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7 mebao logy measurements Concept. of meaguacrnent : | ~ wekaolagy a Aciunce of pure unseaarpee ches) any ig | artotiaked wilh mmsanurcrvent, ub comes unde, cocbaologys = This rebsolagy acunce wa concuned with Six. fundannenbol quantities shone ake - Lang mass Sea: = wicleckeic abeenth cayrent | = tempuabure | - tight inbotounce = pier te banic quantities — moat olhur pryeieal quantiles ote dived such 04 AREA, volume. , veloc, accluokion, force , elecksic camo ond beak eng Pos Paginensa obology us te branch of aes oe cahashs | ap conan sth menouing the Length ond angle oh which covus oll & Beaty and practice ond ib refar ae ment bndepeeonkly on dates of Reanoe: tedhnolapy > eaclagy includes Linear mmeamutemerts such as lanalh widlh degth, diowda ot, aril os angels meatusernel$ with yp acme > dicey ae a faborabory, due to dp twyierets on mennatiog tquipmrent and rreonuterrert can be divided inko tuto apptoache’ a” Legal moelsclony and mebralaay —concaned wilh adince and tere dy > metrology reeds precie rreanuserint and use OF appasobias J and quiprarts to obtain He Lequited accuracy Meadure ment ‘ b Sahah yok rena the diambe. of a tub tube- at os rok | ponicble with cole; $0 bad venir calipers measure ibe diamekes | go, se hawe various differnt instants in thue to rreanute ditfeunt | wn > oo, merwenrt is defined’ on" Ue process of chbainty Corapanison. bebe oo pte definad eae > Suppor. UF te base te means te Ling of He barrage | mecousirs wilh te hdp of rng bape ok Seale dinccly | s0, thuefore in the diteck mdhods, ux Compare the Juarbiby dined with Ye abondasds. > Suppor. in the dame example, we cancot mreanune AbLeAR developed in te bar. due to applied force dhseclty So we second ome: | otter quantities fixe area and preriiite thus, andireck mebtod Compras of a aephen thal sumer & converts and cal pruunks an orale oubpuk isthe fram of dinplacernent chat PALASULL Bie Sia) Cae os dauice: | OPT anes ond | SPT chm || Craaina duces) | | force applied Canalagous oli ES eae S \ > there are Three ee of — meotusements, Thy ane » pure measurement ») ee) rreotatement - » Tationy RAC | meotiterrent is made by diseck ob stavation, Ubed ee 4 tromlation of rovasusernunt atid oy cornasing disely with tefawnce Atond. meaausand Panay meabusement ‘- pea | Crmantity to be ssa add cae ome | Coreen mt ah (Geniaserrirb) | ee | Ret | (read. ook) eee a kur Malshig of beae Lugs Tw00 | hen dining te Lurgin of an object wubh sul on Ateiel rule fe) Seco meanepement = | ae Be ey | x: Bellows - pare ae ing device | eullous ase uaed 7, Atiplateccn | te Convexk ponute ‘ into displacerrest- { fe $ Plemsute « ereapitiren’ involves only one trambation bo be ee OS He Hy } | | 3) Tao eae athe indirect rmeasuseennts prielai) bux convasions ane collec! ly meanuemnents . of Be apud of a tabebing Ahabt by tet rhe: moaanwernnenk | peare of an elechiic Tachomebu+ : ee -thurmocouple-, uhin we ore wing There couple» hese. | © font tranalakion ae teropuiakuse into voltage & becond taomalation im volbege acto applied into volbuebe gp second trardbabion ir: volbage into lange woe should tabi signed on te doplogig device i ee | ich) eorlabin i | |__hemf Cosole) | aoa (i A cara | t “y aig | Glemeds of a raeaturemink Ayttern - a mean Agen exists bo provide information abel seca volue of ome vosioble ae meanuted- cams, the Aaytbem con consists of & Hop leunil: oubpak reading of Agra according be the “the untrocon variable applied bo ib. , mearuterent Atuakiow, a crenmig Mysem demets ee i | ey recong derooxt hi asgtira cole this Gee | <1 the fiat demat in an i ' wy fen a | | an owkpub theb is a furckion of the reamsed variable [rnpub applied | tet) -9 vasialsle conresion clemnbs ane reedecl where He cubpul varible of a my tromducer wd in on anconventen foam and hos to be convubsd bo a mote Convenient form + elemenk, ae. xcambined ond the eink th Aome canes, the eet and comudion ets to