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Worksheet 3

Name: 2 Condell Date: Points:

1. Build sentences with the words given and put the verbs in the past simple.

1. easy / test / the / be___________________________________________________ 2. home / 11 oclock / at / they / come ______________________________________ 3. cinema / the / go / last night / go ________________________________________ 4. book / of the / they / know / the story _____________________________________ 5. washing up / do / my mother / the ________________________________________
2. Complete the sentences with the past tense of the verbs in the box






A) The children ..behind the door to scare their mother when she came in. B) As soon as we finished the test the bell .. . C) They ..these toys in Korea. D) Last night I car keys and I couldn't open it. E) My family and I on holiday in February this year. 3. Complete the sentences. Use did, have or had 1) Emily a big breakfast yesterday, so she .nt .. any lunch 2) ..a lot of homework last week? -No, I .nt. 3) What you .. for dinner last night? -We ..chicken. 4) It was Tonys birthday last week. He a party on Friday. -Where ..he ..the party? -He at his flat. 5) .Nick and Sarah .a good time at the concert last weekend? -Yes, they . . They ..a great time.

4. Read the text about the things Javier did on Friday.

Highlight the verbs in past tense: On Friday morning, Javier got up and rushed to the bathroom and took a shower. He ate eggs and milk and caught the bus to go to school. When he came back in the afternoon he had lunch and later, he studied English. After that, he played soccer in the park with his friends. At night, he had dinner and he watched TV. Later, he brushed his teeth and went to bed.

5. Complete the sentences. Use Past Simple and Past Continuous. 1-It ..(rain) when we.(go out). 2-I ..(open) the window because it was hot. 3-When I got to the office, Ann and Peter (work). 4-The phone.(ring) while Sue..(cook) dinner. 5-I ..(hear) a noise, so I..(look) out of the window. 6-Tom(look) out of the window when the accident (happen). 7-Bruce had a book in his hand, but he(not / read)it. He.. (watch) TV. 8-Eric bought a magazine, but she.(not / read) it. She didnt have time. 9-I..(finish) lunch,(pay), and..(leave)the restaurant. 10-I .(see) Kate this morning. I (walk) along the street, and she. (wait) for the bus.

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