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Why peace education is important in education?

Peace education, I've seen firsthand, can be an important aspect of education because
of the huge impact it has on children in the classroom and in their communities. When
we teach children the value of peace as well as the skills they need to be healthy
conflict resolvers, we are preparing the next generation to live in a society that
prioritizes relationships over competitiveness and well-being over achievement. Some
worry that when these ideals are shared, society will become soft and uninspired to
succeed, yet when we collaborate with those around us, we may do more while still
retaining our own and collective health. Peace education can provide adolescents with
real skills to apply in group work and conversations with others, allowing them to
collaborate rather than compete in school and beyond.

What are the important components of peace?

1. GOVERNMENT AND EMPOWERMENT- the importance is to development of

a political system that encourages during peace.

2. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT- the importance is establishment of an

equitable, sustainable and environment friendly economy.

3. HEALING AND RECONCILIATION- the importance of it is the inclusion of

psychological and spiritual values formation strategies.

4. ENCULTURATION FOR PEACE- the importance of it is the establishment of

culture of peace thru inculcation of peace education in major social institution
such as school, religious sector and home.

5. HUMANIZATION OF CONFLICT- the importance of it is the rehabilitaion of

physical, mental, emotional and spiritual of the affected non combatant civilians
from the atrocities of ear thru himanitarian aid program, as well as it entails the
restoration of socioeconomic and physical aspect of the affected establishment
and business.
In your own way, how can you promote peace education?

1. Have care of environment, for self, and for others

2. Stop and say no to discrimination.

3. Have respect for the opinions of fellow student and teachers.

4. Interact and social to each other espcially the classmates within the room.

5. Set boundaries and limitation to yourself and to other peopl as well.

What are the skills developed among learners through peace education?

Peace education activities encourage information, skills, and attitudes that will aid
people in preventing conflict, peacefully resolving conflicts, and creating peaceful
societal conditions. The learners will develop how to care for environment, for self anf
for other. Also they will develop how to love others despite of differences in terms of our
beliefs, opinions, and perspective in lives.

Make a 100-200 words reflection paper about the webinar using the guide
questions handwritten or computerized. Include a selfie (opening program, actual
event and Closing program) of yourself while attending the webinar and attach
the certificate that you will receive as a proof of attendance. Deadline: December
4, 2021, 5:00pm

After attending the webinar, I learned that peace education is vital to ourselves and for
our country because wihout peace it is impossible to establish and manifest true love for
everyone. I alse learned that the youth should learn how to make the country peacefuly
to prevent social conflict and downfall of the country. If the youth learn or implement
peace in even if in small way, there is a door that might open and this door represent as
bright, secured and peaceful beginning in our country.

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