are attractive (Fig. 3).
and 5. PSO droplets on PLA/PSO membranes were homog- Before degradation, ESO was homogenously distributed
enously distributed before degradation and the increase by oil droplets on PLA/ESO2 and PLA/PSO7 surface, and
in PSO content results larger oil droplets covered on the embedded through the surface of PLA/ESO14 and PLA/
membranes (Fig. 2). After 1 week oil drops became non- ESO20 (Fig. 4). Similar to PLA/SOYA membranes, oil
homogenous through polymer film and small pores and droplets are appeared on the PLA/ESO membranes after
cavities appeared after 4 weeks which is consistent with 1 week (Fig. 4) which indicate surface erosion. However,
bulk degradation [29]. After 8 weeks no PSO droplets after 4 weeks no oil droplets are observed on the mem-
were observed for PLA/PSO2 and PLA/PSO7 membranes, branes and pore became larger and striking after 8 weeks
instead small pores were clearly seen (Fig. 2). No signifi- (Fig. 4).
cant changes were observed for PLA membranes; however,
after 4 weeks small cracks were observed on PLA surfaces Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA)
by SEM analysis under higher magnifications (×5000) (not
shown) which indicates bulk degradation. As seen from Thermal degradation behaviour of membranes during
Fig. 3, SOYA was homogenously distributed and embed- degradation period is monitored by TGA thermograms
ded through surface of PLA/SOYA membranes without where thermal stability factors, including temperature

J Polym Environ

Fig. 2  SEM images of PLA and PLA/PSO membranes before and after in vitro degradation, (scale bars on SEM images: 0 week: 100 µm,
1 week: 50 µm, 4 and 8 weeks: 40 µm)

of maximum rate of degradation (­Tmax) and decomposi- detected due to the shorter polymer chains occurred by
tion temperature at 50% weight loss ­(Td50) of the mem- degradation (Table 3). However, significant decrease of
branes can be determined. Results obtained from TG ­Tmax and T ­ d50 values for PLA/ESO membranes (except
and DTG curves were shown in Table 3. As seen from ESO2) during degradation period. The reduction can be
Table 3, before degradation maximum degradation tem- related to epoxy groups on membranes. Although studies
peratures are not changed by oil blending except PLA/ have shown the improvement of thermal stability of PLA
ESO20 membranes. Moreover, oil blending decrease with epoxy processing [35], after hydrolysis the interac-
decomposition temperature which may be due to the tion of epoxy with lactic acid fragments may probably
co-existance of the two polymers [35]. During degrada- makes ESO possible to reorganize on shorter polymer
tion period, slight decrease in ­Tmax and ­Td50 values are chains of the membrane which leads higher thermal deg-
radation rates.

J Polym Environ

Fig. 3  SEM images of PLA/SOYA membranes before and after in vitro degradation, (scale bars on SEM images: 0 week: 100 µm, 1 week:
50 µm, 4 and 8 weeks: 40 µm)

In Vivo Degradation Behaviour of PLA/Oil Membranes degradation occurred for all membranes, confirmed by
molecular weight distributions (data not shown). Moreo-
Several studies have shown that in vivo degradation behav- ver, double peak distribution is observed for PLA/SOYA14
iour is dramatically different from that for in vitro degra- (data not shown) which indicates internal autocatalysis
dation [36, 37]. The difference is due to the biological [34]. Thermal properties of membranes after 4 weeks of
compounds and lipids in body which facilitates uptake of in vivo degradation (Table 4) show similar decrease pro-
water into polymer or the body responses that contributes files in ­Tmax and ­Td50 values for PLA, PLA/SOYA14 and
to the faster degradation in vivo [38, 39]. Table 4 demon- PLA/ESO14 membranes compared to 4 weeks of in vitro
strates in vivo percentage weight loss, percentage molecu- degradation results. However, significant decrease of T­ max
lar weight loss data and ­Td50 and ­Tmax values of PLA and and ­Td50 values for PLA/PSO14 membranes were detected
PLAoil14 membranes after 4 weeks of degradation. All after 4 weeks of in vivo degradation (Table 4) which may
membranes show approximately twofold high values of be related to higher weight loss and molecular weight loss
percentage weight loss data when degraded in vivo after with regard to shorter polymer chains. SEM images of
4 weeks compared to in vitro (Table 4). After 4 weeks of in vivo degraded membranes were demonstrated in Fig. 5.
in vivo degradation, PLA, PLA/PSO14, PLA/SOYA14 and Accelerated degradation of membranes could be deduced
PLA/ESO14 membranes show 70.3, 72.6, 68.9 and 58.7% from SEM images where cracks, fissures, cavities and pores
molecular weight loss, respectively (Table 4). Results indi- on membranes are clear and prominent (Fig. 5). To summa-
cate dramatic increase of molecular weight loss where bulk rize, our results are in agreement with the previous reports

