Drawing and Electrical Circuit Designing

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Drawing Equipment

Drawing equipment is an essential toolset used by engineers to create accurate and detailed technical
drawings. These drawings serve as a means of communication between engineers, architects, and other
professionals involved in the design and construction process. Drawing equipment allows engineers to
visualize and convey their ideas, concepts, and specifications effectively.

Here are some of the basic drawing equipment commonly used in engineering:

1. Drawing Board: A drawing board provides a flat and stable surface on which engineers can place their
drawing sheets. It typically consists of a smooth, adjustable surface mounted on a sturdy stand or table.

2. T-Square: A T-square is a straightedge with a perpendicular crosspiece (head) at one end. It is used to draw
horizontal lines and to align other drawing tools parallel to the drawing board's edge.

3. Set Squares: Set squares, also known as triangles, are triangular-shaped tools with varying angles (usually
30°, 45°, and 60°). They are used to draw and measure angles, create perpendicular or parallel lines, and
construct geometric shapes.

4. Compass: A compass is a tool used to draw circles and arcs of a specific radius. It consists of two arms, one
with a pointed end (called the needle) and the other with a pencil or pen attachment. Engineers can adjust the
distance between the needle and the pencil to achieve the desired radius.

5. Drawing Pens and Pencils: Engineers use pens and pencils of different thicknesses to create lines of varying
weights on their drawings. Pencils with different lead grades (e.g., H, HB, B) offer varying degrees of hardness
or softness, allowing for different line qualities.

6. Scale Ruler: A scale ruler is a specialized ruler with calibrated markings that represent a specific scale ratio.
It enables engineers to accurately measure and draw objects or layouts to a reduced or enlarged scale.

7. Erasers and Erasing Shields: Erasers are used to correct mistakes or remove unwanted lines from a drawing.
Erasing shields are thin metal or plastic templates with various shapes that help engineers erase specific areas
precisely without smudging or damaging surrounding lines.

8. Protractor: A protractor is a semicircular tool used to measure and draw angles. It helps engineers
accurately represent angular dimensions and construct geometric shapes that require specific angle

9. French Curve: A French curve is a flexible drafting tool with curved edges of various radii. It is useful for
drawing smooth and precise curves, such as arcs, splines, or irregular shapes that cannot be easily drawn with
a compass or set square.

10. Templates: Templates are pre-designed stencils with standard shapes commonly used in engineering,
such as circles, squares, triangles, and symbols for electrical or mechanical components. They allow engineers
to quickly reproduce these shapes accurately.

When applying these drawing tools, engineers typically begin by setting up their drawing boards and securing
the paper with tape or clips. They use the T-square to draw horizontal lines and the set squares to create
vertical and angled lines. The compass is employed for drawing circles and arcs, while the scale ruler helps
maintain accurate proportions. Pens and pencils are used to create lines and add detailing, while erasers and
erasing shields help correct errors. Protractors assist in measuring and constructing angles, and French curves
aid in drawing precise curves and irregular shapes. Templates are employed for repetitive shapes or
specialized symbols.

Overall, drawing equipment plays a vital role in engineering by facilitating the creation of clear, readable, and
accurate technical drawings, which are crucial for conveying design intent and guiding the construction
Types of Lines

In engineering, different types of lines are used in technical drawings to convey specific information,
represent different features, and provide clarity to the design. These lines follow specific conventions and
standards to ensure consistent interpretation across different disciplines and industries. Here are some
common types of lines used in engineering drawings:

1. Object Lines: Object lines are thick, continuous lines used to represent visible edges and outlines of objects
in a drawing. They define the shape, size, and boundaries of the object being represented.

2. Hidden Lines: Hidden lines are thin, dashed lines used to represent features or edges that are not visible
from the current viewing angle. They indicate hidden or obscured surfaces and help visualize the internal
structure of an object.

3. Center Lines: Center lines are thin, alternating long and short dashed lines that indicate the center of
symmetrical objects or features. They are used to show the axis of rotation, symmetry, or the midline of

4. Extension Lines: Extension lines are thin, unbroken lines that extend from the outline of an object or a
feature to indicate the dimension or size of a part. They are used in conjunction with dimension lines and
serve as a reference for taking measurements.

5. Dimension Lines: Dimension lines are thin, continuous lines that indicate the distance or size of an object or
feature. They are typically accompanied by numerical values and arrows to show the specific measurement.

6. Section Lines: Section lines are thin, parallel lines used to represent the cut surfaces or areas in a sectional
view of an object. They help differentiate between the material being cut and the material that remains.

7. Phantom Lines: Phantom lines are medium-weight, long-dashed lines that represent alternate positions,
theoretical or proposed features, or temporary assemblies. They are often used to illustrate potential
movement or interference between components.

8. Break Lines: Break lines are wavy or zigzag lines used to indicate that a portion of an object is intentionally
omitted from the drawing to save space or simplify the representation. They are used when the full length of
an object is not necessary for understanding the design.

9. Leader Lines: Leader lines are thin, continuous lines that connect a note, dimension, or other annotation to
the feature or object it refers to. They help identify specific details or provide supplementary information.

10. Border Lines: Border lines are thick, continuous lines that form the outer boundary of a drawing sheet.
They define the limits of the drawing and provide a frame of reference for the content.

