5 Keysto Personal Freedomnjh

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5 Keys to Personal Freedom

What comes into your mind when you think about personal freedom? Do you
automatically think about money, being rich, having a big house and a new car?
Does freedom seem like an impossible dream and loaded with hard work? You
might be surprised to hear that the fundamental elements of personal freedom cost
nothing. Personal freedom doesn’t require money or effort or luck. It starts with
your mindset, and it’s totally up to you to claim it.
Don’t know where to start? Here are the five keys to claiming your personal
1. Start the day in positive mode
How often do you start the day with a groan when the alarm goes off? That sets you
up for a day full of negative assumptions about what’s possible in your life. Try
starting the day with a positive mindset. Even before you get out of bed, imagine
how you want your day to be. What do you want to achieve? How do you want to
feel? Do you want today to be productive, restful, focused?
2. Choose to be kind
Everyone has a choice about how to behave and how to treat other people. But how
many people think of moderating their self-talk? Think of the messages that come
up for you. Are they kind and encouraging, or blaming and critical? Would you speak
to someone else like that?
Liberate yourself from negative self-talk and start being kind to yourself.
3. Make time to do things that feel good
Life has enough obligations in it, right? You deserve to quarantine some time for
yourself, to do the things that make you feel good as well as the duties on your
4. Remember to be grateful
You spend so much time striving to meet your goals; it’s easy to lose sight of what
you’ve already achieved! Honor your successes and maybe even more importantly
notice the things that don’t add up to earthly wealth. The joyous connections with
family and friends, the clean air of the outdoors, even the basics of having a roof
over your head and enough to eat.
Stop and feel your gratitude, the freedom of having enough.
5. Honor your self
Everyone has their superpower, their gift, the individual talent they bring to the
world. Maybe you’re a peacemaker, or great at choosing gifts, or baking, or
coaching. Your skill might be healing, or calming, or being a great friend or problem
If you’re always using your gift to help others, take a moment to see how you can
use it to help yourself. Honor yourself and your needs. Celebrate the uniqueness of
being you and use it to bring you joy.

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