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Assignment (20%)

1) This is an individual assignment.

2) Question 1 involves psychomotor assessment. Thus,
it will be done in class on 20/11/2023. Further
instructions are in the question itself.
3) Students must complete the assignment and submit
by 4 December 2023. No extension time will be
4) The submission file is in PDF format
5) All the drawings must have TITLE BLOCK which
includes your name, student ID and question number.
6) Read thoroughly the question to ensure you are
answering all of them correctly.
Psychomotor Assessment
Question 1 (20 marks)

Redraw the following isometric drawing and create different

layers for object, dimension and centre line. Additionally, project
the top view with dimensions.

1. You are given 30minutes to complete the drawing along with
layers and dimension.
2. Make sure you have included Title Block with your full name
and student ID and question number.
3. Upon completion, save your drawing in PDF and kindly upload
in the following google form. Rename the PDF into your full name.
Take Back Home Assignment
Question 2 (20 marks)

Redraw the following isometric drawing and create different

layers for object, dimension and centre line. Additionally, project
the side view with dimensions.

Side View
Question 3 (40 marks)

Use the following details in table to:

(a) Create an example file to process the details into CAD

Formula [=CONCATENATE(Distance,”,”RL)
(b) Draw the cross-section of cut and fill profile
including Axis
Create different layers for Existing ground level and Proposed
ground level
Label the Existing ground level and Proposed ground level
(c) Differentiate the fill and cut sections using hatch and
(d) Tabulate the area of fill and cut under the profile.
Question 4 (20 marks)
Replicate the Earth Dam drawing design. Additionally, you are required to create different
layers for the earth dam, gravel layer, crest protection, core and sand filter. Use multileader
to write the item.

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