J Polym Environ

Fig. 4  SEM images of PLA and PLA/ESO membranes before and after in vitro degradation, (scale bars on SEM images: 0 week: 100 µm,
1 week: 50 µm, 4 and 8 weeks: 40 µm)

which described that the mechanism for in vivo degrada- from first week which leads bulk degradation behaviour.
tion is different from that for in vitro degradation [36]. No significant change was observed for PSO and SOYA
blended membranes, while ESO inclusion was seen to
decrease thermal degradation rates. During in vitro degra-
Conclusions dation period, small pores occurred on oil included mem-
branes while no significant change (only small cracks) was
In vitro and in vivo degradation behaviour of PLA and observed on PLA membranes. Compared to in vitro deg-
PLA/oil membranes were monitored by following weight radation data, significant mass loss and molecular weight
loss, changes of molecular weight, thermal properties and loss were detected for all membranes degraded in vivo by
morphology. The hydrolytic degradation of membranes bulk degradation mechanism. Different from in vitro pro-
showed different mechanisms according to the varied oil file, PSO significantly increase weight loss and molecular
(PSO, ESO and SOYA) inclusion and amounts during weight loss with high thermal degradation rates. Accord-
degradation period in vitro. SOYA inclusion greatly low- ing to visual examination of degraded membranes, con-
ers degradation rate with mainly bulk degradation mecha- siderable degradation on membranes was observed with
nisms after 4 weeks in vitro, followed by surface erosion clear fissures, pores and cracks. However, it should be
for the first week. High concentrated PSO and ESO inclu- noted that further mechanical testing may be considered
sion increase weight loss and significant molecular weight which will support degradability of membranes when with
loss is obtained for PSO blended membranes starting in vivo applications. Thus, results concluded controllable

J Polym Environ

Fig. 5  SEM images of a PLA, b PLA/PSO, c PLA/SOYA and d PLA/ESO membranes after 4 weeks in vivo degradation, (scale bars on SEM
images: 40 µm)

Table 3  Thermal properties Membrane Td50 (°C) Td50 (°C) Td50 (°C) Td50 (°C) Tmax (°C) Tmax (°C) Tmax (°C) Tmax (°C)
of membranes before and after 1st week 4th week 8th week 1st week 4th week 8th week
in vitro degradation
PLA 364.2 354.7 349.1 344.8 365.6 361.5 359.1 356.3
PLA-PSO2 363.4 348.1 347.0 344.8 366.2 355.9 354.8 349.8
PLA-PSO7 359.2 345.5 343.3 344.6 366.5 355.7 350.3 348.4
PLA-PSO14 359.5 345.0 342.5 342.1 365.6 354.6 350.3 347.6
PLA-PSO20 357.7 344.9 341.5 341.9 366.7 353.5 349.8 348.8
PLA-SOYA2 362.4 355.3 346.4 345.9 366.5 361.4 357.7 352.6
PLA-SOYA7 359.4 353.3 345.5 341.8 366.5 361.4 355.4 350.2
PLA-SOYA14 359.1 348.9 342.9 343.3 366.1 359.4 351.8 349.3
PLA-SOYA20 357.6 348.9 342.9 339.2 367.8 359.1 350.9 345.6
PLA-ESO2 356.9 342.7 340.8 338.8 366.5 355.4 353.6 352.9
PLA-ESO7 335.0 328.7 324.9 316.3 365.1 323.4 320.3 318.4
PLA-ESO14 334.9 324.3 313.9 319.1 364.5 324.6 318.5 318.2
PLA-ESO20 327.7 317.7 312.3 315.7 326.1 319.5 317.6 316.0

Td50: Decomposition temperature at 50% weight loss (TG curve)

Tmax: Temperature at maximum degradation rate (DTG curve)

J Polym Environ

Table 4  In vivo degradation Membrane Weight loss (%) Mw loss (%) Mn loss (%) Tmax (°C) Td50 (°C)
data of membranes after
4 weeks PLA 14.1 70.3 68.7 364.1 357.5
PLA-PSO14 17.4 72.6 68.5 308.3 304.4
PLA-SOYA14 10.5 68.9 47.3 358.4 350.0
PLA-ESO14 14.4 58.7 49.1 315.3 317.5

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