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Case study

Proc IMechE Part E:

J Process Mechanical Engineering
Vibration analysis and control of a 0(0) 1–9
! IMechE 2018

screw compressor outlet piping system Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0954408918763561

Ying Zhao, Jianmei Feng, Bin Zhao , Shuangmei Zhou ,

Zhou Tang and Xueyuan Peng

The severe vibration of a screw compressor outlet piping system caused the premature failures of some thermowells and
the unplanned shut down of the compressor system. The root causes of the vibration problem were investigated by
numerical simulations. An acoustic model was established to predict the pressure pulsation of the gas inside the pipelines,
and two finite element models were built to study the vibration characteristics of the overall piping system and of the
thermowells. The numerical results indicated that the vibration problem may be attributed to the excessive pressure
nonuniformity of the gas inside the pipelines, low overall stiffness of the piping system and the first-order structural
resonance occurred on the thermowells. A pulsation attenuator was added and the pipelines were rearranged to reduce
the pressure pulsation, some pipe supports were added to improve the overall stiffness of the piping system, and the
thermowells were reinforced to avoid the first-order structural resonance. After the modifications, the field measure-
ment data showed that the vibration of the piping system decreased significantly, and the modified piping system has been
operating normally for nearly two years.

Piping system, vibration, gas pulsation, structural resonance, compressor

Date received: 28 August 2017; accepted: 5 February 2018

Introduction to the guide support was adopted; nevertheless,

Compressors are widely used to pressurize the gas severe vibrations still occurred in the main pipelines
in petrochemical industries. The vibration issue is a and thermowells. As a result, vibration analysis and
potential threat to the integrity of the compressor corresponding control measures were urgently needed
system. Excessive vibrations induced by the gas pul- to ensure the safety and reliability of the compressor
sation or structural resonance may lead to premature system.
failure of the pipelines, gas leakage and other safety The gas pulsation and mechanical vibration of the
problems. For example, abnormal vibration of the piping systems have drawn much attention in the past
outlet piping system of a screw butadiene compressor few decades. Some researchers are devoted to improv-
used in a chemical plant caused the unplanned shut ing the accuracy of theoretical analyses and numerical
down of the compressor system. The screw compres- simulations of the gas pulsation and piping vibration.
sor has four male rotors and six female rotors. The Koai and Soedel2,3 and Wu et al.4 developed acoustic
rated speed, rated motor power and rated flow rate of models to evaluate the gas pulsations in the screw com-
the compressor are 2950 r/min, 1500 kW, and 15,277 pressors. Papes et al.5 developed a mathematical model
m3/h, respectively. The inlet pressure and temperature to predict the pressure pulsation in a screw expander
of the compressor are 159 kPa and 318 K, respectively, inlet pipe. Xu et al.,6 Ghanbariannaeeni and
and the outlet pressure and temperature are 530 kPa Ghazanfarihashemi,7 and Zhan and Duan8 developed
and 374 K, respectively. During the operation, the
vertical vibration velocity at the first elbow after the School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University,
outlet muffler was 38.8 mm/s, which far exceeded the Xi’an, PR China
allowable value of 16 mm/s.1 Moreover, the fatigue
Corresponding author:
fractures occurred on the root of some thermowells,
Jianmei Feng, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong
as shown in Figure 1. To control the vibration and University, No. 28, Xianning West Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710049, PR
ensure the production, the temporary measure of China.
changing the elastic support near the outlet muffler Email:
2 Proc IMechE Part E: J Process Mechanical Engineering 0(0)

frequency. The first-order excitation frequency can be

determined by the following equation

fex,1 ¼ Z ð1Þ

where N is the rotating speed, and Z is the male rotor

number of the screw compressor. The first-order exci-
tation frequency of this screw compressor outlet
piping system is 196.67 Hz, and the integer multiples
of this frequency are also excitation frequencies.