When applying these types of lines, engineers follow specific line weights (thickness) and line styles
(continuous, dashed, or dotted) as per industry standards. They ensure consistency and readability in the
drawings. Different CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software packages also provide tools and options to
create and modify these lines digitally.

By using the appropriate types of lines in engineering drawings, engineers can effectively communicate the
shape, size, dimensions, and relationships of objects, as well as convey important information essential for
manufacturing, construction, or assembly processes.


Lettering in engineering refers to the practice of creating clear, legible, and standardized text on technical
drawings, diagrams, and other engineering documents. Proper lettering is crucial for effective
communication, as it conveys important information such as labels, annotations, dimensions, and notes. Here
are the basics of lettering in engineering:
1. Typeface: Engineers typically use a sans-serif typeface for lettering, as it offers simplicity, clarity, and easy
readability. Common typefaces used in engineering include Arial, Helvetica, and Univers. The choice of
typeface should ensure uniformity and legibility across the entire document.

2. Letter Height and Proportions: The height of the letters is determined based on the scale of the drawing
and the level of detail required. Typically, the height of uppercase letters ranges from 1/8 inch to 3/8 inch (3
mm to 9 mm) for general purposes. The proportions of the letters should be consistent and well-balanced to
maintain visual harmony.

3. Uniformity: Consistency and uniformity are essential in engineering lettering. All letters should have the
same height, width, and stroke thickness throughout the drawing. This uniformity ensures that the text is
easily readable and maintains a professional appearance.

4. Lettering Tools: Engineers can use various tools to create lettering, depending on their preferences and the
scale of the drawing. These tools include technical pens, drafting pencils, lettering guides, and stencils. For
digital drawings, CAD software provides a range of text formatting options.

5. Placement and Alignment: The placement and alignment of lettering should be carefully considered to
enhance readability and clarity. Text should be positioned close to the relevant feature or dimension it refers
to, without overlapping or obscuring other elements. Alignment can be left-aligned, right-aligned, centered,
or justified, depending on the context and purpose of the text.

6. Line Weight: The line weight (thickness) of the letters should be appropriate and consistent with other lines
in the drawing. Typically, letters are drawn using a slightly heavier line weight than construction lines but
lighter than object lines to ensure they stand out without overpowering the drawing.

7. Abbreviations and Symbols: In engineering, abbreviations and symbols are commonly used to represent
frequently recurring terms or concepts. Engineers must follow established standards and conventions when
using abbreviations and symbols to ensure accurate and consistent understanding across disciplines and

8. Neatness and Precision: Lettering should be executed with precision and attention to detail. Engineers
should strive for neatness, ensuring that letters are formed with smooth, continuous strokes, free from
smudging or blotting. This enhances the overall professionalism and quality of the drawing.

When applying lettering in engineering, engineers typically begin with lightly penciling the text before using
pens or other lettering tools to create the final lines. It is important to practice good lettering techniques to
develop consistency and legibility over time.

By following these basics of engineering lettering, engineers can ensure that their drawings and documents
are easily understood, facilitating effective communication and minimizing errors during manufacturing,
construction, or other engineering processes.

Conventional Standards

In engineering, conventional standards refer to established guidelines, specifications, and practices that
govern various aspects of engineering design, documentation, and manufacturing. These standards ensure
consistency, interoperability, safety, and quality across different industries and disciplines. Here are some
relevant conventional standards commonly used in engineering:

1. ISO (International Organization for Standardization): ISO develops and publishes international standards
that cover a wide range of engineering disciplines. ISO standards provide specifications for various aspects,
including quality management systems (ISO 9001), environmental management systems (ISO 14001),
mechanical engineering (ISO 1302), and more.
2. ANSI (American National Standards Institute): ANSI is a non-profit organization that develops and
promotes voluntary consensus standards in the United States. ANSI standards cover a broad range of areas,
including dimensional tolerances, safety codes, electrical standards, and more.

3. ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers): ASME is a professional organization that develops
codes and standards for mechanical engineering. ASME standards cover areas such as pressure vessels, piping
systems, boilers, and mechanical design practices.

4. ASTM International (formerly known as American Society for Testing and Materials): ASTM develops and
publishes technical standards for materials, products, systems, and services. ASTM standards cover a wide
range of industries, including construction, manufacturing, and materials testing.

5. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers): IEEE is a professional association that develops
standards for electrical and electronic engineering. IEEE standards cover areas such as electrical safety,
communication protocols, computer hardware, and software interfaces.

6. IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission): IEC is an international standards organization that

develops and publishes standards for electrical and electronic technologies. IEC standards cover areas such as
electrical safety, electromagnetic compatibility, energy efficiency, and more.

7. DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung): DIN is the German Institute for Standardization that develops and
publishes technical standards in various fields. DIN standards cover areas such as mechanical engineering,
construction, and materials.

8. JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards): JIS is the national standard organization of Japan. JIS standards cover a
wide range of industries, including automotive, electronics, civil engineering, and more.

9. BS (British Standards): BS is the national standards organization of the United Kingdom. BS standards
cover various industries and disciplines, including construction, engineering, and manufacturing.

These are just a few examples of the many conventional standards that exist in engineering. The specific
standards applicable to a project or industry will vary based on factors such as location, industry sector, and
project requirements. It is important for engineers to stay updated with the relevant standards and
incorporate them into their design, documentation, and manufacturing processes to ensure compliance,
safety, and quality.

