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Created by: 0 Risk

• Date created: Dunno, a week ago maybe?

• Description: This System is an extensive web-based program created automatically to
manage entrance exam results. It facilitates the efficient organization, registration, ad-
ministration, allowing institutions to and select qualified candidates for admission. To
log into the system, all users have to type in their password. After successful login, the
system will display the user’s result.
• Basic flow:
1. Administrator Management:
Administrators are allowed to create and manage user accounts for exam coordi-
nators and other administrative staff.
2. Exam coordinator Management:
The exam coordinator has the appropriate privileges to create new entrance ex-
ams. The coordinator can define the eligibility criteria for applicants to apply for
the exam.
3. Applicant Registration:
When applicants register their accounts in the system, he/she will be prompted to
provide necessary personal information (name, graduation year, etc.) along with
any supporting documents.
4. Application Review: The exam coordinator or designated staff can review the ap-
plicant’s information. If any discrepancy is found, the applicant may be asked to
provide additional documentation or may be rejected from the process.
5. Conducting the exam:
Examinees take their exams as per protocol.
6. Inputting test score:
Exam results are inputted into the system once the scores are available.
7. Viewing Test Result:
Applicants can access their results through the online portal on a specified date.
• Alternative flow: In case of technical issues or other unforeseen circumstances that pre-
vent the applicant from seeing the result, they can contact the support team for assis-
• Post-condition: The system stores the exam results, applicant information, and exam-
related data for future reference and analysis.

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