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Tyres of Astemblies - These one beso toms by woltoh tre oly tale can be made b fib toga ww the desited manner. these ate: @ ee Asaecbly © Selective — © rmtacharjeatle abteny HE iw Lorge scale production of items, any ore of the component. Aeleckd ab aandom should te arnernbled connect with oy othe = Component Seleckect = tondom. hin a Sytem of thin kind ta endutect | TE tA krcnon 08 Tobe changeable systema > when 2 Loage numba of components ose to be predluced then Ub will rot be econemtcal to produce bth be mabt Components by the Aare operabor. an addition bo eeanory iE 44 alo emential ty produce He comporenbs within minimum, pordible Lime. Thea iB ony possible by mays Production q | Ayer. ety ined pioduiclios Sahm, tue iA a division of Labout. |The components ose produced tn one oa rmnte batches by dopPenent jopaabors on different machines. under such conditions in oud bo larsemble the woking comporents with a desited fit, 0 Jatazcl, conteol ta exercised ond Ue posts ose manufackusd with dpecified tolerance Limbs. | Example > Foe nubs ond bolte, ruts ose morufackwe ob one wrx place and bolts ate manufackesed ot ckter Worx place. shia pasduchion ig aid to be Pet changeable 1 any a rub taken af sandom fees wa ca eel | | > Inbuchangeabilig erxueds — ineweated cukput with seduced | production costs. Pp prenat aus produckions axe gn Une chingcatts bante. Suppose a cleasance ik is Reauited to bebteen the machine, bg posts wilh me peer os por 0.04 25 ~ 0:06 rar. —0.02, end Sietbe: 2509 0% In this cate, te maxim pamtssible Aige of te hole = 2 OES tik of toh = as 40.04 25.04 rom nd Ue ciently pumissible sia of poles =2.5r 0x00 a = 25 re? Hee eters is ind runber e SLS pada LL Be oe there two limibs Siwtlcgily, “He mot pamissible Sade of Shab Beli win permissible Aide of shabl > 25-0.0% epte.g6 rams the dimensions of abt produced will fie hebuceen these boo | Tork. So, there fore Ff ne deleced ony hole ab random and | b= 25 0.02 = 24.98 $6, stmilosily ony shobt at Lanclom eieth there pernigsible Fodtsanas asily 1 7 will ameroble och cack oftes ond gee te dered “pe Clearance feb. ries of znbes chanpeatility = time of omertly ig saved 08 no Aework id Acquited. 2) at buings cloton the. aster cost- 3) woeen ouk parle can he teplaced ealily, hence &epaias ake simple. 4) posk® of an “asserobly can be produced in different indusbates and final assemblies crag be : 5) production cost 1A ese due to Pas tips, es iL make a poak. ees 3) Greober. emp log rmenk potential oa Sermte sKitled O% un skilled Labous. and rebative positions of vaxiows pols ak =\in ee processes, Gougiey gefar to | the mi by which yb in debamined icrdy wohether the dirension’ of Ue cheoxing poate in pacduclion ane within — thes specified Lincebs on TL u dore with be help of Aome tools known as Gauges actual side of the dimeviion. not. = Gauges do nob gonad the closificabion ) Bad on the Abandad and Limit ) tandoad qe: pee tarik ge ee “@o on 'No@o Gouger b) Band on te oF “a —— and inspection Be Mee ©) inapection era? (i) tefernce on enatber Ot ©) Depending on the elements to be Checxed. HD} ae for. cheating holes @) ae Fon. coy, Shabts (Gib) ae fon — Lopes « Ch oss For Cheng (% ne for = foarms U d) ae bo te Shape on puapose for which each ia ured a te oy (Ring gauge (snap age () rapa age: M thread gouges (Y) foam ange Ue Thickness coupes Wit) AL opetabed on Preumabic oye @ Bare on te atondord ond dink UW) Standosd a pecoll dist 1 be axe ured to chen Hy rorninal de of Ue poak . tes te a. Bush “is be be nade wikich bk by was ine a Shabt. Hee Shabt ia the mabisg park. thin the bush is Cheored bya eat which in a cy of Oh abi al in fom of Us ausfacw ond Aize. = -ghandord ann” cannot be used bo Chen the itafan fik. at haa Limiked applications: (lim Ga go = awa manda 2 3 - thee