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6/11 – Task 1 – Hoa

The pie charts show the electricity generated in Germany

and France from all sources and renewables in the year

The picture illustrates the electricity generation in the year

2009 which was created from all energy types and renewables in
Germany and France.
Overall, the total electricity output in Germany was 560
billion kWh while France’s electricity generation only provided
510 billion kWh. The renewables contribution of Germany and
France was 17.4% and 13.7%, respectively.
In Germany, the conventional thermal category accounted
for more than half of total electricity generation (approximately
60%). In contrast, conventional thermal in France was
significantly six times lower than this source in Germany (only
10.3%). However, the nuclear contribution in France was
remarkably three times higher when compared to Germany. This
sector in France accounted for more than three quarters (76%)
while in Germany, it only took up 23% of total generation.
In terms of renewable contribution, there were five sectors
including biomas, hydroelectric, wind, solar and geothermal. In
Germany, biomas and wind contribution share relatively the
same portion (39.3% and 36.9%, respectively) while the share of
these two sectors in France was only 8.1% and 10.5%,
respectively. However, hydroelectric generation in France
accounted for a significant portion at 80.5%, while this sector in
Germany only took up 17.7%, five times lower than France.
Besides, the solar contribution in Germany and France was
notable at 6.1% and 0.9%, respectively. Whereas, both
countries did not use any geothermal to generate electricity.
Sample Answer
The four provided graphs depict the amount of electricity
produced in Germany and France from renewable sources as
well as other sources in 2009.
Overall, Germany generated 560 billion kwh more
electricity in this survey year than France did (510 billion kwh),
with 17.4% and 13.7% of the total coming from renewablr
sources, respectively.
In detail, the proportion of conventional thernal power
generation in Germany was significantly larger, at almost 60%,
than the percentage of this source in France, which was 10.3%.
This difference was nearly six times bigger. Nonetheless, Frnace
accounted for slightly more than three quarters (76%), making it
the country with the largest nuclear contribution. Compared to
the breakdown in Germany, this sector made up actually less
than a quarter (23%) of the total.
Regarding to the share of renewables, it is evident that the
largest proportion of electricity generation - about two fifths –
came from biomass in Germany, while the share in France was
just under a tenth. However, France’s hydroelectric share was
approximately five times higher than Germany’s (at 80.5% as
apposed to 17.7%). It is worth noting that Germany generated
36.9% of its electricity from wind power and 6.1% from solar
energy, Whereas Frnace generated 10.5% and 0.9% from these
sources, respectively.

Emphasis: renewables
Total figures should be stated in the overall part
Line + column: pattern
Pie: breakdown
Table: statistics

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