MODULE 3 Introduction To Construction Estimates

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CEP211L: Computer Fundamentals and Programming 2 (Laboratory)

Introduction to
Construction Estimates
(Microsoft Excel Programming)


The MAXIMUM function returns the highest number in a range of cells.


Example: =MAX(A1:A100) → Finds the highest value from cells A1

through A100


The MINIMUM function returns the lowest number in a range of cells.


Example: =MIN(A1:A100) → Finds the lowest value from cells A1

through A100


The CEILING function may be used to round up a number to the next multiple of a
specified number (referred to by Excel as significance). For example, if the
By: Engr. Veronica Joy V. David
Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering & Technology
Tarlac State University
Page 1 of 7
CEP211L: Computer Fundamentals and Programming 2 (Laboratory)

significance is 0.50, the CEILING function will round up to the next 0.50 increment.
The CEILING function requires the user to indicatethe number or cell containing the
number to be rounded (Number) and the significance.


Example: =CEILING(143.145,0.50) → The specified significance is 0.50. This will

result to 143.50.


The FLOOR function works in the same way as the CEILING function except it rounds


Example: =FLOOR(143.145,0.50) → The specified significance is 0.50. This will

result to 143.00.


The TRIM function allows the users to remove unnecessary extra trailingand leading
spaces from the cell.


The PROPER function is a text function that allows the users to make each of the
entered text into a proper-looking style or sentence cases intocapitalizing the 1st letter
of each word.


By: Engr. Veronica Joy V. David

Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering & Technology
Tarlac State University
Page 2 of 7
CEP211L: Computer Fundamentals and Programming 2 (Laboratory)


Using a function as one of the arguments in a formula that uses a function is called
NESTING, and we’ll refer to that function as a NESTED FUNCTION.

You are not limited to only checking if one thing is equal to another and returning a single
result, you can also use mathematical operators and perform additional calculations
depending on your criteria. You can also nest multiple IF functions together in order to
perform multiple comparisons (see example below).

=IF(A2<=3,"Goodmorning",IF(A2<=7,"Goodafternoon","Goodevening")) says =IF(A2 is

less than or equal to 3, return a word "Goodmorning",IF(A2 is less than or equal to 7 (but
greater than 3 because this was already included inthe 1st argument, in other words, it
ranges from 4 to 7), return a word "Goodafternoon", otherwise return a word
"Goodevening"(all numerical values greater than 7, meaning from 8 onwards will be
returned with a result of“Goodevening”) ))

Any text criteria or any criteria that includes logical or mathematical symbols must be
enclosed in double quotation marks (“”). If the criterion is numerical value, double
quotation marks are not required.

By: Engr. Veronica Joy V. David

Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering & Technology
Tarlac State University
Page 3 of 7
CEP211L: Computer Fundamentals and Programming 2 (Laboratory)


VLOOKUP function helps to search for a certain criterion against a chosen column. It
searches for the given condition/s and returns a matching value from another


Example: Concrete Proportion for Concrete Slab using Volume Method

In order to solve this problem using Volume Method, the 1st step is to compute its
volume. Using this volume as your constant multiplier, one must use the respective
reference table to get the appropriate factors given the criteria (Class Mixture,
Cement, Sand and Gravel) from Table 1-2. See how the formula VLOOKUP helps us
know what this value is without manually inputting the said factor in the cell.

By: Engr. Veronica Joy V. David

Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering & Technology
Tarlac State University
Page 4 of 7
CEP211L: Computer Fundamentals and Programming 2 (Laboratory)


Lookup value array Accuracy
or criteria Column Number

Lookup value array Accuracy
or criteria Column Number

Lookup value array Accuracy
or criteria Column Number

Lookup value array Accuracy
or criteria Column Number

a. Lookup value or criteria: V9 refers to the criterion of the problem (class

mixture) in which other choices must also list down in a column format. The row
where V9 is located will be a constant row that will give the corresponding values
based on the number of column that will be specified in the VLOOKUP Function.

b. Array: $B$3:$F$7 refers to the cells which contain the values that satisfy your
criteria. In our example, see how the class mixture are listed in a column.

c. Column Number: 2, 3, 4, 5 (40 kg per bag of cement, 50 kg per bag of cement,

sand, and gravel respectively) refers to that particular column where the lookup
value will be matched with to give the correct value.

d. Accuracy: “0” refers to the accuracy of finding the corresponding value for your
VLOOKUP formula.

▪ VLOOKUP Function works when the set of choices for the lookup value or criteria
are listed in a single column and match against with values inmultiple columns of
the same row where that lookup value is located.

By: Engr. Veronica Joy V. David

Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering & Technology
Tarlac State University
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CEP211L: Computer Fundamentals and Programming 2 (Laboratory)

HLOOKUP function helps to search for a certain criterion against a chosen row. It
searches for the given condition/s and returns a matching value from another row.


Example: Concrete Proportion for Concrete Slab using Volume Method (same ex. As


Lookup value array Accuracy
or criteria Row Number

Lookup value array Accuracy
or criteria Row Number

Lookup value array Accuracy
or criteria Row Number

Lookup value array Accuracy
or criteria Row Number

By: Engr. Veronica Joy V. David

Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering & Technology
Tarlac State University
Page 6 of 7
CEP211L: Computer Fundamentals and Programming 2 (Laboratory)

a. Lookup value or criteria: S10, S11, S12, S13 refers to the criteria of the problem
(40 kg & 50 kg per bag of cement, sand, and gravel respectively) in which these
criteria must be list down in a single row format.
b. Array: $B$3:$F$7 refers to the cells which contain the values that satisfy your
c. Row Number: “5” (class mixture) refers to that particular row where the lookup
values S10, S11, S12, S13 will be matched with to give the correct value.
d. Accuracy: “0” refers to the accuracy of finding the corresponding value foryour
HLOOKUP formula.

• HLOOKUP Function works when the set of choices for the lookup valueor criteria
are listed in a single row and match against with values in multiple rows of the
same column where that lookup value is located.

By: Engr. Veronica Joy V. David

Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering & Technology
Tarlac State University
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