Numbering and Dimensioning

Numbering and dimensioning are essential aspects of engineering that involve assigning unique identifiers
and providing accurate measurements to objects, features, and components in technical drawings and
designs. Proper numbering and dimensioning ensure clarity, accuracy, and ease of interpretation in
engineering documentation. Here are the basics of numbering and dimensioning:

1. Numbering:
- Part Numbers: Parts or components in an assembly are often assigned unique part numbers or codes for
identification and reference purposes. These numbers can be alphanumeric and may follow a specific
numbering system or sequence.
- Drawing Numbers: Technical drawings are typically assigned unique drawing numbers to differentiate
them from other drawings within a project or organization. Drawing numbers can include a prefix or suffix to
denote the type of drawing (e.g., assembly drawing, detail drawing).
- Revision Numbers: When revisions or updates are made to a drawing or design, a revision number is
assigned to track the changes. Revision numbers usually consist of letters (e.g., A, B, C) and are marked
alongside the drawing number.
- Bill of Materials (BOM): A BOM is a document that lists all the components and parts required for a product
or assembly. Each item in the BOM is assigned a unique item number for easy identification and cross-
2. Dimensioning:
- Linear Dimensions: Linear dimensions specify the length, width, or height of an object or feature. They are
typically represented by a numerical value accompanied by an arrow pointing to the dimension line. Linear
dimensions can be placed directly on the drawing or in a separate dimensioning view.
- Angular Dimensions: Angular dimensions indicate the angle between two lines or the rotational position of
a feature. They are represented by a numerical value accompanied by an arc symbol and arrows pointing to
the lines forming the angle.
- Radial Dimensions: Radial dimensions specify the radius or diameter of a circle or arc. They are represented
by a numerical value accompanied by an arrow pointing to the arc or circle, along with a symbol indicating
whether it is a radius or diameter dimension.
- Tolerance Dimensions: Tolerance dimensions provide information about the acceptable range of variation
for a specific dimension. They are represented by the nominal dimension followed by a tolerance zone,
indicating the allowable deviation from the nominal value.
- Chain Dimensions: Chain dimensions are used when multiple dimensions are required along a continuous
feature. They are connected by dimension lines and arrows, with only the first and last dimensions showing
numerical values, while the intermediate dimensions show the incremental values.
- Baseline Dimensions: Baseline dimensions are used to establish a baseline from which other dimensions
are referenced. They are commonly used when there are complex or irregular features that need to be
dimensioned relative to a common reference line.

When applying numbering and dimensioning, engineers should follow established standards and
conventions, such as ASME Y14.5 in the United States or ISO 129 in Europe. These standards provide
guidelines for dimensioning practices, including dimension placement, text size, tolerance representation,
and more. Additionally, engineers should consider the scale, clarity, and readability of the drawings to ensure
that the numbering and dimensions are easily understood by stakeholders, including manufacturers,
fabricators, and construction teams.

Proper numbering and dimensioning practices facilitate accurate interpretation, enable efficient
manufacturing and assembly processes, and promote effective communication among engineering teams
and stakeholders involved in a project.

Importance of presenting drawings to standard

Presenting drawings to standard is of utmost importance in engineering for the following reasons:

1. Clear Communication: Standardized drawings ensure clear and effective communication between
engineers, designers, manufacturers, and other stakeholders involved in a project. By adhering to established
drawing standards, everyone can easily understand and interpret the information presented on the drawings,
reducing the likelihood of misinterpretation or errors.

2. Interoperability: Standardized drawings enable interoperability between different engineering disciplines,

industries, and organizations. When drawings are presented to a recognized standard, they can be easily
exchanged and used by different parties without compatibility issues. This allows for seamless collaboration
and integration of various design components or systems.

3. Consistency and Uniformity: Standardized drawings promote consistency and uniformity in design,
documentation, and manufacturing processes. By following established standards, engineers ensure that
drawings are structured and presented in a consistent manner, making it easier to compare, review, and
update drawings over time. Consistency also enhances efficiency and reduces confusion during
manufacturing or construction.

4. Quality and Accuracy: Presenting drawings to standard helps maintain the quality and accuracy of the
information conveyed. Standardized drawings incorporate industry best practices, ensuring that essential
information, such as dimensions, annotations, symbols, and notes, is properly documented and conveyed.
This reduces the risk of errors, improves clarity, and enhances the overall quality of the design and
engineering documentation.
5. Compliance and Safety: Many drawing standards include specific guidelines and requirements related to
safety, regulatory compliance, and industry-specific practices. Adhering to these standards ensures that
drawings meet the necessary safety and regulatory criteria, helping to prevent accidents, ensure compliance
with codes and regulations, and promote safe and reliable designs.

6. Ease of Review and Approval: Standardized drawings make the review and approval processes more
efficient. When drawings are presented to a recognized standard, reviewers can quickly assess and verify the
accuracy, completeness, and compliance of the information presented. This expedites the approval process,
reduces delays, and facilitates project progression.

7. Future Maintenance and Modifications: Standardized drawings facilitate future maintenance,

modifications, and expansions of engineered systems or structures. When drawings are presented to
standard, they provide a clear reference point for future changes, repairs, or upgrades. This saves time and
effort in understanding the original design intent and allows for effective management of ongoing
maintenance and modifications.