Acoustic simulation
Gas pulsation is one of the important excitation
Figure 1. Some failed thermowells in the piping system. sources of the vibrations in the compressor piping
system. Reducing the gas pulsation within the allow-
theoretical models to predict the pressure pulsations in able range is an effective method to control the vibra-
the reciprocating compressors. In addition, Lee et al.,9 tion in the compressor piping system. The transfer
Dweib,10 and Li and Yang11 studied the acoustically matrix method was adopted to predict the gas pulsa-
induced piping vibrations. Some other researchers tion in the compressor piping system. The piping
focused on controlling the gas pulsation and vibration system can be divided into some basic elements,
of the pipelines. Some authors investigated the acoustic such as pipe, valve, tee, and volume. Each element
characteristics of the volume-choke-volume filter, has a transfer matrix. For example, the transfer
perforated tube mufflers, Helmholtz resonator, perfo- matrix of the uniform section straight pipe can be
rated tube, orifice plate, and a two-tank element in the represented as follows
reduction of the gas pulsations of the reciprocating
2 a 3
compressor piping systems.12–17 Mujic et al.18 and cosð!l=aÞ j sinð!l=aÞ
Wu et al.19 suppressed the gas pulsations of the screw 6
To,i ¼ 4
S 7
5 ð2Þ
compressors by modifying the shape of the discharge S
j sinð!l=aÞ cosð!l=aÞ
port and applying a pressure pulsation dampener in a
the discharge chamber, respectively. Moreover, Mani
and Senthilkumar,20 Mamaghani et al.,21 and where the subscripts i and o represent the inlet and
Rechenberger amd Mair22 investigated the vibration outlet node numbers of the acoustic element, respect-
control of the piping systems using the dynamic ively, ! is the angular frequency, l is the pipe length, a
vibration absorber, nonlinear energy sink, tuned mass is the sound speed, and S is the flow area of the pipe.
dampers, respectively. Liang et al.23 solved the vibration The transfer matrix of the overall piping system is
problem in a reciprocating compressor inlet pipeline. obtained by multiplying the transfer matrices of all
However, little research has been published regarding the acoustic elements, as expressed in the following
the vibration analysis and control of the screw compres- " # " #
sor piping systems. Therefore, it is of great significance pn p1
to investigate the root causes and elimination measures ¼ Tn,n1 Tn1,n2   T3,2 T2,1 ð3Þ
n 1
of the excessive vibrations in this screw compressor
outlet piping system.
In this paper, the main causes of the severe vibration where p1 , pn and 1 , n are the pulsating components
of the screw compressor outlet piping system were of the pressure and mass flow of the start and end
investigated by numerical simulations of the gas pulsa- nodes of the piping system, respectively. The acoustic
tion and mechanical vibration of the piping system. natural frequencies can be obtained with boundary
Moreover, some practical measures were proposed to conditions of the piping system. Moreover, the pres-
solve the vibration problem of the piping system. sure nonuniformity and shaking forces can be calcu-
lated. The pressure nonuniformity i is defined by the
Analysis of the causes of vibration
There are two vibration systems in the compressor ð pi Þ  ð pi Þmin
i ¼  max  ð4Þ
piping system: the acoustic system and the mechanical 1
ð pi Þmax þ ð pi Þmin
system. Both of these systems have an infinite number 2
of natural frequencies. A resonance is likely to occur
when a particular acoustic or mechanical natural fre- where ð pi Þmax and ð pi Þmin are the maximum and min-
quency (MNF) is in coincidence with the excitation imum pressures at the node, respectively.
Zhao et al. 3

Figure 2. Acoustic model of the outlet piping system.

The acoustic model of this compressor outlet

piping system consists of 84 elements and 103 nodes,
as shown in Figure 2. The main pipeline, reflux pipe-
line and small-bore attachments were modeled by
the pipe, tee, and valve elements. The outlet muffler
was simplified as a volume-choke-volume model. The
non-reflecting boundary condition was applied to
node 45, and the close-end boundary conditions of
the small-bore attachments, such as the thermowells
and pressure gauges, were applied to nodes 46–58.
The periodic mass flow at the discharge port is the
main excitation of the pressure pulsation in the screw
compressor outlet piping system.18 As for a single
working chamber, the mass flow through the dis-
charge port during the discharge process can be cal-
culated by the following Figure 3. Pressure nonuniformity results of the outlet piping
 ¼ U ¼  ð5Þ
Mechanical vibration analyses
where  and U are the mass flow and volumetric flow Mechanical vibration analyses play an important
through the discharge port, respectively,  is the dens- role in the optimization of the piping systems.
ity of the gas, and V is the volume of the working The MNFs of the piping system and the correspond-
chamber. The rate of change of V can be calculated ing mode shapes are investigated by modal analysis,
by the geometric properties of the rotors and the and the vibration responses of the piping system
rotating speed of the male rotor.2 Because this under the action of dynamic excitation loads can be
screw compressor has four male rotors, four mass predicted by harmonic response analysis. The finite
flow excitations of the same amplitudes but different element method was used to calculate the MNFs,
phase angles were applied to nodes 1, 4, 7, and 9, mode shapes and vibration responses of the piping
respectively. system. The motion equation of the discrete finite
The acoustic analysis results showed that while no element model of the piping system can be expressed
acoustic resonance occurred in the outlet piping as follows
system, the pressure nonuniformity of most nodes in
the acoustic model exceeded the allowable value of Mx€ þ Cx_ þ Kx ¼ FðtÞ ð6Þ
2%24 under the action of intermittent discharge of
the compressor, as shown in Figure 3. The maximum where M, C, and K are the mass, damping, and stiff-
calculated pressure nonuniformity was 15.5%, located € x,
ness matrices of the piping system, respectively; x, _
on a thermowell. The results indicated that the gas and x are the acceleration, velocity, and displacement
pulsation in the outlet piping system was excessive vectors of the piping system, respectively; and FðtÞ is
and may induce severe vibrations of the pipelines. the excitation loads vector.
4 Proc IMechE Part E: J Process Mechanical Engineering 0(0)

