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Grade 11 Physics

Mechanical Energy Investigation Factors Affecting a Pendulum's Period

Guy Bevington, and Wayland Michelin Tuesday, May 10th, 2011 SPH3U1 Mr. Kingerski

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Table of Contents: Title Page Table of Contents Hypothesis Variables Apparatus and Materials Procedure Observations and Tables Calculations and Analysis Discussion and Conclusions Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Page 4 Page 5 Page 8 Page 11

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Pre-lab Questions:
1. What is the Frequency and Period of the Pendulum? F=Cycles/time F= 12/30 F= 0.4Hz T=1/Frequency T=1/0.4 T= 2.5 s 2. What is the gravitational potential energy of the pendulum before it is released? Eg= MxAxH Eg= (1.5) (9.81)(0.15) Eg= 2.21 J 3. What is the Velocity of the pendulum at it's lowest point? Ek= 0.5xMxV2 Eg= 2.21= (0.5)(1.5) (V2) V2= 2.21/(0.5)(1.5) V=1.7m/s

The purpose of this lab investigation is to determine which of several factor(s) affect the period of a pendulum. We will be testing three different independent variables: the mass of the pendulum, the release height of the pendulum, and the length of the pendulum.

I think that increasing the mass and drop point will greatly reduce the period's length due to the increased gravitational potential energy, while the length of the pendulum will increase the period due to the extra length of the swing.

Dependent Variables: The period of the pendulum Independent Variables:Vertical release height of the pendulum Length of the pendulum Mass of the pendulum Controlled Variables: Height of the retort stand Unchanged values (Mass, drop height, length) Interval of change Page 3

Stop watch Set of weights String Retort stand Clamps Meter stick

#1: Set up a pendulum on a retort stand. #2: Keep a constant mass, constant pendulum length and change your drop height for three trials. Calculate and record the pendulum period (in seconds) and find the average period for the trials. #3: Repeat step two. For this step you will be changing the pendulum length. Make sure to keep a constant drop angle and mass. Change the length every trial for three trials. #4: Repeat step two. For this step you will be changing the mass for every three trials. Keep a constant drop height and constant pendulum length.

Page 4

Independent Variable: Vertical drop height Constant Mass: 0.5kg Constant Length: 0.6

Drop Height (m) 0.5

Trial 1 2 3

Pendulum Period (s) 1.75s 1.73s 1.74s 1.72s 1.73s 1.75s 1.71s 1.70s 1.72s 1.70s 1.74s 1.72s 1.73s 1.73s 1.69s

Average Period (s) 1.73s


1 2 3



1 2 3



1 2 3



1 2 3


Page 5

Independent Variable: Mass Constant length: 0.6m Constant Drop height: 0.2 m

Pendulum's mass 0.5 kg

Trial 1 2 3

Pendulum's period (s) 1.66s 1.70s 1.67s 1.67s 1.69s 1.65s 1.65 1.67 1.65 1.67s 1.70s 1.68s 1.74s 1.62s 1.70s

Average period (s) 1.68s

0.4 kg

1 2 3



1 2 3


0.2 kg

1 2 3


0.1 kg

1 2 3


Page 6

Independent Variable: Pendulum's length Constant mass: 0.5kg Constant drop height: 90 degrees

Pendulum Length (m) 0.6m

Trial 1 2 3 1

Pendulum Period (s) 1.72s 1.76s 1.75s 1.61s 1.60s 1.61s 1.42s 1.40s 1.43s 1.15s 1.16s 1.18s 0.95s 0.91s 0.96s

Average Period (s) 1.74s


2 3 1



2 3 1



2 3 1



2 3


Page 7

Calculations and Data Analysis:

Vertical Drop Height

page 8

Length of Pendulum

page 9

Mass of Pendulum

page 10

Discussion and Conclusions:

1. Which one of the three graphs demonstrates a significant relationship between the independent and dependent variables? Justify your answer using the equations of the lines of best fit. /3 The Length of the pendulum has the greatest affect on the pendulum's variables. The slope of the line of best fit is much greater than the slopes of the other graphs. It has a slope of 1.5 which is much greater than the other graphs. This is because the length of the periods are much longer. There is a larger swing with an increased length of the pendulum and therefore a larger period. 2. Comment on the accuracy of your hypothesis, with justification. /1 The hypothesis was correct. It was stated that the length of the pendulum would increase the period due to the extra length of the swing. By inspection of our observations and graphs we can see that as the length of the pendulum increases so does the period. 3. Research the theoretical relationship between a pendulums length and its period. Using the appropriate equation from your research, calculate the theoretical values and percent error of the five data points collected with length as the independent variable. /10 See attached work 4. Comment on three sources of error within the lab investigation, and suggest realistic ways to reduce or eliminate these sources of error in future investigations. /6 1) The stop watch may not have been started/stopped exactly at the given point. This source of error could be avoided by including advanced equipment to increase the accuracy. For example: a laser could be used in this experiment. As the pendulum hits the laser, a timer could be set off. This would be much more accurate than a human operated stop watch. 2) Any additional forces applied to the pendulum during it's release. An applied force caused by someones hand as the pendulum is released could be an example of additional applied forces. This would cause inaccuracy in the results of the experiment. On way to over-come this source of error is to have a robotic hand or something mechanical release the pendulum. This would greatly reduce and even eliminate additional forces applied to the pendulum at release. 3) Air resistance cannot be controlled and may affect the integrity of the result. The only way to eliminate air resistance is to do this experiment in a vacuum. There will be no air in the vacuum and therefore no air resistance. The pendulum would not lose momentum in an resistance free environment. This means it would never stop. Our experiment would not be affected by this because we would still be able to measure the period.

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