Overall, presenting drawings to standard is crucial for effective communication, ensuring consistency,
accuracy, compliance, and safety in engineering projects. It enhances collaboration, minimizes errors, and
facilitates efficient design, manufacturing, and construction processes, ultimately leading to successful
project outcomes.

Advantages of using drawings as means of technical communication

Using drawings as a means of technical communication offers several advantages in engineering:

1. Clarity and Visual Representation: Drawings provide a visual representation of objects, components, and
systems, making complex concepts and designs easier to understand. Visual communication enhances clarity
by eliminating ambiguity and allowing stakeholders to visualize the intended design or concept.

2. Precise and Accurate Communication: Drawings enable precise and accurate communication of technical
information. Dimensions, annotations, symbols, and graphical representations convey specific details,
ensuring that information is communicated with a high level of accuracy and consistency.

3. Universal Language: Drawings serve as a universal language that transcends linguistic barriers. Regardless
of the native language of stakeholders, technical drawings can be understood and interpreted universally,
facilitating communication among diverse teams and stakeholders across different countries and cultures.

4. Efficient and Time-Saving: Drawings present information in a concise and efficient manner. They can
convey complex ideas and designs more quickly than written descriptions, reducing the time required to
communicate and understand technical concepts. This efficiency saves time and allows for faster decision-
making and collaboration.

5. Comprehensive Documentation: Drawings provide comprehensive documentation of designs, systems, and

components. They capture essential information such as dimensions, materials, tolerances, and assembly
instructions in a structured and organized format. This documentation serves as a reference for engineers,
manufacturers, and maintenance personnel throughout the lifecycle of a project.

6. Design Visualization and Evaluation: Drawings help in visualizing and evaluating designs before they are
implemented. They allow engineers and stakeholders to assess the feasibility, functionality, and aesthetics of
a design. By reviewing drawings, potential issues or conflicts can be identified and resolved early in the design
process, saving costs and minimizing rework.

7. Effective Collaboration: Drawings facilitate effective collaboration among multidisciplinary teams.

Different professionals, such as engineers, architects, manufacturers, and contractors, can understand and
contribute to the design through drawings. They serve as a common reference point, enabling efficient
communication and coordination among team members.
8. Legal and Contractual Documentation: Drawings play a crucial role in legal and contractual documentation.
They serve as evidence of design intent, specifications, and agreed-upon requirements. In case of disputes or
claims, drawings provide a tangible representation of the agreed-upon design, aiding in resolving conflicts
and ensuring compliance with contractual obligations.

9. Reproducibility and Standardization: Drawings can be reproduced and distributed easily, allowing for
widespread dissemination of design information. Standardized drawing practices ensure consistency and
uniformity across projects, making it easier to compare, reuse, and modify existing designs.

10. Historical Record: Drawings serve as a historical record of designs and engineering projects. They
document the evolution of a project, from initial concepts to final implementation, and provide valuable
insights for future reference, maintenance, and modifications.

In summary, using drawings as a means of technical communication offers advantages in terms of clarity,
precision, universality, efficiency, collaboration, documentation, evaluation, and legal compliance. Drawings
enhance understanding, facilitate effective communication, and contribute to the success of engineering

Pencil grades used for drawing particular lines, arcs and circles

Pencil grades refer to the hardness or softness of the graphite core in a pencil, which determines the darkness
and the line quality it produces. Different pencil grades are used for drawing particular lines, arcs, and circles
to achieve desired effects. The most common pencil grades used in drawing are:

1. 2H or H: These are hard pencils with a light graphite core. They produce light and fine lines, suitable for
sketching initial outlines, construction lines, and light shading. They are often used for drawing precise lines,
arcs, and circles that need to be erased easily.

2. HB: The HB pencil is the most common and versatile grade. It has a medium hardness and produces a
moderate line darkness. HB pencils are suitable for general drawing, shading, and outlining. They are
commonly used for creating regular lines, arcs, and circles in drawings.

3. B or 2B: These are softer pencils with a darker graphite core. They produce thicker and darker lines,
providing more contrast. B and 2B pencils are commonly used for shading, adding depth, and creating darker
outlines. They can be used for drawing bold lines, arcs, and circles that require more emphasis.

4. 4B to 6B: These are very soft pencils with a high graphite concentration. They create very dark and bold
lines, ideal for creating strong shading, deep shadows, and dramatic effects. While they are not commonly
used for precise technical drawings, they can be used for expressive, freehand sketches or artistic drawings.

It's important to note that the specific pencil grades used may vary depending on personal preference and the
desired artistic or technical effect. Some artists and draftsmen may have additional pencil grades in their
toolkit, such as 3H, F, 3B, or 5B, to achieve specific results. Experimentation with different pencil grades is
often encouraged to find the right balance of line quality, darkness, and shading for a particular drawing.

