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Unit 2 yp0, C02 ear pare + —=SYStern beg, < tee es ABrsetec| 3; L_Acceplance 2 Teast phe 4 B) teat Syslery p Unit fest — Unip hashing is QlewelioP Soptware | esting where Imclividual vsulits [Corn Pe nents S| OR G Soptwoare are deste . = Unit testing 15 the Pivsy level ob tatiy => and 15) perRotmed Prtox to imdegration best! ng! = Pp unt is the DAI, Pexteub 1a Part as Sofpwa se - = = is SKeated BY the Teele : = TOARE Fosnng 1S peered “BY i an white —bo x Hime Methods oe Ex. A Pamchion method Loop OTStatemend Hi 1m) Prregnra ng tS enter" ee Ss =] Lbs 152 c) fe ee tStubs ore Used in fopidoun imrenmadiy tesHimg . — 4+ Can Simulate he behavior of [owen level mod We Phat are net int eqratedl » = they are ack ay a temporary teplateres| OR Meclule FRE Ore Hetrand Parovicle same -oudput aS adlual Produc. 7. ath is catted by the Modute Under fest | Boenehits OP vit eating - -lDevelopment is» Paster, ~ 3 “debugging 1s ‘easy =the Cost Of Pixing dePeot defeated clusiny Umut esting) 15 Tes senn : —ICodeg are More Teusabte = | Wncrend 23 Comprdemce: iF changing Imatatahtng Cede. sun eqraHion Test 9 |= S } ae Ht 15 a level OP SoPtwase feasting Where Imai widued Qruks Are Combimed aMed tested as ag Sn ae hes-Hing undivided oPLwaxe Mecdules are [nkeq raked leqica a) eXtecd OF @ 9rroUPe =} O16) Te TE Ss | BBG Pa bes 5 Integration or <3. [between Compenents » ee diPperenté parts oP Phe SyStem Suns 12° operctiny system. 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