Lesson Observation Scheme-12.12.23

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General information
Teacher’s name: Smagulov A.
Date: 12.12.2023.
Grade and the number of pupils: 9 Е, 13 pupils (1st group)
The theme of the lesson: Academic language: Interpreting data
The aim and objectives of the lesson: speak about the topic in detail
Lesson equipment: student’s book, cards, paper, markers.

1. Description of the lesson procedure

The procedure of lesson (in brief, Pros and cons of the

chronologically, describing the stages of described stage of the lesson
the lesson and the activity of teacher and
1. 9.45- 9.50 The teachers This activity teaches students
greeted learners, checked to master English skills and
their attendance. The knowledge as a whole and
teacher organized warm-up balanced. It helps students to
activity “Word chain”, revise the previous vocabulary.
divided class into boys and
girls. Teacher wrote a word
on the board and asked
students to take it in turns to
say a word starting with the
last letter of the previous
word, like this the game
2. 9.50- 9.55 Teacher asked The teacher could attract
students to pay attention to students’ attention to the topic
the pictures and to name and discussed very well this
each of them, asked to give topic.
information about
Kazakhstan’s emergency
3. 09.55- 10.07 The teacher The teacher knows this topic
explained about how to well, and can clearly explain it
pronounce /ai/, /oi/. Then to students, providing several
teacher asked students to examples.
look at the ex 2 and played
a recording, played it again
asked students to repeat
chorally. Teacher gave
exercises 2,3 to do
4. 10.07-10.15 The teacher
organized game activity:
Folding stories. The teacher
gave each group a blank
piece of A4 paper and
markers. Teacher gave
instruction how to play this
game, asked questions and
students replied on the
paper, then every student
folded the line what they
have written and pass it to
another student.
5. 10.15-10.27 The teacher Work in pairs helps to enhance
asked students to imagine communication, to check
that they are a witness to an learners’ ability and access to
accident, asked what would correct themselves.
be their next action,
students made a dialogue,
using the dialogue in ex 2 to
help them.
6. 10.27-10.30 Teacher used The teacher explained clearly
Evaluation tree to know homework and evaluated
where the students feel they students.
are on the tree in relation to
the lesson.

7. Conclusion and recommendations.

The lesson had a clearly defined structure with a warm-up, modeling the activity and
independent, group practice for students. Students were well behaved throughout the lesson.
They followed directions the first time and demonstrated a clear understanding of behavioral
expectations and rules through their actions. Interactions in the classroom were positive
throughout the lesson.

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