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government = authorities / policy makers / those in power

2. encourage = promote
3. industries and businesses = companies/ corporates/ firms/ enterprises
4. In some countries in several parts/ areas/ regions of the world
5. More and more = an increasing number of
= it is becoming increasingly common/ popular/
= the trend towards …………….. is becoming
increasingly common among …….
6. Nowadays, today = in today’s society/ in this day and age / in the
digital age
7. In techonological era Due to the technological advances / Thanks to
advances in technology / In digital age
8. Many numerous, a large number of /
it is common that ….
it is prevalent that
9. become more popular = become increasingly popular/ gain more
10. everyday = on a daily basic/ each day/ every single day
11. people citizens/ dwellers/ habitants/ individuals
12. young people youngsters / the young / the youth / young
13. old people the old/ the elderly / elders/ people aged 65 and
14. unable to find jobs unable to land a job = become unemployed/jobless
/out of work/ out of a job
15. problem dilemma/ issue/ downside/ minus point
16. instead of rather than
17. busy = occupied / snowed under
18. social media social media = social networking platforms =
social networking sites
19. spend time V-ING devote time / dedicate time/ allocate time
20. beneficial beneficial/ advantageous/ favorable
21. harmful detrimental / negative/ adverse / damaging
22. educational facilitate/ enhance/ improve learning process
23. provide financial support to provide a subsidy
to subsidize
to receive financial assistance
24. to support to assist / to aid / to provide support
25. study abroad = study overseas = study in a foreign country
26. to spend money on = to invest money in = to allocate money
27. government money = public money = national budgets = state budgets
= government funding

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