Numerical modeling is the first step of the finite

element analysis, and the selection of the element
type is critical in numerical modeling. The 3D
solid element is the most accurate one, but is time-
consuming. The 1D beam element can be used to
model the slender beams and pipes, but it neglects
the deformations on the cross section. In this outlet
piping system, the lengths of the main pipeline and
reflux pipeline are obviously greater than the diam-
eters. If they are discretized by the 3D solid element,
the element number and computational costs will be
quite large. To reduce the calculation time on the
basis of maintaining good accuracy, a simplified 1D
model was established to predict the vibration char-
Figure 4. Mode shape of the outlet piping system at the 57th-
acteristics of the overall outlet piping system. order MNF of 198.80 Hz.
However, the vibration characteristics of the thermo-
well, especially the dynamic stress response, are sensi-
tive to the installation type and welding stiffness,
which cannot be well considered in a 1D model.
Thus, a detailed 3D model of the thermowell was
developed to evaluate the dynamic characteristics of
the thermowell.

Vibration analysis of the outlet piping system. The mechan-

ical model of the overall outlet piping system was
established, and the modal analysis and harmonic
response analysis were performed. The main pipeline
and reflux pipeline were modeled as 1D beam elem-
ents. The valves were simplified as rigid elements.
The fixed constrains were applied to the locations of
the pipe supports. The acoustic shaking forces
obtained by the acoustic simulation were applied on
the elbows, tees, etc. Note that the pressure pulsations
at different locations may have phase differences, thus
both the amplitudes and phase angles of the acoustic
shaking forces should be considered. In addition, a Figure 5. Comparison of the vibration velocity between the
damping ratio of 0.01 was used when conducting the calculated and measured values.
harmonic response analysis.25 The small-bore attach-
ments were neglected in the vibration analysis of the
overall outlet piping system, because they have little piping system and the shaking forces were reliable,
effect on the dynamic characteristics of the overall which indirectly verified the reliability of the acoustic
outlet piping system. model of the piping system.
Modal analysis results showed that the first-order
MNF of the outlet piping system was 0.90 Hz, which Vibration analysis of the thermowell. Vibration-induced
indicated that the overall stiffness of the outlet piping failure of the small-bore attachments, also called
system was quite low. Figure 4 shows the mode shape small-bore piping (SBP) or small-bore connections
at the 57th-order MNF of 198.80 Hz, which was close (SBC) is an ongoing challenge during both the
to the first-order excitation frequency of 196.67 Hz. It design stage and field-testing. Small-bore attachments
can be seen that the main pipeline where the thermo- failures due to alternating stresses caused by vibration
wells attached was prone to vibrate under the action typically occurred in the compressor piping systems.
of the first-order excitation loads. A detailed solid element model including the ther-
The harmonic response analysis was performed mowell and a section of the main pipeline was estab-
under the action of the acoustic shaking forces pro- lished. The fixed constraint was applied on both ends
vided by the acoustic analysis. The vibration velocities of the main pipeline, and then the modal analysis was
under the excitation frequency of 196.67 Hz were cal- conducted. The results showed that the first-order
culated and compared with the field measured data, MNF of the thermowell was 207.4 Hz, which was
as shown in Figure 5. The calculated values were close to the first-order excitation frequency of 196.67
found to agree well with the measured values. Hz; thus, the structural resonance was prone to be
Accordingly, the mechanical model of the outlet induced during the operation of the compressor.
Zhao et al. 5

Figure 6. Stress distribution of the thermowell at the first-order excitation frequency of 196.67 Hz.

