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w/b p11 ex1a

We didn’t want to travel by train, so we hitchhike

Once, a lorry driver set off us a lift from Paris to Cannes – over 900 kilometres!

She give from her house at six o’clock in the morning.

However, she get to the 06:30 train because there was a traffi c jam in the town centre.

Our plane take off from Beijing 45 minutes late, but we land in Sydney ten minutes early!


Because there was a crash between two cars at 7:30.

Why did you miss your train?

Well, my friend was driving us to the station, but her GPS wasn’t working, so we got lost. In the end, we
bought a map!

Why were there long delays to all the flights from Heathrow Airport today? Because there was a
turbulence yesterday, so lots of planes are at the wrong airport today.

There was a something wrong with our coach, so we waited for two hours at the service station.

It took me over an hour to get my ticket because there was a long queue at the ticket office. Then the

train got broke down just outside Paris, so that’s why I’m so late.

Yes, there was a lot of turbulence over the Atlantic because of the bad weather.


2) It was snowing heavily when we got to the hotel.

3) You were flying over the Alps when there was turbulence began?

4) How fast you were driving when the accident happened?

5) Where were you when the thief stole your purse?

6) Are you lost because your GPS isn't working?

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