Standard paper sizes used in Engineering Drawing

Engineering drawing typically follows standard paper sizes that are widely recognized and used across the
industry. The most common standard paper sizes used in engineering drawing are:

1. ISO A-series:
- A0: 841 mm × 1189 mm (33.1 in × 46.8 in)
- A1: 594 mm × 841 mm (23.4 in × 33.1 in)
- A2: 420 mm × 594 mm (16.5 in × 23.4 in)
- A3: 297 mm × 420 mm (11.7 in × 16.5 in)
- A4: 210 mm × 297 mm (8.3 in × 11.7 in)
2. ANSI/ASME B-series:
- B (Ledger/Tabloid): 11 in × 17 in (279 mm × 432 mm)
- C (17" × 22"): 17 in × 22 in (432 mm × 559 mm)
- D (22" × 34"): 22 in × 34 in (559 mm × 864 mm)
- E (34" × 44"): 34 in × 44 in (864 mm × 1118 mm)

3. Arch series:
- Arch A: 9 in × 12 in (229 mm × 305 mm)
- Arch B: 12 in × 18 in (305 mm × 457 mm)
- Arch C: 18 in × 24 in (457 mm × 610 mm)
- Arch D: 24 in × 36 in (610 mm × 914 mm)
- Arch E: 36 in × 48 in (914 mm × 1219 mm)

4. Other common sizes:

- Letter: 8.5 in × 11 in (216 mm × 279 mm)
- Legal: 8.5 in × 14 in (216 mm × 356 mm)

The ISO A-series sizes are widely used internationally, while the ANSI/ASME B-series and Arch series sizes are
commonly used in North America. The choice of paper size depends on factors such as the nature of the
project, the level of detail required, and the intended use of the engineering drawings.

It's worth noting that with the advent of computer-aided design (CAD) software, digital drawings are
becoming increasingly prevalent in engineering. However, the traditional paper sizes are still widely
referenced and used as a standard for digital drawings and prints.


An angle is a geometric figure formed by two rays or line segments that share a common endpoint called the
vertex. The rays or line segments that form the angle are referred to as the arms of the angle. The
measurement of an angle is typically given in degrees (°), radians, or other angular units.

Types of angles can be classified based on their measurement or the relationship between angles. Here are
some common types of angles:

1. Acute Angle: An acute angle is an angle that measures greater than 0 degrees and less than 90 degrees. In
other words, it is an angle that is smaller than a right angle.

2. Right Angle: A right angle is an angle that measures exactly 90 degrees. It forms a perfect L shape and is
often denoted by a small square in the vertex.

3. Obtuse Angle: An obtuse angle is an angle that measures greater than 90 degrees and less than 180
degrees. It is larger than a right angle but smaller than a straight angle.

4. Straight Angle: A straight angle is an angle that measures exactly 180 degrees. It forms a straight line, and
its two arms are collinear.

5. Reflex Angle: A reflex angle is an angle that measures greater than 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees.
It is larger than a straight angle but smaller than a full rotation.

6. Complementary Angles: Complementary angles are two angles that add up to 90 degrees. In other words,
when combined, they form a right angle.

7. Supplementary Angles: Supplementary angles are two angles that add up to 180 degrees. When combined,
they form a straight line.

8. Vertical Angles: Vertical angles are a pair of non-adjacent angles formed by the intersection of two lines.
They have the same measure and are across from each other.
9. Adjacent Angles: Adjacent angles are two angles that have a common vertex and a common side, but do
not overlap. They share a ray and a vertex.

10. Corresponding Angles: Corresponding angles are a pair of angles that are formed when a transversal
intersects two parallel lines. They are in the same relative position on the two lines.

11. Interior Angles: Interior angles are angles formed between two parallel lines when a transversal intersects
them. They are on the same side of the transversal as the interior of the parallel lines.

12. Exterior Angles: Exterior angles are angles formed when a transversal intersects two parallel lines. They
are on the opposite side of the transversal from the interior angles.

These are some of the common types of angles encountered in geometry. Understanding these types of
angles helps in solving geometric problems, measuring and comparing angles, and exploring geometric


A circle is a two-dimensional geometric shape that consists of all points in a plane that are equidistant from a
fixed point called the center. In simpler terms, a circle is a perfectly round shape.

Parts of a circle include:

1. Center: The center is the fixed point within the circle from which all points on the circle are equidistant. It is
often denoted by the letter "O" or "C."

2. Radius: The radius is the distance from the center of the circle to any point on the circumference (outer
boundary) of the circle. All radii of a circle are equal in length.

3. Diameter: The diameter is a line segment that passes through the center of the circle and has both
endpoints on the circumference. It is twice the length of the radius and is the longest chord of the circle.

4. Circumference: The circumference is the outer boundary of the circle. It is the distance around the circle.
The circumference can be found using the formula C = 2πr, where "C" represents the circumference and "r"
represents the radius.

5. Chord: A chord is a line segment that connects any two points on the circumference of the circle. The
diameter is a special type of chord that passes through the center.

6. Arc: An arc is a curved portion of the circumference of a circle. It is defined by two endpoints on the
circumference and the curve connecting them. The length of an arc is proportional to the measure of its
corresponding central angle.

7. Sector: A sector is a region of a circle enclosed by two radii and the corresponding arc. It is similar to a slice
of pie.

8. Tangent: A tangent is a line that touches the circumference of the circle at a single point. It is perpendicular
to the radius drawn to that point.

9. Secant: A secant is a line that intersects the circle at two distinct points. It extends beyond the
circumference of the circle.

