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the ghost of needlehole

“…none know sorrow like a mother who’s lost an only child.”

few hardy folks from Needlehole, sporting

RUMOUR boots no less, who hunt for duck and dig for
“An old ghost of a woman haunts the bridge ancient wood, hardened by the land, for
every year around the time of last days of crafting some of the Shire’s finest pipes.
Winterfilth. Oh, the bounders chalk it up to old In the year 36 S.R. (or 1636 of the Third
tales to scare the young lads off who just want Age), a young hobbit tween from Needlehole, a
to cause a little mischief. But what else would one Posco North-tooks, built himself a rickety
cause the village bounders to close off the raft to venture down The Water and visit his
bridge at night during the end of the month, and distant cousins in Bywater. His mother bade him
at no other time of the year? Oh, they say it’s not to go, but despite her best efforts could not
for “Maintenance and Repairs” but that’s just convince him to stay. She cursed at his North-
bog wash! Does it have to do with that old tookish side which he seemed to have more of
legend, from the early days just before the in his blood, and crying and waving, bid him
Great Plague, where a woman jumped into The farewell. That was the last she or any of
Water, sinking like a rock into the deep?” Needlehole would see of young Posco. In her
sadness and despair, and Posco being her only
OLD LORE child, she jumped off the stone bridge in
“In the early days of the Shire, a young hobbit Needlehole and drowned in The Water. Her
lad from the small village of Needlehole husband Erling, a pipe maker, recovered her
ventured by raft down The Water towards body and laid her to rest in the village
cemetery. Erling himself was never the same
Bywater. In those days The Water flowed deep
again, losing both wife and son to some cruel
and steady on its way southeastward towards fate, and later that year, succumbing to the
the Brandywine. His mother urged him to not Great Plague that ravaged the entirety of the
go, for the time was late in the year, and a deep Shire. The people of Needlehole since tell of the
and dark chill filled the air. But Tookish blood story and use it as a warning to children to
was in him, for she couldn’t quell his never venture on The Water lest the ghost of
Needlehole, the mother of the lost Posco,
adventurous spirt, and off he went, never have
mistake’s them for her son and carriers them
arriving in Bywater, nor ever being seen again.” off the bridge and into the deep, dark waters of
The Water.
Background The ghost of Posco’s mother is quite
The Water flows from the North Moors into the real, and she haunts the bridge of Needlehole
Shire, and as it slows down to split the and The Water the same time every year, the
Westfarthing village of Needlehole, it reaches a last day of Winterfilth, corresponding to the
vale that’s as flat as a kitchen table, and time of her mourning of her son and her
meanders into what seems like a thousand eventual drowning. The Bounders close off the
rivulets. The vast, surrounding marshland bridge for the three full days at the end of
stretches for miles on end, the land muddy and Winterfilth, saying the bridge is scheduled for
the water murky and dark like the deepest of “Repair and Maintenance”, but no Hobbit from
nights. Rarely does any respectable Hobbit have Needlehole has seen, nor know of any who is
reason to venture into this quagmire, save for a actually doing any repairs.
Rushock Bog is just that, a large mire of wet 1. NEEDLEHOLE
mud, tall reeds and thousands upon thousands A small village in Westfarthing, Needlehole is
of gnats and other pesky insects. By the fall, made famous for its dark smoking pipes made
hunters comb the water way mostly for duck, from old and seasoned wood dug out from the
while others with shovel in hand, dig for ancient
muddy marshland of Rushock Bog. Not talked
