03TP Llegado Aldrei

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Task Performance
Human Factors in HCI

At the end of the exercise, the students should be able to:

 Describe how an interface will suit the user’s various capabilities; and
 Prove that HCI principles are naturally derived from human factors.


 One (1) personal computer with a pre-installed Google Chrome and Microsoft Word
 Internet connection


1. Create a new document on Microsoft Word with the filename 03TP_LastName_FirstName (e.g.,
03TP_Reyes_Mika). This will serve as your answer sheet and will be collected by your instructor.

2. Open Google Chrome and search for at least three (3) technological developments and/or innovations from 2017
to present, which are related to human-computer interaction. Then, provide answers for the following items for
each development/innovation in the answer sheet:
a. Hot Solar Cells
The Cell Atlas
Paying With Your Face

c. In recent years, technological advancements have brought about innovations that not only cater to
human needs but also enhance our quality of life. Three notable developments are hot solar cells, the
Cell Atlas, and facial recognition payments. Each of these features addresses different aspects of
human life and satisfaction in a unique way. Hot solar cells, also known as thermophotovoltaic cells,
offer a significant breakthrough in renewable energy generation. Their ability to operate at extremely
high temperatures, often exceeding 1000 degrees Celsius, sets them apart from traditional solar cells.
This feature allows hot solar cells to thrive in concentrated solar power (CSP) systems, where they
efficiently convert intense heat into electricity. The satisfaction for humans lies in the reduction of our
reliance on fossil fuels. By harnessing the power of the sun and converting it into clean energy, hot
solar cells contribute to mitigating climate change, reducing air pollution, and ultimately providing a
sustainable energy source.
d. The interactive interface of a technology or innovation is a critical link between the technology and
human performance. It should align with cognitive capabilities by presenting information effectively,
consider ergonomics for physical comfort, and adhere to HCI principles for usability and user-centered
design. A well-designed interface enhances the overall user experience, improves performance, and
increases user satisfaction with the technology.
e. Easton, B. (2008). Does poverty affect health? In K. Dew & A. Matheson (Eds.), Understanding health
inequalities in Aotearoa New Zealand (pp. 97–106). Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press.

3. In the realm of educational services, a groundbreaking technological innovation comes to mind: the
development of an advanced educational platform called "HoloLearn." HoloLearn leverages
augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to create an immersive and
interactive learning experience that profoundly satisfies the basic cognitive and ergonomic capabilities
of students.

HoloLearn transforms traditional classrooms into dynamic, digitally-enhanced environments. Students

wear lightweight AR headsets, which allow them to interact with 3D holographic representations of
educational content. For instance, in biology class, students could dissect virtual organisms, observing
every detail from different angles. This immersive approach greatly enhances their understanding and
retention of complex concepts.

Moreover, HoloLearn's AI-powered adaptive learning system customizes lessons to each student's
pace and learning style, catering to their cognitive capabilities. It continually monitors a student's
progress, identifies areas where they may struggle, and provides real-time assistance or additional
resources. This personalized learning experience fosters greater engagement and achievement.

Ergonomics also play a vital role in HoloLearn's design. The AR headsets are ergonomically
engineered to be comfortable for extended use, and they incorporate eye-tracking technology to
minimize eye strain. Additionally, HoloLearn offers options for students to choose their preferred
learning environments, adjusting lighting and background to suit individual preferences.

Furthermore, this innovation extends beyond traditional classrooms, making education accessible to
remote or underserved areas. Students can connect with teachers and peers from around the world in
virtual classrooms, fostering cultural exchange and expanding educational opportunities.

In conclusion, HoloLearn revolutionizes the education industry by providing an immersive,

personalized, and ergonomic learning experience. By harnessing the capabilities of AR and AI, it
meets the cognitive needs of students, enhances their comprehension, and adapts to their individual
learning styles. This innovation not only transforms the way we learn but also ensures that education
remains accessible to all, regardless of geographical location or physical constraints.


Criteria Performance Indicator Points
Content The correct subjects and/or ideas were included and studied. 5
Relevance The ideas and principles mentioned were relevant to human factors in HCI. 3
Organization The ideas were presented in an organized manner. 2

03 Task Performance 1 *Property of STI

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