These parts collectively define the properties and structure of a circle. Understanding these components is
fundamental in geometry and various fields that involve circular shapes and calculations.

In geometry, a tangent is a line or a line segment that touches a curve or a circle at a single point, without
crossing through it. The point where the tangent intersects the curve or circle is called the point of tangency.


An ellipse is a geometric shape that is formed by the locus of all points in a plane, such that the sum of the
distances from any point on the ellipse to two fixed points, called the foci, is constant. In simpler terms, an
ellipse is a closed curve that resembles a flattened circle.

The parts of an ellipse include:

1. Center: The center is the point at the exact middle of the ellipse. It is equidistant from all points on the

2. Major Axis: The major axis is the longest line segment that passes through the center of the ellipse and
connects two points on the ellipse called the vertices. It is also the line segment that is perpendicular to the
minor axis.

3. Minor Axis: The minor axis is the shortest line segment that passes through the center of the ellipse and is
perpendicular to the major axis. It connects two points on the ellipse called the co-vertices.

4. Foci: The foci (plural of focus) are two fixed points located inside the ellipse. The sum of the distances from
any point on the ellipse to the two foci is constant. The distance between the foci is related to the lengths of
the major and minor axes.

5. Semi-Major Axis: The semi-major axis is half the length of the major axis. It is the distance from the center
of the ellipse to a vertex.

6. Semi-Minor Axis: The semi-minor axis is half the length of the minor axis. It is the distance from the center
of the ellipse to a co-vertex.

7. Eccentricity: Eccentricity is a measure of how elongated or flattened an ellipse is. It is defined as the ratio of
the distance between the center and one of the foci to the length of the semi-major axis. The eccentricity
value ranges between 0 and 1, with a value of 0 indicating a perfect circle and a value close to 1 indicating a
highly elongated ellipse.

8. Perimeter: The perimeter of an ellipse is the total length of the boundary of the ellipse. It can be
approximated using mathematical formulas, such as Ramanujan's approximation or numerical methods.

9. Area: The area of an ellipse can be calculated using the formula A = π * semi-major axis * semi-minor axis.

These parts collectively define the geometry and characteristics of an ellipse. They are essential in
understanding and describing the properties and relationships of this geometric shape.

Advantages of Pictorial Drawings

Pictorial drawings, also known as pictorial representations or pictorial views, are visual representations of
objects or scenes that aim to provide a realistic or three-dimensional depiction. Here are some advantages of
using pictorial drawings:

1. Visual Clarity: Pictorial drawings offer clear and easily understandable visual information. They provide a
realistic representation of objects, making it easier for viewers to comprehend the form, structure, and spatial
relationships of the depicted elements.
2. Improved Communication: Pictorial drawings facilitate effective communication by conveying complex
ideas, designs, or instructions in a visually appealing and intuitive manner. They can be easily understood by
individuals with different levels of technical knowledge or cultural backgrounds.

3. Enhanced Visualization: Pictorial drawings enable viewers to visualize objects or scenes as they would
appear in reality. This aids in better understanding and interpretation of concepts, designs, or plans,
particularly for individuals who may have difficulty visualizing from traditional orthographic or technical

4. Realistic Representation: Pictorial drawings offer a sense of realism and depth, which can help viewers
develop a more accurate mental image of the depicted subject. This can be particularly useful for conveying
the appearance, proportions, and physical characteristics of objects or environments.

5. Aesthetic Appeal: Pictorial drawings often have an aesthetic appeal due to their visual richness and realistic
representation. This can make them engaging and captivating, enhancing the overall visual experience and
drawing the viewer's attention to the subject matter.

6. Quick Comprehension: Pictorial drawings are typically easier and quicker to understand compared to
complex technical drawings or textual descriptions. They allow for rapid assimilation of information by
presenting it in a visually accessible format.

7. Problem Solving: Pictorial drawings can aid in problem-solving by providing a visual reference that allows
for a better understanding of the problem at hand. They can help identify potential issues, evaluate different
solutions, and visualize the impact of changes or modifications.

8. Inspiring Creativity: Pictorial drawings can inspire creativity and imagination. They can serve as a starting
point for brainstorming, concept development, or artistic exploration, encouraging individuals to think
beyond the literal representation and explore new possibilities.

Overall, pictorial drawings offer numerous advantages in terms of visual communication, comprehension, and
creativity. They play a crucial role in various fields, including engineering, architecture, design, advertising,
education, and art, where visual representation and effective communication are essential.


In the context of technical drawing and engineering, a projection refers to the representation of a three-
dimensional object or scene onto a two-dimensional surface, such as a piece of paper or a computer screen.
Projections are used to communicate the shape, size, and spatial relationships of objects in a clear and
standardized manner.

Orthographic projection is a specific type of projection commonly used in engineering and technical drawing
to represent objects in a systematic and precise manner. It involves creating two-dimensional views of an
object from different directions using orthographic projection planes (typically frontal, top, and side views).

Obtaining views in orthographic projection involves the following steps:

1. Identify the Object: Determine the object that needs to be represented in orthographic projection.
Understand its shape, size, and features.

2. Select the Projection Plane: Choose the orientation and arrangement of the projection planes, which are
typically orthogonal (perpendicular) to each other.

