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1. What is a revolution? Define it in your own words.

A great change
2. Multiple Choice: What was the main economic cause of the French Revolution?
a. High employment rates
b. High taxation and economic inequality
c. Rapid industrialization
d. The discovery of new trade routes
3. All revolutions involve physical violence and war. (T/F)
4. Name one intellectual who influenced the ideas behind the civil rights movements and
briefly describe their contribution.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an influential leader in the civil rights movement,
advocating for nonviolence and equality, and his powerful speeches and activism
continue to inspire generations
5. The American Revolution is often described as a response to "Taxation without
Representation." Explain what this phrase means and how it represents political reasons
for revolutions.
"Taxation without Representation" refers to the American colonists being taxed by the
British government without having a voice in the decision-making process. It symbolizes
the political motivations behind revolutions, as it underscores the colonists' lack of
representation and their belief that they were being unfairly taxed without consent
6. Multiple Choice: Which of these revolutions was driven by social inequality?
a. The Industrial Revolution
b. The French Revolution
c. The Glorious Revolution
d. The Scientific Revolution
7. Give an example of an economic revolution and briefly explain its significant impact.
The Industrial Revolution, which occurred in the 18th and 19th centuries, transformed
economies through the mechanization of production, leading to increased productivity,
urbanization, and profound social and economic changes
8. The Russian Revolution of 1917 was primarily driven by the Russian people's desire for
a democratic government. (T/F)
9. Revolutions are not just political events. They can also include changes in culture, social
structures, and economic practices. Choose one revolution from history and discuss how
it led to changes in these three areas (culture, social structures, and economic
The Industrial Revolution, occurring in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, led to
significant changes in culture, social structures, and economic practices. It brought about
new cultural values and norms, transformed social classes and family structures, and
revolutionized economic systems through industrialization and the rise of capitalism

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