In addition, the first-order mode shape was the swing

Pulsation reduction
of the thermowell.
The acoustic shaking force was applied on the ther- Various measures, such as adding the orifice plate,
mowell, and the additional displacement caused by adding the pulsation attenuator and changing the
the base motion of the main pipeline was imposed layout of the pipelines, can be taken to eliminate the
on the attached location of the thermowell on the pressure nonuniformity of the pipelines. Four differ-
main pipeline. The harmonic response analysis was ent pulsation elimination solutions were proposed, as
conducted, and the vibration responses of the thermo- shown in Figure 7.
well were obtained. Figure 6 shows that the maximum The first solution is the rearrangement of the pipe-
equivalent stress of this model at the first-order exci- lines, as shown in Figure 7(a). The tee joint of the
tation frequency of 196.67 Hz was 44.4 MPa, which reflux pipeline (purple pipe) and the main pipeline
exceeded the allowable dynamic stress of 20.7 MPa (yellow pipe) was moved to the location 1 m behind
(peak-to-peak).26 In addition, the maximum equiva- the second elbow on the main pipeline after the outlet
lent stress appeared on the root of the thermowell, in muffler. Two elbows on the vertical main pipelines
agreement with the location of the fatigue fracture. were changed to straight pipes.
The results indicated that the fatigue failures may be The second solution is the rearrangement of the
caused by the first-order structural resonance of the pipelines and the addition of an orifice plate, as
thermowells. shown in Figure 7(b). On the basis of the first solution,
In summary, the root causes of the abnormal an orifice plate with thickness of 25.4 mm and the aper-
vibration of the screw compressor outlet piping ture ratio of 0.43 was added between the compressor
system may be the excessive gas pulsation in the pipe- outlet flange and the muffler inlet flange.
lines, the low overall stiffness of the piping system, The third solution is the addition of a new pulsa-
and the first-order structural resonance occurred on tion attenuator, as shown in Figure 7(c). The 1.65-
the thermowells. meter long straight pipe after the outlet muffler was
replaced by a new pulsation attenuator with an outer
diameter of 0.8 m.
Vibration elimination measures
The fourth solution is the addition of a new pulsa-
The vibration elimination measures were proposed tion attenuator and the rearrangement of the main
with three aims: decreasing the gas pulsation in the pipeline, reflux pipeline, and small-bore attachments,
pipelines, improving the overall stiffness of the piping as shown in Figure 7(d). On the basis of the third solu-
system, and avoiding the first-order structural reson- tion, the horizontal pipe after the first elbow was
ance of the thermowells. The effectiveness of these extended by 4 m, two elbows on the vertical main pipe-
measures could be evaluated by the following criteria: line were replaced by straight pipes, the location of the
(1) the acoustic natural frequencies and the MNFs of tee joint that connected the reflux pipeline and main
the pipelines should be shifted away from 20% of the pipeline was changed, and the layout of the small-bore
excitation frequencies; (2) the pressure nonuniformity attachments were adjusted.
of all nodes in the acoustic model should be less than Figure 8 shows a comparison of the predicted pres-
2%; (3) the dynamic velocity and stress of the piping sure nonuniformity before and after the modifica-
system including the thermowells should be less than tions. When taking the first solution, the pressure
16 mm/s and 20.7 MPa (peak-to-peak), respectively. nonuniformity at most nodes still exceeded the
6 Proc IMechE Part E: J Process Mechanical Engineering 0(0)

Figure 7. Four pulsation elimination solutions. (a) the first solution, (b) the second solution, (c) the third solution, (d) the fourth

Figure 9. Locations of the new pipe supports.

Figure 8. Comparison of the pressure nonuniformity among
the four pulsation elimination solutions. and reducing vibration amplitudes. Increasing the
support stiffness and changing the layout of the pipe-
allowable value of 2%, and the maximum pressure lines are common methods to adjust the MNFs of the
nonuniformity was 15.5%. When using the second piping system and avoid the structural resonance. To
or the third solution, the pressure nonuniformity of improve the overall stiffness of the outlet piping
most nodes was below the allowable value, but the system, some pipe supports were added, as shown in
pressure nonuniformity of some small-bore attach- Figure 9. Two variable spring supports were added at
ments cannot meet the requirements. When adopting the bottom of the pulsation attenuator (node 2020) to
the fourth solution, the pressure nonuniformity of all support the weight of the new pulsation attenuator
nodes was below the allowable value, and the max- (approximately 2 tons). The poor stability temporary
imum pressure nonuniformity was 1.5%, which support before the first elbow (node 50) was changed
occurred on a thermowell. to a guide support to improve the stiffness of the pipe-
According to API 619,24 the total pressure drop line in the X direction. Two guide supports were
ratio after outlet pulsation suppressors should not added on the straight pipe between the first and
exceed 2.5% of the average pressure in the screw com- the second elbows (node 200 and node 20,260) to
pressor outlet piping system. In the fourth solution, reduce the base motion of the main pipeline where
the pressure drops of the outlet muffler, the new the small-bore attachments attached. A bearing sup-
pulsation attenuator and the orifice plate inside the port was added on node 250 to improve the stiffness
pulsation attenuator were 0.257 kPa, 0.134 kPa, and of the pipeline in the Y direction. A guide support
11.7 kPa, respectively. The total pressure drop ratio was added to the vertical pipe of the reflux pipeline
was 2.28%, which met the requirement of API 619. (node 442) to improve its stiffness. A guide support
After the comparison of the numerical results among was added to node 565 to improve the stiffness of the
the four solutions, the fourth solution, the most effect- main pipeline.
ive of the four solutions, was adopted to reduce the gas After the modifications, the first-order MNF of the
pulsation inside the pipelines and to decrease the acous- outlet piping system improved from 0.9 Hz to 1.67 Hz,
tic shaking forces acting on the pipelines. the high-order MNFs of the outlet piping system
avoided 20% of the excitation frequency of 196.67
Hz, and the maximum vibration velocity obtained by
Vibration control of the outlet piping system the harmonic response analysis was 11.40 mm/s,
Vibration control of the piping system was imple- which was below the allowable value of 16 mm/s.
mented with two aims: avoiding structural resonance The results indicated that the overall stiffness of the
Zhao et al. 7