3. First Angle Projection: In first angle projection, the object is imagined to be placed in the first quadrant (top
right) of the orthographic projection planes. The top view is placed above the front view, and the right-side
view is placed to the right of the front view.
4. Third Angle Projection: In third angle projection, the object is imagined to be placed in the third quadrant
(bottom left) of the orthographic projection planes. The top view is placed below the front view, and the right-
side view is placed to the left of the front view.

The difference between first angle and third angle orthographic projection lies in the arrangement and
placement of the views:

1. Placement: In first angle projection, the top view is positioned above the front view, and the right-side view
is placed to the right of the front view. In third angle projection, the top view is positioned below the front
view, and the right-side view is placed to the left of the front view.

2. Conventions: First angle and third angle projections follow different conventions regarding the placement
of views, dimensions, and annotations. These conventions may vary depending on the region or industry

3. Standardization: Different regions and standards organizations may adopt either first angle or third angle
projection as the preferred method. For example, first angle projection is commonly used in Europe, while
third angle projection is more prevalent in North America.

It's important to note that both first angle and third angle projections can accurately represent an object; the
difference lies in the arrangement and placement of the views. The choice between first angle and third angle
projection depends on the specific industry standards, regional practices, or project requirements.


There are several methods of dimensioning used in technical drawing to provide accurate and clear
information about the size, shape, and location of features on an object. The most common methods of
dimensioning are:

1. Aligned Dimensioning: Aligned dimensioning involves placing dimensions in line with the dimension lines
and parallel to the corresponding feature. This method is commonly used for linear dimensions and is suitable
when there is sufficient space between features.

50 mm

2. Unidirectional Dimensioning: Unidirectional dimensioning involves placing all dimensions in a single

direction, usually horizontally or vertically. This method maintains consistency and allows for easier reading
and interpretation of dimensions.

50 mm

3. Chain Dimensioning: Chain dimensioning involves placing dimensions in a continuous chain, where the
dimension lines touch each other. This method is useful when multiple dimensions need to be shown in a
limited space.

50 mm 30 mm

4. Baseline Dimensioning: Baseline dimensioning is used when multiple dimensions are measured from a
common baseline. The dimension lines are aligned with the baseline, and the dimensions are placed above or
below the line.

50 mm 30 mm

These methods of dimensioning ensure clarity and consistency in conveying dimensional information. When
applying dimensioning, it is important to follow some basic rules to ensure accuracy and readability. Here are
the fundamental rules of dimensioning:

1. Dimensions should be placed outside the object outline whenever possible to avoid cluttering the drawing
and maintain clarity.

2. Dimension lines should be thin, continuous lines with arrowheads indicating the extent of the dimension.

3. Extension lines should be drawn from the object outline to indicate the features being dimensioned. These
lines should not touch the object or the dimension lines.

4. Dimension values should be expressed in the appropriate units of measurement, such as millimeters (mm)
or inches (in).

5. Dimension values should be placed clearly and legibly near the dimension lines, with adequate spacing and

6. Dimensions should be given in a way that minimizes ambiguity and clearly defines the size, shape, and
position of each feature.

7. Avoid redundant or unnecessary dimensions. Only include dimensions that are essential for understanding
and manufacturing the object.

By following these basic rules, dimensioning can effectively communicate the necessary information for the
construction, inspection, and use of technical drawings.


Sectioning is a technique used in technical drawing to expose the internal features of an object by cutting it
along a specific plane and showing the resulting cross-section. This is done to provide a clearer understanding
of the object's internal structure, hidden details, and the relationship between its various components. The
main reasons for sectioning an object are:

1. Clarity: Sectioning helps eliminate the complexity of visualizing the internal features of an object. By
cutting away the exterior surfaces, the internal details become visible, making it easier to comprehend the
object's construction and assembly.

2. Interference Detection: Sectioning allows for the identification of potential interferences or conflicts
between internal components. It helps in identifying areas where parts may overlap or interfere with each
other, aiding in design refinement and avoiding manufacturing or assembly issues.
3. Dimensional Information: Sectioning provides accurate dimensional information about the internal features
of an object. It allows for precise measurements and ensures that critical dimensions are clearly shown, aiding
in manufacturing and quality control.

4. Hidden Features: Some features of an object may be hidden or obscured in the external view. Sectioning
reveals these hidden features, such as internal cavities, voids, ribs, threads, or complex internal geometries,
which are crucial for understanding the object's functionality or manufacturing requirements.

5. Material Properties: Sectioning can be used to illustrate the material composition of an object. It helps in
showing different layers, materials, or structures within the object, such as composite materials, coatings, or
internal reinforcement.

When sectioning an object, it is important to observe certain general rules to ensure clarity and accuracy.
These rules include:

1. Section Lines: Use hatching or section lines to indicate the cut surface in the cross-section. The section lines
should be evenly spaced, parallel, and at a 45-degree angle to the horizontal or vertical direction.

2. Section Cutting Plane: Show the cutting plane line and indicate its location with an arrow pointing in the
direction of the view. The cutting plane line should be labeled with a section letter or number for reference.

3. Section Views: Label the section view with the corresponding sectional letter or number. If multiple section
views are required, label them sequentially (e.g., A-A, B-B, C-C).

4. Hidden Lines: Use hidden lines to represent features that are hidden behind the sectioned portion. These
lines should be shown with dashed or dotted lines.