improve the juality of the woukpul: ab pple - in dome a Bene Urvee component &, dome meanuterneat dysternd er comporerts, fisdlly to trannih “Signal 22 eas secondly lo display pf tecotd toe: al | 15) te Bimal optional demab in a mometeranl aytemn is be | poial whue the measured goal in utilised | 1 enwalized me arent Sudemd ¢ | sage ig eigenen SE w acd L : { Conversion, mi 7 ae Aboge ‘he a” | ¥ eS arnplif i + Record. abope | there ote four sbogts am te rovalized reanuiement Ayslem, u ole iy ay nee! 2) conversion. alage: 3) Manipulabion Ange: 4) eon re "Tu the primany Abage. the inp: variables the farlilive dentott in Ye vattable motop Ue sequined ype of signal LO aR aS | Convesion dtape = aE io the second dbage. hia Abage ta vot depuited | | Soa pore ‘untbaurents — becaewne sluody ib ix dove in Ue Aenslog Abpaee othe dnitaurnent&® ate paMed Hho this Ange for further | conversion of ane ‘ | tmanipulakion Sot thin w the Twkiany bape the Aigrals ose rh uta rwonipuloled ot aroplded for! the final sage: manipulation [de fox te sppals to nicole by te fil, ge | Recording Aye hie ta te Final: Aboge. the montpulabed | signals tahich conkoins Ue dala, ae bromeilled thtorgh | the dala Lramrnision ebment to te dala pusentabion dleroent rtabion erent delivas the doba to the obsaver | the, dota parr | aecondat, alarm, poinkus, LED, and LD Screens via a ronvtor, the obteaven accotds the daba ond dayed further eae ond analy fy Bia, He reoanlog Atoge enda- surdon sthumomer - bere Like on es thamo nba, mie, is olson urd to measure the bempuratute, consists of differnt parts Lixe a ig bell, ee | Lived, Grass scale scodirg | loc disgtam of boutdon thermerncha. |= ihn te Ureammomeba placed in the bo 01 cold body, the | tig bb ras Ue lorpalae of the bly. (susg ap) | this courer 0 ditplacermut of senng fluid tacugh te capillary | babe in Brarrornbet the displacernunt of Ure fluid in propothional j eh bathe bercprbane j7 the fluid is displaced ts We baxisdon ule cahese convention ee ate fluid dirplocerrent is conwabed to link displacennert. = the Line diplacerent i orplifd to gb the cxack Acrull. ats amplificabion 1A dre. by from obtocked bo the poirks & te Liew. Finally the oukpul to indicaded by the detleckion on mmovernent of Uw poiaket cthe mmeanuseroink of Mabie parssune bya Bourdon Standards of Means rrent, : the phypizal nepiurtalion of the urit of ereatuternnl is krown od standasd. fous Ey sleclolell BE Wcbularre hale: clauiliad inky abe GPa a) zrdttnolional. standeada b) Paienosy Aandos.da ©) Second ony AMaondosils d) wothing ‘inalesihs te ede reaistoined. by the sittinadiioel Buea, of weighs ond rreapuserrerte’ of france is brown ob sibatadlonad Aondasdr. these Atondords seprerents the uns of meosusement of yorioud Phylicol quantitive- 3 for day te deg comparison ond calibration xb eatlable © Barto Abondloada the Aandosds mointoined by’ the wie Lita abe Co d orgpriselions’ ak vosious posts of the would in unown ar 4 Aandosd - i the standards ore 0 ~ shee stondasd> haw } ety Miphert posible accusacy” bab “Very expenive to 00 and maintain. : . - the paLmany Rondoads ate rot available for ure oulside the nabior 1 Loborotonie ¢) secondary sbanclasds : - the Aondasds crointaired by the rupional Labotaborics ond 0g srduateial meoduderrent fohorabories’ A xnewn os Secondasy standoxds these axe detived “fom te primary skandasds — these standards are Fequarlly checeed ogaimat Be peiroary standas do to focilatede calibnabion of instants fot mainterning “He xequised accuse and precisior da) toons Beandoads he ate. te rotemal atardanda thio one uatd by the toonkss ond technicians who acchuaLly carry ouk tHe sci aoe = woning Mandasds are to be cheoxed and cettified pain the py pa aeadety Aandasda . degth, totigll; berapeisbie | Puceute a ene an inthaurnent is reeset aR mennasieg intumert is a device ot a Aystem thal hor ma many comporerts bo pufotms a particular opaabion ox a forckion’ , _ pamd on then application, mode