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Project –I

IIT271-2 & CST291-2

Structure of the Proposal Report

i) Cover page
The cover page should be organized according to the sample attached below.

ii) Group Number

Group Member Details
Supervisor Details

iii) Table of content

1. Introduction
  Project Title 
 Project Background 
This section starts with outlining a descriptive introduction to your project
and a general description of the scope of your project.
 Project aims/objectives
Listed final outcomes of the project which you expect to accomplish.

2. Project Description
  Functional / Non-functional Requirements 
 User Levels, User Roles 

3. Methodology
 Process of the work which you have planned to accomplish the above-
specified objectives 

(How you are planning to carry out your work in each and every
development phase.) 

4. Resources
 The needed software, hardware, technology, etc. to accomplish the project. 

5. Project Plan (Gantt Chart)
Timeline with each milestone of the proposed project
6. References
(References should be written according to the Harvard referencing style given in
the sample attachment below.

Appendix (Attach all the relevant documents)

Note: Font face: Times New Roman, Font size: for Topics 14pt, Content: 12pt,
Margin: 0.5, Line space: 1.5, Alignment: justified, Page size: A4.

Group No:

Title of the Project

Name of Degree Programme

Department of Computer Science and Informatics
Uva Wellassa University
April 2022
Harvard Referencing Style
List the references should be in the alphabetical order according to the correct format. The
formats for different types of references are as follows.

1. Books:

Books with one author

Author/Editor Last name, Initials. (Year) Title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher.

McDonagh, S. (2001) Why are we Deaf to the Cry of the Earth? Dublin: Veritas.

Stevens, P. (2003) The Voyage of the Catalpa: A Perilous Journey and Six Irish
Rebels’ Escape to Freedom. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson.

Books with two authors

First author Last name, Initials and second author last name, Initials (Year) Title. Place
of publication: Publisher.
Shalloway, A. and Trott, J. (2001) Design patterns explained: a new perspective on
object-oriented design. London: Addison Wesley

2. Journal article

Stevens, P. (2003) ‘The Voyage of the Catalpa: A Perilous Journey and Six Irish
Rebels’ Escape to Freedom’. Irish Journal of Social History 50 (2) 34-42.

Journal article (electronic)

Author(s) Last name, Initials. (Year) ‘Article title’, Journal title, Volume (Issue), pp.
page numbers.Available at: URL [Accessed Day Month Year]

Williams, F. (1997). Electronic Document Delivery – a trial in an academic library. Ariadne

issue 10, July 15. (December 5 1997)

3. Pages on Website

Webpage Author(s) Last name, Initials. (Year) Pagetitle .Available at: URL [Accessed
Day Month Year].
Kelly, M. (2004) Environmental Attitudes and Behaviours: Ireland in Comparative
European Perspective.Available at:[Accessed 8
February 2009].

4. Web site
Website author. (Year published/Last updated ) Title of Internet Site. Available at:
URL [Accessed Day Month Year].
International Tourism Partnership (2004). International Tourism Partnership. Available
at:[Accessed 8 February 2009].

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