5. Dimensioning: Include dimensions that are relevant to the sectioned view. Show critical dimensions, such
as wall thickness, hole diameters, or distances between internal features.

6. Annotations: Use annotations, notes, or symbols to provide additional information about the sectioned
features, materials, or manufacturing processes.

7. Scale and Orientation: Maintain the same scale and orientation between the section view and other views
to ensure consistency and accurate representation.

By following these general rules, sectioning can effectively convey the internal details and characteristics of
an object in a clear and standardized manner.

Different Types of Sections:

1. Full Section: In a full section, the object is cut completely along a specific plane, and the resulting cross-
section is shown. This type of section reveals the internal features and structures of the entire object.

2. Half Section: In a half section, the object is cut along a plane, and only half of the object is shown in section.
This type of section is useful when the internal and external features of one half are important to show

3. Offset Section: An offset section is used when the cutting plane is moved parallel to the original section
line. This type of section is employed to reveal specific features that are not aligned with the original section
line or to avoid overlapping dimensions.

4. Revolved Section: In a revolved section, the object is cut along a plane that is perpendicular to the axis of
rotation. This type of section is used for objects that have rotational symmetry, such as cylindrical or circular
5. Broken-Out Section: A broken-out section is created when a portion of the object is removed to expose the
internal features. This type of section is commonly used for objects with long, continuous features, such as
pipes or rods.

6. Removed Section: A removed section is a partial section that is pulled away from the main object to show
internal details without cutting through the entire object. This type of section is useful when the internal
features are complex or require emphasis.

Features That Are Not Sectioned:

Not all features of an object are sectioned. The following features are typically not sectioned:

1. Symmetrical Features: If a feature is symmetrical about the section plane, it may not be necessary to
section it. Instead, the symmetry can be indicated by using centerlines or symmetry lines.

2. External Features: External surfaces, such as the outer contours of the object, are not sectioned. They are
shown in the regular views without any section lines.

3. Hidden Features: Features that are completely hidden behind other features or located on the opposite side
of the section plane are not sectioned. They are typically represented by hidden lines in the regular views.

Correct Methods of Hatching:

Hatching is used to indicate the cut surfaces in a section view. Here are the correct methods of hatching:

1. Use evenly spaced parallel lines: The hatching lines should be evenly spaced and parallel to each other. The
spacing should be consistent throughout the section view.

2. Use a 45-degree angle: The hatching lines should be drawn at a 45-degree angle to the horizontal or vertical
direction. This angle provides a clear distinction between the sectioned area and the surrounding surfaces.

3. Maintain uniform thickness: The hatching lines should have a consistent thickness throughout the section
view. Typically, a thin or medium line weight is used for hatching.

4. Avoid crossing hatching lines: Hatching lines should not cross or intersect each other. They should remain
parallel and separate from each other.

5. Use appropriate density: The density of hatching refers to the closeness of the hatching lines. The density
should be selected to provide clarity and differentiation between the sectioned area and the surrounding

6. Use appropriate line style: Hatching lines are typically drawn as solid lines. However, in some cases,
different line styles, such as dashed or dotted lines, may be used to indicate specific materials or surface

By following these correct methods of hatching, the section view can be clearly and accurately represented,
allowing for easy understanding of the cut surfaces and internal features of the object.

PLC Monitoring Systems

A block diagram is a graphical representation that illustrates the components and their interconnections
within a system. In the case of a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) monitoring system, the block diagram
depicts the major components involved in monitoring and controlling industrial processes. Here is an
interpretation and a simplified block diagram of a PLC monitoring system:

A PLC monitoring system typically consists of the following major components:
1. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC): The PLC serves as the central control unit of the system. It receives
inputs from various sensors and devices, executes a program based on the inputs, and generates outputs to
control the industrial process.

2. Sensors and Input Devices: These devices are responsible for gathering data about the process being
monitored. They detect physical parameters such as temperature, pressure, level, flow, or position and
convert them into electrical signals that are fed to the PLC.

3. Human-Machine Interface (HMI): The HMI provides a means for operators or users to interact with the
system. It typically includes a graphical user interface (GUI) or a touch screen panel that allows users to
monitor the process, view alarms or warnings, and manually control certain aspects of the system.

4. Communication Network: This component enables the exchange of data between the PLC and other
devices or systems. It can include various communication protocols such as Ethernet, Modbus, Profibus, or
DeviceNet, depending on the specific requirements of the monitoring system.

5. Output Devices: These devices receive control signals from the PLC and actuate the necessary actions to
control the industrial process. They can include actuators, motors, valves, relays, or other devices that
manipulate physical elements.

6. Power Supply: The power supply provides electrical power to the entire monitoring system, ensuring
proper operation of all components.

7. Data Logging and Storage: Some PLC monitoring systems incorporate data logging and storage
capabilities. This allows for the collection and recording of process data over time, which can be used for
analysis, troubleshooting, or historical reference.

Block Diagram:

| |
| Sensors |
| and Input |
| Devices |
| |
| |
| PLC |
| |
| |
| Human-Machine |
| Interface |
| (HMI) |
| |
| Communication |
| Network |
| |
| |
| Output Devices |
| |
| |
| Power Supply |
| |

Please note that this is a simplified representation, and actual PLC monitoring systems may have additional
components or variations based on the specific application and requirements.

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