English 7th (Final Term Examination 2022-23)

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Ittehad Grammar High School, Faisalabad.

Annual Examination 2022-23

Student’s Name: ________________________________ Roll No. _____
Level: Seven Subject: English
Total Marks: 100 Time: 45 Minutes

﴾Objective Section (40)﴿

1. Choose & Ring the correct option. (10)
i. The animals like to live in their natural:
a. surroundings b. houses c. bushes d. places
ii. The doctor ______ the ways how the animals should be made to take medicine.
a. finds b. tries c. thinks d. narrates
iii. The _______ has great liking for potatoes.
a. elephant b. giraffe c. monkey d. lion
iv. Giraffe has liking for:
a. loaf of sugar b. sweets c. tomatoes d. castor oil
v. Spoonbills mostly live on:
a. fish b. beef c. grains d. worms
vi. The drugs are quite:
a. anything b. nothing c. something d. costly
vii. Addicts drain away:
a. water b. water c. everything d. money
viii. Drugs change the way, the brain:
a. plays b. covers c. runs d. works
ix. The addicts drive their vehicles:
a. safely b. carefully c. actively d. dangerously
x. Addicts make our world:
a. pleasant b. secure c. healthy d. unhealthy
2. Complete the following sentences with suitable objects. (05)
i. I sold _______________________________.
ii. I took _______________________________.
iii. I bought _______________________________.
iv. I understood _______________________________.
v. I wrote _______________________________.

3. Write the two other forms of the given Verbs. (05)
i. Try ____________________ ____________________
ii. Pay ____________________ ____________________
iii. Permit ____________________ ____________________
iv. Knit ____________________ ____________________
v. Waste ____________________ ____________________
4. Write two other degrees of the given Adjectives. (05)
i. Wise ____________________ ____________________
ii. Easy ____________________ ____________________
iii. Famous ____________________ ____________________
iv. Heavy ____________________ ____________________
v. Much ____________________ ____________________
5. Write Urdu meaning of the following words. (05)
i. Creature ____________________
ii. Cunning ____________________
iii. Distant ____________________
iv. Trick ____________________
v. Fortune ____________________
6. Write English meaning of the following words. (05)
i. Advice ____________________
ii. Bounties ____________________
iii. Race ____________________
iv. Soul ____________________
v. Scorn ____________________
7. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (05)
(glasses, handcuffs, braces, scissors, balances)
i. To weigh something ____________________
ii. To cut paper/cloth ____________________
iii. To hold your trousers up ____________________
iv. To keep a prisoner’s hands together ____________________
v. To wear on eyes ____________________

Composed by: Naveed Aamir

Ittehad Grammar High School, Faisalabad.
Annual Examination 2021-22
Student’s Name: ________________________ Roll No. _____
Level: Seven Subject: English
Total Marks: 100 Time: 1:45 Minutes

﴾Subjective Section (60)﴿

1. Write short answers to any 5 of the following questions. (10)
(i)Where is Kingdom Valley situated? (ii)What is located to Kaghan valley? (iii) Who gave the idea of
Pakistan?(iv) What is Quaid advice to the students?(v) What is the dream of the poet?(vi) What do you
understand the era of science?(vii) What are Two main contributions of science?(viii) What is the
Natural disaster?
2. Translate any one of the following paragraphs into Urdu. (05)
(i)Kaghan Valley is one of the most beautiful place in pakistan.A l;arge number of people go every
year to see this valley. They visit place and enjoy its scenic beauty. OR
(ii) The idea of Pakistan was given by Dr Allama Iqbal in 1930. Quaid Azam was convinced that a
separate Muslims homeland was only way to safeguard Muslims identity.
3. Write a story on one of the following topics. (10)
(i) Thirsty Crow OR (ii) A Greedy Dog
4. Write an essay on any of the listed topics. (10)
(i) My best Friend OR (ii) The postman
5. Write any one of them:
(i) an application for fee concession. OR (ii) a letter to your friend congratulate on his
6. Use any five of the following words in your own sentences. (05)
(i) Informative (ii) Technology (iii) Curable (iv) Social (v) Impossible (vi) Looking for (vii) Comer
down (viii) Lookedc off.
7. Change the following sentences into Negative. (05)
(i) We have beautiful clothe. (ii)I have two cars. (iii)He has a new book. (iv) We have a house (v) The
boys are working.
8. Translate any five of the following sentences into English. (05)
‫) اگےئ‬6(‫) ریمےدواکنںیہ۔‬5(‫) ہچبوسایگےہ۔‬4( ‫) ایکوسرجرغوبںیہنوہاکچوہاگ؟‬3(‫) امہمناھکاناھکےکچےھت۔‬2(‫) ںیمےناانپرفضادارکدایےہ۔‬1(
‫) اہمترےاپساکیاتکبےہ۔‬8( ‫) ریمےاپساکییئناکرےہ۔‬7( ‫یک ُدمیبملےہ۔‬
Composed by: Naveed Aamir


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