Figure 10. Stress distribution of the thermowell at the excitation frequency of 196.67 Hz after the modifications.

outlet piping system increased, and the vibration of 196.67 Hz. The maximum equivalent stress of the
the main pipeline decreased; as a result, the excitation modified model at the excitation frequency was 2.64
forces acting on the thermowells caused by the base MPa, which was obviously less than the allowable
motion of the main pipeline significantly decreased. dynamic stress of 20.7 MPa (peak-to-peak). The max-
imum equivalent stress occurred on the welding loca-
tion between one of the reinforcing ribs and the
Vibration control of the thermowells thermowell, as shown in Figure 10. The numerical
The small-bore attachments, such as the thermowells results implied that the first-order structural reson-
and pressure gauges, can be significant risks to the ance of the thermowells was avoided, and the fatigue
integrity of the piping systems. Many vibration- life of the thermowells can be significantly improved.
induced failures occur on these seemingly unimportant
parts. Avoiding small-bore attachments is the simplest
Field measurement results
method to solve the problem but is not always prac-
tical. Designing the MNFs of the small-bore attach- After the modifications, the field measurement was
ments to be far from the excitation frequencies at the conducted. A comparison of the field measurement
attached location is an effective method to avoid such data before and after the modifications showed that
failures. Redesigning small-bore attachments so they the maximum horizontal vibration amplitude of the
have less unsupported and cantilevered mass can help piping system decreased from 0.046 mm to 0.012 mm,
to reduce their sensitivity to the vibration; relocating representing a 74% reduction, and the maximum ver-
them to the places with less base motion could signifi- tical vibration amplitude decreased from 0.07 mm to
cantly reduce their vibrations. Remote mounting small- 0.017 mm, representing a 76% reduction. In addition,
bore piping with flexible connections, such as tubing or the maximum horizontal vibration velocity decreased
braided hose, to the vibrating piping is also a good from 21.4 mm/s to 6.8 mm/s, representing a 68%
approach to isolate the attachments from the base reduction, and the maximum vertical vibration vel-
motion of the main pipeline. Studding outlets should ocity decreased from 38.8 mm/s to 10.6 mm/s, repre-
be considered when providing connections for tem- senting a 73% reduction. The piping system has been
perature and pressure instruments instead of a canti- operating normally for nearly two years after the
levered pair of flanges.27 modifications, which further verifies the effectiveness
The original design of the thermowells may lead to of the vibration control measures.
the first-order structural resonance. Four reinforcing
ribs were added between the cantilevered pair of
flanges and the main pipeline to enhance the stiffness
and adjust the MNFs of the thermowells. The reinfor- The root causes of the vibration problem of a screw
cing ribs were added in the directions both parallel compressor outlet piping system were investigated
and perpendicular to the main pipeline. The angle though the acoustic analysis and mechanical vibration
between the predicted motion of the thermowells analyses. It was found that the excessive gas pulsation
and the axis of the brace was less than 60 . inside pipelines, low overall stiffness of the piping
After the modifications, the calculated first-order system, and the first-order structural resonance that
MNF of the thermowell increased to 280.7 Hz, occurred on the thermowells were the main causes of
which was far from the excitation frequency of the severe vibrations. To address the vibration issue,
8 Proc IMechE Part E: J Process Mechanical Engineering 0(0)

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