wood for Needlehole’s famously made
darkened “Bog Wood” pipes, prized by dwarves about as much, is the duck hunters and wood
from the Blue Mountains and beyond. Hidden gatherers use of specially made leather, and
between the many reeds, the blankets of fog, waterproof boots. These “Boggers” as they are
and the clouds of gnats, rests buried in years of called, are similar to fishing waders, coming up
mud and muck, is an old, rickety raft, the old high on the thigh, and a wider than normal
twine and rope keeping it together long since
Hobbit footprint, allowing for even the fattest
rotted away. No hunter or gatherer of wood has
ventured close near it, for an unnaturally dark of hobbits to seemingly float on top of the
and shadowy feeling waves over any that walk mucky ground, and wade through knee high
nearby. Besides that, no duck or other living water without getting wet. The Company, upon
thing, save for the thick cloud of gnats, are ever asking, can barter for a pair of boots each if
there. For good reason to, for just below the they have something of use that any hunter or
surface of the dark and murky waters, lays a digger would care to take. A COURTESY roll, a
Mewlip or Marsh-Dweller, ready to pull down
careful game of RIDDLES or even throwing out a
any passer-by who dares disturb its peace. This
Marsh-Dweller is none other than Posco North- family name or distance cousin of renown, i.e.,
tooks, or rather the last remains of his body, an AWE roll may help in procuring of said boots,
forever haunting the Rushock Bog until if even for borrowing for the day and returning
someone can finally bring peace to his spirit. it back to its rightful owner. Along with the
boots, a “Gnat Mesh” is included. (Loremaster
Locations note: Player-Heroes are to exchange one useful
Needlehole is on the northwest border of item for the Boggers and Gnat Mesh, providing
where the Westfarthing and Northfarthing the benefits as listed further on.)
meets and is split in two by The Water.
The ghost (a fell-wraith to those outside the
Southeast of Needlehole is Rushock Bog, where
Shire), Berylla North-tooks, haunts the stone
one can either travel by watercraft down from
bridge crossing The Water bisecting Needlehole,
the boat launch near the stone bridge in
but only during the last three days of
Needlehole or walk along the banks of The
Winterfilth. Corresponding to the time Berylla
Water. Either way, the trek to Rushock Bog
bade farewell to Posco, and her brief time of
takes about half a day, a distance of about three
mourning and eventual death off the bridge and
leagues as the crows fly.
drowning in The Water. From a distance, she is
No matter the time of day, and time of the year, mistaken as a much alive, crying and distraught
save for a handful of weeks during the depths of hobbit woman, but any who are led to console
winter, a dense blanket of fog rests throughout her are in for trouble, as she mistakes the
the river vale, and thick clouds of gnats can be youngest of the male hobbits (or the youngest
seen and heard, waiting for any unexpected of any culture) in the company as her son
Hobbit to feed on. Posco, and amidst her cries of sorrow attempts
to grab and hug the target. But before that
happens, she asks, where is the necklace and Travelling through the bog without the aid of
pendant she gave him, and once realizing that specially made boots (yes boots!) from
this is not her son, she changes appearance to Needlehole, is almost impassable, where
that of a haunting Fell-Wraith and anyone not wearing them sink deep into the
tries to drag them into The Water mud and muck, seemingly being sucked down
to lay with her, never to with each and every step. And if that
let “him” go again. wasn’t bad enough, the constant
1 swarming and biting of gnats that
The only surround any who venture into
way to the bog drives even the
ease hardiest of Hobbits batty. If
the company ventures
into the bog
without the
aide of

