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Hexis College

Computer Science 9618

Chapter 1 – Test
Name: ____________________________. Class: AS Level
Marks: 50 Time : 1 hr

1 a) What is meant by lossless and lossy file compression?

_____________Lossy file compression is when a file size is permenataly reduced. This is done in JPEG and
MP3. In jepg images the amount of pixels in the image remains the same and the size is reduced by removing
features which cannot be noticed by human eyes. In MP3 sound outside of human hearing range are removed
to reduce the file size.





2 a) Describe how music picked up by a microphone is turned into a digitised music file in a computer.

Analogue date cannot be stored in a computer. So the microphone has a analogue to digital converter which
converts the sound waves into a binary value which can be stored in the





b) Explain why it is often necessary to compress stored music files.

Describe how the music quality is essentially retained.

Files are compressed so the take up less space and they can be uploaded and downloaded faster.
Music quality is retained by removing the sound frequencies which are not in the human hearing range




3 a) What is meant by run length encoding?

__run length encoding is a way of loseless file compression, in which repeating data is stored. The first value is
the number of times the data is being repeated and the second value is the ASCII code of the data.



4 a) Describe the differences between bit-map images and vector graphics.



_file size difference

_Different uses
Difference in image clarity





b) A software designer needs to incorporate images into her software to

add realism.

Explain what she needs to consider when deciding between using

bit-map images and vector graphics in her software.


Image clarity
File size







1 a) The following bytes represent binary integers using the two’s complement
form. State the equivalent denary values.
i) 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1



ii) 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0



iii) Write the integer −53 in two’s complement form.



iv) Write the maximum possible range of numbers using the two’s
complement form of an 8-bit binary number.



Give your answers in denary.



b) i) Write the denary integer 798 in binary-coded decimal (BCD) format.

___________________0111 1001 1000


ii) Write the denary number that is represented by the following BCD number.



2 A software developer is using a microphone and a sound editing app to

collect and edit sounds for his new game.
When collecting sounds, the software developer can decide on the sampling
resolution he wishes to use.
a) i) State what is meant by sampling resolution. [1]
number of bits in a sample


ii) Describe how sampling resolution will affect how accurate the
stored digitised sound will be. [2]

__if the sampling resolution is higher more bits will be sotred and clarity will be better


b) The software developer will include images in his new game.

i) Explain the term image resolution. [1]

______number of pixels in a


ii) One of the images is 16 384 pixels wide and 512 pixels high.
The developer decides to save it as a 256-colour bit-map image.
Calculate the size of the image file in gibibytes. [3]




3 a) Write the denary numbers 60, 27 and −27 in 8-bit binary two’s
complement form. [3]




d) Give the result of the following addition. [2]

1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0

Explain why the expected result is not obtained. [2]




4. a) Convert the denary number 95 into binary coded decimal (BCD). [2]
____1001 0101



b) Using two’s complement, carry out the binary subtraction:

and convert your answer into denary. [3]

0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0=44

__23-44 = -21



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