of operation , nabure of oubpul Staal she; burned ode clamified into many typed 1) mechanical instauments 2) eleckrical instuurerts a) ebeckronic instauments ®) Deflection and. null type instants 5) Analog and digital yr instaumerts f PAturots 6) of gerseled ot pout opurcled +) conkacking and contach bese inabunmenbs 2) Remake indacaking meassing inttaemnerts 1) mechanical instauments > Pe oer thee intbuament& ae Kunple in comtauchion ond duiign en table and, Matic condition , thy ae vox aelioble { Pewehenedonoh AUpUAE On eet! power Aowlce — thue enstaurnert, do not sespond quiols to dynamic ond trans 0 dg = ox condition’ thy couse noise poblubion and donot give accuse Ete vmmebet, volbmebet , wabt meketr ete, ~ the oubpul indicated by Une indluurnerl® ore quick in compas to Ue reeshanteal Tstaurent eee pee ies thee indbaumentd — Aespond quiody to dynarie and tromient conditions - thee thateumenta ate light in woright , vey compa, consume » fess pours , highly lesion vom | — these anstiuments howe high aueaitt vty and Flexibility coat hemte indicabion is also possible. non-contact Pe egaieaak is abo possible eet nebuetk Analyzes, Signa qorookor, speoxus cbc, ee ee te flection Hype drAbaements > MG ber — balance be a Apt balance ured to measure tte weigh 2 the igi generals an efjech thal elapab deflection ds indicated by a potakes a Sueps ovr a colibrabed acale. the deflection related bo the reopottude of wag bat measured» = $0, in deflection type indtuurnents, the measured quantily ane ter an efRol thal is tirnbely idaled 4 te potrker.oa plage oA 2 numbet- x; wheakstore sete sm heabdlone baidge cuctut thee need voldage wy te bute cecuie which cases deflection w volt 4 webte. null ype intumerts wee cincuit Célecbatenl Aysbera) - aams alt indicabed by on unbala ' nn exz — geare balance (mechanical device) por elon 1s toed) Biomeane weigh O, ii, S ee ee on te par, tb causes te beam to deflect. tf krown wught ws placed on othr pan until Atabe Czt00) to indicobed by We pointer ae es thot 2s placed on fe pan q null bolance gives te lee toh Unkncn vocigh. only a i pe etal = Se iin ies is a ee tna continuous manner : ik News anbindie number of. valuith 2h .o aoe ange — most of quavlitia to be rneanuted originate ini anoleg fs Ex= ao Ausonval, type vollage. (votbage) PRemuse, ange Cprepute) Speedomeku. Bbbtensmebe: ; Ammebu. eke. Digital ‘ype toslaurerds + > f& sianal is aid to be dite if oe changes in a disoyebe mannet - ud; tows fenike number of values in yy specif lect ange ot an of 0 digi inabuamnunt 1a. display nurse on digas @s = the dlyibd irdtaurnents ave diveck and precise reading, igitel Sppas are noise Ansistart ae basnnion «rag Require tow Vollagen fon opetabcon self Geroaling and, poner optiobed inabeaments :- a es plese exbrnal power Source oe pibaednbt, Ganulnis -ont eabesnale\. poute riadbiter | tg (peataun. Uris operobions iA known on pow. opuabed imbaumets ~ the ertanal powa Aousce ray be compremed ain, electricity, . hyduaulic and 40 on eu: LvDT to rneamne linear displace rent, Acquirer Ac supply to eae te ptimary col. (7) Aubomobic and man oprobed instruments ‘ pees ee POC eee = the inbaumals donot depend on the opeaborls Attive. is known om putomobic opetoted crakaument’ + = gthue idtuurnents indicales reading ako mabically Bre mucwy thamomelts - eed ule balanced sina = the initraments' acguie the asuvices of a human operator Us known Oo Mant operated inabaurnents’ - thy depend on te operator to endicake Re variable being rneoaused- Qu: — Reistance thumomees - = reall balance instruments (where null balance is obtained roarally) ack of meanuternent, if te ingtaument coroes in contack and Non conkacking ontbaumenbs > d medium, Han Auch type of intrurenls ate colled yre inataurnent - Chased imbuurments). ~ Fok Ure ack of measuterent, if the intaurnent doe not Come in c with the rreapused medium, ther auch type tnebauments wore counting “hype tnsbaurerts) —creamument is done