and she to
rest in peace
where she lay in
Cemetery, is to find
out what happened to 4
her son, bring back the
pendant and to tell her
haunting spirit where he rests.

No matter the direction one travels to get to
the mire, the environment remains the same. A
dense blanket fog and thick, noisy clouds of
gnats fly about. The ground is wet, muddy and Needlehole’s proprietary “Boggers” and “Gnat
what is The Water is dark and murky. Travel Mesh”, all rolls made for combat or skills suffers
though the bog is difficult even at the driest of one success dice (-1d).
times in the deep of Summer, but more so
during the Spring, and the Fall months of the
year when the air cools and the rains fall.
3. HUNTERS IN THE MUCK everyone away, cursing at Andwise and the
As the company makes the trek through and Company’s ineptitude, and running off
deep into the bog, a scream can be heard disappearing into the fog.
echoing about them. Proceeding further into
the depths of the bog, the screaming gets If Andwise is freed, he graciously thanks them
louder, now accompanied by another yelling, for the help, Hamson foregoes the same and
“Be quiet, or I’ll quiet you permanently!”. The decides to blast his friend for being so careless
screams continue, and now the outline of what as to fall into the hole. If the company asks
appears to be a Hobbit, swinging something up questions about the bog, what they were doing
and down can be seen, either illuminated by here, Andwise tells them that they were
what is of the daylight through the dense fog, or finishing up a late season hunt and on their way
if at night, from a lone faint lantern shining light back to Needlehole to return with their spoils
from behind. when all of sudden they happened on an area,
“Thick with fog, dark and grey, with ‘Bugs as big
Two Duck Hunters have managed to find as my fist’ and a ‘deep, quiet heaviness’ in the
themselves deep into the Bog lost and weary, air, like something lurked unseen around
one, a Andwise Twofoot finding himself sucked them”. Too frightened to venture further, they
down in the bog up to his neck, the other his bolted in the opposite direction, dropping their
hunting companion, a Hamson Burrows, ducks, and finding themselves here, Andwise
desperately trying to dig him out with an old falling into a hole just moments before the
large, crooked tree branch, with little result to company found them.
show for digging efforts.
If the company doesn’t let on that they are near Deep within the middle of the bog, lies an
and doesn’t attempt to stealthily make their otherwise non-descript area of raised bog land,
way towards the duo of Hobbits, Hamson will similar to the other pieces of raised earth and
be frightened, grab his bow, knock an arrow, muck that comprises Rushock Bog. What
and start firing off in every direction, potentially separates this from the rest is a thick, dense,
striking any in the Company. dark grey fog that blankets the area blocking
out even the brightest midday Sun, and
Otherwise, Hamson, and especially Andwise will seemingly causing the air to stand still and
be very thankful for the sight of more to aid eerily quiet. Despite the large clouds of
them in their misfortune, and none to soon as otherwise normal sized gnats, their buzzing
Andwise falls deeper and deeper into the muck, even seems muted. A chilled darkness envelops
soon to be completely buried from head to toe. the area, and anyone stepping and entering the
raised “isle” must make a Shadow Test (Dread)
A skill endeavour, Resistance 6, is required to or gain 3 points of shadow, as the player
free Andwise, otherwise he falls deeper into the characters (especially if Hobbits) now
bog, crying for help as he succumbs to the remember the stories told as young children of
enveloping muck and is lost to the swampy the little black creatures with large, luminous
depths. If this happens, Hamson breaks down eyes crawling through the mud at night that
at the outcome, and is inconsolable, pushing inhabitant Rushock Bog, or worse, remembering
the tales about Mewlips told to further frighten
even the oldest of Tweens!

Exploring the isle, they happen on a bundle of

old wooden planks and posts, mostly swallowed
up by the bog itself, but looking unnatural in its
appearance, very old, and the wood seasoned
from a thousand years of being left to the
elements. Further investigation leaves no doubt
as it appears to be material used to make some
sort of makeshift raft.

As the company digs to remove what is

presumably Posco’s river raft, they hear a
chilling gurgle and splashing of water from
behind them, and as they turn around, out of
the swamp rises a shambling hobbit sized
creature with large luminous eyes, rotted rags
for garments, and pale clammy rotting flesh like
that of a corpse left to rot in water. The
creature wears around its neck, covered in grim
and slimy vegetation, what looks to be a
silvered chain and an amethyst stoned pendant.

Schemes and Trouble


The spirits of Berylla and Posco will If Andwise Twofoot succumbs to the bog,
continue to haunt the stone bridge of and Hamfast Burrows flees into the bog
Needlehole and the isle of Rushock Bog away from the company, Hamfast starts to
respectively forever, unless the pendant is spread rumours about the Company to
returned to the place where it was given, anyone who will listen. What these are, are
the Stonebridge of Needlehole. up to the Loremaster, but most likely
rumours of robbery, mischief and even
murder are spread throughout the Shire!


Originally given to the Needle-tooks family

by a dwarven merchant from the distant
Mountain of Erebor, in exchange for some
of Needlehole’s finely crafted Bog-wood
smoking pipes, the Amethyst gemstone
rests within a silvered ring, on a fine
silvered ring chain for wearing around the

Upon wearing the necklace, the wearers

charisma is bolstered, swaying people’s
emotions positively. In game terms, the
necklace is a Marvelous Artefact, with the
ENHEARTEN (+2d) blessing.

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