1st Term Exam

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1. Choose the correct option in italics in each of these sentences.

1. I often sit on the dining room / garden / balcony when the weather’s good because I like being outside.

2. The last time I journeyed / tripped / travelled abroad, somebody stole a pair of shoes I left in the hotel

3. There aren’t enough cupboards / cushions / taps in my bedroom for all my things so it’s really untidy.

4. Our kitchen / living room / bathroom is really cold so I always have a very quick shower.

5. Don’t leave all your dirty dishes in the bath / sink / tap! Please wash them up and put them away.

6. We only eat in the kitchen / dining room / cooker on special occasions like when it’s someone’s birthday.

7. We bought some really nice bright towels / pillows / cushions for the new sofa. They make the room look
much cosier.

3. Circle the correct word in italics.

1. Why aren’t you at / on work?

2. Your books are on / in the table where you left them!

3. My parents are in / at France this week.

4. I always watch TV at / in the kitchen.

5. We enjoy spending time at / in the beach.

6. Is that a new painting on / at the wall?


4. Choose the correct option in italics in each of these sentences.

1. I’m sorry I don’t know / am not knowing the answer. Can you help me please?
2. We were watching / watched a really exciting match on TV when the electricity went off.
3. When were you starting / did you start playing tennis? You’re so good!
4. Maria usually walks / is walking to school with her best friend.
5. David doesn’t study / isn’t studying much at the moment because it’s the end of term.
6. I didn’t use to / didn’t used to wake up early, but now I’ve got a job I have to.

5. Complete the sentences with the correct -ing or infinitive form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I forgot _________________________ (get) tickets for the concert and now it’s too late.

2. We hope _________________________ (see) you again next time you’re in town.

3. Tom suggested _________________________ (set off) early to avoid the heavy traffic.

4. I really don’t feel like _________________________ (go) out this evening.

6. Choose the correct word, A, B or C, for each space.

1. Paul is ___________ musician in our class. I know he practises four hours every week.
a) good b) better than c) the best

2. The town centre is ___________ at night than during the day.

a) noisy b) noisier c) the noisiest

3. I think Lucy is a little __________ than her sisters, especially at art.

a) talented b) more talented c) the most talented

4. Paris isn’t as __________ as London. At least I don’t think it is.

a) expensive b) more expensive c) the most expensive

5. My new apartment is __________ from my office than my old apartment used to be.
a) far b) further c) the furthest

7. Match the sentences 1–5 with the responses a–e.

1. I can play tennis. a. Neither am I.

2. Claudia doesn’t live in a big house. b. Nor do I.

3. I’m not tired. c. So does his sister.

4. John loves pizza. d. So can I.

5. I am very happy. e. So is Lucy.

11. Complete the text with these words. Make any necessary changes.

lot | forward | used | in | take | up | put | fail

My brother didn’t (1) _____________________ to enjoy exercising, and found going to the gym quite hard. He

tried running in a race, but he (2) _____________________ to even finish it! He was jealous of all his friends,

who always looked (3) _____________________ to having fun doing some sport (4) _____________________

their free time. Then, he (5) _____________________ his name down for some swimming lessons. He had a
fantastic time and made a(n) (6) _____________________ of new friends. He even (7)

_____________________ up windsurfing! So, you see, as I always say, it’s important to never give (8)

_____________________ as people can always change!


8. You will hear people talking in six different situations. For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 You will hear two friends talking about their exams. How does John feel about the maths exam?
A John is very disappointed about the maths exam.
B John didn’t expect the maths exam to be hard.
C John thinks he has done better than expected.

2 You will hear two friends discussing weekend activities. Joe and Linda agree to
A do only what Linda wants.
B spend the following weekend outdoors.
C avoid being in crowded places.

3 You will hear two friends talking about their holiday. How is Anna feeling about the flight?
A She’s feeling very relaxed about it.
B She’s really excited about it.
C She isn’t looking forward to it.

4 You will hear two friends talking about their homes. How does Lucy feel about having her own room?
A She wishes her room was bigger.
B She enjoys having more space.
C She misses sharing with her sister.

5 You will hear two friends talking about horse riding. How does Hannah react to Simon’s news?
A She’s surprised.
B She’s worried.
C She’s excited.

6 You will hear two friends talking about photography. Jack is going to enter the photography competition
A he has a lot of good photos.
B he wants a new camera.
C he liked the exhibition.


9. For each question, choose the correct answer. (Part 1)

a) Members of the public can’t go through unless they are
visiting an employee.

b) Members of staff must be accompanied if they want to pass

this point.

c) Members of the public may go further if an employee goes

with them.

2. What does Ellie want to do?

a) go to a place that she couldn’t visit today

b) discover a less busy part of the town

c) return somewhere at a different time


a) It’s a good idea to make reservations for the boat trips.

b) The receptionist will organise your trip if you make an


c) You can buy tickets for the cruise on the boat.


a) Maria is planning to have supper at work.

b) Maria will be home too late for supper.

c) Maria wants Anna to prepare supper for her.

5. Dan is asking John

a) to lend him a backpack.

b) to return his backpack.

c) to help him choose a backpack.

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