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Before starting, I want to give you all the best greetings and regards.

First, let me introduce

myself. Just call me Dat. I'm a grade-10 student in the Maths & Informatics major. Today, on
behalf of the class, I will present several pieces of information about Indonesia to help you
comprehend more about this country.

Let's go through some basic facts. Lying on the equator at the meridian of 106.5 Eastern degrees,
Indonesia is the largest country by area in South-East Asia, with 38 provinces making up
approximately 1.9 million square kilometers. It's fundamentally an archipelagic state comprising
more than 13 thousand islands with about 7 thousand inhabited. Besides the area, Indonesia has
the regional crowdest community of 280.4 million residents, making it more than twice as many
as the second one, the Philipines.

Inherently, enumerating some geographic figures is not enough to depict the nature of a country.
Therefore, it's essential to mention the most prominent attribute of the nation's property, the
culture. We'll refer to four exemplifying aspects of it.

First and foremost, about religion. The majority of the population are Muslims, statistically 87
percent. Standing in second place, Christianity takes a little more than one-ninth portion
compared to Islam. The remaining 3 percent of Indonesians devote to Hinduism, Buddhism,
Taoism, and others.

The second aspect we're talking about is traditional clothing. Today, its most renowned national
costumes include batik, kebaya, and sarong (a large piece of fabric wrapped around the waist),
originally from Javanese, Sundanese, and Balinese culture. Since Java becomes the political and
population center, folk costumes from the island have elevated to national status.

Thirdly, specialties. Some well-known dishes, such as nasi kuning (turmeric rice cooked with
coconut milk, eaten with chicken, fried onion, raw veg) and sate (skewered meat), are ubiquitous
and considered national. Another popular one you may keen on is rendang (mashed beef), which
belongs to Padang cuisine along with gulai (a class of spicy and rich stew).

Last but not least, I'm showing you two of the most popular festivals there.

Rambu Solo is generally organized between July and September by the Toraja people. It is a
funeral ceremony intended to send off the spirits of the dead to the after-world. It involves a lot
of fascinating funeral rites performed by the family to reduce their misfortunes after death, for
instance, the mo Paulo (a procession transporting the corpse to the burial site). Tourists are
welcome to observe the activities.

In the Dieng plateau, the native children reaching puberty have naturally straight hair starting to
form dreadlocks. Consequently, they wait till August every year to shave them off. This ritual is
known as ruwatan anak gombel. During the ceremony, there are puppet shows and the release of
traditional paper lanterns. Java comes alive during this time, and tourists have a lovely time
taking in the exciting atmosphere of the island.

To end the speech, why don't we look at two famous places of interest in this country?
Arguably Indonesia's most popular vacation spot, the beaches of Bali possess some cultural and
landmark attractions that make it worthwhile to pay a visit. Anyone who travels to Bali is about
to have warm sand and blue water on their mind, and the island doesn't disappoint them. Because
of its popularity, you'll find no shortage of places of necessity and activities to get involved.

In Bali, you can also find Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, or Pura Bratan. It's a major Hindu Shaivite
temple complex built in 1633, located on the shores of Lake Bratan, in the mountains near
Bedugul. This construction encompasses three courtyards. The outer is for secular pursuits, the
middle is a transition zone between the human and divine sections, and the inner is the site of the
shrines and religious ceremonies. Plus, there's a Buddhist stupa outside the complex main area,
of which existence is unique, signifying religious harmony.

Although there are many more things I want you to know about Indonesia, I can only give out
some representative of them due to the time limitation. Thanks for being attentive to my
presentation, and I wish everyone a good day.

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