ftom % Ger - An optical pytaredia Cured to rneanut tempusbute) - ote radiabion paprorsetes (used to eoeasure temp) = vachornctix Coted to meanute angular Apeed ) Trp bam & i A team tnpul i piven to the reenaudernent sypbem and le auplems cukpak 4 robud. the mptlem's oukpub ia davishe wet th. piven Keto input, —conseckions ore cade th the insbaurnnt Ao tral cubpub roaleha with te tpuk’ this procem ia called calibration. (on coli brokion Us a Conpasinon paoces bekween a known mesnusedroul ond, oguterark ereamaed by wing on. intbauri - she main aim of Ccobibrobion in bo minimine any oe ork uncabainihy by enruting the a f ; " a yf et oy of buk equipreent'! ) Se zt inte tokio of change tn the oukpul Aipgnol fe He chage in He inpul sara Seti tity = Eee Pole signal Change in inpub Signal @® she smaller, absolube amount of chong thal can he clebecbed by @ meanusement UW known ah Sonic bivlly @ Ae porioey w the ability hi Po stam 1 rmeasute fe accwake value. (ou — qh in the clomness of the meoaured value to a Atondord on bru value. = the aceunsy con be obtained by taxig oral readings. he small tadings seduce tre ooh of Ye colealalion. — Root of the Aystem clamified into 3 boas « eee, ey ap the acemayy of te andtaturnent aby ab the poshiculan pot on abs Acole. id tren on poiak acento. = Ria aceunay dove nt oo ou f information abou purtal the indians asta of ay Aca perce eof Seale range > ee . AR cole debeemines b an this, the unifoam A sane d 8 the accee a of Be instrument: _ ter consid, the themomeber ee Me Range up bo pode ae of the thermorneler La conticlered uplo +0.5 ie., LOSY, destease tite volte of inatuwen: 1 negligible: eat oe bw Kon 0.8%, UE comidlted on Nigh wole eh 2 er an ee que volue - ~ Thin type of anmutoty a dubumined by identifying the reamed vole gpg tei tae value + @® pazcidion > can nana the tem precidion reeand " tayo of reone values of Be rotanwerentd ode oload bo each obhes is pain es US oe ales the conteabeney Hon hevn shay of te meodutement- _ nf the senull of the readuernen’s one consistent on the repeated yolued of tendugs ote obtained then ib iA known of ee Th the volue of rreomuerent vari, tan itt ween an Low phecision. athe kigy pacciAcon ea Gee te aceutole renull eur consides I00V, I0IV, t02v, 103V ond (05V. ate different sanding’ of Ue volings taxen si the volbrneker. the aesulhs o8e ( clesly to ench, oth. Thy ore nob cxackly dame becouse of eval Bie ee coset ate clone bo cach other “Man We Say thek +Re searing’ axe pace. eu © Peed paecloe & Accutabe bul rot precise emeant ; — the degree of closeness of the mentite, is eroun od Cee TE depends on the puson a J emt) can te col culated oa Y, esto8 = (YV— AV) K 109 Av W- Your rranuted velve Av ~ Accepted value Oy dan be inprovedt Accurate values have bo precloe ih most casey b Er pout dhudents ments to te target ot efederce valus. > precide valesea wid Bey my be abbected bi a bak not precise pieclaton » > he degtee F Clorenem of tHe meantements bo the bayel on Aefeerce vole 4 known ab Pieciaton. - PRecitéon lepencts on the et tool, > abs debermtned by numba ae Signifionnt digits. [> PRecidéon cannok be inaproved m On nok be accutabe q “d > PRECltEon now be abbected t Pefosmed an. experiment to demity » lena ( (27 Gfro.t). with random etoa m eadualag Me which dota in wae 2.925 2.941 2.926 2.131 Bois 2.102 2.142. | 2.698. > Jor doka in not clom th the densi of al 27 Gent So. Tehn dola 2 not accemate. bub dola ts precise because data ww very close to each offer - bo the accepted vellese- AT Filmi. So Samurh deka ts abso not aceertate.& rot paecise th samul doa is olao nob close Because the dake ts different - bs Meghna's doba ew i clom t 7 7° the, accepted vale 2.7 Grol = niggina’e doln %» Accurake. © preeiee- nob vey ptecse : because data is Littl bet fos to each other Be ala voy vey Clore to Ue accepted: velue- 2.79 |m, So. meenas dota uv wa acomabe, & Vey precite

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