Daas alid galled « Go ond NOS? aan SOE ON: und to te Limb side of te wom to be mreanused one of He Side made to = there Ganges Leake two side, and otha Aide @ componds to maximum pumimible Aide to he minimum parniamible Arde ts Wechen Be Padinumnigeralal Liab | = theme gouge uded uned (mi) vw ensun on Go e and te Ange which to bo Ue minimumion Last cmabttial Lint (LMU) is Known 9° No Go ote ete pe oly ® Low binich of ae ond otha to the high lina of Aide. of that dimension. an hole, maximus limit possible, when the hole tA Arnall. ak tx bow Link of Ae ghee four, in case oF hole, @o Ghent corres ponds to Low dient of ai8e @ NoGo Gauge atte bp binoek of Ade habe, the maximum route Lirdeh is possible when her the Ahadbt big: ie dk high birth of Aide. thar fore in cate oF Ababt: Go Ganat corseaponds to np Licntk of bow lies of Aide- Age ond NO Go Gauge coasesponda to Advantages = 5 Canvenioty tad in mem paoduckéon fox polly various dimuon - can ke easily uaed 4 Sernt- axwled people L L i it = Beomomécal, in thei cost an wl od enfone be a tis own cose ad Wal BO 7 Lirritakions Ee pido: ty ccdual As of Ue coroponent Biaroent ton: foape ppace for pee of avg eet te bardlel for. fin ality jobs due to preciaion — dequiacr Fveyuent ot of pe dire Applicaliions uted in e — thread Gaur, - foarn oat — Sew pitch age - Gadius ond fillet ae - fel ry? etc., ©) Based on the Comisbincy in Marufackuring and trspection fie jo paomote eae) in manufackuring ond inspection , Goi “ay be Clamified on oe arg” inppection ange, and sefetence Cy Croanter age oy ory Ges she gouges at machine Od the wo op ib “y made: which ore used ob bench 04 MN crspection Goris | thue pug Sl ae eee ~~ sacle Od i | chused posks chen finished ww ase abt called raster arg Gi) Referee Gogg hee Og es ste ost ued for oe the aide ot condition i arg? and seprennt® a wast an possible the phys dicemions of te product © Gouge ae cheext roarts + ous : dinersions of the hole wv tole Gouge od & Gene Eiaink (tn tether: ay chat Gouge - ot weed be chee the direenaions of he Ahobt (in) rope goage = his und be chee the dicnteataks of the mae San tape (iv) thtead ere st inuaed to cheer the poner isrourtions of an element - ak is ned bo chece Ue foun of toe (%) foam. = ee rs Coc of Ausface) 0.24 Soe ) og ae - te Gouge me cud: ou cheenig ie pee re rowing differet ahapr and Alaa ~ 70 th te, Ge Cs od od ‘wo the ends of the lag His type v hand Li pepe te ot lig gut © — in this bye, bth He Gh od wd ‘No-Go! eda cde onerged tn te Aame side of te ie we cana the plug ag urda. ore abt te otter bile cheociag the hole. ogi aller than Be NoGo end in pla gos . Generally Gound rade 41 o Yor ‘i ws ose und for chet — Rig gene 5S Biante! ele’. * oe dl ty et on hoptivg abla tani ee process - ing i auld to give mote sips =the poinheg of te Mp YO Ges Oe while hondlig te gmt oh te aptly te da Ha arab Auch Go m4 AY nonce 4 OY : ate tele of Oo Hy org mode to He Nigh He iae of the Ahabl and No-Go Lowe. Lek of ate of b. the diarmbsr of shabls wv acetal Finished 4, Ba ia mode fox the - ~ Ab ts elo principle. © Bo Epege Abould be duignated fo checked te? maeroumn mie! Linck, while No Go Googea shal be desigeed to chen the mcinirmum rvetal Lil. = AS we Know trek play gouges are used ty checx fe dicount, of hole. thacfore, the Ate of Go plug yee ahould contes ponds to does Lick of the hole. while that of ‘Node plag Oat Ahould coresponds bo by? Aienil of hole. & simibosily, “the Snap ange ore easel to chee the external dimemions of the shabt- thacfoe, “Go snap oye conrpordis to high Limit of the Aral, while ‘ne-Go' snap gorge comerpa nds to Loc Limit of the Ahabb- = the diffuurce in aide bebe ty ‘Ge! ond NOG’ pleg Gop ellos Be difference in Wee bebween “tte '@o! and tolerance No-Go Snap mie wo apptcnimabely equal to the

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