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By: Sintayehu Assefa (PhD)

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Research Methods 11/8/2023

Course outline
• Course title: Applied Scientific Research Methods and Ethics
• Course code: MEng 7101
• Credit hours/ECTS: 3/6
• Contact hours/week: 3Lect, 2Tut
• Course objectives:
To equip the student with fundamental research tools and methodological
know-how required for the effective Planning, Execution and Reporting
research or project work. Course outline.pdf

Research Methods 11/8/2023
Outline for Introduction
• Definition of Research
• Objectives or purpose of Research
• Motivation in Research
• Types of Research
• Research Problem
• Research Methods
• References and Bibliography
• Research Proposal
• Research report: Format of report, Style of writing and
Evaluating a research report.
Research Methods 11/8/2023
1. Definition
What is Research?
• It is the careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or research problem
using scientific methods. Or
• It is defined as the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a
new and creative way so as to generate new concepts, methodologies and understandings.
• It is a systematic and objective analysis and recording of controlled observations that
may lead to the development of generalizations, principles, theories and concepts,
resulting in prediction for seeing and possibly ultimate control of events. Or
• It is the process of arriving at dependable solution to the problems through the planned
and systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data. Or
• It is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict and control the observed
• etc. 4
Research Methods 11/8/2023
2. Objectives and motivation of Research
Objectives of the research
• The purpose of research is to discover answers to questions through the application of
scientific procedures.
• The main aim of research is to find out the truth which is hidden and which has not been
discovered as yet.
Motivation of research
• To get research degree
• To face the challenge in solving the unsolved problems

• To get intellectual joy of doing some creative work

• To serve the society
• To get respectability

Research Methods 11/8/2023
3. Types of Research
1. Application Perspective: the study of how a specific technology or product can be used in a
particular field or industry. This type of research typically involves identifying the specific needs
and challenges of the industry or field, and then determining how the technology or product can
be adapted or applied to meet those needs.
• Basic research: aims to increase knowledge and understanding of a particular subject without any
specific practical application or goal in mind.
• Applied research: is focused on solving specific problems or addressing specific needs.

2. Objectives Perspective: refers to a type of research methodology that aims to eliminate

personal biases and emotions from the research process. The goal is to collect data and analyze it
in an objective, neutral, and unbiased manner.
 Steps involves in objective perspective
• Formulating a research question
• Developing a research design
• Collecting data
• Analyzing data
• Reporting results
Research Methods 11/8/2023
3. Types of Research…..Cont…
• Descriptive Research: is a type of research methodology that aims to describe and
understand the characteristics of a given population or phenomenon. It is used to gather
information about the current state of a particular subject and to identify patterns and
• Correlational Research: is a type of research method that is used to examine the
relationship between two or more variables. It is a non-experimental research method,
which means that it does not involve manipulating any variables or controlling any
• Explanatory Research: is a type of research that is conducted to understand the cause-
and-effect relationship between variables.
• Exploratory Research: research conducted to investigate a problem that is not clearly
defined, has been under-investigated, or is otherwise poorly understood.

Research Methods 11/8/2023
3.Types of Research…..Cont…
3. Enquiry Perspective : the process to find the solution
• Structured Research: approach everything that forms the research process – objectives, design,
sample, and the questions that you plan to ask of respondents – is predetermined.
• Unstructured Research: allows flexibility in all these aspects of the process.
4. Research Approach Perspective: refers to the overall approach or methodology used in a research
study. It encompasses the design, methods, and techniques used to collect and analyze data.
• Quantitative: This approach uses numerical data and statistical analysis to examine relationships
and patterns.
• Qualitative: This approach uses non-numerical data, such as interviews, observations, and
document analysis, to gain insight into the perspectives and experiences of participants.
• Mixed-methods: This approach combines both quantitative and qualitative methods to provide a
more comprehensive understanding of the research question.
• Action research: This approach focuses on practical problem-solving and involves active
participation and collaboration with the research participants.
• Case study: This approach focuses on in-depth examination of a specific case or phenomenon.

Research Methods 11/8/2023
4. Research Problem
• A research problem, in general, refers to some difficulty which a researcher experiences

in the context of either a theoretical or practical situation and wants to obtain a solution
for the same.

Example: The following objective set based on the problem identified

Efficiency analysis of mechanical reducer equipment of material handling industry

using Sunflower Optimization Algorithm and Material Generation Algorithm

 Mechanical Vibration Analysis of a Gantry 3D Printer

 Fracture Mechanical Analysis of Thin-Walled Cylindrical Shells with Cracks

 etc.

Research Methods 11/8/2023
5. Research Methods
Research Methods vs Methodology
• Research methodology: is a way to systematically solve the research problem.

• Research methods: refer to the behaviour and instruments used in selecting and

constructing research technique.

• Industrial case study: Case research methods
• Controlled experiment with practitioners: for cause and effect
• Practitioner targeted survey: data collection from sample individuals
• Action research: observing, taking notes, audio or video records, photographs etc.
• Simulation: used to evaluate the effect of process changes, new procedures and capital investment
in equipment.
• Laboratory experiment: are conducted under controlled conditions, in which the researcher
manipulates the independent variable (IV) to measure the effect on the dependent variable (DV).
• Prototyping: design and producing sample products
• Mathematical analysis: concerned with quantifying change, with a key role played by fundamental
notions of continuity and approximation.
• etc. 10
Research Methods 11/8/2023
6. References and Bibliography
• Reference in research papers: A reference is a detailed description of the source of
information that you want to give credit to via a citation.
• A bibliography is a list of books and other source material that you have used in
preparing a research paper.
• Literature review and citation.
Therefore, what is the difference between reference and bibliography?
 A reference list contains only sources cited in the text.
 A bibliography is a list of all the sources you used to generate your ideas about the
topic including those cited in the text as well as those did not cite.

Research Methods 11/8/2023
7. Research Proposal
• A research proposal describes what you will investigate, why it's important, and how
you will conduct your research.
 Title page
 Summary/abstract
 Table of Content
 Introduction
 Problem Statement
 Objectives
 Research Design/plan and Methods
 Data Collection and Analysis Procedures
 Budget
 Reference

Research Methods 11/8/2023
8. Research report
• Title page
• Abstract Sample for thesis report format
• Introduction MechDBU-thesis-template-for-
Simple paper BSc-MSc-PhD-2021.docx.pdf
• Methods report format
• Results and Discussion
• Conclusion
• References.

Presentation: oral or poster

Research Methods 11/8/2023
1. Search minimum of 10 research report and identify
• research problem
• objectives
• methods
• major result
2. Find research problem from any industries, communities/ other sources.

Last submission date: Nov 24, 2023

Research Methods 11/14/2023
Research Methods 11/8/2023

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